His "Buy Me" List

Her Other Man
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Chapter 7: His “Buy Me” List

“How was work?” Sunggyu asked L as all seven of them huddled in their living room while watching the Asian Games.

L shrugged. “Same old stuffs. Boring.” He replied nonchalantly while his eyes are still on the television. To be honest, his work as a supervisor is routinely. He would check on the stocks of the previous deals and make a report about it. After that, he’ll just have to ask his secretary about his agenda for the day and then poof! He’s done.

This kind of work never really kept L interested.

Hoya snickered. “Well, we don’t really know what interests you, Myungsoo.” He told him. “You don’t like girls. You don’t like work. You don’t like anything at all.” He finished making the other members laugh at him.

L glared at Hoya and sighed to himself as he continued to watch on the screen.

Well, Hoya’s words are true. L doesn’t like girls – or rather, he doesn’t seem to get interested in girls. He has high standards – super high standards that no one would ever reach. He doesn’t really enjoy working and he just does that so that his mom wouldn’t make him come back home and inherit their business.

So, yeah, what really interests him?

L shook his head when Jaeun’s pissed face flashbacked to his mind.

The answer is: pissing Kwon Jaeun.

From the moment that he laid his eyes on her at the office after the traffic incident, he already knew. His mission was to piss her. His mission was to make her day stressful.

Can you believe it if L goes to work because of Kwon Jaeun? In every office day, he is looking forward to pissing her more than he did the past day. And by the looks of Jaeun’s expressions, he knows that he is succeeding.

“Myungsoo!” Sungyeol beamed.

L looked at Sungyeol with a pissed expression. “What?!” He snapped.

Sungyeol rolled his eyes. “We’ve been talking about going out to eat. Are you coming?” He asked. “I’ve been asking you for a number of times already!” He whined.

“How many really is your ‘a number of times’?” L muttered to himself as he followed the boys out the pod.

Hell, he’s too bored. He’s wishing it’s tomorrow already.


“Good morning, Jaeun!” Jungkook beamed at her as she walked to the office on a bright sunny beautiful day.

Jaeun smiled brightly. “Good morning!” She hummed as she walked to her spot with a huge smile. It’s been a while since she actually felt this happy. She didn’t know why. She just knew that she was happy the moment she opened her eyes.

“Having a good morning, eh?” Yoonmi beamed at her as she took her seat.

Jaeun chuckled and nodded then she went on to turn her computer on.

Yoonmi leaned to her. “Let me guess,” she beamed again. “Jin?” She asked with a meaningful smile.

Jaeun smiled wider and shook her head. She talked to Jin a few hours ago and she was happy because Jin showed her how he performed on the exams. It’s funny how she’s the one who’s monitoring Jin’s academic performance rather than his parents. But anyway, she was happy because he did good.

“I knew it!” Yoonmi cheered. “Of course, no one would make Kwon Jaeun’s day perfect other than the man of her life.” She continued.

All the employees in the office laughed at Yoonmi and Jaeun. They all actually know about Jaeun’s relationship with Jin and they are all happy for her. Perfect couple, what can they even say or complain?

And besides, they all know how the two love each other. All they are waiting right now is for Jin to come home and propose to Jaeun and their happily ever after will officially start.

Jaeun smiled wide and started doing her unfinished Wu Entertainment business proposal. She almost got it. The only thing she’s worried is the way that she would present it. How could she make it really different from others? How could she make her presentation unique?

She was so into her business proposal that she didn’t even notice that their supervisor has come and he’s glaring at her because she’s the only one who didn’t greet him.

“Jaeun,” Yoonmi nudged her.

Jaeun looked up from the screen to her friend. “What?” She asked.

Yoonmi pointed at L who was looking Jaeun’s way wearing his devil’s stare. “He might be waiting for your greeting.” She whispered.

Jaeun looked at L and rolled her eyes. “Why would I even greet him? I’m not obliged to greet him.” She replied then she got back to what she was doing – completely shrugging L off.

L gritted his teeth as he looked at Jaeun but the latter won’t even budge. Heck, Kwon Jaeun is known for her strong princip

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Re reading! Probably I had read half of your stories a few times! ?
Chapter 27: This chapter is best of the best! TeamMyungsoo<3
Chapter 17: Come back here to re-read and still i'm smiling madly!!! Hahahahahahahaa <3
Chapter 43: Even after re-reading, the pain and confusion that it brings is still the same.

Kudos for that
A wave of nostalgia floods me
I'm re-reading this after 2 years !!!
angeli709 #7
Chapter 43: IM SO FRUSTRATED AUTHOR-NIM!! I really want jin to end up with her tho :( I feel bad for jin too you know! This is the most frustrating story i've ever read oh gosh, I can't read this story without biting my pillow. Keep up with the good work author-nim!
ArmytaLKim #8
Chapter 43: Oh, the feels!
I think I got diabetes from L's sweetness..
Good job!
ArmytaLKim #9
Chapter 22: Ughh, I know how it's feel like to be in Jaeun shoes. And I tell you, the guilty is ten times than this..
And you make Jin a good boyfriend! Arghh, I feel bad for Jin. But I love Myungsoo, though XD
Chapter 29: I'd do anything to be in Jaeun's place