The Letter of Apology

Her Other Man
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Chapter 4: The Letter of Apology

“He’s the worst guy I have ever met in my whole life!!!!”

Jaeun ranted as Jin watched her with a big smile on his face. She didn’t know why he is smiling. Is he celebrating for someone’s misfortune? Huh!

“Don’t smile at me!” She whined as she pouted and crossed her arms across her chest.

Jin chuckled from the screen. “Come on! Your boss can’t be that bad!” He beamed, trying to cheer her up. As much as Jaeun looks really cute and y when she’s mad, he doesn’t want to see her stressed and agitated with her annoyance in someone else.

Heck, Jin is jealous with even that tinsy bit of attention that Jaeun is giving on someone.

Jaeun rolled her eyes. Well, what does Jin know anyway? Of course he doesn’t know that she almost got run by a car by this same person. She didn’t want to tell him because if she did, then, Jin will be the one ranting on her. The important thing is, she’s safe and the car stopped before it even bumps on her.

“You don’t know it.” She beamed.

Jin chuckled. “Then don’t think about it when you’re at home.” He said. “You should be resting at home, not being this wild for your new boss.” He smiled. “And besides, I’m here.”

Jaeun looked at Jin at the screen and gave a small smile. He always tells her the right words. She sighed and smiled at him wider. “I know. I know.” She muttered. “I shouldn’t be talking about some other guys in front of you.” She teased.

Jin smiled and shook his head. “No.” He replied. “You better be talking about other guys in front of me because that would make me know about the ‘other’ guys in your life.” He beamed. “I’d rather hear about them from you than from some other else.”

Jaeun paused for a while and tried to absorb what Jin said. Of course, Jin wants honesty to rule over their relationship. When she comes to think of it, it’s best to be talking about some other guys in front of Jin. Not because she wants him to be jealous, but because it would give Jin that certain sense of assurance that nothing is really going on.

Because Jaeun knows that in the dramas, honesty is always compromised, causing a lot of complications as time goes by. She’s aware of that and she doesn’t want that to happen to them. Not to their perfect relationship.

Jin then looked at his watch. “Babe, I gotta go.” He told her. “I’m running late.” He chuckled.

Jaeun narrowed her eyes on him. How could he not notice that he’s late already? Is she that stunning for him to be distracted like that? Haha.

“I miss you.” He blew a kiss on the web cam. “I love you.” Then flashed his heart melting smile.

Jaeun smiled and blushed. “I love you too.” She beamed back. “You study hard.” She told him.

Jin chuckled and nodded. “Of course!” He beamed with overflowing confidence. “I won’t out future be compromised you know.” He winked.

Jaeun laughed and shook her head at him. Whenever Jin says something about future, Jaeun just couldn’t help but think of their family life together. And yes, that’s what she’s laughing about now.

“Bye, Baby girl!”


“One Espresso, please.”

L too his wallet and handed his card to the cashier girl, who, of course, is blushing like red beet and tomato combined. How could she even look like that? He noticed how the girl reacted to him but he didn’t even give her a second glance after uttering his orders.

He doesn’t even look at girls. I mean, figuratively, he doesn’t have interest in the opposite . He just finds it worrying when he starts to think of the opposite . Even the Infinite boys couldn’t make him like someone in the opposite .

Well, it’s not like he’s gay or something, but he just couldn’t. He wouldn’t look at other girls. He doesn’t see girls to be loveable like how they were described in the books and wherever.

Bothering. Obnoxious. Loud.

He always thought that girls are all these kinds of people.

“Here’s your Espresso, Sir.” The cashier girl handed the coffee as flirtatious as she could. It was too obvious and L had to roll his eyes inwardly when he noticed the girl bat her eye lashes.

Ugh, pain!

He took his coffee and turned to head out when he saw someone coming in.

This girl who dared to talk back at him and all. The loudest of the girls he ever met. The most bothering. The most obnoxious.

Kwon Jaeun.

A small smirk crept up from his lips as Jaeun walked closer to the counter. She w

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Re reading! Probably I had read half of your stories a few times! ?
Chapter 27: This chapter is best of the best! TeamMyungsoo<3
Chapter 17: Come back here to re-read and still i'm smiling madly!!! Hahahahahahahaa <3
Chapter 43: Even after re-reading, the pain and confusion that it brings is still the same.

Kudos for that
A wave of nostalgia floods me
I'm re-reading this after 2 years !!!
angeli709 #7
Chapter 43: IM SO FRUSTRATED AUTHOR-NIM!! I really want jin to end up with her tho :( I feel bad for jin too you know! This is the most frustrating story i've ever read oh gosh, I can't read this story without biting my pillow. Keep up with the good work author-nim!
ArmytaLKim #8
Chapter 43: Oh, the feels!
I think I got diabetes from L's sweetness..
Good job!
ArmytaLKim #9
Chapter 22: Ughh, I know how it's feel like to be in Jaeun shoes. And I tell you, the guilty is ten times than this..
And you make Jin a good boyfriend! Arghh, I feel bad for Jin. But I love Myungsoo, though XD
Chapter 29: I'd do anything to be in Jaeun's place