
Our Complicated Heart


Hi my name is Sandara Park my parents,friends call me Dara for short or SSantoki, its my favorite animal.Rabbit.kekeke....So

yeah, I'm born in Korea,I kinda live in America too,because of my granpa and granma,but I have a second Home and that would

be Philippines my father is Half-Pilipino and half-korean so i'm half-half too I have the blood of korean and pinoy kekeke.....Do

you want to know how they met?Even if you say no i'm going to say it anyway's a little story...Once a upon a day

my mom was given a vacation for 1 week in her work,she choose to be in the philippines because she heard there's this place

name Boracay is so beautiful,so she wanted to see it.She arrived in Boracay like 7:00 pm,she puts her bag on her room then

get ready to see the beach.(Just to let you know my mother tells this story everytime she heard the word"LOVE" ,Aigooo as

much as I don't want to tell the story why because I think its corny kekeke back to the story)then she went to the beach to swim a

little bit because it was hot even though its 7 in night.She tries to swim as far as she can but something happen...her legs got she called for help because she was going to go drown,but no one responses to her,untill she got drown"ahhhh this

is the end of my life,umma(mother),appa(father),I know i've done so many things that you didn't like,like the time you arrange a

marriage for me to that fat man that has bad odor,bald,evrything that I hate to a guy,I refuse,i know you just want me to be happy

but I'm okay by myself.I'm sorry Umma for not telling you that I stole your wallet thats because you didn't give me a allowance for

two days,how could you,but it's too late ......Goobye......."she thought(arghh my mother is so dramaticsandara-park.jpg ahaha)by that time someone suddenly grab her arm and pull her.Guess who is the

man who save my mother? YES it's my father toooooo the rescueeee!!!!My father give her a CPR,and thank god she got

save,she open her eyes slowly seeing a man holding her when both of their eyes met,something changes to their feeling,they

think they fall in love with each other(oh gosh,like Romeo and Juliet gahhh).My mother then just sang and whisper"You and I

together it just feels so right~~"(WTH),my father smiles and thought that my mother feels the same way he do then he

suddenly sang too"You're the only and I'll be there for you baby~",from that day,they become as one,they got married and

have me.~~~~~~~~Okay that's my little story of how they met,if you think its corny I think so too kekeke.......I just hope I won't do

that in the future.Right I'm in America and I and onlly I alone is planning to visit korea and maybe stay there for awhile



Name's Kwon Jiyong my friends call me GD(G-Dragon),born here in Korea.I'm kinda Stubborn sometimes..Well I don't know

what else should i say but I can be sometimes nice.that's it.

(Author:he's really stubborn just introducing himself he can't do it arggghhh ahahha back to Dara)


"Finally I'm here in Korea, the smell of korea I miss it"I said smiling to the world widely.My bestfriend Bom was suppose to come pick

me up,but where is she?Then  someone hug me in the back, and by that I smell a familiar perfume and it smell like  my bestbreind

pefume,then that person let go and turn my body to face front.I was suprise it was her My very Best Bestfriend one and only

bestfriend"BOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!"i shouted with excitement.she Got startled by my shouting."Yah,DOn't shout,Im here ok but im sorry

im late hehehe"she said."kekeke,ok lets go go"me said"Okay~~~GO Go GO"we both chuckled,I miss her so much and her cute

personality hehehehe......



I'm so so so sorry For the short update:( but I will try my best hang in there :)



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kristinamay17 #1
It's Seungri! I just know it.. karma's a ... in the past he is pushing her away, but now.. tsk!:)) Update soon.
kristinamay17 #2
kristinamay17 #3
AIgooo... right back at you Seungri.. hmph! You're mean to chaerin and now.. this is what you get... tsk!
kristinamay17 #4
Cute Darayang moment! I'm torn... Daragon... Tabisan... Daragon?! Who should I support? They're all so cuuuute!!!!:)
kristinamay17 #5
OMG!!!:) You should let Hyun Joong and CL see each other... then Seungri will get jealous... serves him right after what he did to CL... and Booyah BOM! hahah.. Dara can cook... Dont worry authornim... i didn't find this boring...:)
kristinamay17 #6
AIGOOOOO!!!!:) The Dara-TOP phone conversation was so funny...:)) if i was TOP, i would jump off the cliff for doing that... that was so humiliating... Jiyong? Tsk.. tsk.. tsk... and Youngbae?! haaha... he benefited from Jiyong stealing TamTam!:) hehehe... cute updates authornim!!!
kristinamay17 #7
Oh well... I guess the tittle explains it all.. hahaha..:))
kristinamay17 #8
AIGOOOOO! BOMMIE has a crush on jiyong.. IT complicates everything.. AIGOOO!!!!:) hehehehe.. update soon.
My Tabisan heart is alive and jumping with joy keke
kristinamay17 #10
hahahaha... i was reading and i was like, What? Did Minzy just say that it was a short update and she'll edit tom? Hahahaha.. i was like huh for a few minutes and then... Ahhhh.. okay! hahaha:)