
The boy who fixed my broken heart.

That night Sunmi was doing her homework, when she took out books from her bag, she accidentally dropped the cellphone that Vicky gave her earlier in the day.

She stared at it *If it’s not L’s phone, whose is this then?*

Sunmi picked it up from the floor and turned it on. Her eyes widened at the cellphone wallpaper. It was a photo of her and L on it *It looks like his cellphone*
Curious, she clicked open the photos file. Her heart tightened by the pain. Tears welled up her eyes. Plenty of photos of Vicky were in.

*It can’t be true!* she shouted in her head. As she flipped photos, Sunmi realized that this cellphone was really L’s.

Tears ran down her cheeks like a fountain. Sunmi started to check the sms inbox. It was plenty of messages between L and Vicky.

She could feel millions of knifes stabbing in her heart.

*So he was lying to me?*She sank onto the floor and cried harder.

All of sudden, her cellphone rang. She peered at the ID, L. Still crying she turn it off.

*L.Joe was like this. L is also like this.


The next morning, Sunmi woke up from her short sleep with big swollen eyes. She glanced at the clock *6:35AM*.

There was a knock on the door. Her mother poked her head in “Sweetie, if you don’t wake up, you will be late”

Seeing the horrible face of her daughter, Mrs Ahn became worried. She came in “Hey sweetie, are you alright? Did you cry last night?”

Sunmi meekly smiled “Umma, can I skip school today?”

Her mother sighed “Arasso, but just today” she her cheeks and kissed her forehead “Take care”.


Hours later, someone knocked her door.

“Umma, can you---“ she was stopped in her phrase by the person standing at her open bedroom’s door, L.

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Chapter 42: Ljoe<3 I'm glad they became friends again
Chapter 42: It's good that l.joe and sunmi are friends again! Nice story author-nim :-)
Chapter 43: Hahahah at least ljoe knows his mistakes
Chapter 43: I feel sad for L.Joe hahahha~~~
Chapter 6: This is so cute!!!
omoooo~~~ >.< Myungsoo... wae you're so cute!
AkashiSeijuro #7
Such a cute story i really liked how L was protective and i feel i little sad for L.Joe but a little mad at him
KareenEshie #8
Ahww.. L :">
#9 sweet ><