
The boy who fixed my broken heart.

“That’s all for today” The teacher said as the bell rang the end of the period “But, I have a great new to announce” he added.

All the students, stopped packing their things and lay their attention back on the teacher.

“Next month, we are going to have a class trip for a week at Jeju Island. Since, it’s an expensive trip, and the municipality doesn’t help much. We have to join our monetary fund. The other school is TOP High”

At the word TOP, Sunmi’s pen fall from her hands on the floor.

She felt someone’s eyes on her. As she turned her head, she saw L.

“Sunmi, Sunmi, you dropped your pen” Suzy snapped her out of her thought.

She meekly smiled and took it “Thanks”

 “Are you alright? You are pale today” She commented.

“I’m alright” Sunmi reassured her friend.

After class, everyone headed back home. Everyone, except Sunmi and L. It was their last day of duties.

Sunmi was abnormally quiet and L was abnormally nice. Against all expectation, he does his corves.

A long and heavy silence settled between them.

L decided to break it.

“Sunmi-ah, don’t think about him anymore. We will be the only one who is hurt”

A small thud could be heard. L looked down to see the sponge that was dropping on the floor from her hands. She bent down to pick it up.

However Sunmi didn’t stand up. She stayed in this position with her hairs covering her face.

L slowly approached her. As he came closer, he heard sobs coming out from her body.

He kneeled down next to her and put his hands behind her head.

“If you need a shoulder, I’m here” he said as she pulled her head on his chest.

Without a word, her sobs became cries. She cried out loud.

He let her weep and squeezed her in his arms.

“It’s alright now. I’m here”

Slightly regaining her true self, she declared “I’ve already moved in another school. I don’t go to my favorite shops or parks anymore in order to not crossing his path. I don’t want to see him anymore”

“Shhttt, it’s ok. He won’t hurt you anymore because I’m here” L softly whispered in her ears.

Sunmi managed to stop the flow of her tears. She broke the hug and searched in his eyes “You are his cousin, why are you so nice to me?”

He softly smiled “Because I like you”. L wiped her left tears with his thumps.

“I like you since the first day I saw you. Last year, when I planned to make Byunghyun irritate, I’ve saw you with him. You were so nice and when you smiled, I’ve lost my mind” he confessed.

She could see the pink color talking over his face.

“. When, you first arrived here, I recognized you. Later I heard from L.Joe, how he cheated you, at a party. You don’t know how much I wanted to punch him. That’s why, I want to protect you”

From that moment, Sunmi couldn’t think anymore, her heart melted. His kindness warmed her lonely heart.

“Thank you L” she said as she hugged him. 

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Chapter 42: Ljoe<3 I'm glad they became friends again
Chapter 42: It's good that l.joe and sunmi are friends again! Nice story author-nim :-)
Chapter 43: Hahahah at least ljoe knows his mistakes
Chapter 43: I feel sad for L.Joe hahahha~~~
Chapter 6: This is so cute!!!
omoooo~~~ >.< Myungsoo... wae you're so cute!
AkashiSeijuro #7
Such a cute story i really liked how L was protective and i feel i little sad for L.Joe but a little mad at him
KareenEshie #8
Ahww.. L :">
#9 sweet ><