At his house

The boy who fixed my broken heart.

Sunmi looked at him. His face was pale *He looks so exhausted* she could notice the cold sweats on his forehead.

In his dizziness, he called out her name “Sunmi, Sunmi….”

Without knowing it, she grabbed his hands and squeezed them “I’m here”

Her eyes landed on the wet towel and basin next to her.  After refreshing the tissue, she started dabbing his forehead.

“It’s all because of me~. I’m sorry” she whispered full of guilt.

L was so sick that he couldn’t feel her presence. Sleeping, he mumbled some words. She gazed down at him, he was miserably sick in bed.

*Maybe I should make some porridge, he must be hungry when he will wake up*

Sunmi went to the kitchen.

Minutes after because of the big commotion of pots and pans, L slowly woke up *What the hell is hyung doing?!*

He stood up and headed to the origin of the noises. A small chuckled escaped from his lips at the view of Sunmi’s clumsiness while making food.

“What are you doing here?”

Surprise, she slightly jumped “You scared me to death!” she exclaimed, a hand on her chest.

Suddenly, she frowned “You are sick, go back to your bed!”

He responded by a smile before following her order.

After cooking, she went to bed *He is really red* she thought. A hand reached his forehead, her eyes widened in horror *OMG, his fever is way too high!!*

Rushing from a place to another, she managed to get a cool sheet and an ice pillow.

*I’m so tired….and sleepy…* Sunmi became all drowsy; her head slowly fall on this bed as her eyes slowly closed.


Later in the day, L woke up from his long rest. He looked down at the hand under his and saw Sunmi.

A smile crossed his face *She is sleeping~*. He stared at her peaceful sleeping face *How defenseless*

His hands automatically caressed her hairs “I’m a guy and I can’t help in front of the girl I like” he whispered and bend down.

At the moment, he was about to kiss her, she shot open her eyes *What he is doing?!*

Embarrassed, L straightened up.

“What were you doing?” she asked.

His face heat up at her question. A smile appeared on her face “OMO, L you are blushing!”

More embarrassed, he hid his face on the other side of his bed.

Sunmi laughed and sat on his bed “Ok, mianhe, I won’t tease you anymore. Just let me see if you are still feverish”

He slowly turned around, she shook her head and put her hand on his forehead “You are ok now. I will leave, I’ve made some rice porridge”

She stood up, however with a fast movement, he managed to grab her hand and stop her.

“Please stay here”

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Chapter 42: Ljoe<3 I'm glad they became friends again
Chapter 42: It's good that l.joe and sunmi are friends again! Nice story author-nim :-)
Chapter 43: Hahahah at least ljoe knows his mistakes
Chapter 43: I feel sad for L.Joe hahahha~~~
Chapter 6: This is so cute!!!
omoooo~~~ >.< Myungsoo... wae you're so cute!
AkashiSeijuro #7
Such a cute story i really liked how L was protective and i feel i little sad for L.Joe but a little mad at him
KareenEshie #8
Ahww.. L :">
#9 sweet ><