The Feeling for You

Without You


= Yoon Doojoon =


I quickly looked at Aegi with disbelieve look as I heard what she had said.


I didn’t mishear her word, right?


Did she just say ‘alright’?


I grabbed her arm unconsciously, making her looking at me.




But that was the only word that I could tell her.


She smiled. “I agree to marry you, Doojoon.” She said as she took my hand and brushed it off from her arm.


But instead of feeling happy, I was engulfed by many questions that ran through my mind. I looked at my parents who looked very happy with Aegi’s decision. My mother covered as happy tears came to her eyes. My father was smiling happily. Indeed my heart was beating faster with the thought that I would marry Aegi. But Junhyung image came again to my mind.


"Congratulation." I heard my dad congraltulated me. "I'm so happy." But I felt something was so wrong here.


“Will you excuse me for a moment? I need to go to the toilet.” Aegi said to my parents then stood up.


I just looked at her when she walked away. My feeling told me that it wasn’t right. I needed to speak with Aegi. I looked back to my parents.


“Excuse me. I think I need to have a call first.” I told my parents as I pushed the chair out.


“To who?” Omoni asked me.


“My manager.” I lied. “I forget that I have an appointment today.” I gave a smile for her. “I’ll be back soon.” I walked away after that.


Of course because Aegi really went to the toilet, I didn’t follow her. Instead, I waited her outside the door. I leaned on the wall as I waited. I really needed to ask her why she had agreed. I needed to know how she felt about me and also about Junhyung. I knew she loved Junhyung. And I didn’t want to betray my own best friend and break our friendship just because of this matter.


I raised my gaze as I heard the door opened. I saw Aegi came out from the toilet. I quickly straightened my body and grabbed her arm to stop her.


“Aegi.” I called her as I turned her body. “Are you out of your mind?”


But she just looked at me with her confusion look. “About what?”


“The marriage. How can you agree with it?”


She smiled. “But I just did.” She shrugged and wanted to leave.


I grabbed her arm again, turned her body and held both of her arms. “Don’t do this, Aegi. I don’t know what had happened but I know that it’s not what you want actually.”


She tilted her head and frowned. “But there’s nothing happened.”


Somehow I found it was frustrating to see her acting as if there was nothing happened. I knew that she was in love with Junhyung. I groaned in frustration.


“I mean about Junhyung. You love Junhyung, Aegi.”


For a moment, I thought I saw a surprised look on her eyes. But on the next second, the look had disappeared from her face. She smiled as if my words had amused her.


“What make you think that I love Junhyung?”


Argh, I can’t believe that Aegi is so good in acting innocent.


“But you are, Aegi. You love Junhyung, not me. I don’t know what happen between you and Junhyung. But please, don’t sacrifice your self just because you were fighting with him.”


Aegi giggled in amusement with my words. “Oh, Doojoon. Don’t be ridiculus. I’m not fighting with Junhyung. There’s nothing happened between us.”


I hung my head down in frustration. “Aegi, please. I’m not joking right now.” I looked up to her. “It’s marriage, Aegi. It’s about you being stuck with me for the rest of your life as my wife. I don’t want you to be regretting your decision. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want…”


My words stopped since Aegi cupped my cheeks with her hands and called my name sternly.


“Yoon Doojoon!”


I looked at her.


“Do you love me?”




“Do. You. Love. Me?” She repeated the question.


I felt that my heart skipped as she asked it. I felt breathless as my heart beat faster.


Did I love Aegi?


Yes, I did. Aegi didn’t have to doubt about it. I had loved her and I loved her. I would love her no matter what. Then again, the guilty feeling toward Junhyung came back to me. But somehow, the look on Aegi’s eyes made me unable to keep my feeling anymore.


“Yes.” I confessed at last. “I love you, Shin Aegi.” I quickly added. “I love you and that’s why I don’t want you to hurt your self.”


But she just smiled. “Then, it’s fine.” She took my both hands and lowered them down. She dropped her gaze. "Let's just keep on going with Aboji's plan."


"But, Aegi..." I heaved a sigh.


"I have my decision, Doojoon. So please, just go on."


"How about Junhyung?"


"There is nothing wrong with him." She chuckled. "Why do you have to keep worrying about him?"


"You love him, Aegi. That's the problem."


She lost her smile and became serious. "Then what?" She paused. "Nothing will change my decision, Yoon Doojoon."


I went silent because of her, because I saw determination look on her eyes. I knew whenever I saw that look on her eyes, nothing could change anything that she had decided.


I just released a sigh. "I hope you won't regret this, Aegi. Please turn back while you can."


She gave me a smile which I couldn't describe what she meant with her smile. She her lips. "I won't. Thanks for your concern." She walked away.


I just looked at her as she walked away. I put my hands on my hip and released a sigh before I followed her back to our table. I knew that I couldn't change her decision anymore. Now, I only wished that she never regretted her decision to marry me.


But then, how to tell Junhyung about this matter?


He had fell in love with Aegi yet Aegi chose to marry me. I was afraid that I would have to hurt my own best friend.


Ah, Aegi. Why do you have to make it harder for me?




And this one is the answer for the previous chapter~ ^^


For all the readers, thank you for subscribing and reading this fic~ commenting would be nice~ but to see that my subscribers and view counts increased, it's making me glad too~ To the silent readers, thank you so much to take a look on the fic and read it~ I really do appreciate it, seriously~

Enjoy the story, everyone~ ^^

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 43: aawwww..sweet it..and she end up with Doojoon..yeay.. \(^0^)/

you know? this fic was do a good job authornim..really good job..i love this fic so much.. ^^
Chapter 43: Waaahhh~ A super sweet ending with DooJoon! <33
han-na #3
It's a such beautiful story! I love it!
Thank you,,,
No!!!!!! I can't believe that the fic it's end!!!! I finish this story now and I have to say that I love it...! No one knows how much I cry reading this fic...! Unnie really u are amazing!! Thanks for ur amazing story! :')
NOONONOONONOONONONONOONONONONOO IT'S ENDED TT^TT u know I read this in one night it's 2:07 am right now Kekekekekkek I LOVE IT SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO MUCH R U KIDDING ME !!! who wouldn't love this !!! I cried through out the story and got heart attacked several times lol!!!! (how drama queen am I ) BUT come On now ! I just can't resist this story thank you !!<3
i love this..

thanks for a great story...
got here from "searching for fiance" then, "Please Say No to Him Coz I Still Love You" then this "Without You" : i become 1 of ur fan..really luv ur style of writing..:)
KeYusMkaii #8
Nice story. I like the ending its so unique and I love the plot ^^
rosemary #9
love thissssssss:D