
Without You

= Yong Junhyung =


I came to Aegi's work place but found her nowhere on the cafe as I looked around. I stopped the waitress that passed near by.


"Sorry, but is Shin Aegi here?" I asked her.


She shook her head. "She's taking a week off since four days ago."


I was taken back by her words. "Ah. Thank you." I told her then I walked out from the cafe.


I took out my phone as I walked out from the cafe. I dialled her number and tried to call her. But her phone was out of reach. I released a sigh as I hung up my phone.


So she hasn’t turned her phone on yet.


I tried to call her for some times today, but I never managed to reach her. The notification kept telling me that I had reached her mail box.


Doojoon, Hyunseung, Gikwang, Dongwoon and also Yoseob didn't know where she was too. No one received any news from Aegi. It seemed that Aegi didn't tell anyone in advance about where she went.


I looked around.


Where are you actually, Aegi?


I worried about her.


But then, one place came to my mind. My feeling told me that she might have been there. I smiled lopsided then came to my motorcycle. I took my helmet and put it on. I hopped on my motor and drove away.


I just remembered that Aegi's dad used to have a rest house out of town. Her Appa ever took us there for visiting her Omma's grave. Aegi ever told us that she lived there sometimes with her Appa and her mom's aunt that she called Nana. And I heard that her Appa was buried there too.


Actually, no one knew where Aegi's Appa was buried. His family suddenly came and took over everything. They also took Aegi away and sold the house plus the shop that Aegi Appa had. I didn't know how Aegi's Appa relation with his family, but I got a feeling that it wasn't too good either.


But if I was right, Aegi was probably there.




= Yoon Doojoon =


I looked at my phone, staring at the text message that I just received a while ago, when suddenly the screen turned to notify me that I received a call.


It was Hyunseung's name that appeared on my screen. I smiled to see that my best friend had called me. Then, I answered the call.


"Yeah, Hyunseung, hello. What's the matter?"


"Nothing special." Hyungseung replied me. "I just want to call you."


I rolled my eyes. I knew Hyunseung must be called for a reason. He was a good liar, but somehow we always could know if he was lying.


"You still on Busan?" He asked.


"Yes." I told him. "The match will be on this afternoon."


"Well, good luck with that." Hyunseung told me.




"Did you receive any news from Aegi?" He asked suddenly.


Ah, so this is his real reason to call me. I thought to my self.


"No." I replied him. "Did you?"




I could hear his voice seemed down. Aegi had gone for four days without telling us anything. None of our calls were getting through to her phone. She made us worried. She made me worried. But then, I had a soccer match to be worried about. So, I couldn't do anything about her.


"Gikwang, Dongwoon and Yoseob don't get any news too." Hyunseung told me. "Junhyung is trying to find her now."


My heart sank as I heard Junhyung's name was mentioned.


Ah, Junhyung can take care of her. He loves her. That was what I thought. But I felt something pierced to my heart again. I clenched my fist.


"But tell me later if Junhyung finds her and brings her back, okay. I'm going to give Aegi a good talk and pinch on her cheeks if I come back later."


I could hear Hyunseung went chuckled.


"Okay. Good luck again for your match. Bring home victory."


I smiled with what Hyunseung had said. "Okay. Thanks, Hyunseung."


"See you." Hyunseung said then hung up the phone.


I hung up the phone too then looked at the screen again. The message that I received earlier had returned to my screen.


The message was a message from my father. He wanted me and Aegi to see him as soon as I got back to the city. But I knew what he would talk about. I was so sure that he wanted to talk about marriage. He had been talked about the matter with me for sometimes after we had lunch together with Aegi. He wanted me to get married with Aegi as soon as possible.


But as much as I wanted it to be happened, I knew that I couldn't let go the fact that Junhyung loved Aegi and Aegi was in love with him too. And I felt that I would betray Junhyung if I confessed to Aegi and took her from Junhyung. But I also knew what would happen if I told Aboji that I had lied to him. The arranged marriage was ready to wait for me. And I didn't want it to happen.


Ah, I'm in dilemma.




= Yong Junhyung =


I arrived outside a small house on the hill. The place was never changed. It was still exactly like the way I used to remember. There was a dog cage outside the place. But the dog was nowhere to find. I took off my helmet and went off from my motor. I looked at the house.


It had been so long since we were here. Probably it was already more than 7 years ago. Last time we were here, I, Aegi, Doojoon and Hyunseung were 17 at that time while Gikwang, Yoseob and Dongwoon were younger. We used to have barbaque on the garden and played on the prairie near here.


I looked around and caught a familiar figure for me walking toward me with a small dog on her side. It was Aegi. She was bringing a groceries bag on her hand. So she was shopping before.


Aegi raised her gaze and saw me. I smiled and waved at her. She seemed not to expect seeing me there. But then, a smile came to her face. She came approaching me.


"How can you find me?" She asked.


"I happened to remember this place. Your dad used to take us here, right?" I told her.


She nodded.


"Is your dad here too?"


She nodded again.


"Can I pay him a visit?"


Another smile came to her face. "Sure."


Then we went to the graves. There was nothing that changed from the view on the road to the grave. But probably the tree on the prairie was taller and bigger. Other than that, nothing had changed.


Aegi showed me her dad's grave. It was on the side of her mom's grave. I gave my respect to Aegi's parents and prayed for them.


"It's good to know that your parents are together again." I told her.


She nodded and pursed her lips.


I looked around and saw the view. Aegi parents' graves were located above the hill. So I could see good view of the land with mountains and hills from the place.


"It's a nice place." I commented.


"Appa used to tell me that Omma loves mountains view." Aegi told me. "I guess that's why Appa bought the land and buried Omma here."


I just nodded. "Your Appa surely loved your Omma a lot, right?" I looked at her.


She nodded. "Yes." Aegi smiled. "Appa always talked about Omma with tender eyes. I think he loved her a lot."


I smiled again then looked at the view in the front of me. Aegi had never known her Omma since she was died before Aegi could remember her. But our parents who knew her told us that Aegi's Omma was a beautiful woman, loveable and smart too. Aegi was looked a lot like her. So I guessed Aegi's Omma indeed a beautiful woman since Aegi was a beautiful girl too. And I could feel that Hyunkyung ahjussi loved her a lot through everything that he had done for his late wife.


"Want to go back now?" Aegi asked me, breaking through my thought..


I looked at her and nodded. "Let's go back." I told her.


Then we went back to the lower hill. When we arrived on the prairie, I stopped and looked at the tree across the prairie. Aegi had stopped beside me.


"We used to race to that tree, right?" I asked her.




I looked at Aegi. "Let's race again. I want to know whether I can defeat you now or not." I said to her with a lopsided smile on my lips.


Aegi turned to see me. "Aish, you're a man now. How can I defeat you?" She looked back to the tree.


"But you've defeated me for so many times before." I told her.


A pout came to her lips as I told her that. But she indeed had defeated me for so many times before. Not only on the race to the tree, but also on the race toward the school gate when we were late back on school. And judging to her look, I guessed she was also remembered about it.


"Come on. I'll give you advantage to have the first start." I tried to pursuade her.


She looked back at me and gave me the look as if she was asking, 'Really?'


I just nodded at her.


She looked at the dog that she brought along. "Lee Shin, want to race?"


I smiled when I saw her talking to the dog. But then, she straightened her body and looked at me.


"I won't lose." She said with competitive look.


I just shrugged. But then, she started to run. Lee Shin, the dog, ran along with her. I waited for a while then started to run. We raced to the tree. But Aegi still remained unchanged when it came to sports. She was still unbeatable. But I could catch up with her. I arrived just behind her when she managed to touch the tree trunk before me. She turned to see me coming.


“I’m still the first.” She said as she smiled and panted.


“Yeah, you are.” I told her then came closer to her. “Probably next time I shouldn’t give you any advantage again.” I stopped on the front of her.


Aegi just laughed.


I looked down to the ground and my lips. “How was the fake girlfriend matter?” I looked up again at her.


“Ah…” Aegi leaned on the tree trunk. “It’s fine. I guess Doojoon can escape from the arranged marriage.”


“Then how about you?” I asked as I placed my hands on the trunk, trapping her between my arms.


Aegi seemed to be taken back with my question. “Eh?”


“If I ask you to date me, will you agree?” I asked her with soft voice, almost whispered. I could feel that my heart was beating faster as I asked her.


Then, I caught pink shades on her cheeks. She was blushing. I brought my self closer to her.


“Date me, Shin Aegi.” I said as I leaned my face closer to her until my face was only an inch away from her. “Be my girlfriend.”


Then, I pressed my lips on hers.



Update for today~ Actually I'm totally confused right now~

For all the readers, thank you for subscribing and reading this fic~ commenting would be nice~ but to see that my subscribers and view counts increased, it's making me glad too~ To the silent readers, thank you so much to take a look on the fic and read it~ I really do appreciate it, seriously~

Enjoy the story, everyone~ ^^

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 43: aawwww..sweet it..and she end up with Doojoon..yeay.. \(^0^)/

you know? this fic was do a good job authornim..really good job..i love this fic so much.. ^^
Chapter 43: Waaahhh~ A super sweet ending with DooJoon! <33
han-na #3
It's a such beautiful story! I love it!
Thank you,,,
No!!!!!! I can't believe that the fic it's end!!!! I finish this story now and I have to say that I love it...! No one knows how much I cry reading this fic...! Unnie really u are amazing!! Thanks for ur amazing story! :')
NOONONOONONOONONONONOONONONONOO IT'S ENDED TT^TT u know I read this in one night it's 2:07 am right now Kekekekekkek I LOVE IT SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO MUCH R U KIDDING ME !!! who wouldn't love this !!! I cried through out the story and got heart attacked several times lol!!!! (how drama queen am I ) BUT come On now ! I just can't resist this story thank you !!<3
i love this..

thanks for a great story...
got here from "searching for fiance" then, "Please Say No to Him Coz I Still Love You" then this "Without You" : i become 1 of ur fan..really luv ur style of writing..:)
KeYusMkaii #8
Nice story. I like the ending its so unique and I love the plot ^^
rosemary #9
love thissssssss:D