L's Past, a Confession, and Visions

Black Hole Sun (On Hiatus)





March 27, 2264

Shanghai, China
11:23 AM




"Come on, the lights green," Woohyun started to stride over the crosswalk, with Jinri and Hoya just behind him, still arguing fiercely over the lightsabers. Myungsoo shook his head out of exasperation and amusement over how childish the shapeshifter and ice user were being.


"Are we almost done?" Sanghee asked, staring in his direction as she matched her footsteps with his own.

He thought for a moment before nodding and holding up the two grocery bags ladling his arms down. "Yeah, I think Hoya wants to grab a couple more things, but then we should be good. Apparently one of them is watermelon-it'll cheer Sungyeol up a little bit." He smiled softly as he thought about his best friend's smile and choding-like attitude. He never thought he would say it, but he missed them already, despite how annoying they could be.

Swinging her own bag of groceries, Sanghee nodded while replying, "Watermelon is good. Everyone loves watermelon-I wonder if Sungyeol will let me have a little-I haven't had it in weeks..."

"When was the last time you had it?" Myungsoo asked randomly, a little curious about the small details in Sanghee's life.


She shrugged, "I dunno, when I came to visit Seoul 3 or so weeks ago. My dad had a business trip, so my mum, my brother, and I all came along. My brother and my mother and I went on a walk while my dad was working, and we had some watermelon as we went sightseeing." She winced before chuckling, "That was a crazy day-I got hit by a car that same day."

"Seriously?" Myungsoo's jaw dropped, "Are you-I mean, were you okay?!"

She shrugged, a small grin playing on her features, "Aw, you're worried about me? That's cute. Nah, it wasn't a big deal-I just got knocked over. I'm not sure if it was my fault or theirs, but I didn't stick around to talk with them-I sort of ran away." She looked to the side, "It was kinda embarrassing."


"At least you're alright now."


Sanghee nodded her head in agreement, and they walked for a few more moments in silence.


"I wish I could do that," Myungsoo sighed, breaking the quietness, "Just walking around in the sunlight, eating watermelon, hanging with friends...not the getting-hit-by-a-car part, but you know, everything else."


"Can't you though?" She furrowed her brow and turned her head slightly.

He let out a breathy, humorless chuckle. "No, I can't-none of the Infinites can. We may seem alright now, but I'm sure Hoya and Woohyun are just as ready to jump into a fight as I am right now-last nights attack just reinforced our belief-always stay on guard, especially if you're in a public place. When I became an Infinite a few months ago, it was like as if I had fallen into a cage-it only takes the first attack by the Hunters, and then your recognised and wanted for the rest of your life."


"...You became an Infinite? How? Did you just wake up like one day with your Power?" She felt her heart throb slightly as she spoke-if that was what had happened to him, then they were more alike then she thought.


Myungsoo shook his head as they continued to follow the trio in front of them onto the sidewalk. "No. I became one. Sungyeol literally ran into me one day, and I found out he was an Infinite. I found out about Tablo and how he could make Infinites, and for...specific reasons, I really needed to be one. So, he made me one."

"Specific reasons?" Sanghee nearly paused in her steps, still looking at his face. "Am I allowed to ask what they were?"

His expression suddenly became guarded and they were silent for a few minutes. Finally he said, "My girlfriend."

"Yo-your girlfriend? Your dating someone?"

"No. She was my girlfriend. Not anymore. Past tense." He looked away before sighing and letting his shoulders slump.


His eyes seemed to gain an aged look about them and he shuddered as a gust of wind battered them lightly-Sanghee couldn't tell if it was from the cold air or if it was from what was going through his mind at the moment. "My girlfriend's life was really...it was really messed up. Her father was an alcoholic and couldn't hold a decent job, her mother had left her family, and her brother died at a young age. She-she kept getting harassed by these loan sharks who wanted her to pay the bills that her father kept flaking out on. She couldn't. And I didn't have the finances to help her-My parents died a long time ago in an accident, so I had been living by myself."

The other's laughter grew more distant as they drew farther away from the two. The pair seemed to be in their own quiet world as Myungsoo fought the urge to just force all the memores back down like he had been doing for months. He knew he had to tell someone. And he wanted to tell Sanghee. Only Sungyeol and Tablo knew about his past-he felt that if he ever wanted to be closer to her, he would have to tell her eventually.


"When I met Sungyeol, I was naive-I thought, hey, once this guy named Tablo puts a Power in me, I'll have the ability to steal things from people to pay off her debt. Or, hey, I could just kill the sharks so they would leave her alone. Or, maybe I would super speed or teleportation like Sungyeol and be able to just take her far away from all the crap going on in Seoul, in her life. I didn't care that it would make me a freak-I loved her that much-I didn't give it a second thought."


Another shaky breath.


"If only things had gone so well. I got my Power. I had no idea what it was. Tablo couldn't tell me-there was only so much he could do. So I left that day unsatisfied and still trying to dream up ways to help my girlfriend. When I got home, she came over to visit, like she did almost every evening. She started drawing randomly, so I joined in. But as soon as my hand landed on the paper and I was thinking about my little doodle...it just...it just came to life."

His voice held the confusion of a child who just didn't understand why the sky was blue or why the grass was green.  


"I later found out that sometimes when an Infinite first gets their Powers, they have have an energy surge, and can do impressve things. Like how Jinri managed her Power so well-she probably won't be able to do something on that level for ages. I couldn't create things for weeks-it took Tablo days to figure out how to train me."


Sanghee looked at him, wanting to give him a hug, but not wanting him to misunderstand the hug as her pitying him. Pity was probably the last thing he wanted. "...What happened...what happened to your girlfriend?"


Myungsoo dug his hands further into his pockets as the breeze picked up again. "She went insane."


"Insane?" Sanghee stopped dead in her tracks. The boy continued to walk, before stopping and looking back at her.


"Yeah. She went bat crazy. The only logical and steady hold she had on the world, the only thing that remained consistant and supportive-that only thing was me. And the minute she saw me pull that small doodle off the paper, she knew nothing would be the same-she knew what i was, what I had become. She knew I would be chased for life, that it was only a matter of time before I was killed. It was in that moment that she realised she was going to-no. It was in that moment she realised that she had already lost me to the world, and that she was alone." His voice was hard while his eyes glistened with unsaid emotions. Yet he did not turn away Sanghee as he continued.

"She started to babble about it and eventually she just collapsed. I didn't know what to do. I brought her to the hospital, but when she woke up again, something didn't seem right-something was off. Like as if I had broken something within her."


More silence.

His expression grew enraged, saddened, frustrated, fearful, lonely-so many emotions seemed to flint over his features as he raised his voice slightly. "Don't you get it, Sanghee?! I drove my girlfriend crazy! I hurt my girlfriend, the person I loved the most, and now she is most likely in a mental hospital! I loved her! But I damaged her more then her own family had! More then her toxic father or the damned loan sharks! I loved her!" His voice fell, and suddenly he seemed so weak and worried and helpless. "And yet, now I like you-How can I know I won't hurt you?"  





March 27, 2264

Shanghai, China
11:34 AM

Sanghee felt like the wind had stolen her breath. Her mind went blank and she just continued to look at him. Had she misinterpreted the words his lips had formed? Had he...did he just confess to her?!

Myungsoo stared at her, looking so scared and small-he seemed so different from the man who had been laughing with her an hour ago. Had his girlfriend's mental state really effected him so much?

Yet, from the way he had said it, he was the only thing his girlfriend had-and the girlfriend was the only thing he had. One mistake, one small mistake of his caring gesture gone wrong, and they had both lost what was most precious to them.


Seeing his lips move brought her back to reality full force. How was she suppose to react? So many things seemed to be rushing at her-her family, her life, her humanity, her disability, and now this?


'Myu-myungsoo, I-I do-don't know, I don't know what to say.' She stuttered truthfully. It was strange-if he had told her he loved her an hour ago, she wouldn't have minded saying 'sure, let's go out'. It would certainly help her get rid of the stress that had been building up on her, as well as help her deal with the future crap. It had only been a few days, and something told her they were going to be stuck together for a much longer amount of time.

And yet, now, after he had told her his past, after he had explained why he was an Infinite, and after he had told her all about his torn girlfriend...he lay open to her, emotionally and mentally-what was she suppose to say? How was she suppose to help him? Suddenly it just seemed so stressful-she didn't think she could help him. How would she? She already had so much going on-too much going on. She didn't know what to do.

'Myu-myungsoo, I-I,' She swallowed, 'I don't think I can, I mean, you know, be in a relationship right now. I mean, I like you, I really do, but I don't know..." She trailed off miserably. She felt like she was making excuses, yet she really did mean it.

She did like him a lot-probably more then the other Infinites-but it seemed like he just deserved more then what she could give him at the moment. 

He seemed to crumble in a little on the inside, and the guarded look was once again up in his eyes. 'No, it's alright. That was just weird of me-we barely know each other. Sorry about that.' He chuckled, but Sanghee could see the laughter did not reach his eyes-the sound was probably, and it even looked like it was, humorless. 'Come on, we should get going-the others are way ahead, and we have to get back soon.'


Myungsoo gestured her to hurry, before starting to walk again. Yet it felt like there was an invisible wall between them, and no matter how hard Sanghee tried to ignore it or brush it off as a trick of her imagination, it remained there firmly.

They walked with an awkward atmosphere about them until they caught up with the others at a stalling crosswalk. She felt terrible for wanting to breath out a sigh of relief, but yet it just proved how tense things seemed between them. Myungsoo had made a few jokes here and there while they waited, and she could see he was grinning and smiling as Woohyun did something stupid, and yet, like the laughter, the grin never reached his eyes, which remained hurt and depressed-looking. 


She felt someone jab her rib cage, causing her to shoot a lightening fast glance over her shoulder. Her eyes met dark ones that were clearly giving her a suspicious and slightly confused look.

'What happened between you two?' Hoya asked quietly, his face close enough that his breath brushing her right cheekbone. She slowly turned to face him, giving him a frown.

'Nothing. It was nothing.'

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. 'Yeah, clearly that was 'nothing',' He made quotation gestures with his hands, obviously not believing her translucent lie. 'Seriously though, what happened? You guys aren't...you guys aren't the same.' He finished awkwardly, looking a little annoyed.

Gritting her teeth, she fought the urge to either start screaming or to break down sobbing. Picking the third option, she snapped back. "It's none of your business." Giving him a frosty look to cover up how emotionally confused she really was, she bit her tongue to prevent more unnecessarily harsh words from slipping out.

Just then, the 'Walking' symbol appeared, giving her the perfect escape. Without another word, she moved past him to follow the others across the broad white stripes, ignoring her pounding heart and guilty conscious.

She shouldn't have been so rude to him, but she really didn't feel like she could say anything else and still keep her composture.

A weird ringing in her ears made her her head and frown for a moment. 'What the heck?' She muttered, just as the ringing got louder.

How could she hear that? She lived in a mute world. And yet-

The ringing reached a point to where it was painful and made her mind throb. She stopped moving, and tried to shake her head, like a cat with water on its ears, and yet it didn't change-if anything, it got worse.

Reaching a hand up, she tried to massage it, but just as her fingers were about to reach her forehead, the ringing stopped.

Everything was deadly silent once more.

'What the hell?' Sanghee mumbled again.

A mere second later, the sensation of the ground falling out from under her shook her senses, and just as she opened to scream-everything went black.




Date Unknown

Location Unknown
Time Unknown


Sanghee's eyes opened to a dark, abandoned street, with only an old dim, flickering streetlight to illuminate the area, though she remained standing in the shadows. Far away, the city lights from the towering buildings seemed to scorch the night skyline, leaving a bright glow hovering just over it. Large storage warehouses lined the street in front of her, faded blues and reds, the paint peeling off from age and rust. A massive advertisement sign stood next to the bins, the words on it seemingly faded from exposure to the various weather conditions and time. A mix of scraggly weeds grew around the sandy bases of the metal containers, and sparkling bits of glass caught her eyes-no doubt once a beer bottle, yet now simply a mess. Behind her, she could see a shimmering, black liquid flowing tranquilly-by the size of it, she was guessing it was a lake, or a bay.

The sudden vibrations of pounding footsteps behind her had her spinning on her heels in a blur. She couldn't help but feel her jaw drop as none other then Hoya, Myungsoo, Dongwoo and two girls run past her on the stretch of cracked tarmac parallel to the warehouses, before stopping only a few feet away from her. One of the girl moved to stand closer to Hoya, so she couldn't see her face, while the other stood up straighter, clutching her side, most likely at an imaginary stitch. Sanghee couldn't recognise her, but she was tall and slimly built, with hair that was just-above-the-shoulder length with black colouring. Her facial features appeared almost of the Indian blood, with large dark eyes, and exotic looks.

The feeling of more approaching people made Sanghee look to her left again, where the others had come from. Two men, appearing in their mid twenties, entered the lowly lit area, moving with predatorial strides and dangerous expressions upon their faces. One of the men held an over-sized butterfly knife, and two guns were strapped to his hip. The other had what looked like a variation of a shotgun out, though the glowing and spinning tip lead Sanghee to realise that it was more then just a shotgun-it was some sort of laser version.

She turned to yell a warning to the others, even if it was an obvious one. But no sound came from . She reached a hand up to touch it softly, feeling confusion begin to build up.

Dongwoo got into some sort of martial arts stance, before twisting his wrist, causing a thin root to shoot up from the ground and wait willingly by him. The Indian girl pulled out multiple throwing knives from seemingly no where, and passed a few to Myungsoo.

Hoya closed his eyes, before opening them again as the familiar fire flared up around his raised forearms, flickering and spitting furiously. The girl by Hoya took a step back, away from the flame, the brightness from it lighting up her face.

Sanghee felt her knees grow weak and her mind spin. Her breathing spead up as her eyes widened to stare shocked at the girl.

If she was here...then who was the Sanghee look-alike by Hoya?!

It hit her a moment later-this wasn't real. She was in the middle of a vision of sorts. A shudder ran down her spine and she prayed to God that the results of this vision would not be the same terrible bloody ones as the train accident one.


The first man with the butterfly knife, who appeared to be the leader over the other, said something, a nightmarish and fearsome look taking over his handsome face. Yet her mind did not seemed to register what he was mouthing, and she had no idea what was going on. Hoya yelled something back, his temper clearly showing, before he stepped closer to the opposing pair.

The Indian girl said something, and for a moment the man seemed to hesitate, a more gentle look settling over his face. But it disappeared a moment later, and he barked something back, targetting it at Hoya, Myungsoo, Dongwoo and her-vision-self. Myungsoo started to reply, but the man with the shotgun-laser finally spoke, muttering something lowly to the butterfly knife man.


He nodded, and raised his weapon just as the other raised his gun.

Sanghee could see what was happening. But she could not move.


The man with the shotgun-laser fired first, and the first wound became Hoya's. He stumbled back several feet, before falling to his knees, clutching his right shoulder.


The next shot hit Dongwoo in the stomach, and he fell, a surprised look on his blood splattered face. Even as he hit the ground and blood began to pour from the gaping burnt wound, he tried to use his Power with Nature to get the man, but the man simply shot the root, causing it to shatter into thousands of splitters, completely harmless.


Vision-Sanghee moved towards Hoya at the same time, but the knife man was suddenly in front of her. In a matter of seconds, he sliced the deadly blade across her unprotected stomach, and was gone again, moving to attack someone else, leaving her fallening to the ground.


Even though she could hear nothing, Sanghee knew her vision-self was dead-the empty look in her dulling eyes, the blood trickling from joining the growing puddle under her still form. The look of horror and rage and pure agony on Hoya's face as he yelled something, trying to get to his feet to run to her. She tried to reach out to help him, to calm him and tell him she was still there-but she could not move. Just like in the train vision.

The man who had killed her moved away from where the Indian girl was trying to defend a heavily wounded Myungsoo, and with a heartless movement, sunk his already bloody blade deep into Hoya's back, peircing his major internal organs, and delivering a fatal blow.    

Myungsoo died in a matter of seconds as the man with the laser tapped some sort of pressure point in the girl's shoulder, causing her to fall unconscious and unharmed onto the crimson stained ground. It only took a single shot from his weapon to finish the Infinite she was guarding, off.

Hoya was the last to die, despite his injuries. He lay on the ground, gasping like a fish out of water, as blood continued to slosh brutally from his wounds. His expression grew even more pained as he looked around, his eyes already dimming-yet, Sanghee felt-no, she knew that the pain there was not for himself. It was for the others. For his fallen comrades.

His life faded slowly, before just disappearing as he breathed his last, his final smouldering flame going out with a small fizzle and trickle of smoke. A silent sob escaped from Sanghee's throat as she watched helplessly.    

The duo had long since grabbed the Indian girl and left the site, the Infinite's bodies still littered on the ground like some sort of garbage.


Once again, Sanghee stood alone among the carnage, quiet tears streaking down her face as she stared at the bodies.

Even though she knew it was a vision, it still felt painful. It still hurt. More tears fell before a tugging sensation rippled through her body. She was too numb from the recent events to even care.

A moment later, and she out once more-though this time, she welcomed the emptiness.








March 27, 2264

Shanghai, China
11:39 AM





The first thing she saw when Sanghee awoke was everyone's worried expressions, particularily Jinri's and Hoya's. For a second she froze, trying to get a rough estimate of her surroundings. She was lying on a medium-sized patch of grass by the road and the crosswalk where she had her vision. Woohyun stood looking startled, several feet away with Myungsoo, who seemed to have completely forgotten about his rejection, as he looked just as worried, if not more then the shapeshifter. Jinri's eyes were roaming over her face, searching for any signs as to what had happened to her, while Hoya just looked...scared? And concerned?

Suddenly the realization he and Myungsoo were still alive registered in her mind. They weren't dead-they hadn't been brutally murdered before her eyes. They were still alive and breathing.

She cried out, before shooting up and wrapping her arms around his chest tightly, and starting to sob. He stiffened as Jinri made a noise of surprise and Woohyun and Myungsoo edged closer to her. She couldn't even tell if the others were talking, as her eyes were squeezed shut and she was trying to say words that didn't quite seem to make it fully over her choking sobs.


'Y-you're alive! Oh-oh Go-god, yo-you're ali-I was so-so sca-scared! I tri-tried to sa-say something, bu-but-You g-got stab-stabbed and My-myungsoo wa-was shot-Oh Go-god!'

Hoya's chest rumbled against her panting breath, as he was probably giving a reply to one of the others. Several hands began to rub her back, and as she finally opened her swollen eyes, she saw Myungsoo near her, still looking worried. She reached out an arm, and brought him into the clutching hug, holding both him and Hoya at the same time as she continued to have her panic attack.

After what could have been years or merely seconds, she felt two hands wrap around her upper arms and gently pull her away from the safely of two males. Hoya held her at an arms length, so she could fully see his lips, and asked her slowly. 'What happened?'

'I du-dunno, I-I think I had a vi-vision.' She stuttered, her lungs heaving for breath. 'Wha-what happened?'


Jinri moved into her line of sight, unknownly allowing Sanghee to actually understand her. 'You collapsed in the middle of the road. Hoya grabbed you before your head actually hit the ground, so we don't have to worry about a concussion. We thought you had fainted or something, so we brought laid you on the grass until you woke up. But you started crying and moving around, and, and then you woke up.'


Hoya waited until he was sure she understood what had happened in reality, before meeting her eyes, and asking her softly, 'What happened in your vision?'


She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself. She took comfort in the warmth of Myungsoo's side along her own, and Hoya's firm grip on her arms. After she was calm enough, she started again. 'I-I had a dream, a vision-I don't know where, but it was at night and in a giant city by some lake or bay. U-um, I was standing by myself, whe-when suddenly you a-and Myungsoo, and Dong-dongwoo, and some girl, and m-myself from the future, arrived. You were panting, so yo-you had been chased for sometime. T-then these two guys appeared.' She swallowed, hard. 'You guys argued for a bit, be-before they attacked you.' She looked away from his dark eyes. 'Everyone died except for the girl-she was taken away by the two men.' She looked at him again, trying to find a bit of understanding as she tried to explain her hysteria, 'I sa-saw everything. The-the fight, th-the bl-blood, the de-deaths.' Her voice dropped to a whisper. 'It was so real. I knew it was a vision, but it felt so real.'


Myungsoo looped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him in a warm hug. He murmured something that she couldn't see, but at the same time knew what they were-simply words of comfort. Jinri appeared shocked, but still made the effort to move closer to her to pat her hair and rub her back. Woohyun was giving her a sympathetic look as he kneeled down within armsreach of her and   murmured some words that were too difficult for her to understand. Hoya ignored the fact that Myungsoo was already hugging her, and eveloped her in one of his own.

Breathing in and out slowly, Sanghee felt her heart slow down to its usual rate as she inhaled Myungsoo's green apple and tart smell, and Hoya's smoky spice and cinnamon scent. She never thought she would like either of those combinations, yet here she was, becoming more and more relaxed as she allowed her body to slacken in their hold.

What was going on with her?




March 27, 2264

Shanghai, China
11:52 AM

Jinri hadn't gotten a clear view of what had happened to Sanghee, but she did know the girl had been walking right behind her, when suddenly there was a gasp, a rustle of cloth, and the skidding of footsteps. When she had turned around, Hoya's hand was just under Sanghee's head, preventing her skull from crashing into the ground as the rest of her body lay like a ragdoll's against the tarmac.

It had turned out, much to Jinri's surprise, that Sanghee hadn't fainted, or was a narcoleptic, or anything. She had a vision, midstep, and had just fallen unconscious while her mind recieved it.

As she watched Hoya and Myungsoo untangle themselves from the girl on the ground,  she noticed the latter was reaching for his pocket. A moment later he withdrew the walkie talkie he had created, and pushed a button on it.


His expression became confused, and then shifted to realization and understanding look.

"Okay, we'll get there as soon as we can. Yeah. Yeah, Sanghee had a vision too. Alright. Yeah, we're on our way. Bye."

He hung up the device and stuffed it back into his pocket, as he answered their silent questions, "That was Dongwoo-apparently Sunggyu just had a vision. And an important one at that." He shot a look at Sanghee before looking back at Hoya. "He said we should get back to the jet as soon as possible. There's been a change of plans."


He stood up, before gently helping the other girl to her feet with Hoya right behind her. Woohyun was already at the corner of the street they were on-luckily, they were still pretty deep in the city, so it only took the shapeshifter a few minutes to flag a hovertaxi down.


They all squeezed into the small vehicle, Hoya, Myungsoo and Sanghee in the back and Jinri and Woohyun in the front with the driver.*

"Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, please!"

Staring out the window, Jinri felt her stomach flip uncomfortably. What did Sunggyu see? Was it different from Sanghee's? What was going to happen then? Would he get rid of them? Why were they still with the Infinites? Why had they not been killed yet? Was it going to happen now?

A warm hand on her own made her glance to her left at Woohyun. He blinked before giving her a breath taking smile and leaning slightly closer. "Everything is going to be alright."

"How do you know for sure?" She whispered back, raising an eyebrow, not allowing her inner chaotic worries to show.

He shrugged, "I don't. But I have a hunch, and usually my hunches are right," Woohyun winked, grinning again. She could see he was forcing himself to smile a little bit-he was just as unsure as she was, but about different matters.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she snorted, faking selfconfidence and carefreeness. "You're too cocky-I wonder what is going to happen the day you're wrong."


"There will be a parade full of unicorns and pink ponies and rainbows, and skittles and candy will fall from the sky in bucket loads." He grinned, this time authetically, as she snickered.

"I can't wait. It sounds delightful," Jinri replied, rolling her eyes. Though it had worked-she could already feel some of the tension slipping out of her shoulders. She just wished it could remain this relaxed when they got back to the jet.



March 27, 2264

Shanghai, China
12:07 PM



As they entered the jet, singlefiled, Jinri swallowed hard when she noticed Sunggyu standing by one of the windows, his expression grim. It was only until Myungsoo entered lastly, and Tae Joong closed the jet door, that he looked up and opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm sure you've heard from L-I had a vision, like Sanghee. I don't know if ours were the same, but the end results of the vision was enough that we should be paying close attention to who we talk to and trust."


"What happened in yours?" Sanghee called out, her voice sounding loud in the quiet room.

He paused, and then replied, "Sungyeol, Woohyun, Soojung, Jinri and Mei...were killed, and Sungjong, Ji Ae and I were heavily injured-he tries to heal us, but it gets to be too much with his own wounds, and he goes into a Power coma. Jinri and I both die. We were attacked by three men."

Soojung and Tae Joong stiffened at the sound of the former's name, narrowing their eyes and frowning fiercely.

"Do you recognise any of the three men?" Woohyun asked cautionously.

The Infinite of Time shook his head, "No, none of them. There was a man with bags under his eyes, another with a wide mouth and small eyes, and the last had small eyes and a mohawk. There was a city in part of my vision, and I could see a highway sign with a digital clock and date on it in the distance-we're going to be attacked in Singapore, on the 31th at 11:10 PM." He looked over at Sanghee. "What happened in your vision?"

She met his gaze steadily, though she winced slightly as she spoke, "Hoya, Dongwoo, Myungsoo and myself are all killed. And..." The girl furrowed her brow and appeared deep in thought. "There was another girl too. We were attacked by two men, one of them tall and like a monkey, while the other was smaller and thinner and had a crafty, almost clever, feeling about him. We get attacked by the two, and they pick everyone else off except that one girl-instead they knock her out and leave with her."


"The girl...What did she look like?"


"I think she's Indian-she has the same bone structure, but her skin is a little lighter. A bit on the tall side, thin, short dark hair, and big eyes. I should be able to point her out when I see her-I have a photographic memory, so I can remember everything."

Sunggyu nodded at this, and remained silent for a few minutes, before speaking up again. "Guys, I'm afraid we're going to have to change somethings. For one, our security and our schedules."

"By security, do you mean...?" Dongwoo trailed off, raising his eyesbrows, unsure.

"Yeah," The leader nodded again, before looking at everyone. "I've already spoken to some of you about this, but to the rest: I've decided to assign Infinites to each girl." He kept talking, even as murmuring broke out. "With how we're in a foreign country and we don't know a lot about it, it's best to stick in pairs or groups of three-just to be on the safe side. The partner, or partners, that you recieve are your new buddies-be prepared to spend a hell of a lot of time with them."

"What?" Sungyeol looked confused and a little annoyed. "You're assigning us to guard the girls?! I mean, I don't mind, but still! What can I do?!"

"Don't forget the part were you have to be with us 24/7," Mei growled, looking a little more then ruffled.


Sunggyu's hands shot out and suddenly no one was speaking. "Look," he snapped, "I'm not doing this because I want to treat you all like children and give you supervisors-I'm doing this because if we don't stick with one another, someone is going to die. That's not a 'maybe'-that's a 'yes, guaranteed'. We Infinites are more use to combat with Hunters or just random people trying to kill us, since it's been happening to us for the majority of our lives. You girls each have your strengths, some we don't know about, so now's the time to learn them-however, your weaknesses are that you most likely haven't gone through what we have. No doubt you will be over the next couple of days, so it'll be best to experience it with someone who knows what they're doing, rather then go into it blind."

He allowed his hands to fall back to his sides, unfreezing time, while he continued more softly, "We're doing this to survive. It's not because I don't trust you-it's because I don't trust them-we do't know when we'll be attacked, who will attack us, and whatnot. Which means, yes, you're stuck with each other for all day-all 24 hours. So please, just listen, alright?"

Everyone remained quiet, until Soojung stretched, yawning loudly. "Sounds like a deal! I think we all understand the difference between life and death, riiight?" She gave the people near her the evil eye before going on, "Hurry up and tell us who we're with, and what's going on with the schedule. The sooner we get this baby into the air, the sooner I can put her on auto-pilot and then sleep for a couple of hours."


"Alright," Sunggyu leaned back against the wall, and looked around the room again. "So, Myungsoo and Dongwoo, you're both with Soojung-you already know that. Sungyeol and Sungjong, you're with Ji Ae." The girl sighed before waving a hand towards the two boys in aknowledgement. "Jinri, you're with Woohyun." The girl winced dramatically and made an 'ewww' noise before snickering at the other's expression. "Sanghee and Hoya, you two are together." They exchanged looks, before the girl frowned and Hoya rolled his eyes. "And Mei, you're with me." The Chinese girl didn't even look at him, glaring at the ground. 

"If that's settled, I'd like to move onto the schedules." He said, waving a hand to get their attention-he didn't like to freeze time unless they pissed him off. "I don't think we can make as many stops as we had been planning."

"But what about the authorities?" Ji Ae asked, before puffing out her cheeks.


"It's a risk we have to take," Sunggyu replied, "The sooner we get to Singapore, the sooner we can try to avoid the fight the simplier way-by messing with the vision's time. If we get there before the 31st, then already we've changed the future, and there's a chance that the fight will be changed as well-maybe it won't even happen."


Jinri blinked, "So what are we doing now?"

He ran a hand through his soft hair as he spoke, "We're going to cancel our second stop in China, the Hong Kong one, as well as the Malaysia one. We're just going to go to Vietnam and then straight to Singapore. If the authorities get suspicious, we'll simply say that we forgot to get our plane checked. When they come to check it, we'll just freeze time and either move them, or we run." He shrugged, "Or at least, thats a rough plan. I didn't want to use our POwers period, but if worse comes to worse..."


"Sounds good," Soojung yawned again, before hopping off the window ledge and heading for the hallway leading to cockpit of the jet. Tae Joong started to follow her before stopping and turning. "Since that's all, we'll see you guys later. I'll go change our flight plan right now and resubmit it-they'll register it, but they most likely won't go over it until later this evening. Anyways, byebye!" He waved his hand, grinned cheekily, and disappeared through the doorway.


"I suggest you all sleep-God knows how busy it'll get later and when we'll be able to get sleep again," Sunggyu gestured for them to shoo, while Woohyun glomped him. "That means you too, 'Gyu. Come on," He tried to drag the older boy down the hallway, but he slipped away, and stood out of reach several metres away.

"No, you aren't my partner," He informed him sternly, "I'm Mei's. You have to stick with Jinri." He looked over the shapeshifter's shoulder at the girl. "If he touches you, feel free to rearrange his face however you want. And by rearranging, I mean with your fist."

He walked away to find the Chinese girl, leaving the boy staring wordlessly behind him.


"Come on, loser, I want to sleep, and Sunggyu probably will keep nagging us if we don't sleep in the same room," Jinri grabbed his sleeve and pulled him down the hallway, ignoring his grumbles and protests along the way.






March 27, 2264

Shanghai, China
12:30 PM




Seven men walked into the Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, striding purposely towards the front desk. A young woman looked up, and felt a tinge of surprise and envy when she met the eyes of a boy who's beauty almost surpassed her own.


"C-Can I help you?" She asked, as the other handsome men backed away so that only three stood at the desk.

"Yes, actually," The boy smiled angelically at her, "I was wondering if you could give me some information."

"Depends," She replied, feeling her face become flustered.


He blinked prettily and leaned forward, his expression become sad and a little sheepish. "See, I have a friend who is travelling around-She's from South Korea-and she came by Shanghai recently with a bunch of her friends, and I was wondering if you could give me her flight plan? I have no way of contacting her-she lost her phone-and I wanted to give her a surprise visit."


The girl's face grew a little guarded and she frowned. She wasn't allowed to give out information like that. "I'm sorry sir, but that's restricted. I can't give that out to civilians."


The boys sighed, and he looked so sad that she thought her heart was going to break. "That's too bad. She's grow very sick recently, and she wanted to travel one lest time before...before...," He looked away, his eyes bright with unshed tears. He sighed again, before taking in a shaky breath and meeting her eyes again. "Th-that's alright, I-I'm sure she'll be go-going back to Seoul soon. I-I'll just vi-visit her then." He moved away from the desk, giving her a melancholic smile. "Sorry to bother you. Goodbye."


The girl swallowed hard, feeling her own tears begin to blot up her vision. What had she done? Would it really have hurt so much if she had given the man just a small schedule so he could meet his sickly friend? Before it was too late? She rubbed the corner of her eye and put on a determined expression.

It wouldn't hurt to help someone just once.


"Sir, Sir!" She stood up from her seat and waved a hand in the air as the boy started to walk away with his friends. He turned around, looking hopeful though still depressed. "Ma-maybe I can bend the rules a little. What was her name?" Screw her job, this good deed for this angelic boy was worth it.

A beautiful smile broke out on his face, nearly blinding her. "Oh, would you? Are you sure?" He strode closer, and pressed up against the edge of the front desk, all grins and teary eyes. "Thank you so much!"


"Don't mention it," She smiled back, feeling warm and fuzzy inside. "What was her name?"


"Oh," His smile faded slightly before growing even wider. "Choi Soojung."


"Choi Soojung? Yes, that does sound Korean," She mused, as she typed in the name on her holographic computer. A moment later, a name and a picture of a young girl popped up. Tapping it with her forefinger, a schedule appeared. She tapped another button, and a moment later the sheet printed off. She grabbed it and quickly scribbled her number onto it as well as her name.


"Here, this is her. She recently changed her flights, but it appears the same for the most part. Oooh, she just left Shanghai," She pouted but pointed at the next destination, "But she'll be arriving in Vietnam next-maybe if you take one of our fast jets, you can get there just as she lands, or a little afterwards." She looked away shyly. "Um, and if you have any troubles, don't hesitate to call me."

The boy blinked and then chuckled, the sound like tinkling bells, "Of course! Well, thank you so very much! You've really helped us out! Bye for now!" He waved his hand cheerfully, winked and then ran towards his waiting friends, his expression just glowing with excitement.

"I need more guys like that around here," The girl sighed happily, sitting back down to focus back on her job.



March 27, 2264

Shanghai, China
12:38 PM


Scanning his eyes over the paper, Kevin frowned before tapping the desination listed after Shanghai. "They're going to Vietnam? Then Singapore? That's a little weird."

"No, you know what's weird? You knowing who Yoon Jinri's pilot is-that's weird." AJ replied, raising an eyebrow and giving his an odd look.

"It wasn't that hard," He shrugged, "Plus, it wasn't even me-it was mostly Soohyun's and Kiseop's idea. They were the ones who suggested looking up anything recent about her by hacking into the government's database and finding anything about her. Apparently the last place she was seen and recognised at was when she actually broke into the second Science Insititute with some other people, and ended up letting a bunch of Infinites loose." Several of the boys whistled and others looked surprised and shocked. 

"So we found the Infinites and then looked for places they could have last been seen, using the government's cameras and the Hunter's eyes. You know, the people who spy for the Hunters. Anyways, so four of the people who had also been involved in the Science Institute's break in were seen at a restaurant in Seoul last night, talking to the infamous Choi Soojung and her buddy Park Tae Joong. Choi Soojung just so happened to disappear this morning on a flight plan to Shanghai, according to some sources that live in her residence. So, here we are now, getting her schedule."

"It's also weird seeing you use your Power. I don't care that it helps us get our objective, it's still greasy and gross," Dongho moaned, rubbing his arms. "Seriously, the Power of Emotions? Gross!"

"Hey, if manipulating others emotions will help us catch the girl, and lower our quota, and get Alexander and Kibum back, then I'll use it as many times as I have to," Kevin shrugged. "Anyways, come on, we have to go pack and buy some plane tickets. I guess we're going to Vietnam."







*I have a friend who use to live in China, and apparently its quite normal to have 3 people in the front seats of the car, by the driver, soooo yeah. Just FYI~

Ooooh dramatic chapter :P Sorry about that guys~ I was going to add more, but then I decided it'd just be faster if I didn't. I'll try to type a more cheery/exciting chapter sometime this weekend or sooner~

I typed out the Vision scene kinda numbly, and then when I was rereading it, I noticed how it was kinda morbid XD But hey, I did put a warning in the Description that this story was going to get pretty gory or bloody at points (It's probably going to get worse too -_-")


Anyways~This is probably the most dramatic chapter I've ever typed -_-" Urgh, I don't like drama...

Also the longest...I hoped you guys like it despite the dramatic-ness~ XD

AlsoAlso: Yes, I'm including Alexander and Kibum in this story-I love those two (Everyone who's a KissMe does~), and I just have to include them hehe

So! Comment Replies!


Francesca: Hey look! I hinted about you! Only 'cus I wuv you soooo much, little Ces Burrito~ <3
I missed out 'cus I'm derpy haha Sowwy~
That's what you think muhahaha (I lurv twists hehe)
Awww that makes me happy that you love it, it really does XD

Zenlovers: Sorry, I keep making them all the bad guys-but they aren't entirely bad XD They just have to do bad stuff so they can get Alexander and Kibum back~

I dunno, do you think they should? Hehe
I knoooow I wanna fix him up ASAP but I have to wait >:(

imsosofia: Did she really flirt with him? Or was Kevin's Power just messing with her? ;) (I had been thinking about giving him something, and your comment finalized my decision haha)
Okay, so yeah, I kinda made BoA a little evil in this XD But evil people are really just complicated people with complicated view points and goals, and since BoA is in my top favorite girl idols, I just had to make her more detailed and complicated rather then simply and flimsy ;)
Also: I have a surprise I'm doing with your character. I added some more characters for her to hang out with, and I chose them via stalking your subscriptions to other stories and finding out what groups you like best. I thiiiink I have one picked out, but I don't think I should tell you-just to make it a surprise <3 (Maybe I'll tell Francesca, just to be evil hehe)
So much drama with U-Kiss~Should I make a Jinri/Kevin scene? Hmmm...

fatieynmanmanhani: Mei's a little short tempered XD
Awwww I'm sorry I had to cut the Malaysia trip out DX But the distances between the trips was too great if I kept Malaysia in. Buuut I could try and add a separate trip later on in the story where they just go do stuff at Malaysia, if you'd like~ :D
 Paradise <3
Dongho is so silly/derpy, yet he can be kinda cute I admit (He's aaaall yours) ;)

Ice_girl: Stuff between L and Hoya is either going to escalate or just fade away...probably escalate though XD
Me too! Sungyeol is one of my other biases (not because I find him attractive-he is, but more so because he's just so childish and he seems like he would be a great best friend haha) and I would die of happiness if they performed 'Cover Girl' live....
I did see the dance! I thought it was a little awkward at first, but then I realised it fit the song perfectly-plus the hip ing isn't bad ;) Juuust kidding. Though I admit...I did try to mimic the move 'cus I thought it looked easy. Nope. Not easy at all. I just looked like an idiot. Like all the other times I've tried to mimic Infinite's moves. T_T I'll just leave the dancing to them...

Wynthe: Awww I'm so glad you like this story so much-I feel all warm and fuzzy and motivated to try and write better and stuff XD
Pfft, no way-I love the bad guys in most books-as long as they aren't one-sided or 2D, I usually think they're pretty y haha So if you're naughty, I guess I am too >>"
Tae Joong...I can't wait till I can start to write his romantic scenes, hehe

Oooh, so you do like how I'm doing him? That's awesome! Sweet! Glad I'm on the right track! I'll give him bigger scenes soon, it's just a little hard to fit in anything major right now :P Maybe after Sungyeol's healed and everything is a bit more relaxed...

Soojung is suppose to be practical and adaptable, so she seems like the type of girl who would understand why they are being paired up with a stronger person when they're going into a dangerous situation. She's not super hard headed like Mei (That's not neccessarily a bad thing, but yeah) or prideful and short tempered like Jinri (though her's is starting to wain a little bit as she starts to understand the others more), or loner-like and a little untrusting like Sanghee (Again, she's starting to change as well), or awkward and too curious like Ji Ae. She has her own faults, not meaning to make her sound amazing or perfect or anything (no one is)-they just aren't super obvious yet :P

Sanghee's Powers will be explained more after a bit more conflict as well as when Tablo wakes up-whiiich is actually pretty soon :P
*Snickers* Sungmei....

Same-I mostly only listen to the song for Sungyeol-he's like a rare pokemon (I don't know why I just compared him to that, but I did. Huh.)
Yeah, my 2nd and 3rd biases keep changing (damnit, Infinite! Why do you have to be do perfect and hilarious and awesome!), but


Hoya is still at the top! *accepts Hoya plushie and gives you a Hoya Poster* Why thank you, other HoLover ;D
What number of episode was it? But yes, Roy is pretty freakin' awesome. Definitely one of my favorite characters in FullMetal (Hawkeye, Ed, then Roy, then Greed and Envy, then *lists other FMA characters*) XD 

Guest7: Hello new reader~ Thank you for commenting XD
My story is interesting? Yes! Thank you so much!
Really? Sweet, I iz just spreadin' the Inspirit lurv hehe If you need help with any of the members, I can help you remember them (God, I sound like a creepy stalker -_-")
Epik High is pretty good-If you're looking for any particular songs to try again, Iiii'd say you should try 'One', 'Fan', 'Wannabe' (If you've seen the Korean movie, 'The Host', the MV for this song is hilarious. Buuut then again, even if you haven't, it's still super dorky and funny XD), and 'Run' (There are Infinite members involved in the MV-Sunggyu on guitar, Sungjong on piano/keyboard, and Woohyun on bass. L is the main character of the video. And there is a live performance where Hoya and Dongwoo are back up dancers. In fact, Sungyeol was the only Infinite member not involved in the 'Run' comeback :P I also have no idea why I'm telling you this. Hmmm.)
Ooooh geez, it's been so long since I've read One Piece XD haha
 Yep, like, for example, Sungyeol can run super fast. There can be another mutant who can also have the Power to run super fast, though their other Powers and Theme may be different. Make sense?
Eh, you spelled his name good enough XD For the longest time I got Dongwoo and Hoya's names mixed up. Derp. Hmmm I never thought of Dongwoo's power like that...maybe he could if he advanced it far enough...Good idea! Thank you!

Don't worry about the others comments~I mean, I do love big indepth comments, not going to lie, but at the same time, I would love to just here anything you what to say about the story or the chapter-it could be a sentence or a paragraph. None of the other readers/commentors will be rude about it-they're all pretty awesome ;) (Trust me-I've been stuck with them since the early chapters of this story. They're so quirky and straaange. *shudders* Just kidding-they really are pretty cool and friendly~ hehe)

Also: Funny you should mention those groups...I was actually planning on adding one of them later on-I'm not going to say which one, buuut still...*snickers evilly*


Jaimee: Pffft, don't worry about it, I'm not going to, nor will anyone else, get mad or annoyed or anything if the comments are short :P Silly~
Awwww <3 I'm even more happy now~ I hope this chapter isn't too dramatic or dark to make you feel down or not enjoy it >>"

The Sungmei couple iiiis interesting-see, Sunggyu is cute and adorable and worried and stuff, and at the moment, we really have no idea what the shorttempered-tomboyish-Mei is feeling. Or at least, you guys don't. I do~ Hehehe XD
I'm sure you are, you baby XD Maybe you can't fly jets, or speed around on motorcycles, but you seem pretty witty, and you don't seem to like snobby people. Plus, you're loyal, you don't like cute things, and you're pretty down to earth. (God, I sound creepy now, like Hyunseung -_-") I'm just getting this all from what your comments have been like and how you've acted with BHS and everything :P I think your more like Soojung then you think ;)

I wish I had a cousin like Tae Joong DX I have one cousin who likes to say 'golly-gee', is full of herself, and makes jokes that aren't funny. Wanna trade cousins? T_T

One of the reasons I love Infinite: They have more of a rock sound to the majority of their lead songs/singles, like with Paradise, rather then a cute pop theme or something. <3
Yeah, if Woollim came out with a girl group...hopefully, it would be something like a cross between Infinite and 2NE1/4Minute/BoA :P


Also: I don't know if I ever thanked you for the link for Beast's Idol Maid, but THANK YOU!! XD

ahjusshi: LOLOLOL Kevin's pickup lines are basically his power XD He is almost as greasy as Woohyun~ haha
Trust me, I'm like that too-I write about characters, or I read about them, or something, and if I really like the character, I end up really wishing they could be real T_T Forever Alone....Just kidding, but no, it would be cool if Tae Joong was real XD
Soojung has her interests-whiiich include travelling to places she has never been-Liiike Singapore :P
I will, it's just, somethign else has to happen, and then Tablo will be able to explain her Power and her Theme XD It will be soooon-probably sometime after I finish with the Singapore trip
Yeah-'Cover Girl' isn't like jaw-dropping or anything, but it's decent-not something I'd usually listen to, but because Sungyeol raps so much...well, now I have to listen to it XD haha

I hope you like this update~


Sorry guys about updating this later then expected-I was going to put it up sooner, like 2 hours ago, but my friend came over to steal my amp. Aaand then he asked me to show him how to tune his guitar. Which then lead to me teaching him the names/letters or the strings and different positions on the frets, and how to read sheet music (currently teaching him classical), and blahblahblah....needless to say, I'm now giving him lessons every Wednesday -_-"

Anywhos~I hope you guys like this chapter~

Thank you to all the readers/subscribers/commentors!!!




P.S. For some reason, I really wanted to read a good 2NE1/BigBang pairing story, so I was looking for one yesterday on this site. But I couldn't find any! All I found were the ones with the stereotypical plots, ones that had terrible grammar (when I say terrible, I mean worse then mine-and miiine is pretty bad...) and put smileys in their story (I hate that. Reserve the smiley's for the Author's Notes, people), and the ones where, instead of writing something like 'said' or 'spoke' or 'replied'-you know, speaking verbs, they put ':'
I hate it when people do that. It practically takes all the emotion out of the story. -_-"


Soooo if any of you guys know any decent 2NE1/BigBang stories, please tell me, so that next time I have the urge to read one of them, I'll actually be able to find stories I like. (I'm very picky, I know, but I grew up reading interesting and sometimes complicated books, and I have a English Major as a sister/roommate, and I enjoy the English language-Basically I grew up picky, I live picky, and I will always be picky. Don't care. :P)

Pleeeease tell me any~ XD (If you guys know any Infinite ones, that'd be good. I already know about 'Pikagyu' and a few other amazing authors. Anyone else?)

P.S.S. Sorry If I seemed cranky towards the end of my A/N-I had a sugar rush while I was replying to everything, and then while I was helping my friend with guitar, it kinda faded away, so now I'm tired and like a zombie, except, you know, without the urge to eat brains and everything >>"

P.S.S.S. Sorry (again) if you guys notice anything weird about the time-when I was typing this, I kept imaging them running outside while it was nighttime-like 11:30 PM rather then AM, and it wasn't until I got to the end that I realised, 'oh wait...this is during the day...'. Derp. Anywhos, I tried to correct it, but if you find any mistakes, sorry about that~

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BHS Chapter 33 Up!


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wynthe #1
Chapter 33: Short it may have been but it definitely was still entertaining. :D Ooo, I'm so curious to see where Sanghee's Power has developed in the end there, because I don't recall anything about it at all! XD So awesome.

On that note, I love how you identify Hoya's 'Hero Complex' because it is so true. Even when temporarily deaf (at the moment I'm guessing it's just temporary because of the explosions) he still finds time to run off and help with the battle, though you'd think he'd follow them to protect them just to make sure if they were ambushed.

2NE1 is quite intimidating and creepy in this chapter. Don't worry, I could tell who was who. And I wonder where Hyunseung went. I don't trust him. He's tagged again or something isn't he? And I liked Sungjong's stubborness on helping out in the battle. Small addition, but good for the character. :) And I've recently developed a slightly bigger liking for TVXQ, so am interested in seeing them more too. *gasp * And JYJ? O.O Scawy.

Looking forward to the next chapter. :D
Chapter 33: four in all….
2NE1. THIS HAS TO BE 2NE1! *spazzes like crazy* 2NE11111111111 <3 yah CL don't be so ____y -.- and whoa minzy with attitude! :D omg hahhaa *is having fun here* omg bom is creeping me out. majorly. but it's so cool to see 2NE1 in these bad girl positions >:D makes me like them more!

Hahahaha annyeong unnie! i missed you heaps :( but i know how you feel, my school is gettings seriously busy too *singapore education system*.... T^T but the story was awesome! i though the different points of view melded perfectly together and the scene itself is confusing to your splitting the different povs actually made it somewhat clearer in my opinion ^^ one person in such a scene would have been really confused... anyway i missed reading your stuff! i'm glad you haven't forgotten this though (or imma fly over and shove a laptop in your hands ;) and stare at you until you write SOMEthing xD)

hahahaha how have you been apart from school though? ^^v
Chapter 33: ahh poor Hoya, he cant hear anything because those bomb :/ hope he's jelly with Sungjong ;p
Max & Yunho is really helpful xDD
im waiting for Woohyun/Jinri moment y'know -___-v
wynthe #4
Chapter 32: (cont...)

I didn't expect BoA to have the cure, but I should have. She's evil! T^T And for some reason I am suspicious of Hyunseung. And Sunggyu! T^T Ever since he released his solo album I've been paying more attention to this man. Hope he comes back to the light!

I really am, overall, looking forward to seeing where everything is going. Final confrontations, how it will all end, if anyone actually gets maimed or dies or something. I wonder when the others will learn about Sanghee (I don't recall the rest knowing) and I'm curious to see her use her powers more, if she will at all. But I'm also very excited for some more Taejoong and... someone... else. *shifty eyes* If you're going to do anything with him still. :3

Will be subbing for Eve of Destruction now too. I'll try to give some better review depth in the next chapter. ^^; Keep up the good work! Thank you! XD
wynthe #5
Chapter 32: Heeellloooo! Long time, huh? :D To start off, I am still in love with this story. A few things are a bit confusing at the moment because I haven't read the earlier chapters in a while and so have forgotten some things, but when I read Eve of Destruction I think everything will make more sense. :D

But this version is almost done?! O.O Woo! I'm excited to see how you finish it all off! With the romances and everything, too. I like how you've been developing the relationships between these characters, to be honest. It's a steady and realistic pace, so I hope the romances, when it comes to the end, aren't hurriedly wrapped with a bow, if you know what I mean?

We've seen some Super Junior! XD Do you still have the link to the Suju-teaser I made for you? Could totally post that, even if they don't feature much at all.

:3 The scenes with Hoya and Sanghee, admittedly, made me grin. ;) And Taejoong! XD I love his interactions with Soojung and such on the jet. Hehehe. I have to remember who the other OC's are because it's been a while, but it's good to see everyone again. I loved the scene where Franny is trying to persuade Daesung - and then Seungri appears and it looks like they'regoingtobattle! T^T Poor Daesungie!

kpopluv7 #6
Chapter 22: Hi, new reader here! This story is awesoooooome!
I'm already soooo addicted to this and I have exams, not so good, but I don't care, this is too good :)
I'm still at chapter 22, but I'm getting there, hehe.
But I'm confused with something. Ji Ae is a human but then what's with the sounds she can make? And at first I thought Mei had powers too because she learned how to use those weapons so fast, haha, guess not.
It's actually weird that the girlls want to get rid of their powers, I mean I do understand them but I would feel awesome if I had powers, HAHA.
Aaaand I hope I will find out more about Sanghee's powers (and I also secretly hope they will all just keep their awesome powers and Sungyeol will regain his).
Great story, you gained yourself a new subbie ;) <3
wondering if Sunggyu still alive or not…
hope so, gahhh U-Kiss will pay a visit to hospital someday Dx
wish Tablo in there and help them :/
Chapter 32: Oh hyell nawww you did Not just leave that cliffhanger at the end of the chapter DX
Myungsoo and the girl is going to be ...DDD= ...Have a very very bad experience...

Kyuhyun! omergeee yippie some more boys that I know XD Towards the end of the battle scene... I thought Max was still with Sofia? or was that supposed to be Sungmin? the beast... who called it? ohh~ more mysteryyy...

OMG I really want to see the battle with homin, sofia, the bits of infinite and hyungseung... 8D

so, none of the research team decided to relay info to people not of AHA association? Well, BoA must either be too good (aka they are like dead) or they are too scared (aka kept under lock and key)
btw I want to know... Does Sungyeol have to know where to go to get there or could he just think of something(one)? e.g. Could he just say want to teleport to the place beside Sunggyu or does he have to say want to teleport to a place like the building over there (or something)?

Also, about your a/n... Singapore IS a country (island country to be exact). A city-state but is still a country. It was occupied by the British but then declared independance from it together with Malaysia and then decided to become a republic (seperating from Malaysia) in 1965.
Chapter 31: The Switch? ohhhh got a clue in which how they brainwashed the s4s16s XD

...why did sofia suddenly wanted to help them? like just from their outbursts that it's been and still is a war (that the s4s16s are losing badly) and she's their last hope? haaaa~~~~ she's really mysterious huh?
Chapter 31: The new hunter, is he Sunggyu? Oh wow, the story develops so far, now I can't imagine what will happen to the infinites if they see sunggyu has become a hunter

Nice story :D