Chapter 8

What Is Love?

*Your POV* 

       I held my phone tightly, smiling at the text I received a moment ago. Hmm.. so cute. I giggled when all of a sudden, a hand tapped my shoulder. "Yah you scared me!" I shrugged. "YOU scared me. Smiling all by yourself. what are you staring at? SHOW ME SHOW ME SHOW ME!" Woohyun jumped up and down trying to snatch away my phone. "YAH this is an iPhone okay, be careful!" I slipped my phone in my pocket. Woohyun starts to tickle me and I jumped from my seat. I stopped giggling when Gikwang enters the classroom. He looked at me so coldly. I faked a cough and moved my body to face the other side of the classroom. Woohyun sits infront of me and pretended to talk to me. As soon as Myungsoo enters the classroom, Woohyun got up from his seat which is actually Myungsoo's and glared at Myungsoo. 

     I glance at Myungsoo and smiled at him. I could hear Woohyun snort and tapped his foot loudly. 'Weirdo..''


     I was busy putting away my books in my locker when suddenly both of my eyes were covered with two hands. "guess who..?" that deep voice asked softly. "Yah, how am I suppose to know? You tell me" I giggled. He turn my body around and removed his hands away from my eyes. "O-oh, you" I stuttered. wait, WHY THE HELL AM I STUTTERING? sheesh. "Hehe, are you walking back home?" Myungsoo asked me while getting closer to me. "Y-y-yeah, wae oh?" I stuttered, AGAIN. what the hell?!! "Come on, I'll walk you home" He locked his hand with mine. "Y-yah, what the hell?" I yelled, trying to keep up with his pace. Everyone was looking at us, and I could see girls glaring at me while whispering 'what the hell is she doing with him?!' and 'oh my god, how could he go out with such poor girl like her?!'. Unknowingly, I bumped into Myungsoo's chest. "You girls, shut the up" He said sternly and hold my hand tightly. "Well well, I can't believe you'd still try to win over her. Well goodluck with that, Kim Myungsoo" Seohyun said sarcastically. I don't even know when did she get here, pfft. As soon as we reach the school gate, someone stopped me. "Yah, what are you doing with him?" Woohyun glared at Myungsoo. "I'm walking her home. Don't tell me you're waiting for her?" Myungsoo gave him a crooked smile. "Even so, it has NOTHING to do with YOU!" Woohyun yelled, even louder than before. "Come on, _____________. No use talking to this guy" Myungsoo dragged me to walk faster.

      The 'journey' to walk home is alot weirder than I thought. Myungsoo didn't let go of my hand. And I stupidly obeyed him. As we stood infront of Woohyun's house, Myungsoo get closer and planted a kiss on my forehead. I could feel my cheeks burning. I took one step backwards and said "Y-Y-YAH YOU CRAZY?! GOODBYE" I ran inside and locked the door, forgetting Woohyun who was right behind us. I locked myself in my bedroom and jumped in my bed. "Oh my god... what the hell was that?! ANDWAEEEEEEEE!" I buried my face in the pillow and screamed. 


*Woohyun's POV*

         MWOYA he dares to kiss her?!?! I was about to punch him when suddenly he held my hand and smiled. "You. I know you like her. But there is NO WAY I'm gonna let you get her. She is going to be mine" He smirked and walked away. I glared at him and stormed into the house.Luckily I brought an extra house key. I locked myself in my room and kicked my punching bag. yeah, I like to work out lol. Who the hell does he think it is? Mwo, he thinks I like her? PSHHHFFFFFTTTTTTTT I'd rather date a monkey than to date that girl. I grabbed my iPod and starts to work out. 


*Gikwang's POV*

        "Soooo.. how was your first day at school?" Junhyung asked me and handed me a Coke. "You and your Coke obsession! Gomawo" I grabbed it and sipped some down my throat. I stared at the tv, watching some corny love drama. "Yah, answer me, you pabo" Junhyung throws a pillow at me. "Hahaha it was, okay. I guess" I looked at my palm. "Okay..? Did you meet any cute girls? Or have you finally given up on playing with girls' feelings? HAHAHA" Junhyung raised his eyebrows and winked at me. I glared at him, "mwo? you think I'm a player? Stop crapping" I rolled my eyes and looked at the tv screen. "Well, I heard about a story a few years ago about a guy were friends with many many many girls and apparently broke one girls' heart who was supposed to be his fiance..." He muttered softly. "YAH! I'm sleepy. You know the ways to the front door, so go home. Goodnight!" I yelled and walked away to my room. Junhyung yelled "WHAT KIND OF A FRIEND ARE YOU?! TSK TSK BYE BYE KWANGIE".


*Myungsoo's POV*

       I can't believe I kissed her. Well technically, I kissed her forehead but still, I kissed her. I touched my lips and giggled to myself. "Yah yah, you're crazy?" Hoya throws a cookie at me. "Dude, I think I'm in love" I smiled crazily. I stuffed some chocolate cookies in my mouth and played Guitar Hero with Sunggyu. "Hyung, he's acting weird. I'm scared" Sungjong squealed and grabs Hoya by the arm. "Don't worry. I know how to fix this" Hoya put away the cookie bag and let go of Sungjong's grip. "Yah, you. Come with me" Hoya grabs my arm and drag me out of the room. All the kingkas in Seoul High hangs out in this two-storey building. "Yeh, Hoya oppa?" I said jokingly and pouted. Hoya slapped my arm, "What the is wrong with you?" He raised his left eyebrow. "Hyung, I told you. I'm in love" I smiled and did the puppy dog eyes. "Uhuh.. who's the lucky girl?". "She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She kick and she has a very nice scent" I closed my eyes and giggled. "Snap out of it, I only asked you who is it. I didn't ask you to describe her, pabo" Hoya knocked my head. "Figure it out by yourself. I'm leaving, bye bye!" I winked and walked away.


*Your POV*

       I stare at the sink, full with dishes not washed. I let out a small sigh and wore a pair of pink gloves. "Yoshh, lets do this ________-ah!" I grab the sponge and starts washing the dishes. As soon as I'm done with the dishes, I head out from the kitchen and asked Ms. Song if there's anything else I can do. Apparently, she's a spinster. but a pretty one, indeed. "Well ___________-ssi, you can help out with taking orders from the customers okay?" She smiled and handed me a small notebook with a pink pen. what's with this restaurant and pink colour? sheesh. 

     I walked up to a table with a man wearing a baseball cap, varsity jacket and a black pants, playing with his phone. Whoa, he looks cool. I fixed my hair and asked him softly, "Would you like to order anything, sir?". "Yah, just give me what I usually drink here" He said aggravatedly, still looking at his phone. Heh that attitude of his. And I thought he looked cool, until he opened that mouth of his. I stick out my tongue without him noticing and walk up to Ms. Song. "Umm.. unnie, that guy over there, he just ordered me to bring him what he usually drinks here. Is he a regular customer or something..?" I scratched my head. "Mwo? Come on, follow me". I followed her from behind. "Excuse me sir, what would you like to---- omo, Mr. Lee! I should've known" She squealed. Mr. Lee...? Who the hell is tha... OHMYGOD. He lift his head up and widened his eyes as he looked at me. "__________-ssi, bring him an orange juice" Ms. Song ordered me. "OKAY!" I speed up my pace and hide behind the wall in the kitchen. Aishh why must he be here?! 

    As soon as his orange juice is ready, I slowly walk up to him and put the juice on his table. Without saying a word, I quickly go to the other tables to take orders. I could feel him staring at me. Oh God, I hate this so much!


*Gikwang's POV*

         Ohoh.. so she works here? Hmm.. interesting. I could see she's trying to get away from me. I'm not suprised though. Right after Junhyung left my house, I went to my dad's restaurant downtown, hoping I could release my stress by being alone for awhile. I didn't expect to meet ____________. And now I could feel my head's pounding real hard. I walked to the kitchen, only to find ____________ sitting on the small chair on the corner of the room. She looked at me, shockingly and was about to leave the room when suddenly, I stopped her. "I need a panadol. Please?" I said softly, looking straight into her eyes. She turned away from me and searched for panadols in her bag. "Here" She handed it to me and walked away. Hm, I guess you're not that mean to me after all. 

     I followed her from behind and waited for her response. But she continued walking and ignoring me. As the sun sets and its almost 11p.m which means business hour is over, I waited for her outside. As soon as she came out, I grabbed her wrist. She glared at me and said, "Yah, let me go". "Come on, its dangerous to walk alone" I looked at her sternly. "I'm riding my bike so back off" She twist my arm and hopped on her bike. I rubbed my arm and watched her cycled her way home. Aishh.. she never changed. Still the same old ____________.


*Your POV*

        I ruffled my hair, so confused with what happened today. Myungsoo's being sooooooooo nice to me. Woohyun being so aggravated about Myungsoo walking me home. and Gikwang offering me a ride home? What is this? "AHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled and buried my face in the pillow. I TOTALLY forgot to lock the door so Woohyun came into my room, without knocking. "Yah, are you okay?" He asked, while gasping for air. "Are YOU okay? You look like you just went for some marathon or something" I snort and held my pillow tightly to my chest. "Well, I-I-I heard you screamed. I was playing with Kiki (Woohyun's cat pet) so as soon as I heard you screamed, I ran upstairs so..yeah" He scratched his head. "Haha, I'm okay. Now, out you go. and please KNOCK before entering my room" I glared at him. "Okay, goodnight" He smiled and closed the door.

      There goes another weirdo. Could this day get any weirder? Aishh. I scrolled down my phone's inbox and open Myungsoo's message to me. 

        'Stop crying, you pabo. Or your beautiful face will turn into an ugly witch like Seohyun's. SMILE SMILE SMILE \(^o^)/'

       I laughed as I read the message again and again. He sent this to me right after we hang out on the rooftop. I guess he isn't a bad guy after all. I put away my phone and went to sleep.


----- the next day -----


      I rode my bike to school, not wanting to walk with Woohyun or Myungsoo. Its not that I don't like them, its just that.. its annoying to listen to them arguing over a really stupid things. I parked my bike and walked to the water cooler. I sipped some water and accidentally bumped into someone. "Yah! Come with me! Ppalli!!!" Jinyoung pulled my hand. As soon as we reach the place, I lift my head up and saw my locker, all vandalised with spray paints. I get closer to my locker and saw a note hanging on the corner of it. It says 'Do you like this? Or do you want more?'

    I crumpled the paper clenched my fist. "Who'd do this ____________-ah? Aishh" Jinyoung muttered and held my arm. "I know who. But I'm gonna let it be" I lock my locker and walked away. 



who could it be? I think its obvious enough lol 

I'm sorry I couldn't update that much :/ I'm really really sorry! (>.<;)

I'd be sooooooooo grateful if you'd subscribe and read my story. Gomawo & saranghae <3 

oh have guys listened to U-Kiss' Neverland? I LOVE IT! here's the link if you haven't heard of it before




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fbgliskfjksadn3 #1
Chapter 29: who's the guy.. in the gif.. that's making the heart?
seriously i cried my off.
zyierra #3
Ahhhhh...I cried while reading this fic...I can't believe that MyungSoo would do that(cause he is my bias) and woohyun why must you die?????? But i love this story..Myungsoo,Woohyun,Gikwang<3
Omg! I actually cried! I can't believe that MyungSoo would that, and WooHyun, why must you leave me? Wae?
CiNdY_NgUyEn428 #5
that made me cry SO MUCH!!! Namstar died!! i thought for sure that she was gonna end up with Woohyunie but it's ok because Kwangie is my bias in Beast
thanks you soooooo much! ^^<br />
sorry it didn't reach your expectations :/
iamsperfeccion #8
i should've read the comments first to know if it's a sad or happy ending hux...<br />
it's sad!!!! my woohyunie died!! hahaha<br />
but i'm glad she's with kikwang..<br />
ckck i hate myungsoo here..