Chapter 12

What Is Love? I just thought this song kinda suits this chapter lolol just give it a listen :)






*Gikwang's POV*

        I couldn't take it anymore. I knew I hurt her too much back then when we were in America. 


     "OPPA!! Oh.. sorry, I didn't realize you were here with.. someone" __________ lowered down her head. "Anhi, gwaechanhayo. whats up?" I smiled calmly at her. "Umm I was just wondering if you're free tonight. We have family gathering, remember?" She raised her left eyebrow. "Ah..ah ofcourse I remember pfft. Okay I shall see you tonight!" I winked. "Neh, bye.." She rolled her eyes and walked away. Nope, I don't remember at all. My family and ____________'s family are very close, mainly because we're probably the only Koreans living in this neighbourhood at that time. She'd always be by my side. She'd help me with homeworks, detentions, and whenever I need to sneak out of the house to meet up with my girlfriends. Honestly, I didn't really thought of the girls I've 'dated' with as my true girlfriends. They were the ones trying to get close to me, so I just played along and ended up with the casanova title. Such a great way to be remembered in my school.

    I knew ____________ likes me since the first time she met me. But I couldn't be bothered to care because, well, she's my bestfriend. It'd be super awkward. Plus, she wasn't that pretty. She wore huge glasses to school, plus most of her skirts are knee-length. She was more of a little sister than a girl I could fall in love with.

    "Oppa, here some ddeobokki. I know you love it" She gave me her eye smile and stuffed with ddeobokki. I grabbed the spoon she was holding and ate the ddeobokki. We both laughed and chatted the whole night. "________-ah, do you realize how long we've known each other, yet you've never really told me who you like?" I winked and I could see she blushed. "Aihh mwoya. I don't like anyone" She lift her head up to look at the beautiful night sky. I look at her face, she wasn't wearing her specs that night. She has pretty hazel eyes. And shiny brunette hair. She has dimples on both sides of her cheeks. Hmm.. 'cute' I muttered softly. "Neh?" She looked at me blankly. "Ah-ahni. Whoaa look at the sky. So many pretty stars hahaha" I faked laughter and hissed softly. I never knew she's THAT pretty. Mind blowned.


     A few months later, my family decided to move to another state because my dad needs to expand the network of his business. We were busy putting our stuffs into the big lorry my dad rented to shift our stuffs to the airport. "Appa, did you tell ____________'s family about this?". My dad was talking on the phone so he wasn't really paying attention to what I was saying. "APPA!!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. "Yes yes I did" He nodded and went inside the house. I raised my eyebrows and continued my work. As we reach the airport, I look around, searching for ____________. hmm, she must be on her way to the airport. As I waited for our turn to board on the plane, I switched off my cellphone as I need to get in the plane already. "I guess she's not coming.." I muttered softly under my breath.

    I couldn't lie, 4 years of not seeing her happy face really upsets me. I was hoping she'd atleast sent me mails cause dad told me her parents knew our new address but she didn't sent me any mails at all. Day by day, I stopped hoping to get mails from her. But I still miss her every single day. I don't even know why. I always hoped for her to miss me too..


~end of flashback~


    "You.... why are you doing this to me?" I stared in her eyes. I held back my tears,not wanting to look weak infront of her. She gave me the confused look. "What are you talking about?". "Every single day, I hoped that you'd atleast sent me a mail. But you didn't. Do you know how much I missed you?!" I yelled while holding both of her shoulders. Tears running down my cheeks. "Mwo...? I-I-I did sent you mails. Didn't you get it?" She frowned. I snort, "Stop fooling around. You made me wait for you like a fool". She shooked her head, "You left without saying goodbye. I didn't even get to tell you how I fee--- nevermind" She lowered down her head. "How can I not get the mails? Did you sent it to the wrong address?" I asked her with a calm voice.

"No! I swear I sent it to the right address" She said confidently. Unknowingly, I smiled. She looked at me weirdly. Without thinking twice I hugged her. "Ya-yah let me go. what if someone sees us---" She stuttered, trying to get out of my grip. I hugged her even tightly. "I missed you, ____________. My dorky girl" I muttered softly. "I am sorry for leaving you without saying goodbye. I am sorry for insulting you. I am sorry for everything" I whispered in her ears with tears rolling down my cheeks. All of a sudden, she stood there frozen. Both of her hands weren't on my back anymore. Slowly, she lets go of my grip. She gasped and quickly ran away. "____________-AH!!" I yelled while trying to catch up with her.




sorry if this is kinda boring. please look forward to the next chapter though ^0^



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fbgliskfjksadn3 #1
Chapter 29: who's the guy.. in the gif.. that's making the heart?
seriously i cried my off.
zyierra #3
Ahhhhh...I cried while reading this fic...I can't believe that MyungSoo would do that(cause he is my bias) and woohyun why must you die?????? But i love this story..Myungsoo,Woohyun,Gikwang<3
Omg! I actually cried! I can't believe that MyungSoo would that, and WooHyun, why must you leave me? Wae?
CiNdY_NgUyEn428 #5
that made me cry SO MUCH!!! Namstar died!! i thought for sure that she was gonna end up with Woohyunie but it's ok because Kwangie is my bias in Beast
thanks you soooooo much! ^^<br />
sorry it didn't reach your expectations :/
iamsperfeccion #8
i should've read the comments first to know if it's a sad or happy ending hux...<br />
it's sad!!!! my woohyunie died!! hahaha<br />
but i'm glad she's with kikwang..<br />
ckck i hate myungsoo here..