Chapter 6

What Is Love?

*Your POV*

         After a while, Woohyun and I starts to become closer than ever. I can call him as my only bestfriend here, in Korea. He's like my very own big brother. although at times, people mistaken him as my boyfriend. I'd be denying him but he'd be like "Oh yeah, so don't you dare to touch her". 

As for Myungsoo, whenever I see him at school, he'd be so friendly. even his friends were shocked with the sudden change of his attitude. I keep receiving small heart-shaped notes in my locker after school. I couldn't be bothered to find this person so I threw those love notes. 

While I was busy cleaning the trash from my locker, Myungsoo came up to me. "H-hi _______. What are you doing?" He stuttered and showing off  his white pearly teeth. "What does it look like I'm doing?" I replied sarcastically, looking away from him. "Aishh, don't have to be so mad. I'm here to ask you if you're free tonight. I mean, its Friday night.." He grinned. "Kim Myung Soo is asking me out on a date?" I raised my eyebrows. He probably knew I was gonna be like this so he took my hand and slipped a note in my hand. "Just read it and please be there. thanks. bye" He winked and walk away.

I laughed while reading it. He wants to meet me at the new nightclub which happened to be his Dad's. I didn't realize Seohyun who was standing near us was staring at me angrily. 

*Seohyun's POV*

         That .. she thinks she can go out with MY man? dream on . I'm so gonna go to the opening of Myungsoo's father's nightclub tonight. I'm gonna make you regret this, ___________.


*Your POV*

           I couldn't choose which outfit to wear tonight. Sigh, its really hard being a girl. I only accepted the invite because I really wanna party. In the end, I decided to wear a simple black mini dress with diamente details on the shoulder. I let my straight brown hair down and grabbed my black purse. I walk down the living room and I was about to say goodbye to my uncle and aunt when suddenly uncle Donghyun said "_______-ah, Woohyun's gonna follow you. are you okay with that?" He gave me a warm smile. "Eh? Uh.. yeah. ofcourse. hahaha" I laughed awkwardly.

        "WAIT FOR MEEE!" Woohyun yelled. I sighed and walk slowly to the car. "Let's go party, ________" He said hyperly. Oh God..


        At the party, I could see many rich kids from our school. apparently its a themed party and everyone was wearing red and white. Thanks alot, Myungsoo. I'm the only one who was wearing black. Lucky for Woohyun who wore a red top with white pants. I stood near the bar, awkwardly. Most of the guests were busy chit chatting and drinking. I wasn't planning to get drunk. suddenly, I felt someone's hand over my shoulder. it was Myungsoo. "Hey, you came. Thank you so much." He smiles brightly. "Yeah. Oh THANK YOU for not telling me its a themed party" I replied sarcastically. "Mwoya.. its not a themed party. they just happen to wear the same colour. chill". Woohyun's busy talking to some girls. I bet this is why he really wanted to come. Boys..

    After the opening ceremony, the DJ starts to blasts the music. While others are busy dancing, I stared at Woohyun, who's busy dancing. All of a sudden, Myungsoo invited me to dance. He's quite a good dancer. while dancing, we sipped some liquor. The liquor really helps me to dance passionately. Myungsoo was indeed shocked to see the other side of me.


*Woohyun's POV*

         I could see ________ dancing passionately with Myungsoo. I'm pretty sure she's drunk. She looked real hot though. Wait what am I saying?! But somehow I feel like pushing Myungsoo away from her. I don't know if I'm just jealous or something..


*Seohyun's POV*

         Keep dancing _________. You are about to be embarassed by the prettiest girl in school. Hah


*Your POV*

        My focus was completely on Myungsoo. I could feel my head spinning as I shake my head left to right. suddenly, a girl who happens to be one of the popular brat, came to me and pushed me away. I fell on my and drunkenly stood up. "Get away from my man". She said coldly. "Mwo? YOUR man? Hahaha, you've got to be kidding me". I hissed and laughed. Oh, if only I was sober. She slapped me and 'accidentally' pushed me to the table where they put all the drinks and foods. My whole body is cover up with fruit punch and cake. Myungsoo took my hand and pull me up to stand properly. "YAH! Since when were you even my girlfriend?". "Huh don't make me laugh, Myungsoo. How could you go for a really ugly girl like her. she's just a cheap trying to win over a handsome and rich guy like you. she just wants your fame!" Seohyun yelled aggravatedly. A hard slap hits Seohyun's face. I couldn't see who slapped her. My head was pounding real hard and then everything went dark..


     When I woke up, I'm already in my bed, with my pajamas on. Eh.. when did I get home? I went outside and look around. Why is it so quiet? Its Saturday morning. Hmm.. I wonder what happened last night.

     After I freshened up, I went downstairs for breakfast. There was only Woohyun alone. I sat infront of me and starts to munch the cereals. "Woohyun ah, what..what happened last night?". He remains silent. "Yah, I'm asking you a question here. Tell me!" I pouted. He stopped eating and look at me, "Nothing. But you owe me, big time". He got up from his seat and left me alone, confused. That guy.. ugh.


On Monday, I searched for Myungsoo but Seohyun stopped me. "Don't tell me you're searching for him". She smirked and starts to clinch her fist. "Omo, so what if I am? Are you going to punch me? Come on, hit me if you can. come on!" I said sarcatically. "Stop it. Get away from her, Seohyun", Myungsoo took my hand and lead me to the school's field. "___________-ah, I'm really sorry. I am so so so so so so so sorry". His eyes were begging for me to forgive me. "For?" I confusingly asked. "For not being able to save you from Seohyun last night". My eyes widened and I crossed my arms. "I seriously can't remember what happened last night but I think its best for you to stop seeing me. byeyeom". He grabbed my hand and whispered softly in my ear "please, don't go".


*Woohyun's POV*

          Aish I've been sweating alot today thanks to Junhyung! Ugh... wait, isn't that _______? and.. Myungsoo? that jerk! I walked up to them. He looked at me and without thinking twice I punched him. I could see ________ gasping. "Whatever you're trying to do, stop it. ________ don't deserve to get punishment for YOUR wrong doings. go back to that of yours" I said angrily. Myungsoo just laughed. He got up from his position and get near me, "Yah, if you like her, then just admit it".  "Get lost". I shrugged and hit his shoulder. I took ________'s hand and take her away from him.

         She stopped me in the hallway and looked at me peevishly, "Yah, what the hell do you think you're doing?". "I'm trying to stop you from getting hurt. You have no idea what his girlfriend can do". "I don't care. now, leave me alone". She pushed my hand and walk away. Nam Woo Hyun, what's wrong with you? Why do you care so much about her?..


*Myungsoo's POV*

         I wiped the blood off of the corner of my lips. Haha, Woohyun I bet you're in love with her already. But there's no way I'm gonna let you win over her. I'm gonna have to get rid of Seohyun first before I get rid of you. I'm gonna make __________ fall in love with me. I will..


*Your POV*

            Crazy guys! I swear I had the urge to slap both of them. What was he thinking? Its not like Myungsoo did anything to me. Ah molla. whatever it is, I'm not gonna talk to them for now. I have a feeling that things gonna go wrong starting from tomorrow..


For the past few days, I could see Woohyun and Myungsoo fighting with each other. Like: during PE, Myungsoo would purposely hit Woohyun with the soccer ball in the face. or during drama class, (yes, Myungsoo purposely joined the class just to annoy Woohyun by annoying me), Myungsoo would 'fake' punch Woohyun and claims it was just an act. My -___- I swear these boys have major problems. I had to use shortcuts just to walk home peacefully and I had to change place in class just so that neither both of them could talk to me. 

Day by day, I'm starting to get extremely annoyed by them. So I decided to find a part-time job in order to make myself busy so that I won't be seeing them that much. Min told me that a 5 star restaurant near a shopping mall is in need for a waitress. She told me to go for the interview. So yeah, I did.  

The manager was the one who interviewed me and as soon as I told her I can speak English very well, she told me to start working tomorrow. After the interview, I went back home and straight away went to bed. Woohyun who was watching tv, looked at me in hopes I'd talk to him. Maybe I will, once he and Myungsoo stops fighting over me. Or is it really over me? hmm.


*Gikwang's POV*

          I'm home, Seoul. After so long, I finally came back. Junhyung must have missed me. I laughed to myself when suddenly, my Dad approach me. "Welcome back, son. I hope you're ready for school tomorrow" He grinned. My jaw dropped, "WHAT? SCHOOL? TOMORROW? Dad,  you're kidding right?". "No son, I'm not. You need to graduate as soon as possible. so yeah, sorry yo" He said jokingly. Omo.. I am tired as hell. I can't believe this is happening to me..



A/N: Mianhae if its boring~ Gikwang appeared already ^o^ I'll stop here and shall update whenever I'm free. byeyeom~

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fbgliskfjksadn3 #1
Chapter 29: who's the guy.. in the gif.. that's making the heart?
seriously i cried my off.
zyierra #3
Ahhhhh...I cried while reading this fic...I can't believe that MyungSoo would do that(cause he is my bias) and woohyun why must you die?????? But i love this story..Myungsoo,Woohyun,Gikwang<3
Omg! I actually cried! I can't believe that MyungSoo would that, and WooHyun, why must you leave me? Wae?
CiNdY_NgUyEn428 #5
that made me cry SO MUCH!!! Namstar died!! i thought for sure that she was gonna end up with Woohyunie but it's ok because Kwangie is my bias in Beast
thanks you soooooo much! ^^<br />
sorry it didn't reach your expectations :/
iamsperfeccion #8
i should've read the comments first to know if it's a sad or happy ending hux...<br />
it's sad!!!! my woohyunie died!! hahaha<br />
but i'm glad she's with kikwang..<br />
ckck i hate myungsoo here..