Chapter 26

What Is Love?

*Your POV*

       I looked at him furiously. "What exactly do you want from us?" I asked with a cold expression. "You signed the deal, so you gotta fulfill it" He smirked. "MWO? You signed a deal with him ___________ah? Why did you do that?!" My Dad turned to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry Dad. I had to" I replied with a sad face. 

      "Enough with the chitty chat. You gotta follow me" President Kim said calmly. "I'm not gonna let you take my daughter away! Over my dead body!" My Dad yelled. "Sigh, you and me need to talk for awhile" He replied. So I waited for them to finish talking outside. Then Dad came in with a sad face. "What did he say, Dad? Mareba!" I frowned. "Just follow him, I'll be fine" He faked a smile and pushed me slowly to the front door. I entered President Kim's limo and just sat there, cluelessly. He didn't say a word throughout the ride to God-knows-where. Then suddenly, the limo stopped at a jewelry shop. "W-why are we here?" I asked curiously. "Listen _____________, when you signed the deal, you just found your future husband. So yeah basically, you're going to marry my son. And your Dad seemed fine about it. Just go into the shop and my son will come for you, okay?" He said with a bright smile. I faked a smile, when my mind was actually thinking 'WTF I CAN'T MARRY WITH SOMEONE I DON'T EVEN KNOW'. Yes I was so bloody pissed at this old man but I gotta do it anyway. He might be hot. Well he better be.

    I entered the jewelry shop and shamelessly sat on the chair. I look around, trying to search for the guy President Kim mentioned before. Then I remembered that he didn't tell me how does his son look like. So I decided to play some games on my iPhone. Suddenly, a familiar deep voice approached me. "Long time no see _______________-ssi". I turned behind, and I became speechless for a moment.


*Myungsoo's POV*

       Right after my Dad called me to go to the jewelry shop, I quickly drove there. He didn't tell me the main point why he wanted me to go there though. When I entered the shop, I saw _____________ so I approached her. "Long time no see _______________-ssi". She faced me and didn't response to my words. But after a few moments, she continued, "Oh h-hi Myungsoo. What brings you here?" She replied without looking into my eyes. Why is she stuttering? Hmm..

       "Well, I just happen to be here. I don't even know why my Dad told me to come here" I said while smirking. I heard her gasped. "You.. you sure you don't know anything?" She looked at me curiously. "Yeah. Well since we have nothing to do, lets hang out somewhere. I'm bored" I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside the shop.


*Your POV*

      Omo... he can't possibly be the guy President Kim mentioned, right? But come to think of it, his first name is Kim and he does look abit like President Kim. We walked to the nearest arcade and bought some tokens. "Why are you bringing me to this kind of place? Aishh" I complained while pouting. "You've never been to an arcade before? Well then, allow me to demonstrate" He smiled and took me to a dance machine. "Yah how do we play this?" I asked him. "Just watch and learn, girl" He winked. I watched him moves to the groove so flawlessly. I was indeed, captivated by his dance. 

   "Okay its time for us to play together" He pulled me to the dance platform. We danced and played most of the games in the arcade. He even got me a Pikachu stuffed doll. We decided to go for an evening tea at an English restaurant. After ordering our meals, he began the conversation. "So...why are you here again?". I blinked twice, trying to intepret his question. "Oh oh, uh, I'm back for good, I guess?" I smiled crookedly. "What do you mean back for good? You belong in Korea. Or maybe, you're here because of me?" He winked and laughed. I smack his arm slightly and continued, "Hell no! Hahaha". We ate our meals and continued walking along the streets. "Wow I missed America. The view here is daebak" I smiled at him. "Yah Korea is nice too okay. I miss our school though" He frowned. Just when I was about to reply to his statement, my phone rang. "Ah, jakkman". 


   After the phone call, I am sure that Kim Myungsoo is President Kim's son. OH GOD WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE. Myungsoo, on the other hand, didn't say a word about this. I crossed my legs and put it on the table. "____________-ah, don't give me your sad face. We're gonna be engaged soon" Myungsoo said while smiling. "Mwo? Yah how can I be engaged with you? You're my friend. Plus, we're not in love" I squealed while faking sobs. He lowered down his head, "I know that but you made a deal with my Dad". "Can't you help me to cancel it? Please?" I came closer to him and did my puppy dog eyes. He, somehow, gave me a sad look and turned away, "I'm afraid I can't help you. We're going back to Korea for our engagement. See you tomorrow" He got up from his seat and left.


      ________________, you have no idea how crazy you are right now. Aishh jinjja! >.<



I'm sorry for this short update. I'm really really sorry! 

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but i promise i will update pretty soon. like, tomorrow maybe? thanks subscribers and readers and commenters! <3 BYE BYE

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fbgliskfjksadn3 #1
Chapter 29: who's the guy.. in the gif.. that's making the heart?
seriously i cried my off.
zyierra #3
Ahhhhh...I cried while reading this fic...I can't believe that MyungSoo would do that(cause he is my bias) and woohyun why must you die?????? But i love this story..Myungsoo,Woohyun,Gikwang<3
Omg! I actually cried! I can't believe that MyungSoo would that, and WooHyun, why must you leave me? Wae?
CiNdY_NgUyEn428 #5
that made me cry SO MUCH!!! Namstar died!! i thought for sure that she was gonna end up with Woohyunie but it's ok because Kwangie is my bias in Beast
thanks you soooooo much! ^^<br />
sorry it didn't reach your expectations :/
iamsperfeccion #8
i should've read the comments first to know if it's a sad or happy ending hux...<br />
it's sad!!!! my woohyunie died!! hahaha<br />
but i'm glad she's with kikwang..<br />
ckck i hate myungsoo here..