Chapter 3

What Is Love?

*Your POV*

        I walked with both of my hands in my blazer's pockets. the early morning breeze is unbelieveably nice. It feels so nice to walk alone in a new environment. that is ofcourse, until someone decide to ruin my lovely morning.

       "Yah Voldermort! WAIT FOR ME!" Woohyun yelled while gasping for air. I chuckled and continued walking. "We didn't agree on walking together, did we? Mind your own business." I walk quickly and left him alone, who looked like he's about die. what a guy...


      As soon as I enter the school's office, the headmaster, Mr. Park Sungjoo give me my timetable and some advices. I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying cause I was busy looking at this boy who was harassed by this bully. I quickly thanked Mr. Sungjoo and walk straight to that guy.

       "Yah tough guy, stop it." I give him a death glare. "Ooh, look who we have here. A saviour for our dear Ricky. leave if you don't wanna get hurt too, pretty" He gives me a dirty look. "Hell no. I don't see why should I be afraid of  you. just because you're tough doesn't mean you can go around hurting innocent people". He starts to stand up from his sitting postion. "I am dead serious. leave him or you'll feel the pain". I said while glaring at him and his friends. he was about to raise his left hand when I quickly punch him hard in the face and kick his face. I could see his lips are bleeding. "If you ever dare to touch him again, I swear I won't hesitate to kill you". His eyes widened and he gulped while backing off.

      I walk away and let out a small chuckle. Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my hand. "Aihh mwo.... oh, you. Don't need to thank me. I just hate seeing guys who think they're so hot and tough bullying other people". Ricky didn't move from his position. Instead, he hugged me real tight and muttered 'thank you so much noona'. I hugged him back and quickly let go of his grip. "Remember to tell me if they ever disturb you again. I have a black belt in taekwando. hahaha" I laughed, trying to cheer him up. "Neh! thanks again. what is your name noona?". "the name is _____. I'm a newbie here, so I really gotta go. talk to you later. annyeong, Ricky ah!" I waved at him and run to my first class ever in this school.


*Myungsoo's POV*

      "Hyung, I can't believe she kicked and punched you. wah jinjja. she's scary". Sungjong covers his eyes. definitely scary- and hot. I let out a small sigh. "What's with the sigh, Myungsoo-ah?" Sunggyu asked me. "Molla... this is the first time--". "A girl had ever punched you. yeah we know but I can't believe you let her go. are you okay?" Hoya asked. "I really don't know.."


----- during lunch time -----


    "Hyung, do you think.. its possible for you to help me find her details..?" I ask Sunggyu unsurely. "Wae oh? what do you wanna do with it?.. omo don't tell me----". "YAH NO WAY. I just, wanted to know. please? saranghae Hyung-ah" I winked and walk away.


*Your POV*

       OMG its my first day of school and the teachers are already trying to torture me? FML. as I was putting my things into my locker, someone was standing next to me. pfft, its him. "What do you want?" I ask furiously. "Do you think its cool to walk away from me like that? HAH?" he widened his eyes and yelled the word 'HAH'. this guy is really a problematic guy. "Yes, it was really cool. Its so cool that I feel like doing it again so out of my way." I pushed him away with my shoulder. He grabbed my hand. "Yah, you better let go of me" I try to take his hand off of me but he's a guy, so its pretty hard for me to get out of his grip. "no way. you better follow me. there are many scary people in this school and by scary, I meant REAL scary".He tries to convince me with his really i-am-trying-to-scare-you fail look. "Yah king of exaggerating, I met a 'scary' guy today and I beat him all by myself so I don't think anyone is scarier than me. SO LET GOOOOOO OF ME!". everyone in the hallway looked at me and him. I bow apologizingly and look back at Woohyun. "I swear you will regret this". He let go of me and wave awkwardly.


*Myungsoo's POV*

       so... her name is ______ ? such a cute name. she's pretty and OHMYGOD WHAT AM I SAYING? andwae Myungsoo, andwae. she bloody kicked me in the face. but, why was I so captivated by her beauty when she warned me not to touch that whimp? this can't be... maldo andwae. NOOOOOOO! I screamed softly.

      "are you..okay?" a soft, angelic asked me. as soon as she sees my face, she let out a small chuckle. "uh...... yeah". I answered, trying to act cool. "you know, you don't have to act cool infront of me cause I don't really fall for your type. I can feel my face burning and quickly said "what are you talking about? I do talk like this. heh". "yeah yeah sure you do, exclude the fact that you just screamed softly to yourself. SO MANLY of you" she grins and walk away.

     I can feel my heart beats real fast. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU KIM MYUNG SOO. This isn't happening. I MUST be dreaming. I stupidly slapped myself real hard and came back to my senses. This ain't a dream. I think I like her.


----- after school -----


*Woohyun's POV*

        I took another sip of the Coke Junhyung bought for me. "yah hyun, where's your cousin your brother was talking about?". "how am I suppose to know? She doesn't want me to care about her. plus, she drove me crazy so yeah, no intention in taking care of her like a baby. The worst part is, I'm gonna see her everyday. at home AND in class. we happen to be in the same class. just my luck," I sigh. "Haha that's not nice man. Girls are like that. Trust me, sooner or later you'll like her" He winked while drinking the 3rd bottle of Coke he'd bought today. aigoo this guy is such a Coke addict. "That's not funny, hyung. I'd rather die than to fall in love with her!". "I didn't say you'll fall in love with her, did I?" He gives me an evil grin. "AHHH JINJJA! I'M LEAVING!" I took my bag and walk away.


While I was strolling down the road, I heard an angelic voice singing to BEAST's On Rainy Days. I creeped on the side of the side of the road and suprised to see ______. As soon as she see me, she quickly turn away and start to take out her iPod. "You.. were you the one who was singing.....?". She rises her left eyebrow and shooked her head. eh.. I'm pretty sure it was her. I bet she's just shy. "yah yah, can't believe Voldermort knows how to be shy ahahahahahahahaha" I lol-ed real hard and got a hard smack in the head by her. "YAH NEVER DO THAT TO AN OLDER PERSON". I yelled while rubbing the back of my head. "ahjumma, you're 5 months older than me. unless you happen to be 30 years older than me, then only I'll respect you. She shrugged and walk away leaving me with a really burning face.

    Am I blushing? This is impossible. I shooked my head and walk quickly to catch up with her.


*Your POV*

        I log into my Youtube account and BEAST's music starts to blarring real loud from my laptop. I couldn't care less about the noise because it was only me and Woohyun at home. I was dancing happily when suddenly the lights went off.  I don't fancy dark places so I quickly leave my bedroom and walked down the stairs. Suddenly I felt like someone was walking infront of me. I was too scared that I fall over that person and I end up lying on top of that person. when the lights came up, I turn my head to see Woohyun staring right into my eyes. Our lips were a few inches away. I don't know why but I could see his cheeks were very red-ish. Unknowingly, Boohyun saw everything. I quickly stand up, apologized and run up to room. I could hear Boohyun singing some corny love song. damn it damn it damn it SO EMBARASSING!

    I plugged in my earphone and turned up the volume. after awhile, I fell asleep..


*Woohyun's POV*

    "Omona.. what was that all about?" Boohyun winks and starts to ruffle my hair. "MWOYA she fell on top of me because the lights went off! Don't you dare to exaggerate the story and tell mum and dad about it. if you do, you'll regret it forever". I went into my room and jumped on the bed. AHHHHHHH EMBARASSING! How am I gonna face her tomorrow?

   The thoughts of her pretty flawless skin come up to my mind. Her pink lips..... OH GOD STOP IT WOOHYUN. She's a bloody sassy and dangerous girl. you're imagining things again, Woohyun ah. I guess I should really go to sleep now.

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fbgliskfjksadn3 #1
Chapter 29: who's the guy.. in the gif.. that's making the heart?
seriously i cried my off.
zyierra #3
Ahhhhh...I cried while reading this fic...I can't believe that MyungSoo would do that(cause he is my bias) and woohyun why must you die?????? But i love this story..Myungsoo,Woohyun,Gikwang<3
Omg! I actually cried! I can't believe that MyungSoo would that, and WooHyun, why must you leave me? Wae?
CiNdY_NgUyEn428 #5
that made me cry SO MUCH!!! Namstar died!! i thought for sure that she was gonna end up with Woohyunie but it's ok because Kwangie is my bias in Beast
thanks you soooooo much! ^^<br />
sorry it didn't reach your expectations :/
iamsperfeccion #8
i should've read the comments first to know if it's a sad or happy ending hux...<br />
it's sad!!!! my woohyunie died!! hahaha<br />
but i'm glad she's with kikwang..<br />
ckck i hate myungsoo here..