Chapter 1

What Is Love?

*Your POV*


I stared at the wall, trying to catch my breath. I can't believe this is happening. Why must they do this to me and my little brother? Don't they love us anymore? I started to cry again till I heard someone knocks on the door. "____-ah, can I please come in?" the husky voice asked softly. I didn't answer. Then without a warning, that person barge into my room. I glared at her, with tears flowing non-stop. "____-ah, please don't cry anymore. I..I'm sorry." my mum muttered. "Just because you apologized doesn't mean it can change anything. Leave me alone. LEAVE!" I yelled at her. I was too aggravated to even care about being polite to her. She hugged me and left me alone in the dark room. I burried my face in the pillow crying myself to sleep.


---the next morning---


I woke up to a really bad headache. I went into the bathroom for a little wash up then straight to the living room only to find a small note on the table. Its from Dad. As I read it, my heart starts to pump real fast. I crumpled it and starts to pack my bag. My Dad went to LA with Min Woo and told me to go back to Korea and stay with my uncle. Oh great.. I'm gonna be a loner. I left the house and went straight to the airport.


*Woohyun's POV*


Aigoo.. This thing never actually works! 'Stupid machine' I mumbled to myself. I left the useless machine and walk back home. Strangely, I see Dad's car parked in the porch. What is this I'm seeing......? That old man never come back home this early. As I enter the house, I see a girl, a beautiful girl; with a side-way ponytail and a beautiful smile. I didn't realize I was drooling at the front door till my older brother, Boohyun smacked my . "YAAAAAAH! What's wrong with you?!". He grinned and walked away. Weird guy...


*Your POV*


I heard some yelling in the front door. While I was wondering who it was, Uncle Donghyun quickly said, "ahh, that must be my sons. haha don't mind them, ____. They can be really annoying at times" He winks at me. I widened my eyes and smile awkwardly. "Well uncle, I'm sorry for troubling you. Didn't really expect this thing to happen. Anyway thanks for helping me. Please take care of me" I bow to him and sit back in an awkward position. "Its okay, I'll ask the maid to show you your room, arasseo?" He said while calling out the maid.


*Woohyun's POV*


I tipped toed to the guest room to see the super hot girl. However, I accidentally knocked over the door and got myself a bleeding nose. "Damn it! Why must this happen to me?!" I cry out without noticing the super hot girl is just right infront of me. I straightened up myself and was about to say hi till I realize its..... ____!


*Your POV*


What is wrong with him? I'm not a ghost. -__- I smirked and said "Annyeong Nam Woohyun, long time no see". He's still with his "o" expression. Someone might be getting a free high five in the face from me. Seriously.

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fbgliskfjksadn3 #1
Chapter 29: who's the guy.. in the gif.. that's making the heart?
seriously i cried my off.
zyierra #3
Ahhhhh...I cried while reading this fic...I can't believe that MyungSoo would do that(cause he is my bias) and woohyun why must you die?????? But i love this story..Myungsoo,Woohyun,Gikwang<3
Omg! I actually cried! I can't believe that MyungSoo would that, and WooHyun, why must you leave me? Wae?
CiNdY_NgUyEn428 #5
that made me cry SO MUCH!!! Namstar died!! i thought for sure that she was gonna end up with Woohyunie but it's ok because Kwangie is my bias in Beast
thanks you soooooo much! ^^<br />
sorry it didn't reach your expectations :/
iamsperfeccion #8
i should've read the comments first to know if it's a sad or happy ending hux...<br />
it's sad!!!! my woohyunie died!! hahaha<br />
but i'm glad she's with kikwang..<br />
ckck i hate myungsoo here..