Chapter 30: Sunset

Twelve Guys & One Me
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Hello! ^_^ I just came to warn you about somethings that may confuse you. First of all, this is a freakishly long chapter >.< I hope you survive readin it. Second of all, the shifting of second point of view to third point of view, I did it on purpose due to the story. Thirdly, random nosebleed words that will make your head ache yet still makes sense somehow. And lastly, this is the last chapter  >: I feel so sad yet happy that I've finally finish this story and it's like two in the morning here in the Philippines. So I hope you enjoy :33




The next day, Hyunmi and the boys went around town.


“Woah! That place looks interesting!” Tao jeered as he pointed to a Ramyun Shop.

“Are you hungry again oppa?” Hyunmi asked him.


Tao rubbed the back of his neck and looks at you with puppy dog eyes.


“Fine, but I’ll decide that after we check the place around.” Hyunmi told him.


Tao nodded his head in agreement.


You went ahead to the ramyun shop and the boys slowly followed behind.


“Okay! You guys know the plan right?” Suho asked them.


The boys nodded, except for Tao who was too busy drooling over food.


“Kai, you go first.” Suho ordered.

“Can’t I go first instead?” Tao whined.

“You’re going fourth.” Kris answered.

“But I don’t wanna—” Tao was cut off by Kris.

“Unless you want to go last. I’m sure Yixing wouldn’t mind—” Kris was interrupted

“No! I’m good!” Tao quickly said and shut his mouth as quick as he said those words.


At the Ramyun Shop…


“So what would you like to have Oppa?” Hyunmi asked.

“I’d like a daily dose of you please~” He teased.


Hyunmi turned around to see Kai and only Kai.


“Where are the others?” She asked, totally ignoring Kai’s words.

“Why are you looking for them? Am I not enough for you?” Kai asked her, faking a hurt expression.

“Oppa~ You know that’s not what I meant.” She answered him.

“Can’t you spend this time with me? Even if it’s just for a short while; please~” He begged; pouting his lips.


He was acting cute. The Almighty Kai is acting cute. That caught Hyunmi off guard.


“Well… I will. (He beamed) If you tell me where the others are currently are.” She told him.

“Hmm… Alright. (This time you beamed) If you kissed me. Here.” He told her while pointing to his right cheek.


Hyunmi turned red and was feeling hesitant, but she brought this to herself. And so she kissed him on the cheek, this time Kai was startled.


“There. Now can you tell me where they are?” She asked him feeling a bit enraged but she was obviously blushing.


Kai didn’t actually expect that Hyunmi would do that; he was just teasing her after all.


“Oh! Ugh… I don’t know where they went.” He answered.

“What? But you—” She was cut off.

“I’m telling you the truth. I don’t know where they went. They just left us behind; I guess.” He told her.

“Maybe I should call them. They’re probably los—” You were about to call them but Kai took your phone and was now holding on to your arm.

“You promised that you’ll spend the time with me if I answered your question. I answered your question, now won’t you keep your promise?” He said these words as he gazed into Hyunmi’s light brown eyes.

“I-I…” Hyunmi was left speechless, well who wouldn’t when you’re stuck in that kind of a position with a good-looking guy.

“I promise you. You’ll see them again. But right now can’t you just see me and only me.” He told her.


Hyunmi felt her heart beating fast, and she definitely knows she was blushing as hard. Kai let go of her arms and held on to her hand.

Kai and Hyunmi’s hands were intertwined with each other as they walked out of the ramyun shop.


“So where do you want to go?” He asked her.

“Uh… Uhm… I-Is it okay for us to go wa-walking around like this?” She stuttered.


Kai stared at her and she was looking down, he followed her gaze and noticed she was staring at their intertwined hands. A smile crept on his lips.


“Why? Does this make you feel uncomfortable?” He .

“Ah! Nn-Mayb—” Kai cut her off.

“Coz for me. This feels like the most comfortable place in the world.” He told her.


Hyunmi looks up to see Kai gazing at her with such loving eyes.


‘They’re your family now. And family doesn’t hide secrets from each other, right?’


Her Aunt’s word came ringing in to her thoughts.


“Are you okay there?” Kai disrupted her thoughts.

“I-I’m fine. Let’s just go.” She answered him.


Hyunmi and Kai were just walking around looking at the various store that sold trinkets; a particular stall on the other side of the road caught Hyunmi’s attention and she ends up letting go of Kai’s hand.


She was about to cross the road when suddenly she was pulled back, the person ends up back-hugging her.


“Careful. You almost got hit by that truck.” A sweet yet familiar voice told her.


She looks up to see the truck passing by. She felt her heart beat fast; she almost died, if she hadn’t been pulled back in time.

She turned to face her savior and was surprised to see Luhan. He was standing there smiling at her.


“Oppa~” She managed to say.

“Hello Hyunmi~” He greeted.


She just gazed at him for a moment till she realizes that she didn’t come here alone.


“Kai! Where’s Kai-oppa? He was with me moments ago.” She asked him frantically.

“Kai? I don’t think I saw him at all. Are you sure you went here with Kai?” Luhan asked her this time.

“Yes! Yes I’m most certain.” She answered in panic.


Luhan couldn’t bear watching her looking panicky.


“Hyunmi, calm down. I’m sure Kai’s fine. He probably went somewhere. This is a market place after all. There’s lot of things to do here.” He reassured her.

“But- But—” she was cut off.

“Maybe I should just leave then; seems like Kai’s more important than me right now.” Luhan said, feeling hurt.


She faced him and saw the hurt expression he had.


“Oppa. Luhan-oppa I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m just—” She was cut off once again.

“Worried about him?” He continued for her.

“You know this is like de ja vu. We’ve done this scene too many times. It gets kind of tiring.” He told her.

“I’m sorry… but Kai.” You told him.

“He’s a big boy. I’m sure he’s doing fine.” Luhan said.


Hyunmi saw how badly he was hurt.


*Am I being rude to him? Am I not allowed to worry about Kai?* Just as these thoughts appeared in her mind; her phone beeped indicating a message.


She read it:

Hyunmi~ Sorry if I disappeared out of the blue. I had to. Don’t worry; I’m fine. Also, have fun with Luhan-hyung. Make sure he smiles, you won’t like him when his grumpy. >.<


-Love, Kai<3-


As she read the message her heart felt at ease.


*He’s fine. Thank goodness.* She thought.


She put her phone back in to her pocket and faced Luhan who was still moping around.


“Oppa~ Would you like to go somewhere?” She asked him in the cutest voice she could ever master up.

“I don’t know. Maybe you might end up looking for Kai.” He answered, sounding a bit irritated.

“No. I won’t. I promise. And I have a feeling that he’s just fine.” She told him.


Luhan faced her and his frown immediately turned upside down.


“Then where to Hyunmi?” He excitedly asked.

“Well…” She stared at the trinkets shop at the other side of the road; Luhan followed her gaze and saw where she was looking at.


The next thing she knows, she was being pulled by Luhan towards the trinkets shop. She felt her heart beat quickly again, since Luhan’s hand was in hers this time and she felt like time just slowed down at that very moment.


“Hyunmi~ Would you like this?” He asked her while showing a bracelet in front of her.


The bracelet was pretty but the guy looking at her was prettier, and the way he looks at her as if they were the only people around made her feel so special.


“It’s fine. You don’t have to buy it for me Oppa.” She answered him.

“But I want to.” He argued.

“You’ll regret it if you buy it for me.” She told him.

“And why would I?” He asked her.

“Well… What if… What if I wasn’t the girl you ended up with? Won’t you regret buying me all these material things? Won’t you just get hurt?” She asked him.

“Well… If I didn’t end up with you; I don’t think I will regret buying these things for you. I did love you at one point didn’t I? And if you’re not for me then that’s just what destiny wants.” He answered.


Hyunmi went silent for awhile.


“Do you really love me that much?” She asked him.

“I love you more than anything in the world… coz you’re my world.” He answered.


Hyunmi smiled at his answer and they continued walking around town.

Luhan and Hyunmi continued walking until Hyunmi saw a shop selling pretty dresses. She went near the shop’s window and continued staring at the pretty dress.


“Would I look pretty if I wore that dress?” You asked Luhan but a different voice answered you this time.

“You look pretty even if you wear boys clothing. You’re pretty coz you’re you, Hyunmi.” He told you.


She faced him and was surprised to see Suho smiling at her.


“Suho-oppa~” She called.

“Mhmm?” He mumbled.

“Are you perhaps my next date?” She asked him.

“And why do you say so?” He asked her.

“Well… Kai-oppa appeared first then disappeared in a blink of an eye and was replaced by Luhan-oppa and now as I am distracted by this dress shop, you appear out of nowhere and Luhan is nowhere in sight. So are you guys doing this on purpose?” She explained to him and asked him a question.

“They say you’re dense but you actually know a lot; don’t you? You’re just playing naïve; aren’t you?” He asked her this time.


She just smiled at him and he smiled back, and they’re hearts were beating together as one.


“Yes. Yes you would.” Suho blurted out.

“Huh?” She answered feeling confused.

“My answer to your previous question. You asked if you would look good in that dress. My answer to that would be yes. No matter what you wear you’ll always look pretty in my eyes.” Suho told her.


Hyunmi’s cheeks flushed red and she felt her heart pacing again.


“Do you want me to buy you the dress?” He asked her.

“Oh, you don’t have to.” She told him.

“But I want to. Anything for you; Hyunmi~” He told her.


Hyunmi and Suho ends up picking a dress for Hyunmi to wear, and when she finally decided on one; Suho suggested that she wears it today. Hyunmi reluctant at first, agreed eventually. I mean, who wouldn’t agree when Guardian Angel Suho was pouting adorably. Hyunmi was weak against good-looking guys, especially good-looking guys doing aegyo.


Suho payed for the dress and the two of them walked around town; Suho was hesitating whether to hold her hand or not; and Hyunmi kind of notice this, so she ends up holding his hand, which caught Suho off guard.


“I hope you don’t mind Oppa~” She told him.


He shyly smiled at her.


“I love you Hyunmi~” He confessed.


She felt her heart beating fast. Way too fast, that she felt a bit dizzy. Luckily Suho caught her.


“Are you alright? Are you not feeling well?” He asked her, feeling worried for her well-being.

“I-I’m fine. Just a bit hungry I guess.” She awkwardly laughs.

“Let’s get you something to eat then.”  He told her.


He brought her to the place near the Ramyun Shop where they were supposed to eat.


“Why don’t you go on ahead; while I buy you something to drink.” He told her.


Hyunmi did as ordered and sat at an empty table. She waited for Suho to arrive but Tao appeared instead.


“Hyunmi-ah~” He cheerful waved her.

“Oppa~” She waved back just as cheerfully.

“Finally! I’ve waited long enough for this.” Tao blurted as he went near her.

“Waited for what?” She asked him innocently.

“Ugh… The food, silly~” He joked as he sat down in front of her.

“Oh.” She mouthed and felt a bit awkward for assuming.

“Why? Were you expecting me to say YOU?” He asked her, gazing at her intently.

“O-Of course not.” She dismissed the topic and tried to look elsewhere.

“Well I did want to see you so badly too. So badly that I felt hungry to have you near me. You look so much tastier than the food… Especially those lips of yours.” Tao told her as he his lips and stared at you.


Hyunmi’s gulped her saliva down and felt that her cheeks were flushed red and her ears were turning red as well. She felt a bit out of breath.


“L-Let’s just order; I’m getting a bit hu-hungry.” She said, trying to change the topic.


Tao muffled a chuckle seeing how adorable you look like when you look flushed.


*Kai was right. She looks so adorable when she’s flushed.* Tao thought.


When your food arrived; an awkward silence engulfs both of you.


“Hyunmi~” Tao called her.


She faced him just as she finishes slurping her jjajjangmyun.

He chuckled at her.


“Why? Why are you laughing at me like that?” She asked him feeling clueless.

“You have jjajjangmyun sauce on your lips.” He told her.


Hyunmi’s eyes grew wide and she felt embarrass, she tried to wiped the sauce of her face but Tao held on to her hand.


“Don’t. It’ll only spread. Let me do it.” He said.


He took a tissue and started to gently wipe the sauce off her face and as he did this, Hyunmi observed Tao’s features and as she did her heart skipped a beat.

He wasn’t as good-looking as Kris or as pretty as Luhan was but he was handsome; handsome in his own way. He had charm and that charm is what made her fall for him.


“If you continue to stare at me; you’ll end up melting.” He told her, breaking her from her thoughts.

“Ah… Sorry. I didn’t mean to stare.” She told him.

“It’s fine. I actually don’t mind at all.” Tao told her.

And just like that they were left staring at each other; Tao stared at her features until his eyes landed on her lips. He wanted to; he wanted to kiss her so badly but controlled himself.


“Excuse me Hyunmi. I-I have to go to the rest room.” He told her, stood up and left.

“O-Okay.” Hyunmi said, she felt like she knew what Tao was about to do, but didn’t want to assume.


She has waited for Tao for some time now and was starting to worry about him.


“Are you looking for someone?” A familiar voice asked.


She looks up to see Xiumin, gaping at her.


“Xiumin-oppa~ Does that mean Tao-oppa won’t be coming back?” She asked him.

“Oh would you like me to leave so that he’ll return?” Xiumin asked her sarcastically.

“No. That’s not what I meant.” She answered.

“So am I allowed to stay?” He asked her.


She nodded to say yes.


Silence… That was all there was, silence.

Hyunmi and Xiumin could never really talk about anything. It was all silence, so how was it that she likes him and he likes her; when they both can’t even utter a word to each other.


“So… Uhm… Did you eat?” That was all she could say but at least she said something.


Xiumin just nodded his head to say yes.


And there it goes again; the silence engulfs them once more.


“Oppa~ Why? Why can’t we talk to each other?” She asked him.

“Do you not want to talk to me? Am I boring you?” She added.


Xiumin stared at her and shook his head.


“No. You’re definitely not boring me.” He answered.

“Then why? Why can’t we seem to talk to each other about anything? Why?” She asked him.

“I-I Just don’t know what to say. I-I’ve never really talk much to girls. Sure I had some friends who were girls but I never could really talk to them. I guess I was too shy.” He answered.

“Then we’re in the same boat aren’t we? I too can’t talk to anyone, nevertheless a guy. Minhyo-unnie was always the only person besides Imo and Samchon; who I could talk to. So you don’t know how glad I was to have met you.” Hyunmi let out.

“Even though we don’t speak much to each other; I’m-I’m happy to hear that you like me, though I have to share you with my eleven younger brothers, at least I know I have a place in your heart though at times I wish I was the only one; the only one in your heart.” Xiumin told her.


Hyunmi felt her heart pace. Though Xiumin was as quiet as a mouse; when he says something it just feels different, good different. His short words were enough to prove to her that he likes her, likes her a lot.


“Xiumin-oppa~ I don’t mind you being silent. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I fell for you; you’re silent but you always take care of me at the sidelines, always there when I need you, even when I didn’t ask for it; I guess what I’m trying to say is action speaks louder than words and I appreciate what you always do for me.” Hyunmi let out once more.

“Hyunmi~ You say action speaks louder than words so I hope you won’t mind if I do this.” He lean forward and kiss her left cheek after he said those words.

“I’m glad to have met someone like you.” He whispered in to her ear.


Hyunmi felt out of breath and her heart was beating at a fast pace.

Xiumin wasn’t just silent. He was a silent killer. He made her heart beat fast.

He stared at her and gave her that adorable quirky smile of his, her heart beat faster.


“Let’s go!” He cheerful said.


He pulled her out of the ramyun shop and both their hands were now intertwined with each other. They were running, running for no reason at all but she enjoyed it. She was laughing along with him as they continue to run.

They halted in front of a peculiar looking place. Karaoke House, that’s what was written on it.

She felt his hand slipping away from hers and when she turned to face him. He was gone.

Xiumin was gone and she was left alone to fend for herself. She felt her head dropped as tears were starting to form.


“You don’t think we’d leave you alone now, did you?” a deep and familiar voice asked her.


She turned around and right in front of her was a grinning Chanyeol.

No words left and she just hugged him; Chanyeol was taken aback by her actions.


“There. There. Hyunmi. I’m here. Chanyeol-oppa is here.” He told her as he caressed her in his arms.

“Don’t leave me. Don’t ever leave me. I’m scared.” She cried.


Chanyeol lifted her face up to see a crying Hyunmi.


“Now why would you think that we’d leave you?” He asked her.

“You all appearing then disappearing; it seems like a sign.” She told him as her tears continue to fall.

“A sign? A sign to what?” He asked her.

“A sign that says: I’ll see you one day, but I won’t see you the next.” She answered.

“Well I don’t believe in THAT sign but I do believe that YOU and I are destined to be.” He told her.


That made her smile.


“Do you really think we’re destined to be?” She asked him.

“More than anything in the world. That’s the only sign that I truly believe in.” He answered as he gaze at her lovingly.


Chanyeol and Hyunmi’s hearts beat together like a drum. After their short moment, they end up singing in the karaoke house, and were enjoying themselves.


“Who knew you could sing? You have such a wonderful voice.” Chanyeol complimented her.

“I’m not that good of a singer. I actually I can’t sing at all. You’re just saying those things.” She argued.

“But your voice is so angelic.” He complimented once more.


She felt her cheeks burn up and Chanyeol chuckled at her reaction, but that happiness lasted shortly when he received a message.


“Hyunmi~ I’ll go order us some extra food to eat.” He told her.

“Okay.” She told him.


Chanyeol went out of the karaoke room, a few moments later…


“Hyunmi~ I’m here. Did you miss me?” A high pitchy voice told her.


Hyunmi turned towards the person and was surprised to see Chen, grinning at her.


“What’s with the reaction? Are you not happy to see me?” He faked a hurt expression.

“I even brought food~” He added with a pout.

“No. I’m happy to see you Oppa. I’m just processing that you’re here.” She answered.

“Well no need to process. You’re beloved Chen is here.” He told you.

“My beloved… Chen?” She repeated.

“Yes My Love~” He teased.


She turned a shade of pink due to his teasing.


“You look adorable when you’re blushing~” He told her.


That made her blush more.


“I could just stare at your pretty face all day~ but then that would be just weird of me, so let’s sing Hyunmi!” He jeered.


And so she ended up singing again but with Chen this time and goodness this boy can sing. After the singing session both of them went out of the karaoke house.


“Hyunmi~ Would you like to go anywhere else?” Chen asked her.

“Any place would be nice.” She answered.

“Hmm… Is there a place here that does biking?” He asked her.

“Well… There is but it’s farther ahead from here.” She answered.

“Then lead the way my lady~” He gestured as he acted one of those knights in medieval times.


She chuckled at the way he acted.


*Silly Oppa* She thought.


“Then I shall good sir.” She played along.


Chen offered his hand and she accepted and so they end up walking hand in hand to the said Bicycle place.

When they arrived at the said place…


“Have we arrived, My Lady~” He asked her as he continued to act.

“Yes we have, good sir.” She played along once more.


Chen lets go of her hand so that he could open the door for her and once they were inside, Chen disappeared.

She looks for him but she couldn’t find him.


“Are you looking for me Hyunmi?” An enticing voice asked her.


She turned to faced Baekhyun.


“Oppa~ When did you get here?” She asked him.

“The moment you arrived, I was already here.” He answered.

“I heard from a good friend of mine that you would love to have a bike ride.” He said.

“Will it be alright if it’s with me?” He asked her.


She nodded and smiled at him.


Baekhyun and Hyunmi ended up renting a bike each, with ofcourse Baekhyun insisting to pay until he realizes that he didn’t bring that much money, so Hyunmi ends up paying for them both.


“I’m sorry that you had to pay the rental fee.” He apologizes.

“It’s alright Oppa. I don’t mind.” She replied.

“It just doesn’t feel right that you have to end up paying when I’m the guy around here.” He felt regretful.

“Does it really matter if the guy or the girl pays?” She asked him.


Baekhyun analyzes her question, thinking she had a point.


“I’ll definitely pay for our date next time. I promise you that.” He told you confidently.

“If there will be a next time.” She told him.

“What do you mean if there will be a next time?” He asked her, feeling surprised by her words.

“Well you didn’t actually confess to me and I didn’t even say yes, so how sure are you that there will be a next time?” She stated.

“Coz I’m the one for you and you’re the one for me.” He told her.


Her heart skipped a beat due to his words and her cheeks were flushed.


“You’re so greasy Oppa~” She teased.

“Now where did you learn that word?” He wondered.

“Chanyeol-oppa.” She nonchalantly answered.

“Kkep song! That Yoda’s gonna get it from me.” He warned as he tried to strangle the air, pretending it was Chanyeol.


Hyunmi just laughs at how silly Baekhyun was acting.


“What are you laughing at?” He asked her, his attention now back to hers.

“You’re being silly Oppa.” She answered as she continued to giggle.

“Glad to be of your entertainment.” He mocked.


She just continued laughing while Baekhyun just pouted at her but deep inside he was happy that he made her laugh because he was able to hear her sweet laugh.


They rode their individual bicycles and were happy just being with each other but their time together had to end. They rested at bench area near the beach.


“Would you like to see a magic trick?” Baekhyun asked her.

“Sure. I’d love to see one.” She answe

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I do hope you drop comments. i want to find out what you think about my story too. It surely will mean a lot to me.


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Chapter 34: Is that Hyunmi clone??? Hmmm gosh exo wait for her. Keke
Chapter 32: I ship her with suho But I also wanted her to be with twelve of them. Because I don't want the boys to get hur . HuHu nice story author nim and happy valentines day
Chapter 7: This random chappie made me feel confused :(9
i saw the poll and i found this. im going to read it!! :)
Exotic_lover135 #5
Chapter 18: omggg next chapter pleaseeeee
Chapter 6: gosh this is really a good fanfic...please update soon new subbi here
Can't wait for the next chapter >.<
Chapter 4: I love your fic o∩_∩o Hwaiting on your exam~ Update soon, neh~