
My Wife is a Genie

A week after my first wish has been granted, I found out that some of my friends from the restaurant that Ive been woking as a part time before was NOW working in OUR restaurant and also Jackie's workmates from the supermaket she's working at too.

For a week me and Jackie tried to grasped all the new information we had to take in.. Good thing Jackie is a Management graduate, we dont have troubles on that part. I just need to memorize some new names, their postions and how the restaurants runs. I let Jackie do everything since I still have school to attend to.

Mom and Dad was no difference. Good thing that what we have now is related from what we do and what we are before or else, all this will go to waste. Imagaine if Mom and Dad had a company different from their proffessions before? That'll be a total chaos.

For a week we talked about what else changed. Mom said all her co-teachers from the school she was working at before is now her subordinates. 

Dad shared that the three men he works with in the museum was now working for him too and that his bestfriend whom we all know lived worst than us before was his vice President.

What shocked us the most was, theyre memory of our previous life had been modified. They knew we were rich and as we became one, due to our bond to them, their life has changed too. Krystal had said it before but still, we cant help but be amazed on how we helped many people with that one wish. We changed lives without them realizing it..


"Youre leaving early?" I asked as Jackie got up from the dining table. Mom and Dad already went out for work. already. "Yeah. Today's gonna be busy, did you forget?" I scrunched up my brows, trying to remeber what special occassion the restaurant will be having today. I stuck my tongue out when I had nothing.

"Uncle Chen's anniversary is today. They reserved our restaurant for their party tonight. You dummy."

"Sorry. I'll come and help after school's finished. So leave something for me to do, okay?"

"Yeah.. yeah.. You'll do the dishes. No problem."Jackie said before she went out.

"Krystal?" I called out. Its unusual to not have Krystal beside me on breakfast. She usually serves my food and eat with me but today, she's not even around my room when I woke up.

I finished my food and went up to my room to bid my wife goodbye. 

"Krystal?" Its very odd. She usually just appear in front of me or behind me when I call her. "Did she go somewhere?" I picked her lamp up and opened it. I havent done it before since there were no time that Krystal wasnt on my side and now that I cant find her, I need to look for her inside. 

"Krystal?" I said as I peeked on the hole. The lamp was empty.. I was expecting of a small room with small bed or something like that. Now I wonder what her world inside the lamp looks like. It must be sad being inside there with nothing to see and no one to talk to,thats why she's always beside me and only goes inside when its time for bed..

I closed it as I said to myself, "Where could she possibly go at this hour and without even telling me first? Aisssh.. That Genie is in trouble when I come home later.." 


I dont have a car since Im still on my driving lessons every weekends. Jackie and Mom has their own car with their own driver. Dad drives his own car. And me? I take the subways since school isnt that far. What I like with my first wish is, it didnt change what school I go to. It remained the same, since Im in the national University there's no reason for changing my school, its the best University before my mom's.


"Have you heard, weve got a new classmate. I wonder how she got in since its almost prelim exams now." 

"Really?" was my response as I took off my back pack strap and sat on my chair. Now I do wonder, its very rare that the school would allow a student to register late since they have like the most strict rules about enrollment. 

I shook my head. 

Nah.. It couldnt be her. There's no way that Krystal will magically put her fake profile in our school registry. She never mentioned this to me and she never did even raised any question about my school. 

I nodded my head.

Yes. It couldnt be her. There's .0000000000000001% chance that its her. It could be anyone.. I shouldnt worry too much.. Anyways what does she even know about school right? She doesnt even know what school I go to, does she? I havent told her.

I tilted my head as I crossed my arms on my chest.

She's a Genie. She has power. She basically can do anything. Everything if she wants to. Well aside from freeing herself, that is.


I was too busy conversing with myself that I didnt notice the professor came in till my classmates greeted him. 

There's no way she could be here.. I settled my mind.


"We have a transfer student. Treat her well." The proffessor said and a student came in. I let out a sight of relief. Its not Krystal..

"Sorry, Im in the wrong class." The girl said bowing as she stepped back out the door, my classes laught and I.. I was getting nervous..


God.. this transfer student should be not Krystal.. Ohh please Lord dont let her be Krystal..

I prayed to myself.


"Come on in, so we can start class." The proffessor said and my jaw dropped.. 





"Hi classmates.. Im Krystal Jung. And Im here to keep an eye on my husband." She paused and we made eye contact... Everyone turned to me, seeing how our 'transfer student' locked her eyes on me.



"Hi Stoopid" she said and flashed her most innocent smile..

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1155 streak #1
Chapter 35: Awesome story!
Chapter 35: OMG been reading this fic over and over and over again for centuries.. still cant loose the feels.. Thank you author <3
bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love the way you elaborate it but each chapter it's too short.
rgthecat #4
Chapter 35: I like it when Krystal uses magic to get away from amber or when she uses magic to get what she wants. :-)
YourSmile-I #5
Chapter 35: What a great story!!! Thank you author
Chapter 35: Keep on rereading ur fics author!!! Ur the best!!! I specifically loved this fic though, but i like all of them. Kekeke its hard reading past thru ** nyahahah
King_Aston #7
Chapter 35: Wow author amazing story you always make some of the best stories author and I'm not gonna lie I do believe some stories are real. And whatever the problem you've been going through author I hope it gets better. I've already said this but GREAT STORY AUTHOR~SSHI!
mymh_bee #8
Chapter 35: The ending is surely killing me.. It's the best and cutest fanfic I ever read.. I really like your writing styles. Your stories are no doubt good..
daleee #9
Chapter 35: Hahaha...coolest story ever author... loved ur writing style d most... two thumbs up for you...
Chapter 35: SO LIKE THIS !!!!!!