Genie and the Master

My Wife is a Genie

I never had thought that my life would change and would totally turn around 180 degrees, but it did.

You see, I came from a very poor family. My dad worked as a secuity guard in the city museum downtown while my mom was a teacher at public university. Their joint salary could barely make it out for a month that me and my sister needed to have part time jobs to help our parents with our financial instability.. I started working on my freshman year and we managed to survive for years till before I entered my final year in college..

We were poor..

Till before that incident happened..

Call it luck.. coincidence.. that it happened to be me who was there that night..

Call it magic if you, too,  believe it yourself.. Cause I do now..

Seeing how everything around me changed with just a snap..


And that's all thanks to her..


Who was sitting far across me inside my big room separated by a thick glass wall..


My first love..




It was one winter night when my mom asked me  to give my dad our coffee maker since the one in their office was broken, he'll be on his graveyard shieft again and that there's be no place to buy coffee at that time of night. My sister Jackie, was out at her work and my mom was feeling sick. Good thing I came home early.

"Amber, can you please get that file folder I left downstairs in the storage room before you leave?" My dad who was just about to do their rounding told me and I obeyed.

Im not really fond of history subjects in class..I find it boring but got to admit that those artifacts that the museum has were quite amazing..

I only went inside the museum twice, and those times I havent been anywhere but inside my dad's little office and tonight was the only night I got to roam around the museum, admiring everything I see on the way to that storage room.

Once I got hold of the file folder, I glanced one last look around the room, feeling rather eery all of a sudden.

I jumped in fright when one small box fell on the ground. God it scared the hell out of me. As a curious kid I am, I walked towards it and waited if it'll move or something but it didnt, thankfully. Letting out a relieved sigh, I picked up the box and placed it on top of the table just so I wont mixed anything up. As I turned my back to it, I saw light emanating from it in the corner of my eye.. 

Curiosity kills the cat.. Thats what they say and that's what exactly what I did. 

Again, I went to the box and this time I opened it. Someone mustve opened it before cause the box isnt sealed. I scrunched my face as I saw what's inside of it.  A weird looking lamp and a dusty one too.


"Genie, I set you free, obey my command and hear my wish."


I read what's engraved on the lamp as I polished it using my hands since there's no rug in sight..

Pffft Were in modern times now.. There's no such things as Ge....

My jaw dropped as I saw light and smoke came out of the lamp.. I lost my gripped on the lamp and it fell on the floor and when it didnt stopped pufing out smoke, I ran out of the room.. Like I was being chased by a big dog and if I stop I'll be eaten.. Thats how scared I am.. I didnt even bother to say goodbye to my dad..


I locked our room and covered myself with my blanket, it was a good timing that my sister isnt home yet, I dont know how I'd explain to them what happened earlier.. Why I was being like this? My body is shaking, my heart was pounding so hard.. Im so nervous and scared at the same time..

What exactly did happened? I asked myself..

Youre just  tired and youre reading a lot of manga and watching a lot of anime. My brain tried to reason out.


But Im sure of what I saw.. Smoke.. Lamp.. Light.. There's no way I could be halluscinating nor dreaming..


I shot up when I felt my phone vibrated.. It was my dad.. I answered it and the first thing he asked me was where am I? My heartbeat raised tenfolds..

He knew..

He found out..

Im dead..

But to my relief, he didnt say anything about the box.. the lamp and the mess I mightve done on their storage room and the next thing he said was where is the file he asked me to get for him..

I was about to answer him when suddenly a loud poof sound caught my attention. it was behind me and I robotically turned my head around and jumped off my bed.

And for the second time that night.. My jaw dropped.. 


There's a girl in my room.. A girl wearing something like what Princess Jasmine wore in Alladin..


"Hi Master.. I assume youre looking for this?"


She extended her hand which was holding the file folder I left back at the museum...


I awkwardly let out a laugh before everything went black..








Yey.. For the first time.. A story not marked as (M)..


Lets see how many subscribers I'll get for this.. LOL


So yeah.. Im done with my first chapter.. Tell me guys what you think..


I'll try to get my ty and fluffy mood back but till then, I might do this fic.. It wont be long.. maybe 5 - 10 chapters.. keke


So leave me comments..Okay? Subscribe and upvote too.. Then read some of my fics as well..

I aint good..Just a heads up..


Night guys..

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1151 streak #1
Chapter 35: Awesome story!
Chapter 35: OMG been reading this fic over and over and over again for centuries.. still cant loose the feels.. Thank you author <3
bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love the way you elaborate it but each chapter it's too short.
rgthecat #4
Chapter 35: I like it when Krystal uses magic to get away from amber or when she uses magic to get what she wants. :-)
YourSmile-I #5
Chapter 35: What a great story!!! Thank you author
Chapter 35: Keep on rereading ur fics author!!! Ur the best!!! I specifically loved this fic though, but i like all of them. Kekeke its hard reading past thru ** nyahahah
King_Aston #7
Chapter 35: Wow author amazing story you always make some of the best stories author and I'm not gonna lie I do believe some stories are real. And whatever the problem you've been going through author I hope it gets better. I've already said this but GREAT STORY AUTHOR~SSHI!
mymh_bee #8
Chapter 35: The ending is surely killing me.. It's the best and cutest fanfic I ever read.. I really like your writing styles. Your stories are no doubt good..
daleee #9
Chapter 35: Hahaha...coolest story ever author... loved ur writing style d most... two thumbs up for you...
Chapter 35: SO LIKE THIS !!!!!!