으르렁 Beauty and the Wolf

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"Run already!"


"Hurry up!"

Everything was lit up by the reddish-orange flame a few metres away from the fleeing group. They can still even feel the heat of those deadly flames. 

And the fearsome scene of a brother's death occur right before his eyes haunted Chanyeol terribly. As they were running, tears flowed continuously down his cheeks. He couldn't beleive that his closest brother, he fought with recently, was now gone and has turned into nothing but ashes.

He can't believe that fact. He couldn't accept such fate brought to his brother, him and his pack. Of all, why them? 

"I believe they're gone now." Lay panted, looking behind, noticing that the flames had yet died. "Darn it, those heartless beasts! Burning down mercilessly!"

"... Baekhyun-hyung sacrificed himself though." Kai breathed, sorrow clearly heard in the tone of his voice. "They are just... something. I hate it! They burned our brother mercilessly!" 

"He's gone." Chanyeol weeped, falling on his knees immediately upon stopping from all the running. "Baekhyun's gone. He's now a part of those burnt objects turned into ashes. He's gone... He-"

"Chanyeol-gege." Tao walked towards his weeping brother, patting his back. "... I'm sorry. All of us are. We loosed another brother yet again."

"Those men are just-!" Kris growled, punching the nearby tree as hard as he can, turning his knuckles pure white. Minjee gasped in shock and fear upon seeing how upset the males were with the death of yet another brother. Everyone was trying to keep their anger and fears and sorrow locked in them, yet the leader failed so.

His eyes glowed bright red, his tears were rolling, his teeth were gritted.

His knuckles were white, he was burning in an unknown reason.





He felt useless. Kris felt guilt, anger and sorrow in one time. He felt guilt due to Baekhyun dying just like that. He felt angry due to Baekhyun's ways and SuJu mercilessly burning a brother of theirs alive. He felt sorrow for having Baekhyun gone. He felt that all was his fault.

"Duizhang." Kai called out in a low yet pitied voice. He hesitated to approach the weeping leader, who was standing still in front of a tree. "Please, stop crying."

"Who wouldn't stop crying? We just loosed another brother yet again." Kris weeped, covering his face with his wounded left hand. 

"Yifan, it's okay." Suho said, fighting back his tears.

"It's obviously not!" Kris cried, punching the tree again, making Kai fall down on the snowy ground and Suho back off. Like a caring brother he is, D.O hurried to help his fallen younger brother up and helped him pat the snow off his back. 

"Stop this already." Minjee said, standing up on her feet, cold and trembling but fists clenched. "I thought you were the ones to tell me not to dwell in the past? I lost my beloved birth parents in an early age and I got into this mess due to your reckless acts of saving! I once was upset of that, yes, but did I dwell on it? No!"

"Minjee." Tao called out, pulling back his mate near him. 


"Make a run for it!" Tao screamed in horror as he saw SuJu coming their way yet again. Everyone wasted no time and hurried to make a sweet escape from their horrid and ghastly death. Everyone didn't want to loose each other any longer. No one wanted to die nor to see others die.

They had to run.

"Chanyeol! Hurry up!" Kris cried, wiping his now dried tears off his cheeks as he dragged the fellow giant-like brother along with him. Chanyeol, whose fear now rose up, was sprinting for his dear life.

Please don't die.

Don't follow me.

Don't die.

Those were the words Baekhyun mouthed to him before he was fully consumed by flames. He wanted to live that last wish his brother told him. He wouldn't die. He won't let his brothers die. Not again.

No one is dying this time. Not again.







A few running ceased slowly as the pack grew exhausted and found a temporary hideout. Everyone was breathing heavily, and everyone's legs were about to give way. The terrible cold and their horrid situation made everything a thousand times worse! Everyone was feeling the heavy stress and pressure on their whole body.

It was unbearable. Nearly unbearable.

"Where are we to go now?" Lay heavily breathed out. "We've got no where to run."

"Lay-hyung's probably correct." D.O stated out, clutching his chest with his free right hand. "If we go out to the city, sure, they won't be able to chase us there for there are humans. Yet, we're risking our identities, real identities out there. If we stay here, we're going to get killed." 

"It's a dead end." Tao panted beside a tired Minjee.

"So, what? No way out?" Minjee questioned, raising a brow at the males, who was uncertain if they should speak or show their answers with a nod. In the end, the female let out a low sigh. "We'll need to build a plan though. If we want to live, we're going to need a very genius-like plan."

"Like...?" Chanyeol mumbled, but was completely audible for the female. 

"Something." she coughed. "Something, yet I don't know."

".... Let's stay here for our safetly for now." Suho ordered upon seeing Kris still dazed and filled with unexplainable emotions. Being the co-leader, it was his job, right? To take the place of the leader once the leader is gone physically or something, emotionally.

And in their case, Kris was lost emotionally due to Baekhyun's recent death that none dared to accept nor try to recall. It was just too painful mostly to, no, surely to everyone.

The day slowly passed and before they knew it, the sun was slowly setting yet again. The once orange-y sky was slowly fading to black, painted with millions of twinkling stars. The inky black sky twinkled faintly with the small balls of gas up there. It was stunning yet of course, it had no effect for the pack nor for Minjee. 

Pain can't be that easy to overcome. It was too hard indeed.

"Kai's sleeping." Minjee whispered to Tao as she saw the male sleeping on D.O's lap comfortably. Of course, the reddish-haired male was sleeping too while sitting upright. Lay decided to take a light nap on Suho's shoulder. The co-leader and leader were both wide awake, alert to whatever the future has in store for them. Chanyeol was dazed and sleep was never in his teary eyes. Tao was leaning on the same pillar Minjee was, and the female human was shivering in the terrible cold.

"Are you good?" Tao worriedly asked, feeling Minjee's icy cold hands.

"Mhm! I can make this." Minjee smiled brightly, seemingly trying to melt the cold Tao sees in her.

"With those cold-blockers you humans make?"

"Probably. The warmth of our family perhaps?" she giggled, earning a faintly warming peck from Tao. 

"It's not time to be cheesy. It's a war." Tao explained to the female, who he knew, was only trying to make him smile yet again. Yet with the painful obstacles they've encountered...

Who in earth can smile again?

"First was Sehun. Then Luhan. Then Chen, then Xiumin then Baekhyun. What the heck is wrong with the fate bestowed in us?" Kris began mumbling, sobbing quietly.

"... Repeat that thing again!" Suho cried as a sudden realization came about in him. In shock, Kris recited the death sequence of his brothers again, and that earned a ear-splitting silence yet again.

"There is something fishy in it, is there?" Tao asked, eyeing the co-leader of the pack. 

"Indeed, but I can't make it through." Suho said, tapping his chin.

"You'll recall it soon." Lay yawned with sleepy and droppy eyes.

"Since when were you awake, oppa?" Minjee gasped in shock as she saw the now awake Lay with his head placed on Suho's shoulder. 

"Just now, when Kris told the death sequence of our brothers." he answered, rubbing off the sleep in his eyes, or seemingly, was trying to.

"... For now, are we going to stay here?" Chanyeol asked, eyeing his brothers. "Because if we have a plan of escaping, we better do it now. I sense no harm outside like before."

"Scope up the place." Kris ordered. Obeying the leader's words, everyone woke up and forcefully rubbed the sleep off their eyes and scoped the place up. Seeing that everything was clear, they carefully and silently gestured Kris so. 

"Alright." the leader nodded and gestured his brothers to walk behind him. Tao and Minjee walked hand in hand while the others were staying close with one another. The freezing temperature made their movements slower and harder. Their eyes were somewhat getting heavier too due to the lack of sleep.

"Stay alert." Suho instructed. "They might be sneaking up behind us!"

"Alright." everyone obediently nodded. 

With that instruction, Tao gave a command to his mate to stay in his arms while he was all alert for any enemies that might be lurking in the darkness that their eyes cannot scope up well. Being wolves they were, their hearings were ten times the hearing of Minjee, who was a normal female human. They saw into a bit more darkness that the species Minjee belonged to. 

Thus, having eight wolves by her side, she knew she'd be okay if all just keep their guards up. All of them were looking left and right. 

Yet they were still not contented.

"Make a run with the slightest sound that alerts." Kris instructed, which everyone didn't hesitate to obey with. Minjee was sure that even with a sound of a faint branch cracking means running off like an antelope being chased by a lion. It was a life-death situation, wasn't it?









"Make a run for it!" D.O screeched, making everyone sprint off by the faint cracking sound. Everyone followed the red-haired brother, not hesitating to make a double thinking. Even Minjee, due to D.O's sudden command that broke the silence which was only filled by the cold wind brushing on their ears, was dragged along by Tao, who was sprinting. 

Kris, who heard his brother's screech, ran off without looking back, but of course, dragging the slightly dazed Chanyeol behind him.

Everyone didn't know what to do anymore.

Run was the only thing they knew.

What the lived for? What is it? Who were they? Outcasts? Were they evil?

Their minds were blank and adrenaline crossed their whole being.

"Oppa!" Minjee cried out in fatigue. "Slow down!"

But as if Kris was deaf and the others were too, none gave her attention. The poor female was dragged down deeper to the forest, her legs slowly giving way.

"Oppa!" Minjee cried out again, this time, her voice full of terror.

"What is it- holy ! Gege!" Tao cried upon looking behind. Without stopping, he kept calling for the leader's attention and for his brothers' too.

Five males were catching up to them. They were seemingly full of energy and no signs of fatigue was seen by Minjee's human eyes nor EXO's wolf eyes. They were easily running up to them. It was similar, very similar, to a predator chasing a wounded prey. It was horrid.

A scream was heard as Minjee's hand slipped off Tao's grip. Stopping to pick up his fallen and panting mate, Tao decided hastily to go back to her. "Zitao! No-!" Suho cried out, seeing his yellow-haired brother run back. 

"Help!" Minjee cried out, not feeling her whole body answer back to her mind's commands. "I can't move! Help!"

"I'm coming, Minjee!" Tao exclaimed, running as fast as he can back to the female, wanting to come and pick her up and run off before SuJu reaches them. "Hold on!"

"Help me!"

"Zitao! Get back here, you rascal!" Kris yelled.

But seemingly being a rebel-like and deaf brother he is, all Tao cared for was saving his mate. Thankfully, he reached Minjee earlier than SuJu did, but it was only a matter of seconds. They were both frozen while Henry flashed a rather evil smirk before pulling out a fearful weapon from his back and pointing it to the terrified Minjee and Tao.

"This is for taking the life of Amber and for breaking every single rule we have!" Henry stated out, the smirk not leaving his face. "So long, tainted ones."

The weapon Henry wielded was a silver gun, which was terribly dangerous and deadly for their kind, and even to Minjee. In it was a silver bullet for sure, and once it hits either of the two, they'll be dead.


Crimson liquid pooled in the ground, but it didn't belong to either Minjee or Tao. They were both unharmed, which was to their surprise. Their once shut eyes slowly opened and Minjee's eyes widened by the sight who received the shot.

Someone tall.


And the once dazed wolf.

Park Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol-oppa!" Minjee shrieked in horror as she slowly fell in a mental breakdown. Tao, who successfully heard Kris' cry this time, assisted the female in standing up and upon seeing that she wouldn't move, forcefully swung her in his arms and prepared to make a run for it.

"No! Let go of me!" Minjee wailed upon seeing Chanyeol lying down on the white ground, clad in his own red blood. She saw how his eyes were fixed at them, and a small smile formed in his lips before he mouthed a simple and last command to his family.

"Please live. Make a run for it, alright? Be safe." 

"NO!" Minjee screamed on top of her lungs before she and EXO made a run for it while SuJu tried chasing them yet again. She reached out her hands, trying to reach for the fallen Chanyeol but failed so as his sight slowly vanished in the horizon.











"Let them go." Kyuhyun ordered.

"You're bonkers, aren't you?" Zhoumi laughed, but was answered by a serious shake of Kyuhyun's head.

"Sheesh, you're such a fun-killer, aren't you?" Donghae pouted.

"Let them be for now. The others are waiting them in the other place they're going to." Henry smiled, seeing through his brother's plans. "Am I right?"

"Mhm." he nodded. "We killed one of them anyway, well, two to be exact. That's enough." Kyuhyun smiled and walked back to return home.

"Still a fun-killer." Ryeowook complained as he walked along with his brothers, a frown on his face.











Ever white snow.

So pure and soft.

Beautiful yet deadly. A deadly beauty witnessed by all living's sight.

And some, by the dead's too.

A lone wolf lays down the bed of snow all alone, tainted with the bright and lively color of red. Red all over his being. His eyes were looking up, his breathing slowly slowing down. His right hand was clutching his chest, the place that the bullet had gone through. Surely, it hit his heart. Straight.

The pain coarsed through him, but the cold made him feel a bit more numb to feel so. He only felt the freezing snow and his breath slowing down every second.

Just then, just as poor Chanyeol thought he was all alone now in his slow death, he could swear that he saw a familiar figure standing next to him, later on, kneeling beside him and placing his hands over his.

"I'm sorry." Chanyeol breathed out, looking at the figure beside him. "I failed.

"Hey, everyone makes mistakes, even I. Remember?" the figure smiled. "It's nothing to be sorry about. Even wolves makes mistakes."

"Even still." Chanyeol weeped. "I gave my word yet-"

"It's okay, Yeol. I'm not angry that you did break a promise. It's okay. That promise does sound kind of challenging and impossible to live with so I did expect that you'd fail to keep a grip on it."

"... Yeah." he nodded. "Will they be safe though?"

"I won't assure they all will be, Chanyeol. Some will follow us. Sooner or later."

"Who do you think is next?"

"What in earth do you mean?"

"I've learned the death sequence." Chanyeol stated. "You do too, right? Everyone who died did."

"Perhaps, yes. And I think both of us know who it will be."

"I wish I could protect him but I'm here, helpless and dying. Alone-"

"-You're not alone. I'm here, right? We'll be together soon. Along with the others."

"I'm making them impatient, am I?" the giant laughed.

"No, not really. Take your time and take a last sight of the world."

"Alright." he nodded. "Oh, and..."

"Yes?" the figure asked, blinking at the dying person he knelt beside to.

"We'll be reunited by the next minute." he smiled before closing his eyes and speaking up the name of the brunette-haired figure just next to him.


















"We'll soon be one with our brothers, Baekhyun."

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ATTENTION, HERE COMES TROUBLE! Kidding, kidding. So, I haven't updated because of effing exams and effing slow internet connection. I'll update soon though XD


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Chapter 47: I cried so much reading this.. But I am happy they reunited with each other.. I hope you write a bonus on this too.. Where Kris Kai and Tao reunite with others..and may be they witness Arang with Minjee too.. A full chapter on brothers.. Please? Thank you for such an amazing story..
memories.. reading again
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 46: This fic is sadTT^TT
Alosya #4
Chapter 5: I just want to ask this question. All of exo will love her or just Tao???
koreankimchibaby #5
Chapter 47: Chapter 47: What?! NO!!!!THEY CANT DIE I STILL DIDNT GET OVER IT OH MY GOD WAEEE????!!!!?!? ::>_<:: PLS MAKE A SEQUEL!!! This deserves an effing sequel...u cant just leave me hanging here!! This is sooooo annoying...why is this is sooo dramatic..........THEY DIED AND I STILL CANT GET OVER IT..O_o
Chapter 47: I don't believe that I commented yet for this story.

I have to say, this story of yours was a turning point in my life. I've always been into EXO, but I've been more interested in VIXX for almost a year and a half now.

My ultimate bias would always change, almost weekly, but Leo was my solid bias for one year exactly. You managed to make Tao my current ultimate bias, and I cannot even begin to thank you for it!

This story was so beautifully written, so exciting, so romantic, just so captivating. Who wouldn't fall in love with Tao after reading such a story?

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for spending the time to write this, and for sharing it with us readers! You really put kpop into perspective for me! I was beginning to get depressed after devoting myself solely to one group. You really opened my eyes and made me branch out.

I used to like Tao a lot since EXO's debut, but now I'm just so obsessed. I think you really captured his personality in your writing.

So please, keep doing what makes you happy! Whether it be writing, or anything else. You have so much talent! Thank you once again!^^~~
DoKyungsoo365 #7
Chapter 31: okayyyy~ I did not expect that. I was left crying here in my room. I can't believe that HunHan died.
Chapter 47: ITS THE END?? Omonaaaa I can't belived! U make me (or another readers) curious!! Its so cliffhanger ;--; Idk its the best from the best fanfic I read. How can be u make me smiled and blushed when I read the first chaps?? And u make me cried when I almost to read the last chaps?? Tbh first time I read this fanfic I tough its will happy ending but- asdfghjkl. I'm waiting for the sequel! Also how about kris, kai and especially tao?? Huaaaaa I very very curious!! Its full about mystery ;A;
Chapter 12: I normally don't get irritated with the main female character, no matter how annoying they are.
But for some reason, Minjee does.
Chapter 47: Wht???????!!!!!!!!!!!
Why happen to kris, tao and kai?
Wht do u mean by the last curse?
How and when did she get pregnant?
Wht? How?
Tell me please anyone!