Good Person

Only One

Donghae's POV

"D-Donghae..." said the voice on the other line. It was Mina. She sounded like she's crying.
She was calling in the middle of the night and her phone call woke me up.
"Hey Mina, what's wrong?" I said still laying in bed. 
"C-can you please p-pick me up. I'm at Jonghyun's place." she said sobbing. That sound immidiately woke me up and I quickly got up.
"Okay, I'm coming!" I said and quickly put my sweatpants and some random T-shirt and a jacket because it was cold at this time. 
So many ideas went through my mind. In a second I thought he did something to her, hit her and that thought got me really angry. I was driving like a lunatic on the road, thank God no one was outside. I got to his place really fast and I saw Mina hugging herself crying. She was cold and her jaw was shaking.
I quickly parked my car and ran towards her.
"God Mina, what happened?" I asked hugging her tightly. She started shaking. She wore a shirt and a skirt. No wonder she was like that. I gave her my jacket and hugged her again. 
"I-I..." she tried to say something but she couldn't because of her tears and sobs.
"Come on, you'll go to my place. Please calm down." I said and held her cold hand. We entered the car. I was holding the steering wheel with my left hand and her hand with my right one. She stopped crying loudly, instead, she was crying in silent. My heart hurted so much seeing her cry like that. The silence took over the car and there wasn't a single sound. Inside and outside. We got to my place and I quickly went to the kitchen to make her something warm to drink and eat. She sat on the couch holding the sleeves of my jacket tightly. I gave her a warm blanket and wrapped ih around her. I brought her a warm cup of coffee and something to eat. I sat cose to her and hugged her.
"Mina what happened?" I asked breaking the silence. 
"Oppa thank you for picking me up." she said ignoring my question.
"Mina, answer me." 
"I spent the night at his place and a phone call woke me up. Jessica was calling him. He promised that he's done with her but...But he lied." she said and started to cry again. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. I didn't say a word, I let her cry in peace. After several minutes she calmed down and continued the story.
"I heard a gentle voice saying: "Baby where are you? I'm waiting for you!" and in the backround I heard music. He suppose to be at some party. I told her tht he's not here and as soon as I said those words, he woke up and took his phone and hang up. He told me that I have no right to answer his phone and he yelled at me and I also yelled at him. We started to fight really badly and he ran out of the apartment leaving me there. He told me so many ugly things and I just cried. When he said that I'm crazy and that he regrets meeting me I stopped with the fight and started to cry." 
I was really angry, actually furious. 
"When will you finally understand that you don't deserve that Mina?" 
She didn't say anything to my question, she just looked at the wall. She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed.
"I guess never." she said. I caressed her cheek and kissed her head.
"You can stay at my place tonight." I suggested and she simply nodded. "You can take a shower first, that will get you warm." 
She got up and went to the bathroom. I brought my pillow and my blanket on the couch so she can sleep in my bed. I layed on the couch waiting for her to finish. My eyes were heavy and I hardly kept them open. Suddenly a kiss on my forehead made my eyes open widely and I saw the most beautiful face. The face of my angel, my love.  She took one of my sweatpants and my t-shirt. She always does that but I don't mind.
"Sleepy head, why are you here?" she asked.
"You'll sleep on my bed, it's comfy." 
"Can I ask you something?"
"Can I sleep with you tonight. Please?" 
Before she got with Jonghyun we acted just like a couple. We would hold hands, hug, when she would stay at my place we would watch movies in each others arms and a lot of people thought that we're dating. But then Jonghyun came and it all dissapeared. When she told me that she wants to sleep in the same bed with me I was a little shocked.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" 
"Oh, sorry, yeah sure. Let's go, I'm tired~" I said and she ran in bed. She covered herself with a blanket and tucked herself in. She gave me such a beautiful smile. Who would thought that she's hurt. I got in the bed also and as soon as I layed my head on the pillow I sighed. She got close to me and put her head under mine. 
"Thank you Donghae for being such a great friend. I love you." she whispered.
"I love you too." I said and closed my eyes wishing that this night could last forever.


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 34: it was great.....waow
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 34: This story is so touching and I read in one shot~ love it!!!! Author nim fighting!!
Chapter 34: Huhuhu. It finally ended ;~; Can I request for a sequel? Kkk~ thank you, authornim and job well done ;)
Chapter 34: I'm so, so, SO proud of you! I loved it all the way through and I'll (im)patiently wait for your upcoming stories! Lots of love little dongsaeng! Saranghae~ <333
Chapter 33: OH goooosh<3. I'll wait for the update*^*.

I felt really sad this morning when I read the news, I even cried. I hope he feels better... ELF will be on their sides forever<3.
Chapter 32: Make a move now HAE!! XD Can't wait for your next update author-nim hwaiting
Chapter 32: Kyaaaaaaaa!!! Finally!! Please make a move on Mina now, Donghae! And don't mess up this time! ><
Chapter 28: Wow... You're updating so fast dongsaeng xD I wish I could do that too haha! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 27: Omg.. I really hope the guys will take a good care ofmina if Donghae with Yoona