Work time

Only One

Donghae's POV

I left Siwon's house around 10 pm because I had work tommorow. I was walking to my car with my hands in my jacket pockets. It started to get chilly again and I lowered my head in the collar of my jacket so my cheeks could get a little bit worm. I entered in my car and turned the engine. She came to my mind again. Am I really going to do this? I will change everything in our relationship by my future action. Is this a mistake? Will she return to Jonghyun? If she does, I will lose the chance to tell how I really feel...again. I still remember how my reaction was when she told me she was in love with him. I knew, actually, everyone knew that he's a player and I was really worried about her. I was planning for a long time to confess her and I asked her to meet me. She came and looked so happy and excited. Those words... "I'm in love."
My world crashed in a matter of seconds. I had to fake smile and be happy for her but inside I was suffering...I still am. I can't imagine my self loving anyone else beside her. My heart doesn't know anyone else, it's blinded by her.

I'm scared but also really excited. I can't be like this, I can't be too excited because I might be dissapointed again, I'm already dealing with so much pain.

The city lights reflected my car and the soft music was playing in my car relaxing me. I arrived home and I quickly took a shower before going to bed. After taking a shower and brushing my teeth I changed into my T-shirt that I usually wear for sleeping and my pajama bottoms. I layed in bed and sighed. I was looking at the ceiling when my phone vibrated. I unlocked it and saw a message from Mina. I automatically smiled seeing her name on my screen.

"Hi oppa, I arrived home. Are you sleeping? I had an amazing day with Tiffany. She's coming to the party~ See you tomorrow? Love you and nice dreams^^"

I actually didn't expect for her to send me a message. I thought she was tired from today. I was typing my answer still smiling. This just made my day.

"Hi cutie, I was just going to bed. I'm really glad, I can't wait to see her^^ Yes, I missed you today keke. I love you too, sleep well angel."

She sent me a little heart. I locked my phone, turnede the lights off and closed my eyes with Mina's beautiful image in my head.


The next morning I woke up early to ge tready for work. The morning sung was waking up and brighted the whole city. I opened my eyes and saw she sunlights who were coming in my bedroom. I rubbed my eyes an stretched. It was 7 am and I had to get to work in an hour. I went to the kitchen and made breakfast and my morning coffee. After I finished up with eating and drinking I dressed and headed to work. When I came to the patisserie and my boss, Yunho was expecting me with a smile by the counter.
"Good morning Donghae!" he smiled and clapped his hands.
"Good morning, what's up with you? Why are you so happy?" I chuckled.
"I just saw a message from Boa and she accepted to go out with me!"
"Oh, I'm so glad for you ahh~ Why did you sent her a message for a date so early? Maybe she's sleepy and doesn't know what she's writing." I and he puched me in the arm laughing.
"Yah!! I wrote it last night after an hour of thinking is that a good idea and she answered it while I was sleeping." he smiled.

Yunho was the owner of the patisserie where I work. He's more like my brother rather than my boss. Mina and him know each other and he knows everything about my feelings for her. Yunho had a crush on Boa since he moved in her building and that was a year ago. She's his closest neighbor and there was a chemistry between them since day one but both of them were too shy to start anything and now finally they are going on a date. Boa is a really nice girl, I met her when Yunho had a party regarding to his moving and no wondr Yunho likes her. She's pretty, funny and charismatic and I really hope they will end up together. Everyone around me were confessing their love to someone but not me, yeah, I had to be the and keep it all as a secret, rather than confessing in the first place. But how could I? I didn't want to ruin Mina's hapiness.

"Where are you taking her?" I asked.
"Well first, we'll have dinner at a nice restaurant with a beautiful view of the whole Seoul and later I'll take her to the Banpo Bridge and we will take a nice walk." he confidently said.
"Nice, when are you going?"
"Great, have a great time." I patted him on the back.
"Thanks, oh yeah, a daughter of a rich businessmanis having a birthday party on Friday and her father ordered 3 different cakes, one chocolate, one with fruits and one vanilla cake and 100 cupcakes. Yoona is coming so she will help you." 
I nodded and headed to the kitchen to make a list of ingredients. Yonna is also a employee and we were always on a friendly and awkward level. Sometimes we would talk and talk and sometimes ther ewould be an awkward silence between us. She's usually a shy girl but when she relaxes she's really funny. Yunho always teases me that she might have some feelings for me but I find if funny and don't mind his teasing. 
After half an hour Yoona arrived. She greeted Yunho who was still at the counter texting Boa with one hand and cleaning the counter with the other. 
"Donghae is in the kitchen." he gestured her the way where I was fixing the list for the desserts.
"Hello oppa." she smiled and bowed and I greeted. She didn't look at me and kept her head down. She is usually like that at the beggining. She went to change herself in her uniform unlike me who was still in my own clothes.
"What are we doing for the party?" she asked after coming back. 
"Oh, 3 cakes and 100 cupcakes." I said gave her the list of ingreadients. 
"I see. Okay, let's go shopping first!" she clapped her hands and looked at the for the first time this morning. 
"I'll go since I'm not in my uniform." I suggested and she nodded. 

I hurried up to the shop who was near the patisserie and bought all the stuff we needed and came back to change in my uniform and Yoona and me started making cupcakes because it takes time to make 100 of them. The cakes will be done fast and we agreed to make them two days before the party.
While making them, I decided to ask Yoona something I was curious about for a long time.

"Yoona, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked and she looked at me with eyes wide opened. She didn't expect to be asked this.
"N-no oppa. Why?" she said confused.
"Oh, I'm just curious. I want to know more about you." I smiled and continued with my work. 
"And you...Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked.
"No." I shortly answered and quietly sighed.
"What about Mina?" I froze and felt like someone just punched me in the stomach. Yoona met Mina when Mina came to visit me at work and I always had a feeling she didn't like her.
"N-no...She just a friend." I lied. She was never just a friend. She was so much more, she was someone I tresure so much. The one I love. 

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 34: it was great.....waow
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 34: This story is so touching and I read in one shot~ love it!!!! Author nim fighting!!
Chapter 34: Huhuhu. It finally ended ;~; Can I request for a sequel? Kkk~ thank you, authornim and job well done ;)
Chapter 34: I'm so, so, SO proud of you! I loved it all the way through and I'll (im)patiently wait for your upcoming stories! Lots of love little dongsaeng! Saranghae~ <333
Chapter 33: OH goooosh<3. I'll wait for the update*^*.

I felt really sad this morning when I read the news, I even cried. I hope he feels better... ELF will be on their sides forever<3.
Chapter 32: Make a move now HAE!! XD Can't wait for your next update author-nim hwaiting
Chapter 32: Kyaaaaaaaa!!! Finally!! Please make a move on Mina now, Donghae! And don't mess up this time! ><
Chapter 28: Wow... You're updating so fast dongsaeng xD I wish I could do that too haha! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 27: Omg.. I really hope the guys will take a good care ofmina if Donghae with Yoona