
Only One

Donghae's POV

Yoona was standing in the middle, looking for me in the crowd. When she finally found me, her worried face turned into a happy and satisfied one. Her lips formed a smile and she approached me. 
"Hi oppa, I was kinda a worried. I thought you changed your mind." she said. I smiled to her a her hair. 
"Don't worry. I'm here. Let's go." I said and started walking to. She quietly followed me and after we entered the plane and sat down she finally spoked.
"Are you okay?" 
I wasn't but what's the use of telling I'm not. It's not going to change anything. I just left my biggest love, without her knowing that. Without saying a proper goodbye. The last time I saw Mina was the day after Hyuk's party. 
"Yeah. You?" I asked back, trying to avoid any more questions. She nodded and smiled to me.
"Don't worry, you will be okay Donghae. I don't know when, but you will. I promise you that. I'm albe to wait as long as you want, I just want to see you happy." she hold my hand and gently squeezed it. I flashed a smile to her and thanked her. She layed her head on my shoulders and we were like that for a while. She fell a sleep soon, but I was wide awake, thinking just about her. How is she now? Is she with him? Did she found out about me and Yoona leaving for China? Is she crying? So many things were going through my mind and I just couldn't control it. I was used to see her all the time and the change was huge. I had to wait too see how it will be. I didn't know how long. Maybe several weeks, months, who knows. I was looking through the window, observing the sky and the clouds, lost in my thoughts of her.

Mina's POV

A phone call woke me up. I was lost in time until I saw on the screen of my phone that it was midnight. I answered whispering.
"Are you okay?" the male voice asked me. A little light of hope woke up, saying me that it might be Donghae.
"Yes? Who is it?" I asked, wanting to be sure.
"It's me, Jonghyun. I'm sorry if I woke you up." he said. That light of hope was long gone and I sighed.
"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed by the late phone call. 
"Open the door for me. I'm in front of your building. I ringed your bell but you were sleeping so..." 
"Why would I do that?" my still annoyed tone was present but he didn't give up.
"Please Mina, don't be a child." he said. I rolled my eyes and went to the door to open the one in front. 
"Thank you." he simply said and hanged up. I returned to the couch and waited for him to arrive. I wasn't the in the mood to see him or anyone but if I continued to reject him, he probably wouldn't leave until I say yes.
After two minutes, the door bell was heard and I quickly opened. I saw the familiar face. The smile and those eyes that I used to love the most. The man that once meant so much to me, but now nothing. The man who betrayed me and my love to him. 
"Hello." he smiled with his hand placed on the wall. 
"Hi." I shortly replied and let him in. He followed me to the living room and sat down on the couch.
"So, why are you here this late?" I asked.
"I wanted to see you earlier but I was at work so... I'm sorry for coming this late. I miss you and I wanted to apologize for my behaving the other night." he honestly said. His eyes were sad and tired, just like mine. I hardly found the strenght to look into my eyes while telling me all that stuff. He was never like that. Even this visit surprised me because he wasn't like that when we were together. 
"It's okay." I said. I didn't want to fight anymore because I lost all my strenght. I was lost without Donghae by my side and it was written all over my face, with my expressions, my fake smiles, everything. I missed him like crazy.
"Mina, are you okay? You really look pale and your eyes are red a bit." he asked curious, looking me straight in the eyes. I tried avoiding his look and was on the edge to cry all over again. Evertime someone would ask me that question, I would be like this. Broken again, weak and sad. That question just brought back all that pain that was forgotten just for a hour or two. I faked a smile and nodded. If I said anything I would probably break down in front of him.
"No, you aren't. What's wrong?" he insisted. I wanted to avoid his question but I realised that he will continue to ask me the same thing. 
"Is it Donghae?" he asked. The sound of his name made my heart hurt. I missed to hear that name aroud me, I missed his face, smile. I was looking around the room, holding back tears and bit my lower lip.
"Mina?" Jonghyun's voice shook me and I felt weakness in my knees. My vision became blury from the tears that came to my eyes and I finally broke down. I looked down and felt the tears streaming down my face. I cried in silence and soon I felt him hugging me. I couldn't lie that hug once missed me a lot. I quietly cried on his shoulder, trying to calm down as fast as I could. I wanted Donghae by my side so much and wanted to hear his voice again, telling me that he's here, that he loves me. Once again the feeling of guilt appeared and I felt even worse. 
After a while I calmed down and moved away from Jonghyun's hug. He was looking at me worried.
"Did he do something to you Mina?" he asked.
"No." I replied shortly, wiping my tears from my cheeks.
"Then why are you crying?" 
"Because I miss him." I blured out, looking at my ex boyfriend with my red, swollen eyes.
He looked at me with his eyes wide open. "Where is he?" 
"I don't know. Home. I don't know!" I hissed. "He left me because I'm the worst friend ever."
"No you're not. Mina, don't say that. Listen, you are the most wonderful girl ever. Pretty, funny, smart, just great. There are so many thing that makes me love you so much. Don't you ever say that. If he left, that means he doesn't appreciate you and how awesome you are." he said and caressed my cheek. I shook my head and sighed.
"I know I made a huge mistake by playing with your heart and feelings, but just let me be by your side. We don't have to be together now, just let me be here. I promise you will see a change. Donghae is stupid for doing this to you and I so was I but I will change." 
He changed. That was a fact and I was glad to see him likethis. Full of simpathy and warmness. I was happy but he played my trust and he had to prove me all those words.
"Fine, stay. But don't push me to be anything more than friends to you." I said and he chuckled. 
"Okay, I promise. Friends?" he reached his hand to shake with mine. I reached my own and we shaked hands. "Friends." 
"Don't cry because of me. You cried enough because of me, and from now on, I want to see that old smile of yours. The smile I love." he said and my hair. I smiled to him. 

Kim Jonghyun changed for good.


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 34: it was great.....waow
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 34: This story is so touching and I read in one shot~ love it!!!! Author nim fighting!!
Chapter 34: Huhuhu. It finally ended ;~; Can I request for a sequel? Kkk~ thank you, authornim and job well done ;)
Chapter 34: I'm so, so, SO proud of you! I loved it all the way through and I'll (im)patiently wait for your upcoming stories! Lots of love little dongsaeng! Saranghae~ <333
Chapter 33: OH goooosh<3. I'll wait for the update*^*.

I felt really sad this morning when I read the news, I even cried. I hope he feels better... ELF will be on their sides forever<3.
Chapter 32: Make a move now HAE!! XD Can't wait for your next update author-nim hwaiting
Chapter 32: Kyaaaaaaaa!!! Finally!! Please make a move on Mina now, Donghae! And don't mess up this time! ><
Chapter 28: Wow... You're updating so fast dongsaeng xD I wish I could do that too haha! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 27: Omg.. I really hope the guys will take a good care ofmina if Donghae with Yoona