Are you ready?

Only One

Mina's POV

My mind was all filled with plans about the wedding and I was really excited because of Donghae's return. After Heechul told me the news, everything looked so different. I was different, more happy and I was slowly starting to be that old Mina and I was glad about it. Even though I didn't have a clue how the whole thing will look, will I stutter and just avoid him, will I panic or will I just run into his arms, okay maybe not, we're not in a movie. In all that daydreaming, I completly forgot about Jonghyun and the fact that he will be my date at the wedding. I already know that he will be mad and everything so I tried not to be too happy in front of him so he doesn't suspect anything. 

"You should talk to him as soon as possible about it." Tiffany said and took a bit of her fruit cake. We decided to go out after work a bit and just hang out.
"But I don't know how to start it all. Why am I acting like Donghae doesn't have a girlfriend gosh." I rubbed my forehead and sighed. 
"We already talked about that. Heechul told me that it's like they aren't really together, well yeah, they live together and kiss and everything but it just isn't the thing he wants, and I know that it's the same situation in your case. Come on Mina, don't think too much and just do what your heart tells your, not your silly mind." she chuckled.
She was damn right. I was always like that, overthinking it all and just hurt myself and Donghae. There were still moments when I think how perfect would everything be if I decided to stay with him that night and not go to talk with Jonghyun. We would probably go on a date, and later on be in a happy relationship but here we are now, with someone we don't love, trying to forget something that obviously can't be forgotten.
"So what do you think I should do?" I asked her, playing with the fork and the chocolate cake that I didn't taste since it came to the table.
"Tonight talk with Jonghyun and tell him everything you feel and think. He's not that dumb to realise you still have feelings for Donghae and if he really loves you like he's telling you he does, then he'll let you to be happy." Tiffany said. It all sounded to unreal and I was really afraid and excited in the same time. 
"And when you see Donghae at the wedding take him somwhere private and just talk. You tell him how you felt druing this time and he will probably tell you his side. Mina you do it and don't you dare hesitate!" she pointed me with her finger like she was giving me a lecture and I couldn't help it but laugh at her silliness. 
"And tomorrow after we take the wedding dress for Boa we're going to look for a nice dress for you so you can knock that man out of his feet!" she clapped her hands and continued to eat her cake. 
In that moment that feeling of graditude came to me and happiness. I was really glad I have someone so wonderful as Tiffany. 

After I came home I was really nervous about talking with Jonghyun about Donghae coming back. I called him after 20 minutes of panicking like I always do. 
"Hey Mina." he answered quickly.
"Hi, Jonghyun are you busy right now?" I asked, chewing my bottom lip nervously.
"No, why? Did something happened?" 
"Can you please come over, I need to talk to you about something." 
"Yeah, sure." he said and hung up. 
I was starting to panic again and I probably looked so silly and crazy but I just couldn't help it. Whenever I was having my stupid panic attacks, over something not too serious, Donghae would always make me laugh and it would calm me down and in that moment I felt alone. I just couldn't wait to see my best friend again. 

Jonghyun arrived half and hour later and I took a deep breath before opening the door.
He entered, greeting me with a kiss. I was trying to cover my nervousness but as always I failed and he noticed.
"Mina are you okay?" he asked, holding my hand.
"We need to talk about something." I said, leading him to the couch. 
"Okay, I hope it's not about I think it is bec-" Jonghyun sat down, nervously shaking his leg.
"Listen, Donghae is coming back this Friday." I cut him off. 
"Oh.." he whispered, looking at me as if I am on the edge to cry.
"I'm fine. We both know that I love him Jonghyun, and even though I stopped talking about him I just can't... I can't forget him and I'm sorry for saying you this so sudden but yeah. Please don't be mad and-"
"I'm not mad, beautiful, it's okay. I can't pretend that you forgot about him and it's fine. I made a mistake hurting you when we were together the first time and it's all coming back to me. I just want you to be happy." he took my hands and gave me a warm smile. I knew that it was a sign everything is okay between us.
"But you'r estill invited to the wedding and we're going together, don't worry about that but like friends." I said and smiled back, feeling guilty a bit.
"And that's fine by me." he said and I just couldn't help it but to hug him tightly. All though he might hurt me in the past I was thankful to him for being by my side for this six months.

"Jonghyun, thank you." I whispered to him and just enjoyed the comfortable silence between us.



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jessi828 #1
Chapter 34: it was great.....waow
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 34: This story is so touching and I read in one shot~ love it!!!! Author nim fighting!!
Chapter 34: Huhuhu. It finally ended ;~; Can I request for a sequel? Kkk~ thank you, authornim and job well done ;)
Chapter 34: I'm so, so, SO proud of you! I loved it all the way through and I'll (im)patiently wait for your upcoming stories! Lots of love little dongsaeng! Saranghae~ <333
Chapter 33: OH goooosh<3. I'll wait for the update*^*.

I felt really sad this morning when I read the news, I even cried. I hope he feels better... ELF will be on their sides forever<3.
Chapter 32: Make a move now HAE!! XD Can't wait for your next update author-nim hwaiting
Chapter 32: Kyaaaaaaaa!!! Finally!! Please make a move on Mina now, Donghae! And don't mess up this time! ><
Chapter 28: Wow... You're updating so fast dongsaeng xD I wish I could do that too haha! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 27: Omg.. I really hope the guys will take a good care ofmina if Donghae with Yoona