Your night

Only One

Donghae's POV

I decided to take Yoona out for dinner so we can forget about what happened today. I was stll feeling guilty even though Yoona told me that she's calm now after my words, that she believes me. When I was a kid, I use to visit Amber in Beijing every summer vacation so I know the city very well so I'll show Yoona the beatuy of the town. I quickly got ready and went to the living room to wait Yoona to dress. I was watching TV so my time can fly fast while waiting for her when my phone vibrated. I was surprised to see Hyukjae's name on the screen. 
"Donghae, hi!" the guys answered. They were probably at Siwon's house because we would always go to his place and spent time there. I remembered the times when everything was okay, there were no fights, no heartbreaks, just us friends having a good times. Us guys would go to Siwon's place after a long day and just relax and later on the girls would join us, Sooyoung, Tiffany and Mina. There was so Jonghyun, no troubles, just us. I missed those times and I would give anything just to be there for a second, to feel that atmosphere again. 
"Hi guys!" I answered with excitement in my voice. "How are you?" 
"Oh, great, just relaxing at Siwon's place, classic." Hyukjae chuckled. 
"My house is a shelter and everybody came to eat all my food!" Siwon protested, making everybody laugh. I was laughing with them too. I was really glad to hear them.
"How are you? How's Amber?" Heechul asked. 
"It's okay. Amber isn't here, she returned to college so there's only Yoona and me." I said. 
"O-oh really? Alone?" Yesung joined the conversation. "So did you-"
"No, gosh, no. We didn't do anything. She was crying this morning and talked to someone on the phone saying that she doesn't think she can deal with all this, and by all this, she means my situation. I'm not really in a good modd since we arrived and well, I neglected her and she's hurting and I really need to treat her better." I sighed.
"Well, yeah, talk to her, let her express everything she feels." Hyukjae added. He was right about it, I really need to hear what Yoona thinks about everything right now and I hope that what happened today, doesn't repeat. 
"Yeah... I just need to get away from problems and to forg-"
"No, don't say that word! Yo're just like Mina! She was here with us and left with Tiffany 10 minutes ago. She found out about you leaving Korea and she was heartbroken. She was really mad when she heard it all and came to me and I told her the truth, that you didn't want her to know and she wants to forget even though she loves you and-"
"What?!" I yelled.
"She loves you Donghae but she can't be like this and I'm afraid that she will return to Jonghyun who is always around." Siwon said with sadness in his voice. Even though it was the reason I left, it still hurt to hear that she's with him again. That was probably the thing that pushed me foward and the thing that was the main thing that made me decide that Kim Mina is my past now and my future is Im Yoona. 
"I want her to be happy, I told you that already and well, if Jonghyun has changed then, good luck to both of them." I said with a heavy heart. 
"This shouldn't be happening." I could hear Heechul quietly saying and he was right, it shouldn't but it wasn't meant to be for us and well, here we are. 
"Guys, well, I have to go, I'm taking Yoona out for dinner. I'm really glad I talked to you. Take care." I said, trying to move on from the subject.
"Have fun. You too. We miss you." Yesung said.
"I miss you too a lot." I said and smiled. The conversation ended. In that moment Yoona entered the living room. She really looked pretty. She was wearing a nice grey dress with a belt and her brown hair was straight and nice. I need to get use to this new edition of Yoona, the one with make-up on, with pretty dresses and all girly rather than that 'uniform Yoona' I used to know. 
"Let's go?" she smiled standing in front of me. I was looking at her, with stunned how nice she actually looked.
"Donghae, don't stare like that." she covered her face, embarrassed. I chuckled and got off the couch.
"You really look pretty." I said, and hold her face to see her face. Her cheeks were pink and she looked at the ground.
"Yoona, look at me." I lifted her chin up.  She looked at me with her brown eyes and smiled. That feeling of guilt came to me again. I really wanted to make her feel like she's loved. I pulled her in a hug and her hands hugged me  tightly. 
"Tonight is all about you." I whispered to her. She nodded and we head out. Tonight was probably a good time for me to forget about all my troubles, about my feelings and just give Yoona a good time.

We came to a great restaurant located on the highest building in Beijing and the best view ever. The city light were flashing, showing the beauty of the city at night. I always liked Beijing at night and Seoul also. In both cities I enjoyed the night, the lights with special people. In Beijing, as a kid, Amber and I would always stay a bit longer awake just to watch the lights and the stars and I would do the same thing with Mina. We would lay on deckchairs on my balcony, covered in blankest and just enjoy the view, the lights and the stars. I the pain and fought with myself not to show a trace of sadness in front of Yoona, she doesn't deserve to be neglected.
Yoona was really pleasantly surprised when she saw where I took her. We sat down and ordered. 
"Donghae, this is magical, thank you for bringing me here." she smiled. 
"It is, right? I love the night and the lights and I'm glad you like it." I said, glancing through a big glass window. "This is just a little part of what you're going to see tonight." 
"Really? Wow, I thought that this is the best and only part." Yoona said surprised.
"No, don't worry, you'll enjoy in every moment." I chuckled. Yoona was obviously embarrassed and she started to look around the place, just so she doesn't meet my eyes. 
"Yoona, you don't have to be like this. I did wrong and I want to let you know that you are a great girl and that you deserve better. You'll see the parts of the city I'm attached to and that means a lot to me." I said, looking at her. She covered her pink cheeks and dared to look at me, shyly. I chuckled to her silliness. 
"Thank you Donghae." she said. Her sad eyes were sparkling and started to show traces of joy. "So did you talked to Eunhyuk and the guys?" 
"Oh, yeah, they said that everything is fine, that they are working. They were all at Siwon's house and I remembered the time when we were all together like that." I smiled to the memories while talking.
"Is she-"
"She's fine." I said refering to Mina. I didn't want to talk too much about her, not tonight, maybe some other time so I quickly moved to another subject.
"And did you talked to Yuri?" I asked. 
"Yeah, she said she misses me and she can't wait to see me. She asked when will we return." Yoona said, resting her chin on her palm.
"Oh, well...Tell her you'll let her know because to tell you the truth, I don't know it either." I chuckled. We spent 2 hours at the restaurant, talking and getting to know each other. The awkward atmosphere that was between us since we started to work together was slowly dissapearing. She started to laugh without being shy, she was telling me things about me and I realised she's a really great and nice girl and the image I had about her was slowly fading away. She was just a girl in love, girl who loved and wanted to feel loved. 

We walked through the town, looking at it special places, people. We noticed a little dance festival and we watched the traditional dances of China. Yoona was happy and she really enjoyed it and I was glad to see her smile. The last place I took her was the lake where I would spent my time, and I would always throw a coin in it, wishing something. The crystal water was shining on the moonlight and Yoona was standing in front of the lake, staring at the water. She was holding a coin, playing with it. I was standing behind her. 
"Make a wish Yoona." I whispered to her. She didn't turn around, she kept still, looking at the lake. After a while, she threw the coin. She turned around and hugged me tightly. 
"Donghae, thank you, for a beautiful night." she whispered to me. I wrapped my arms around her. 
"You're welcome Yoona, I'm glad you like it all." I said, not letting her go yet. 

She was slowly making me forget about my pain but Mina was still in my heart and she won't leave. She will be a bittersweet memory, the memory I gave all my love to.


I wish you love me.

Hi darlings! I'm back and today you'll get a double update! I hope you will like it! I'm sorry for seperating Mina and Donghae for a long time but if you continue to read my story, you'll be surprised!
How did you spent your Christmas? DId you have a good time? Lots of love <3

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 34: it was great.....waow
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 34: This story is so touching and I read in one shot~ love it!!!! Author nim fighting!!
Chapter 34: Huhuhu. It finally ended ;~; Can I request for a sequel? Kkk~ thank you, authornim and job well done ;)
Chapter 34: I'm so, so, SO proud of you! I loved it all the way through and I'll (im)patiently wait for your upcoming stories! Lots of love little dongsaeng! Saranghae~ <333
Chapter 33: OH goooosh<3. I'll wait for the update*^*.

I felt really sad this morning when I read the news, I even cried. I hope he feels better... ELF will be on their sides forever<3.
Chapter 32: Make a move now HAE!! XD Can't wait for your next update author-nim hwaiting
Chapter 32: Kyaaaaaaaa!!! Finally!! Please make a move on Mina now, Donghae! And don't mess up this time! ><
Chapter 28: Wow... You're updating so fast dongsaeng xD I wish I could do that too haha! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 27: Omg.. I really hope the guys will take a good care ofmina if Donghae with Yoona