It's time

Only One

Donghae's POV

It was time. The day that will change everything, the confession that will change my relationship with Mina. Hours were passing by so slowly and I was getting more and more nervous. A hurricane of butteflies were in my stomach and as tme was passing by, the nervous feeling grew bigger. I was lying on my couch, looking at the ceiling. I was hiding my real feelings for so long. The real Donghae, who wanted her with all his heart was staying a side, making sure the one I love is happy, but no matter how much love she gave, she got so hurt and every tear she shed and every pain she felt was my pain too. As much as I hated Jonghyun for making her feel like that, I was jelaous of him because she was his, her heart and mind belonged to him, and it still does, I can see it in her eyes. Even though they are full of sadness now, I can see she really cares for him. This was the best time for me to show my real side, the side of a guy who sincerely loves, who cares and a guy who's heart beats for a special lady. 

I got ready and before leaving my apartment, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. It's now or never, right? I left the apartment, went to my car and drove off to Mina's house to pick her up. I arrived just in time. I knocked on the door and after couple of seconds, Mina opened the door. She looked like a princess. The floral lace dress she was wearing was perfect on her and her black hair was wavy and loose. She greeted me with the most beautiful smile ever, and my favorite, her eye-smile she has. I was in shock seeing how pretty she was and just stood in front of her like a idiot, enjoying the beautiful view I had. 
She giggled. "Come in oppa." she gestured.
I shook my head and entered not leaving my eyes of her. 
"You look beautiful." I hardly spoke.
"Thank you, you're handsome too." she said and hugged me. The scent of her perfume was incredible and her silky pale skin smelled like fresh flowers. I didn't want to leave that hug, I didn't want that moment to end.
"Oppa, I'll be right back, I just need to get my purse and we can go." she said and left my embrance. She quickly went to her room to get what she nedded and returned. 
"Let' go!" she clapped her hands and I nodded with a smile on my face. 

We drove off to Siwon's house who was already full of people. When I parked my car, I got out of the car and opened the door for her. She was surprised a bit. 
"Woah, a gentleman!" she said and I held her hands to help her get out of the car. She held me under my arm and we together walked to the door. I knocked and Hyuk who had a birthday hat opened the door.
"Hello guys!" he showed his gummy smile.
"Hello birthday boy!" Mina smiled and hugged him. I greeted him too and we both entered the place. There was so many people there and so many faces I didn't saw for a long time appeared. Everyone greeted us and in the crowd of people I noticed Tiffany who was talking to Heechul. I didn't saw her for a long time and I was really happy to see her. Mina and me walked towards her and she was really happy to see her. She smiled to us and hugged us both. 
"Hi cuties, how are you? Donghae I missed you. I'm so glad so see you." she said and swung her dark red hair behind he back.
"Tiffany, I missed you too. How's your dad? How is it in San Francisco?" I asked.
"Oh, everything is great. It's beautiful. I promise I will invited you all to my house when all my scheduals are done!" she smiled.
Mina and I were really glad to see her happy like that, especially after the heartbreak she had after she had to give up from Siwon. 
After a small talk with Tiffany, I decided to bring Mina and me some drinks. who were in the kitchen. Mina was talking with Taeyeon in the living room, while I went to the kitchen were I met Siwon, alone. He was leaned on the bar and he was looking at the floor. He didn't notice me.
"Siwon, are you okay?" I asked and he immediately jumped a bit.
"Oh, yeah." he mumbled. But he wasn't. He seemed worried.
"Siwon, come on, it's me." I gave him a curious look. "Talk." 
Siwon sighed deeply and again glared at the floor. "I...I think my feelings are coming back." he quietly said. 
"What are you talking about?" I asked a bit confused.
"Tiffany. After being gone for a motnh, I'm really glad to see her and I... missed her." he said not leaving the glare on the floor. 
This shocked me a bit because Siwon always tried to avoid everything that had to do with Tiffany, and he had a girlfriend after all. 
"And what about Sooyoung?" I asked. Siwon looked at me.
"I love her, I really do. Maybe all this is just a phase. It will pass as soon as the party finishes. I'm sure. Don't worry." he tried to assure me but I wasn't sure about  that.
"Forget I told you this. Tell me, are you ready?" he asked trying to move to another subject. 
"I guess, I will let her talk to her friends a bit and then I will call her aside." I said. I was really worried how weverything will work out and now this thing about Siwon and Tiffany shook my mind a bit. 
Siwon patted my back and smiled. "Everything will be great, you will see." he assured me and I smiled him back. 
"Are you going to be okay?" I asked worried.
"Yeah, I'll join you all in a minute." he said and I nodded and took the drinks for Mina and me. I came to the living room and gave Mina her drink and sat beside her.
"Are you having fun?" I asked and took a sip of my drink.
"Yeah,  I love when we are all together like this." she smiled. I swear, in that moment I just wanted to kiss her, taste her pink lips, hug her tightly but I couldn't. I had to control myself and try not showing how nervous I am actually. The most of the evening we spent dancing, talking and just having a good time. Hyuk, who was with Hyoyeon the whole night, winked at me as a signal to call her to talk to her private. I nodded and took a deep breath. I felt my heartbeats getting faster and faster and my legs were a bit shaky. I passed the crowd of people and found Mina talking to Tiffany.
"Tiffany, I have to steal Mina from you just for a bit." I approached to them and Tiffany smiled to me. 
"She's all yours." she winked at me. 
I took Mina's hand and lead her through the crowd and I decided to take her to the terrace which was half-empty. We sat on little chairs. 
"What's up?" Mina asked curiously. I looked at the beautiful green eyes in which I often got lost. The eyes I fell in love with. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a bit.
"Donghae are you okay?" she asked, now a bit concidered. 
I opened my eyes and held her hand. "Yeah, don't worry." I said.
My throat got dry a bit and I though I couldn't say a word. Again I took a deep breath and started talking.
"Mina, I have to tell you something." I started. She nodded and waited for my next words who couldn't wait to be said.
"Mina, you know I love you so much, right?" I said and she just nodded, showing me a light smile. 
"Mina, there is someone who wants to talk to you." Taeyeon's voice cut my words and caught Mina's and mine attention too. 
"Can it wait a bit?" she asked but Taeyeon said that the person insisted to talk to her now. She sighed and looked at me. 
"Donghae, hold that thought, I'm coming right back, okay?" she said and I nodded, faking a smile. She kissed my cheek and quickly entered the apartment again leaving me alone for a while. I felt frustraded a bit. What is that important that it can't wait. I enjoyed the view that the terrace was giving. City lights who were in all different colors reflected the city, making it feel alive. Seoul was the most beautiful at night when all the colorful lights start to shine. While looking at those lights I was fighting with a feeling of fear of rejecting, fear that everything will be ruined but just like those lights, something keeped me alive and a light of hope was still in all those bad thoughts. The hope I had all along never left me, sometimes it would get weaker, sometimes it would be stronger than ever, but it never left me.
I got curious to see who needed to talk to Mina and I entered the apartment. I started to look for Mina. I was walking though a crowd of people and notice her talking to a guy. I couldn't see his face clearly but as I was getting closer to them, I realised that it was him. After several steps more, I realised that he was kissing the lips I wanted to kiss. I stoped walking at stood a few meters away from Jonghyun and Mina. I couldn't move anymore and my legs betrayed me and I could barely stand still. My heart broke.

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 34: it was great.....waow
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 34: This story is so touching and I read in one shot~ love it!!!! Author nim fighting!!
Chapter 34: Huhuhu. It finally ended ;~; Can I request for a sequel? Kkk~ thank you, authornim and job well done ;)
Chapter 34: I'm so, so, SO proud of you! I loved it all the way through and I'll (im)patiently wait for your upcoming stories! Lots of love little dongsaeng! Saranghae~ <333
Chapter 33: OH goooosh<3. I'll wait for the update*^*.

I felt really sad this morning when I read the news, I even cried. I hope he feels better... ELF will be on their sides forever<3.
Chapter 32: Make a move now HAE!! XD Can't wait for your next update author-nim hwaiting
Chapter 32: Kyaaaaaaaa!!! Finally!! Please make a move on Mina now, Donghae! And don't mess up this time! ><
Chapter 28: Wow... You're updating so fast dongsaeng xD I wish I could do that too haha! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 27: Omg.. I really hope the guys will take a good care ofmina if Donghae with Yoona