Only one

Only One

Donghae's POV

I had a awesome night with the guys, after six months, we finally spent those fun nights we always spent, full of laughter, teasings and talks about random stuff. I really missed that. I went home around one in the morning so I can get some sleep before tomorrow. I texted Yunho who was busy due to the wedding so we decided to see each other tomorrow. 
There's indeeed no place like home and I was so happy to finally be at my old apartment. It was filled with so many memories. Everything reminded me of Mina, every spot had a memory and most of them were with her. When we would spent the whole night watching movies and when she would fall asleep in my arms. I entered my bedroom and I remembered the nigth when Mina called me all in tears, when she had that fight with Jonghyun, when she spent the night at my place. We were sleeping in the same bed, hugged. A warm feeling came to my heart and I smiled thinking of it. I quickly took a shower and went to sleep, tired from the trip but happy, truly happy. 

I woke up the next morning earlier than usual but I had to get ready for the wedding and I had to pick up Yoona who had the presents. I ate, showered and dress into my black suit and did everything I needed and I would always look at the watch, hoping that time can pass soon so I can finally see her but it didn't, it was so slow and minutes seemed like years to me. 

I picked Yoona at 10 am because the wedding started at 11 am. She looked incredible. She had a white, elegan strapless dresto her knees, showing her pretty legs and her hair was curly and she was really beautiful. 
"I'm so excited." she said as she entered the car. 
"Me too." I said breathless. Yoona could scent how nervous I am and she laughed.
"Don't worry Donghae,everything will be great. You're probably more nervous than Yunho and Boa."  she chuckled patting my shoulder. 
"I guess I am. You're right. Everything will be fine." I said and started the car. We drove in front of the church and ther were a lot of people, waiting to enter. I saw familiar faces but I didn't see Mina. After we greeted all people we knew and saw the guys, the six of us entered the church. People were starting to arrive and soon the church was fool. I was looking around every minute to check if Mina is around, if she came but nothing and it started to worry me. I thought she was with Tiffany but she entered alone and my waiting continued. As minutes passed by I started to get more and more nervous. Tiffany walked to the bench were I was sitting greeted me with her familiar eye smile. 
"She's on her way." she whispered to me and went to her seat. It calmed me down.
After probably 10 minutes I turned to the door of the church and there she was. 

She was still that Mina, my beautiful Mina. Her dark hair was longer than before and it made her more beautiful. Her eyes were shining, just like before, before all the tears and all the pain. Her smile was so bright and sincere, I missed that smile. She entered the church with Jonghyun by her side. He saw me immediately and greeted me with a short nod and smile. I returned nodded and then looked at her again. She was greeting everyone quietly and bowed making eye-contact with everyone. I was secretly admiring her in the crowd, waiting for our eyes to finally meet. She was looking for Tiffany and after she smiled to her, her big dark brown eyes met mine and I felt my hear beating faster. Butterflies appeared in my stomach, making me nervous but I felt like I was in heaven when I saw those beautiful eyes, the eyes I fell in love. 
Her lips formed a smile. Wide and pure smile and showed me her eye smile I loved the most. She sat down, nearby with Jonghyun, her eyes not leaving mine. Soon the ceremony started and I had to wait for it to end so I can talk to her. Yunho was on his position, smiling and soon Boa entered the church with her father wearing a beautiful wedding dress. Everyone were amazed by how pretty she looked and she was really happy. She greeted everyone with a small wave and a big smile. She was on the edge to cry but the tears were happy. Her father kissed her on her cheek and left her at the altar beside Yunho. The priest started the ceremony. 

After the introduction they said their vows. 

"I promise I will always be by your side, in every step of the way. I'll support you even though you'll make mistakes, I'll be your rock. I'll give you strenght and hope when times will be hopeless. I promise I'll love every part of you, no matter if it's a flaw. I will love you every day, even more and more as time goes by. I promise I'll cherish every second, every minute and every hour with you until the day you close your eyes."

"On the day you accepted that you'll go out with me, it was the day when my happiness arrived. Every day had more sence because of you. On the day we shared our first kiss, was the day when I knew, you're going to be mine. You captured my mind, my heart and my dreams and I saw no one else but you. I promise to be your angel, to be your power, your guider, your everything just how you're mine. I promise to share every joy that life brings, every tear, every smile, every breath. I am yours and you are mine. I promise to be your friend, your lover, yours."

I glanced at Mina seeing her with eyes full of tears but with a proud smile. Everything what Boa and Yunho said to each other was something that woke me up and made me realise that all those things were unnecessary. I needed to fight till the end for Mina and not hurting her or myself. I made a promise to myself and now, when the wedding is over, I will make it come true. 

After their put their wedding rings on and finally been pronaunced as man and wife, they kissed, for the first time as a married couple and I was so proud of Yunho for making his wish of being the only one for Boa come true. Everyone clapped for them, congratulated them. I approached to the couple.
"Congratulations guys." I said, hugging both of them.
"Thank you, we're so glad you're finally back." Boa said and Yunho just winked at me, mouthing "Go get her." 

I turned around and she was in front of me. I was so nervous and felt like a fool, standing in front of her, not being able to say a word. And I wanted to tell her so many things. Instead of revealing everything, I stood there admiring her. She pulled me aside to get away from the crowd. We were finally alone now and it was my chance to fix everything that was broken.

"You know Lee Donghae, I hate you. I hate you so much. I hate you for leaving me alone like that, for making me cry, for being captured in my mind non-stop and for causing so many sleepless nights. I hate you for being so damn indelible and for being in my heart for six months. And no matter how much I try, no matter many times I deny it, you'll always be that stupid Donghae who captured my heart, and you know what-"

I couldn't take it anymore. Silence ruled around us as I kissed her pink, full lips for the first time. I wanted to taste her lips a long time ago and finally, they were mine and only mine. We kissed and got to break it to cathc some air. My hands cuped her pink cheeks and I carressed it with my fingers. 

"I love you." I said staring into her brown eyes, slowly being hyponotised by her look. 
"I love you too you fool." she chuckled and pulled me into another kiss. 

I could hear clapping and cheering from the guys and the new wedding couple as well. We broke our kiss once more and looked at them. Siwon, Eunhyuk, Yesung, Hyukjae, Tiffany, Yoona, Jonghyun, Boa and Yunho were standing and clapping like crazy. Mina covered her cheeks in embarrassment and leaned her forehead on my chest, laughing. I winked at them and burst into laughter, hugging Mina's waist. 

"We kinda stealed their day." Mina whispered to me, still hiding her face.
"I think so. But they seem okay with it." I said and kissed her head, pulling her closer to me. 
"Kiss!" Heechul screamed and the other accompanied them. 
"Yah, wedding couple, you kiss to, it's your day!" I shouted making them all laugh again. I focused again on Mina who was now lookin at me again, waiting for me to kiss her again.


And I did.

Here we are now, a year later, happier than ever. We live together, in a nice apartment in the center of the city. We continued with our carriers, her as a fashion reporter and me still working at Yunho's patisserie, and a tme to time taking care of Yunho's and Boa's little girl. 
Yoona is seeing a nice guy who came one day to the patisserie and started to go there everyday just because of her. She told me he's a sweet and nice guy and he's name is Seunggi. 
Jonghyun is still single, looking for the right one, but happy like this.

Heechul and Yesung are still those two guys who are looking themselves, enjoying every day that life brings. Hyukjae and Hyoyeon are happy together and their love is still the same, actually is getting bigger and stronger everyday.
Siwon broke up with Sooyoung and decided to focus on work more, but his relationship with Tiffany is getting much better and she is glowing whenever she's near him. 
Their story is just beginning.

"So dad, hello. As you can see, we're both really happy and finally together. I made a mistake leaving her but I gave myself another chance and didn't let our love die no matter where we are and how far away we are. Thank you dad for giving me strenght. I'm not letting her go now, I promise. She's always going to be my only one and nothing is going to break us apart now." 

The end

Here you go guys!! The end~ I really hope you like these two final chapters. I did my best and I hope I didn't let you down. Thank you for subscribing to this story, for commenting and for following every chapter and being so into the whole story. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you and see you next time ^^

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 34: it was great.....waow
SUJU4ever13 #2
Chapter 34: This story is so touching and I read in one shot~ love it!!!! Author nim fighting!!
Chapter 34: Huhuhu. It finally ended ;~; Can I request for a sequel? Kkk~ thank you, authornim and job well done ;)
Chapter 34: I'm so, so, SO proud of you! I loved it all the way through and I'll (im)patiently wait for your upcoming stories! Lots of love little dongsaeng! Saranghae~ <333
Chapter 33: OH goooosh<3. I'll wait for the update*^*.

I felt really sad this morning when I read the news, I even cried. I hope he feels better... ELF will be on their sides forever<3.
Chapter 32: Make a move now HAE!! XD Can't wait for your next update author-nim hwaiting
Chapter 32: Kyaaaaaaaa!!! Finally!! Please make a move on Mina now, Donghae! And don't mess up this time! ><
Chapter 28: Wow... You're updating so fast dongsaeng xD I wish I could do that too haha! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 27: Omg.. I really hope the guys will take a good care ofmina if Donghae with Yoona