A month later~~~~~~


I woke up when I felt someone s an arm on my waist.I turned to be greeted by L,smiling.I smiled."How did you get in?"I asked."The window,"he whispered.It has been a month since he confessed.Teen top and Infinite found out by Kevin,who had a huge mouth."Let's not go to school today,"he said.I chuckled an turned facing him.I cuddled up with him until the door opened.

"Hyunnie,wake u-L!GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!"Joon shouted,throwing pillows towards L.L jumped up and kissed me on my cheek.Joon was fuming and threw another pillow towards him."GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"Joon raged.L chuckled and passed Joon,walking cooly to the exit."Why did I even agree for you to be dating him?"Joon asked me.I smiled and changed into my uniform,at the toliet.

I wentout to see L waiting infront of my house."Did you wait long?"I asked.He shooked his head andheld my hand as we walked to school."JEHYUN!!!!"I turned to be greeted by U kiss and Boyfriend.

I waved at them."Aww~I always thought that Jeongmin woud get a girlfriend,first but it turns out at our Jehyunnie found herself a boyfriend,first,"Donghyun commented.I shrugged and we walked to school.

When we arrived in school,L hugged me before skipping class.I smiled and went to class without L.The lesson was great.....................for me to fall asleep in.I woke up when the teacher actually slammed his hand on the board.I saw that it was 5 minutes before the next class,starts.I packed my things and ran to my next class."Jehyun!"Chunji,Ricky,Niel and Sung jong wave at me,like idiots{No offense}

"Hey,"I greeted before they started to talk about the recent rumours.Class started as normal.I was in my day-dream when Chunji nugded me telling me class was over.I went tothe roof to see L,sleeping.I sat beside him and stare at his face."Am I that goodlooking for you to be staring at me,like that?"he asked,without opening his eyes."Cocky,"I scoffed.I put his head on my shoulder."Close your eyes,"he told me."Why?"I asked.He remained quiet until I closed my eyes.He took my hand and slide something on my finger.

"You can open your eyes,now,"He told me.I saw a black ring on my finger.'MS<3JH'was engraved there.My heart started to beat faster.L leaned in for a kiss.Just when we were about to kiss,a flash was seen.We look at the door to see everyone,smiling guiltly.Infinite and Teen top was there.L look at them,pissed while I was just smiling."Sorry~"they apologised.





      images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXWRaZuc0wU949m8afMyt      images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQfax2E-bCtK-dPeCVYYs  images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQd-deANcdwY9GOH32Vqa              images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYUVoMrPu2FxraffV4ac4


RANDOMNESS~~~[I ship Myungyeol^^]

I always envy people who are photogenic.My pictures always came out ugly.....so instead of taking selcas I take peoples picture.I am not weird right?.......

Anyways,read my other fanfics~~ http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/594975 {You are my brother,oneshots}

                                               http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/592884  {WHAT?????????????,Infinite,Teen top,Boyfriend,Big bang,Block B,U kiss,JJproject,B a p,B2st.}

                                               http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/588437  {My secret boyfriend,oneshot,B a p}

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acidapple #1
Chapter 27: I ship Myungyeol too!!*high five*
Chapter 23: Awwww haha
Chapter 22: oh im interested! ^^ please update soon!