Familiar scene...


After school,Ricky literally pushed me to the mall."Noona,let's go to the arcade!"he cheered as the rest followed behind at a reasonable distance.I walked into the arcade and saw the different machines.Hoya,Changjo,Dongwoo and Ricky went to the DTR machine while the rest seperated to the racing games."What do you want to play?"L asked me."Um....Guitar hero!"I smiled and went to the machine.

I struggled with the guitar strap but L help me adjust the strap and played together with me.L let me win the game but I was oblivious to it.He smiled when I cheered."Let's play that!"I pointed to the basketball machine.He nod and we played the basketball game.L was good at shooting the balls into the hoop while i was just randomly throwing it.Thanks to L,we went on to level5 and the hoop started to move back and forth.His hand brushes mine and somehow my heart pumped faster.I saw him smile and snapped out of my day dream.

After awhile,I begged L to go to the Silent hill machine with me.He gave in and we went in.I was and still am a scaredy cat.We went in and  played the game for a few minutes.Suddenly,a ghost apppeared in the screen.I shouted,"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"It was so loud that the whole arcade can hear.After awhile,we went out of the arcade.The rest look at me."I AM NEVER PLAYING SILENT HILL EVER AGAIN!"I told myself as everyone laughed.


Jehyun came out and announced,"I AM NEVER PLAYING SILENT HILL EVER AGAIN!"Everyone exploded into laughter.I stopped laughing.Something like this did happened before.

A few years ago


We went to Lottle world for Sungjong's birthday and saw a poster on the newly opened haunted house.We decided to go in pairs.Sunggyu and Woohyun,DongWoo and Hoya,Sungyeol and L,Sung Jong and Jehyun,C.A.P and Niel,Chunji and L.joe,and finally,Ricky and Changjo.The last pair to go in is Sung jong and Jehyun."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"everyone heard Jehyun shouted."ACK!"This time it was Sung Jong."AHHHHHHHHHH!!!"we heard Jehyun shouted.After awhile,the pair came out.Sung Jong look normal but Jehyun look pale and said,"THAT WILL BE THE LAST TIME I AM GOING IN THERE!I AM NEVER GOING IN THERE AGAIN!!"Everyone chuckled at her behavior.


We went for ice cream and sat at the nearby park.I sat on the bench next to L and Woohyun."Jehyun,are you-""JEHYUN!!Wanna try my ice cream?"Sungyeol shouted cutting Woohyun."No,thanks,"i replied."You were saying?"I asked."Are you the same Lee Je hyun that left us a few years ago?"he asked.

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acidapple #1
Chapter 27: I ship Myungyeol too!!*high five*
Chapter 23: Awwww haha
Chapter 22: oh im interested! ^^ please update soon!