Dance competition..........



"WAKE UP!!!THE DANCE COMPETITON IS TODAY!!"Just like that I bolted up from Min woo's bed.I look at the calender and realized that it really is the day of the competition."Lend me your clothes to change to,"I yawned.He gave me a singlet,dark blue vest and a white jacket + jeans.I smiled at his choice and change into it.

"Let's have breakfast,first,"Hyun seong announced.We went to a breakfast bunch.I chuckled as the oldest  3 started to take lots of food.This is the only few moments where the oldest 3 could be cute.I smiled and went to the table with my food."What song are we performin?"I asked."Let's get it started,followed by Don't touch my girl and Janus,"Minwoo replied.I nod and ate my food while listening to them,joke.


I walked in with Boyfriend and saw that the competition had not started,yet."Let's start the competition by calling the rookies,B.A.P!!"the MC shouted.I was pulled by Jeongmin nearer to th stage.B.A.P was dancing to One shot.I was amazed.It was really good.

"Teen Top is up,next!"I heard the Mc said.Wait?!They are here?!They got into their positions and the music started to play.

[Watch it if you want; and]

I was looking at Chunji,whose eyes widened as soon as he saw me.I waved alittle and smiled.After the performance ended,another group of 7 familiar guys appeared at the stage."Let's welcome,Infinite!"the Mc shouted.

[Another watch if you want; and}

L saw me and his eyes widened.I gave him a smile and walk backstage.The 6 smiled as soon as I arrived.I was scared and tensed."Hey,don't be tensed,"Hyun seong told me."It is for memories!"Jeong min cheered.Infinite got off the stage and we went to our postions.

[The last watch,if you want to;, and}

After we dance,we quickly got off the stage."That was awesome!!"the maknae line cheered."You guys are great!!"the maknae line and myself squished each other in a hug."The third place goes to.....BOYFRIEND!!""That is us!!"Minwoo pulled me and Hyun seong to the stage to collect the prize."The second place goes to Teen Top!!"the Mc said."And,the first place goes to.............INFINITE!!!"the Mc continued.I wanted to congratule them but girls were already congratulating them.

"Let's get out of here,"Young min told me and pulled me and his twin out."TIME FOR ICE-CREAM!!!"the maknae line and I cheered."ICE CREAM~~~"we all sang.

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acidapple #1
Chapter 27: I ship Myungyeol too!!*high five*
Chapter 23: Awwww haha
Chapter 22: oh im interested! ^^ please update soon!