Meeting with TopStars

A Turn of Events

After exchanging contacts with TopStars that day, I was told to concentrate on my studies and continue attending Glamour lessons. They had informed me that I would get notified again when it's time for my training to start. Exams were coming and I had no chance of dwelling on the fact that the others has already started training. I was the only one that has yet to start training. Ailee and the others have all started their extra lessons with the entertainment company. Ailee's dancing has already started to see improvements, much more than I was improving, but I was getting to see her less these days. I guess that's a small price to pay for our dreams.

2 days before my last paper, I was just hanging out with my classmates in the canteen, when a lady tapped my shoulder. I looked up in surprise to see a drop dead gorgeous female. "Hi, I'm Stella. We have met before. I was the representative of TopStars. I would like to talk to you more about the contract. Is now an okay timing for you?" the female introduced herself. Well, I couldn't say no to her could I?

We shifted to another table that was quieter. "I know that you must be wondering why we picked you that day. Well, TopStars or rather I saw the potential in you. You are actually pretty amazing at your dance, especially the free style part. I found out that you have no experience before this course as such TopStars would like to train you to see how much better you can get." I could only stare at Stella as I didn't know how to reply to her. She moved to brief me on the schedule that TopStars would like me to engage in. I looked at the piece of schedule and I swore my mind just froze. It was maddness. After my normal lessos, I was to continue with my Glamour classes and have additional lessons at TopStars everyday. My schedule was full from 8am all the way to 10pm every single day. this applied to weekends too. "I know it looks crazy, but not to worry. If you agree with it, I will be your personal assistant and I will ferry you around to make sure that you can make it in time for all your schedules. Of course, to facilitate this, you will have to shift over to the TopStars building." Stella added on.

"I know for sure that I want to make my dream come true. But I'm not so sure my parents will agree to this. They are not really aware that I got picked by TopStars." I told Stella. I really wanted to say yes but I had to consider my parents' feelings. "Oh. That does complicate things a bit but don't worry. I am very persuasive when I want to. I'll talk to your parents for you." Stella assured me.

Wow, Stella sure is making a strong impression on me. She is pretty, seems to have a good background of dance and singing, she was literaly the ideal type that every girl wants to become. She seems pretty sure that I will become part of TopStars. True enough, that night, she paid a visit to my parents and had them convinced. In fact, my parents have totally fallen for the charms of Stella. I have never seen my parents so supportive of my dream to become an idol.

I was to sign the contract and officially become part of TopStars on the day of my last paper. I could hardly concentrate on my paper, but eventually I made it through. I quickly left the exam hall and met up with Stella and we drove off to TopStars. I was defitnely feeling butterflies in my stomach. I was sure that TopStars will be filled with amazing people that I have only seen on television. As we approached a building, I was filled with awe. Even the building itself had a sense of success. I was brought straight to a lounge and papers were signed. There was even a form that stated that my parents had no say in what activities were planned for me. Everything is going to be decided solely by me. I was finally going to begin to take charge of my own life. Just when I had finished signing the papers with Stella, a group of people walked in. They looked like they had just finished a workout. Stella then began introducing me to them.

"This is Hyuna from Korea University. She is the one that has been chosen this year. She is now officially a TopStar." I felt shy but elated to be introduced as a member of TopStars. I did a shy wave and bow to everybody else. "Hi, I'm Hyuna. Do take care of me." After mingling for awhile, the group of people had to go back to practice. I found out that they were practicing for an upcoming dance battle.

My head was still reeling from the meeting with the other members when Stella dropped another bomb on me. "Well Hyuna, those were some of our best members. You might even get to train with them in the future. However, for now, you will be training with me. We should probably start having you shift over here. Is there anything you would like to bring over from your house?" Stella asked me. "So soon?? I'm not mentally prepared to shift out yet." I exclaimed. Stella must have sensed that I was not accepting so many changes at a time so she suggested giving me a week.

That sure was the most eventful days I have ever had so far. In a flash, I am now a TopStar and I have even gotten to meet with the professional dancers from TopStars. I was even going to have get ready to shift houses. It feels like my whole life was going to be erased and re-written.


I just like writing the details for each event so it may be a bit long :)

Please do continue to read my story!! I'm going to wrap up the 'beginning' soon and 2pm is going to enter the story :D

It'll be nice if you guys could get others to read my story too!! <3

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Aikosdiary #1
Chapter 24: love these kind of stories ! Keep going
Chapter 35: Yeah an update!!! Finally!!!
so she confessed to junho and junho to her. So sweet ♥
Update soon ^^
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 35: OHMAIGOD! THEY FINALLY ADMIT THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER. Thanks alot for the updates! I really appreciate it! Gonna wait for the next ones to come :D
Chapter 34: yeees finally they broke up!!! I didn't like their relationship because I think hyuna just liked nichkhun like the way she felt for Emmet and it was bothering me but now I feel ok :D
I think that person behind her is junho♥ want to see his reaction!!!
Update soon :)
Chapter 33: Surely she still has fellings to Junho... I think in this situation being with nichkhun is not a very good choice...!!! She can hurt his feelings...
Update soon:)
nuneodevotion #6
Chapter 33: OhmyGod im squealing like a lil kid here cause junho is so caring and she clearly still has feelings for him. Thanks alot for the update! Please do update soon again :D
Chapter 32: Yeeeees she is going to understand she still have feelings for junho!!! I really prefer junho...
nuneodevotion #8
Chapter 32: woah! junho will b in the picture again i assume! ah thanks for th update authornim!
Chapter 31: I like Nichkhun too, but actually I started reading this story because of Junho and honestly I think Hyuna and Junho are matching much better than Hyuna and Nichkhun. So please let it be Junho!!!!!
Taecmeaway #10
Chapter 31: Junhooooo! She needs to be together with junho.