The Others

A Turn of Events

As I made my way to the training room that Stella has asked me to go, I observed that it was really quiet in the building. It was as if the whole place was vacant. It was pretty scary to be honest.

I entered the training room and just walked ard while waiting for Stella. All of a sudden, "Congratulations!!!" A group of people burst through the door. They were holding a cake with candles on it. Turns out that TopStars wanted to hold a party for me! Before I could say thank you, I felt something wet and cold hit the side of my head. I reached only to find whipped cream. I turned around to see the culprit only to find a really cute guy smiling. "Congratulations! I'm Emmett. Nice to meet you."

Although he was really cute and hot, I had to have my revenge. I quickly used my hands to get whipped cream and smacked it against his head. That was when all hell broke loose and a part became a cake smashing session. Finally, Stella called for time out. "Stop! This is fun but there's no more cream to play with and it's time to introduce yourselves." That's when the playful members became slightly more serious and introduced themselves. I honestly can't really remember all of them. I could only remember Emmett and Daniel, as Emmett was the first to tease me and Daniel being Stella's boyfriend. Overall, all the members were nice and very friendly to me. Before they left the training room, they also passed me gifts. I had insisted that it wasn't necessary but the members insisted. Well, I just couldn't say no to them. 

After the "goodbyes" and "we will see each other soon" have been said, I brought my gifts up to my room and changed out of my dirty clothes. Although it was a really unexpected meeting with the members, I really enjoyed myself and am glad that I clicked so well with them. After changing, Stella allowed me to have the day off. Turns out that there was actually no training today, she just wanted to have a party. I then took my time to open up the gifts. There were various bags, clothes, soft toys and even posters! How they knew my favourite group was a reall mystery to me. Either way, I have yet to regret joining TopStars. I'm sure everything is going to be just fine. That night, I fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Stella woke me up at 9am. She showed me the way to the kitchen and made me breakfast. "Eat more. Don't worry about your weight. When we start training, you will automatically lose weight. And for today, you will be going shopping with me. We need to settle your image first." I decided to change into something casual so that it was easy to change in and out of clothes. How I was going to afford to go shopping I have no idea but I was excited nonetheless.

The moment I set foot in the shopping mall, I never stopped. Stella was just so pumped up from the idea of shopping for me. She would drag me from store to store and pass me tons of clothes to try. Then she would scrutinize me from head to toe. It was fun at the beginning but it soon became too much for me. After about 2-3 hours, I just didn't have any more energy. Within that time frame, Stella has already bought tons of clothes for me. I told her that I couldn't afford it but all she said was,"Don't worry about it. I have tons of money and nowhere to spend. So, I'm really glad that I can spend it on you today. You won't have to return me a single cent." Thereafter, she continued her routine of piling clothes for me to try. By evening, there was just so many bags to carry, that's when Stella decided to go back home. 

I struggled to carry all the bags to my room, back at TopStars. There was just so many! And, Stella herself was carrying so many bags. On my way to my room at the lobby, I bumped into somebody and dropped my bags. As I was really tired, I was intending to give the person a piece of mind when I looked up. I was stunned into silence. Standing there was the man of dreams. I really never expected me to meet him in such circumstances. The guy quickly apologized and helped me pick up my bags. I shyly took the bags from him and he walked away. I never even got to say my thanks. That must have been a dream. By the time I got back to my room, I was still in a state of shock. The man that knocked into me was none other than my bias, Lee Junho. Will I ever get to see him again?


Finally I got to the first meeting between Junho and Hyuna :)

it's just a bit of a teaser so that you guys won't get bored of reading this :)

More meet ups with 2pm will be coming~ Please do support my story as always :)

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Aikosdiary #1
Chapter 24: love these kind of stories ! Keep going
Chapter 35: Yeah an update!!! Finally!!!
so she confessed to junho and junho to her. So sweet ♥
Update soon ^^
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 35: OHMAIGOD! THEY FINALLY ADMIT THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER. Thanks alot for the updates! I really appreciate it! Gonna wait for the next ones to come :D
Chapter 34: yeees finally they broke up!!! I didn't like their relationship because I think hyuna just liked nichkhun like the way she felt for Emmet and it was bothering me but now I feel ok :D
I think that person behind her is junho♥ want to see his reaction!!!
Update soon :)
Chapter 33: Surely she still has fellings to Junho... I think in this situation being with nichkhun is not a very good choice...!!! She can hurt his feelings...
Update soon:)
nuneodevotion #6
Chapter 33: OhmyGod im squealing like a lil kid here cause junho is so caring and she clearly still has feelings for him. Thanks alot for the update! Please do update soon again :D
Chapter 32: Yeeeees she is going to understand she still have feelings for junho!!! I really prefer junho...
nuneodevotion #8
Chapter 32: woah! junho will b in the picture again i assume! ah thanks for th update authornim!
Chapter 31: I like Nichkhun too, but actually I started reading this story because of Junho and honestly I think Hyuna and Junho are matching much better than Hyuna and Nichkhun. So please let it be Junho!!!!!
Taecmeaway #10
Chapter 31: Junhooooo! She needs to be together with junho.