Time Alone

A Turn of Events

-Hyuna's POV-

I still woke up at the same time the next morning. I decided to be nice and accompany Stella as she eats her breakfast. I can tell that she feels really bad about leaving me alone. She gave me some cash and her credit card. She told me to spend some cash and panper myself. I smiled and hurried her out of the house. Now that Stella is out, I really don't know what am I suppose to do to spend my day. I thought of Ailee and decided to call her up.

"Ailee-ah, are you free today? I haven't got to see you yet although it has been a few days since I came to Korea. I'd really like to meet up with you."

"Sorry Hyuna! I got practice the whole day. My CEO says that I have a chance of debutting soon so he wants me to train as much as I can. I'll call you again when I'm free okay? I gotta go!" I let off a sigh. Now would be  good time for Emmnet or anyone at all to come talk to me. I couldn't stand the idea of staying at home the whole day. I changed into something simple and set off to nowhere in particular. I was enoying myself at first but I got bored and hungry. I loved strolling the streets alone but I get bored easily. I chose to settle down in a cafe for lunch. As I slowly ate my lunch, I would observe the people around me. It suddenly dawned on me that people who are roaming the streets at this time of the day as usually couples or loners like me. I felt a sudden pang of saddness. I wondered about my  life and how different it would be if I didn't join Glamour. To get rid of those negative thoughts, I decided to go shopping. SInce Stella has given me her credit card, I might as well make full use of it.

I managed to find a shopping mall somewhere. I honestly don't know where I was actually. Shopping did take my mind off those megative thoughts. I slowly flipped through the many racks of clothes. I even managed to buy quite a few pieces. I was running out clothes to wear. It was Stella's great idea to bring minimal amount of clothes. I decided to be nice again and got a few pieces for her. Luckily, Stella was small in size so it was easy to shop for her. Before long, it was time for dinner. I had lost track of time shopping, it was Stella's phone call that reminded me that it was dinner time. "Where are you? Are we having dinner together?" Stella asked. In the end, Stella decided to come and find me when I told her that I have no idea where I was. I continued with my shopping as I waited for Stella. I have been waiting for almost an hour before I received another call from Stella. "I'm here. Let's meet outside the cafe called Sweet Nothing."

I arrived at the cafe and made my way in. I glanced throught the restaurant but I did not see her. Suddenly, a hand shot through the air and there Stella was. I was about to walk to the table when I realised that she was not alone. Due to the lighting, I had to squint before I could make out the people. And when I did figure out those people, I realised that it was 2pm! I was starting to feel flustered. I slowly weaved my way through the tables. I quickly and shyly took my seat beside Stella.

-(XX)'s POV-

It was a tiring day for us. We had practice the whole day. During our last practice session, Stella came in to supervise. I didn't see Hyuna with her and was surprised to find that I was feeling a little dissappointed. After practice, I overheard Stella's conversation on the phone. She was going to have dinner with Hyuna! I took this opportunity and asked Stella to join us for dinner. She declinced my offer and said that she was going to have dinner with someone else. "It's okay. We can go with you! It's nice to meet new people too. As long as the other party does not mind having dinner with us." I told Stella with a smile. I was praying hard that nobody suspects anything. Luckily, the other members and Stella were fine with the arrangement and we set off.

We entered a cute little cafe. I can't wait to see Hyuna again. As we chatted, I would keep glancing at the entrance, waiting for Hyuna to come. At last, I saw her make her way to our table. She just shyly sat down. I quickly took the opportunity to introduce myself. "Hello, I am Nickhun. Nice to meet you."

-Hyuna's POV-

"Hello, I am Nickhun. Nice to meet you."

I thought I was hearing things. I can't believe this. Nickhun from 2pm is talking to me now. "Hello, my name is Hyuna." I gathered my senses and responded. Suddenly, I was aware that all eyes were on me. I suddenly feel so small when all of them are looking at me. 6 beastly idols, 6 pairs of eyes, all looking at me. It was kind of pressurizing. I just wanted to be friendly. Thank god, Stella sensed that I was feeling uncomfortable with all eyes on me and so she started a conversation. I waved the waitress over to take our order. It must have been confusing for the waitress because everybody wanted something different. However, I can tell that the waitress was over the moon. She must have enjoyed taking orders from 2pm. Somehow, I felt a pang of jeolousy. I had to remind myself not to act like a fan. Throughout the dinner, I would focus only on my dinner. Although I was quite tense, I slowly relaxed as the atmosphere was really comfortable. I would only get nervous when the members directed questions at me. Other than that, I hardly spoke up. It is still intimidating to have any one of them look at me. Dinner passed in a flash like that and it was time to go.

I walked out of the restaurant first. As I was just standing outside, I heard some shuffling behind me. "Hi, dinner was kinda enjoyable. Hope to see you again." someone said to me. I turned around only to see Nickhun and Junho. I was quite surprised to see them so I just nodded and smiled shyly. Just then, Stella finished paying the bill and it was time to part. Throughout that whole night, I was so preoccupied with thoughts of 2pm that I could hardly hear what Stella had to say. Stella eventually gave up as she realised that I was too distracted. Somehow, I was feeling too excited that night nd couldn't fall asleep. Eventually, tiredness took over and I fell into a restless sleep. Maybe our paths were only starting to cross, it was not the end yet.

-Nickhun's POV-

As I lay in bed that night, my thoughts would keep flickering to Hyuna. I couldn't help but look at her the whole night. It was nice to just observe her. I really do hope that we get to meet again and not just for dinner. I tossed and turned for so long before I managed to fall asleep that night.


Now you guys know who (XX) is :)

Do keep reading and comment if you guys think that the plot is getting boring. I will try to make the story more interesting for you guys :)

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Aikosdiary #1
Chapter 24: love these kind of stories ! Keep going
Chapter 35: Yeah an update!!! Finally!!!
so she confessed to junho and junho to her. So sweet ♥
Update soon ^^
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 35: OHMAIGOD! THEY FINALLY ADMIT THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER. Thanks alot for the updates! I really appreciate it! Gonna wait for the next ones to come :D
Chapter 34: yeees finally they broke up!!! I didn't like their relationship because I think hyuna just liked nichkhun like the way she felt for Emmet and it was bothering me but now I feel ok :D
I think that person behind her is junho♥ want to see his reaction!!!
Update soon :)
Chapter 33: Surely she still has fellings to Junho... I think in this situation being with nichkhun is not a very good choice...!!! She can hurt his feelings...
Update soon:)
nuneodevotion #6
Chapter 33: OhmyGod im squealing like a lil kid here cause junho is so caring and she clearly still has feelings for him. Thanks alot for the update! Please do update soon again :D
Chapter 32: Yeeeees she is going to understand she still have feelings for junho!!! I really prefer junho...
nuneodevotion #8
Chapter 32: woah! junho will b in the picture again i assume! ah thanks for th update authornim!
Chapter 31: I like Nichkhun too, but actually I started reading this story because of Junho and honestly I think Hyuna and Junho are matching much better than Hyuna and Nichkhun. So please let it be Junho!!!!!
Taecmeaway #10
Chapter 31: Junhooooo! She needs to be together with junho.