The Event

A Turn of Events

Days pass as I tried to master the dance well. I was adapting quite well to my new life. Stella says that I have a natural talent for dancing but still I am doubting my own abilities. I was beginning to feel so nervous. I have managed to master the dance and even had a few sessions of practice with the other members. However, it was just so intimidaitng and scary. I'm just so afarid that I will disgrace myself or worse, disgrace TopStars. There were going to be two groups of dancers, I was going to be part of the second group. Luckily for me, there were people that I recognised in the second group. The one that smashed cake into my face, Emmnet, was in the same group as me as well as another girl that I remember as Lucy.

Too soon, the day of the event arrived. I woke up as usual but I had no appetite for breakfast at all. "Don't worry so much, Hyuna. All will be fine. The other members will be there to back you up. Even if you mess up, we will all be around. Just eat something if not you will not have energy to dance well." Stella encouraged me. Today, Stella was being especially nice to me. I guess my nervousness was showing. I met up with the other members and we took a minibus to the venue. The event was going to be held in a ballroom and the setting in the ballroom was so pretty I couldn't help but look around in wonder. It turned out that it was an event for top dancers/groups to showcase their abilities. I should have never read the banner that was hanging above the stage. This way, I would have never known that this was such an important event for TopStars. I was rushed to the backstage together with the other members. I don't understand why Stella couldn't take my place when she was so much better a dancer as compared to me. Stella had me change my clothes to a slightly baggy jeans that reached my knees and a black crop top over a white tank top. I have to admit that Stella is very much a fashionista too. Her philosophy is that clothes define a girl, which is why she is very particular of what I wear out of the house. She has been coordinating my outfits for me recently. Outfits aside, I was beginning to feel the butterflies in my stomach. I have never been confident in front of a crowd, it's worse today since I was going to have to perform. The time for our turn was just creeping nearer and nearer. I quickly took a deep breath and quickly went through the whole dance once. Soon, it was TopStars turn, we were the closing act which means that all eyes was going to be on us. The members and I all did a quick cheer. I knew that they were cheering for my sake. I could tell that this was nothing for them, as they were all so experienced. I heard Stella wispher,"Be confident." as I walked out onto the stage with the other members, flanked by Emmnet and Lucy by my sides.

On stage, it was everything that I had imagined backstage. Everybody looking up expectantly with the lights on us. The music came on and the first group of dancers performed their part. I could tell that the crowd was totally loving the performance, and somehow that made me feel even more nervous. Soon, the song was over and it was my turn. Emmnet gave my arm a light squeeze and smiled at me. We quickly took our positions on the stage. I took courage in the fact that Emmnet and Lucy was with me and that I was performing a song that 2pm had performed before, and managed to calm my heart down a bit. The first beat started and the rest was history. I matched every single beat perfectly and even managed to nail the acrobatics nicely. I ended with a huge smile. There was cheering from everywhere. It was pretty dizzying for me.

I was whisked to the backstage by Emmnet and Lucy. I was actually starting to feel a bit lighthead from that experience. I did not fail nor embarrass TopStars. TopStars managed to retain its glory in delivering the best performances as well as being the best group. I was so glad that Stella did not give me a choice  but put me through this event. That night, I had a celebratory dinner with the members. They congratulated me on finishing my first event and for doing it so well. During dinner, a sudden wave of familarity/gratefulness hit me and I was thankful that everybody from TopStars accepted me so easily. From that day onwards, I knew that I was going to be part of another family.


Had to write about the event. I know it's nothing much but it was just fun for me to write that.

I hope it's not too boring for you guys ><

Anyways, to make up for it, I'll be putting up another chapter very soon.

Keep reading and do comment if you guys think it's great/nice/boring/anything you think of the story :)

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Aikosdiary #1
Chapter 24: love these kind of stories ! Keep going
Chapter 35: Yeah an update!!! Finally!!!
so she confessed to junho and junho to her. So sweet ♥
Update soon ^^
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 35: OHMAIGOD! THEY FINALLY ADMIT THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER. Thanks alot for the updates! I really appreciate it! Gonna wait for the next ones to come :D
Chapter 34: yeees finally they broke up!!! I didn't like their relationship because I think hyuna just liked nichkhun like the way she felt for Emmet and it was bothering me but now I feel ok :D
I think that person behind her is junho♥ want to see his reaction!!!
Update soon :)
Chapter 33: Surely she still has fellings to Junho... I think in this situation being with nichkhun is not a very good choice...!!! She can hurt his feelings...
Update soon:)
nuneodevotion #6
Chapter 33: OhmyGod im squealing like a lil kid here cause junho is so caring and she clearly still has feelings for him. Thanks alot for the update! Please do update soon again :D
Chapter 32: Yeeeees she is going to understand she still have feelings for junho!!! I really prefer junho...
nuneodevotion #8
Chapter 32: woah! junho will b in the picture again i assume! ah thanks for th update authornim!
Chapter 31: I like Nichkhun too, but actually I started reading this story because of Junho and honestly I think Hyuna and Junho are matching much better than Hyuna and Nichkhun. So please let it be Junho!!!!!
Taecmeaway #10
Chapter 31: Junhooooo! She needs to be together with junho.