The Chosen Few

A Turn of Events

I couldn't stop worrying about the entertainment agencies the whole weekend. I have adapted quite well to the lessons nder Glamour. However, I was still not confident in my own abilities. Will I really stand a chance against the others?

Because of the entertainment agencies, another teacher has been invited to help us. We seperated into two classes, boys and girls. The boys were asked to do "I Need A Girl" by Taeyang. The girls were asked to learn the dance to "Change" by Hyuna. I honestly loved that song but knowing that I have to showcase that was making very scared. Ailee, on the other hand, was estastic. She has learnt the dance through videos made by others. "Don't worry so much, Hyuna-ah. I will help you out. It is not as difficult as you think. You have 2 weeks. Don't worry too much." Ailee encouraged me.

We were shown the dance once, and then Ms Yoon brought us through step by step. The pelvic dance was just so hard. I just couldn't seem to control my hip. I stole a glance in the mirror that was beside me and I thought I looked ridiculous. How was I going to master the dance in time?! For the whole week, we were taught the dance. Ms Yoon would always try to help me out as I was the weakest dancer in the class. I worked extremely hard for the two weeks. I have never been so driven in my entire life. It was hard work. I had to fulfil my promise to my parents and work towards my dream. There just didn't seem to be enough time in a day for me to do my tutorials and practice my dance. I often would skip my breaks to practice my dance with Ailee. It was certainly effortless for her.

Finally, the D-day has arrived. Too soon in my opinion. We were divided into groups of 5. I was lucky to be grouped together with Ailee. Unfortunately, I was also grouped with Sandra. I saw her give a scan through the girls. It was obvious that she was still feeling confident at this point of time. I, on the other hand, was ready to break down at any moment. I was just so tense that I could hardly stay still. As we sit around the class, I watched the groups take their turn. We had drew lots before and my group was 5th to dance. There were 2 girl groups and 2 boy groups before us. It wasn't a good placing. I was afarid that the representatives from the entertainment agencies won't remember our performance. But still, I did my breathing exercise and started trying to remember te dance. I also paid close attention to the representatives' reactions. So far, they have been having poker faces. It was hard to tell if they were impressed.

It is now our turn. I whispered a "Good Luck" to AIlee and we walked up together. The music started and everything else in the room disappeared. It was just me, my music and my dance. I managed to nail the pelvic dance and the opening just fine. However, halfway through just after the rap part, I missed the beat. Suddenly, I was aware of the stares from the rooms. I saw Sandra smirk at me. For that moment, everything seemed to have stopped. I just didn't know what to do. I was unable to join in for quite a few beats/parts as I have missed the beat. Instead of standing there like a fool, I decided to just give myself to the music and did an impromptu free style dance of my own. I was aware that I had very limited skills. But that didn't stop me at all. I'd rather look like a fool dancing than to look like a fool standing still while everyone else was dancing. I quickly joined in the moment I could. The dance finally came to an end. I knew that my chance of debuting was now like negetive. I quickly sat down to escape those looks that I was gaining from my classmates. I was so close to tearing up in class.

Everyone else did their performance and the whole event was finally over. I honestly can't wait to go back home and just curl up in my bed. I was exhausted from the 2 weeks of pressure. Surprisingly, it took the representatives only 10 mins to decide on who they wanted. There were a total of 3 agencies. It was known that TopStars was the best. Every person that signed with them would do well in the industry. However, it wasn't every year that they accepted people. If chosen, one would have the chance of furthering his/her training in Korea. The good thing was that the agencies did not state how many they would take. Even though, I had messed up, I still hoped for the best. Ailee and I held hands and we both prayed for the best. If I couldn't get chosen, I would still want Ailee to be the chosen one. There was this painful and unbearable moment whilst Ms Yoon gathered the names from the representatives. "For those whose names have been called out, kindly please meet outside after the briefing. Under Square Entertainment, we have Sandra and Ailee. Under Alpha Entertainment, we have Ferlyn and Tasha. Under TopStars, we have Hyuna. That's all. I know that you guys are tired, so please do head home early and I will see you the next lesson." I am momentarily shocked. I was so happy for Ailee that she got chosen. I didn't really pay attention to the other names. It was when Ailee started slapping my hand before I realised that my name was called out. Ailee quickly pulled up to my feet and pulled me out.

We met up with the representative from the various entertainment agencies and exchanged contacts. The entertainment agencies would be contacting each of us individually as we were now considered to be under different groups. The whole process was a blur. I was so afraid and confused after the shock went off. Was I really picked by TopStars, the best agency in town? And over Sandra at that. I could tell that Sandra wasn't so happy about that. It was clear that she didn't expect me to be chosen and by TopStars. Oh wells, nothing can dampen my mood. I was part of the chosen few.


A slightly longer chapter :)

I hope it's not too naggy for you guys~ Please do continue to support my story :)

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Aikosdiary #1
Chapter 24: love these kind of stories ! Keep going
Chapter 35: Yeah an update!!! Finally!!!
so she confessed to junho and junho to her. So sweet ♥
Update soon ^^
nuneodevotion #3
Chapter 35: OHMAIGOD! THEY FINALLY ADMIT THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER. Thanks alot for the updates! I really appreciate it! Gonna wait for the next ones to come :D
Chapter 34: yeees finally they broke up!!! I didn't like their relationship because I think hyuna just liked nichkhun like the way she felt for Emmet and it was bothering me but now I feel ok :D
I think that person behind her is junho♥ want to see his reaction!!!
Update soon :)
Chapter 33: Surely she still has fellings to Junho... I think in this situation being with nichkhun is not a very good choice...!!! She can hurt his feelings...
Update soon:)
nuneodevotion #6
Chapter 33: OhmyGod im squealing like a lil kid here cause junho is so caring and she clearly still has feelings for him. Thanks alot for the update! Please do update soon again :D
Chapter 32: Yeeeees she is going to understand she still have feelings for junho!!! I really prefer junho...
nuneodevotion #8
Chapter 32: woah! junho will b in the picture again i assume! ah thanks for th update authornim!
Chapter 31: I like Nichkhun too, but actually I started reading this story because of Junho and honestly I think Hyuna and Junho are matching much better than Hyuna and Nichkhun. So please let it be Junho!!!!!
Taecmeaway #10
Chapter 31: Junhooooo! She needs to be together with junho.