
My Guardian

Hey everyone! I just want to say i'm going on holidays tomorrow for a few weeks! I'm also going to KOREA!!! WOOHOO!! Can't wait :D Hopefully i'll bump into  some kpop stars  while i'm there..SO EXCITED! <3 T_T I won't have my laptop with me so..I'll try to update a few chapters today!  And continue to brainstorm this story on my iPod when i'm on holidays..I'm really sorry to keep you guys waiting T_T I'll try my best! Enjoy chapter 13 ^^


-Lunch Time-

You packed your bag. ''ugh..I'm so hungry..'' Daehyun yawned and stretched. He lazily slung an arm around you letting his weight onto you causing you to stumble a little.Your eyes widened at you and Daehyuns ''skinship''.
Kikwang gently yanked Daehyun off you and wedged himself between you two. ''Daehyun-sii i'll buy you some food''
Daehyun glared at Kikwang. ''Mind your own business..nerd''
You slapped Daehyun back. ''Says the one who was studying all night!''
''Who says I was studying all night?!''
''Youngjae did! So thats why you're so late today huh?'' you wiggled your brows.
Kikwang pushed up his glasses ''I never knew Daehyun-sii was the type that studys'' he mumbled to himself.
''You sound more like the nerd'' you and Kikwang laughed at him and ran off to the canteen.
''Yah! wait up!'' Daehyun followed you guys.
''Alright!'' Yongguk slammed his hands on the table catching everyones attention.
''I have something to announce'' His eyes sparkled with excitement.
''Next week-'' Yongguk started
''IS THE ANNUAL TALENT SHOW!'' Zelo jumped up from his seat stretching his arms.
Everyone stayed silent.
''..And?'' you raised a brow.
Zelo sinked back into his seat.
''Zelo,Youngjae,Jongup,Himchan and I are going to enter..The first prize is 3000000.00 won! (About 2000 euros) '' Yongguks eyes sparkled. ''I want to get new boxing gloves for my club,punching bags,'' Yongguk continued listing off all the equipments you could possibly have for boxing.
You snapped your fingers in front of his face.
''Oppa. I get it. Good Luck.'' You pumped your fist.
''We wrote the song yesterday.I wrote the lyrics and Kangdae helped me compose the song...but...we're short on 2 dancers..''Yongguk looked at Daehyun grinning at him.
Daehyun looked down and stuffed his face with food. ''Cmon Daehyun!'' Yongguk pleaded.
''Yeah please we really want to win this'' Zelo pulled his arm. ''I seen him dancing before! he's pretty good! Cmon do this for us!'' Youngjae pulled his other arm.
''Aish!'' Daehyun yanked both of his arms away from Zelo and Youngjae and continued eating. All 5 boys excluding Daehyun and Kikwang looked at you. ''Bwo?'' you mouthed. ''Jebal..'' They all mouthed back.
*Not this again* You rolled your eyes. ''Daehyun..Please help Yongguk'' you pouted. 
Daehyun looked up at you and smirked. ''I'll do it if you show me aegyo.'' 
Your eyes popped. *Aish this guy* Everyone else looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
''Ireoke.(Like this) '' ''Buuiing buiing'' Daehyun looked so cute when he did buuing buuing.
You clenched your fists and brought them to your cheeks awkwardly and tried to smile sweetly ''b-b..b-''
''ANDWAE!'' you dropped your hands and blushed real hard. Daehyun laughed non stop clutching his stomach.
''Jebal noona try again! pretend he's your namja chinggu'' Zelo pouted. You glared at him. Kikwang placed a hand on your shoulder ''Don't push yourself'' .
''Mm..'' You turned away from Daehyun.
''I'm waiting..'' Daehyun put a mouthful of rice into his mouth. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
You turned around and faced Daehyun. ''Oppa! Buuing Buuing!''  
You gave him the sweetest smile you could along with your cute eye smile. Daehyun spat out his rice and rice flew all over your face. Your smile dropped. 
Yongguk burst out laughing at your face still in the ''buiing buuing'' pose except you weren't smiling.
You dropped your hands and picked the rice off your face. ''So are you joining or what?'' 
''Arraso arraso'' Daehyun was still laughing.
Everyone cheered.Kikwang smiled but helped you get the rice off your face.
''See the things I do for you?'' you looked at Yongguk and he gave you 2 thumbs up. ''My dongsaeng is the best!'' 
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aegyosal #1
Really fluffy story :) hehe i like it.
hehe my name is Emily too..i love it keep up the good work <3
InertiaXx #3
Aww thanks guys x3 <3 I promise I'll update before Monday! ^_^ Sorry I haven't been updating for a while..3rd Year ! I have a big exam next year and its where sh*t gets REAL! xD
Chapter 27: Kekeke. I love your fanfic so much. ^^ Daehyun and Minyoung's relationship is so cute! :3

I know how you feel too. I lose motivation and sulk the entire day when i accidentally close the window...
InertiaXx #5
Chapter 7: Hey guys I just wanna apologize for the mistakes and typo's I made in the previous chapter! >_< I am currently going through each chapter correcting them so yeah..sorry if you were confused while reading the previous chapters!!
kwistal12 #6
Chapter 25: Please do more please!!!!!!!