Intertwined Fates

Hongbin looked at you lovingly, you weren't even doing anything. You were just sitting there and looking at the sea, occasionally smiling to yourself because you thought this moment couldn't be more perfect. You had the nicest friends and a boyfriend that loved you so much. You were with Hongbin for two years now, the both of you moved into an apartment together recently, what more could a girl ask for? 

"I love seeing you in my clothes," Hongbin said, making you realize that you were still in his button down. You looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, "Weirdo." "You still love me," He sing songed, you couldn't do anything but stare at him weirdly.

"You sure have a weird , hyung." Sanghyuk commented, making everyone burst out in laughter, except for Taekwoon of course. 


"I think this looks perfect on you, baby." 

"Yah, hyung! Stop calling her that!" He could hear Hongbin shout from downstairs, already predicting that he will get smacked by the latter later on downstairs. But he shook it off anyways. 

"You think so?" You asked Hakyeon as you checked yourself out in the mirror once more, afraid that you'll turn out to look like crap. You can't, it was already too late to be looking like crap and wanting to change it. "Think so? I know so, baby." 

You laughed softly at Hakyeon's nickname for you, but you didn't mind since all of you were close like siblings. "Thank you, oppa." Smiling at him, you took another good look at yourself. Hakyeon made you up well, too well you couldn't believe it yourself. 

You absolutely loved how the mini dress fit your body perfectly, showcasing your hidden s-line. "Let's go, baby." Hakyeon held out his arm for you to link, you accepted it willingly after you got your clutch from your make up table. Hakyeon held your black stilettos in one hand and linked arms with you with his other, carefully leading you downstairs. 

"Woah, babe." Hongbin gaped as he saw you appear from the staircase, "You look like you just descended from heaven." He winked and said, taking you away from Hakyeon. The boys all looked at you with mouths wide open except for Hakyeon who stood by and looked at you proudly like you were his masterpiece. You just smiled and looked at the time, "Let's leave, it's going to start soon." You reminded them and gestured for Hakyeon to pass you your stilettos. Holding Hongbin's arms, you slipped into them and locked the door behind you. 

You heard Jaehwan's gasp when he saw the limosine driving into view. "It's for us?" He asked and looked at you with twinkling eyes. You nodded with a smile before seeing him fist pump into the air and dance around like he won the lottery. "Oh my God, you are so embarrassing." Wonshik rolled his eyes at him and opened the door, greeting the chaffeur. 

"Milady," Hongbin gestured and helped you get in without much difficulty, making you giggle. 

The limosine halted to a stop before a high class hotel. You stepped out first and headed to the reception, checking with the lady where the party was before the boys strutted in gleefully. The lady immediately turned red at Hakyeon winking at her before you smacked the back of his head hard with your clutch. Catching Taekwoon give you a thumbs up, you laughed to yourself as you pressed the button of the elevator. 

"Hyomin-ah," A deep voice called out before all of you turned to see who it was. "Appa! Umma!" You rushed toward the said man and gave both of them a hug. "Welcome back!" You continued as their gazes turned to the boys whom immediately bowed respectfully at your parents. "Aigoo our Hongbin, it's nice to see you again." Your mother cooed and went up to pat his shoulder, "Yes, it's nice to see you too. Thank you for inviting all of us." He bowed in gratitude.

"Of course, that's not a problem." Your father gave them a warm smile. "See you later, me and your mother are going to settle some things." He continued, squeezing your shoulder.

The lift came after all of you bowed to your parents and watched them leave the premises, you then proceeded to the ballroom. There were familiar faces and faces you've seen for the first time in your life, making you a little bit uncomfortable. Seeing how awkward you were, Hongbin interlocked his hand with yours and gave it a slight squeeze, smiling at you reassuringly.

A waiter came up to your group and offered you wine, which you accepted.

That was when you saw Minah and a group of girls.

You choked on your wine and started coughing, "Yah, yah, yah! Are you okay!" Jaehwan started freaking out, patting your back in hopes that you will stop choking. You stopped soon and looked up to confirm what you've seen. 

Yep, it was definitely her. 

"Isn't that Bang Minah?" Wonshik asked when he furrowed his eyebrows, realizing that she was coming our way. "Hongbinnie oppa!" Her screechy voice called out, making you cringe in disgust. "Guess she doesn't know he's taken," Sanghyuk coughed out awkwardly as Hakyeon looked at her with an irritated face. She clung onto Hongbin's muscular arm, making him release his grip on your hand in the process. You frowned at what was happening in your face right now as it was seriously pissing you off. 

"Have you eaten, oppa?" She said in a high pitched voice, pouting at Hongbin as he awkwardly shook his head no. "Let's eat!" She wanted to drag him away before she realized that you were there with that casual look on your face. "You look like a ." She simply commented after looking at you from head to toe. 

You were taken aback, more angry than sad from being insulted. You scoffed as you looked at Hongbin being dragged away by that little piece of . You shut your eyes and rubbed your temples when you felt the boys' gazes all on you. Growling, you cursed. "What the ." 

"Okay, calm down." Hakyeon muttered as he initiated for you to take deep breaths with him to prevent yourself from killing that girl.

"I will scratch her face off." You growled as you gritted your teeth, glaring at their disappearing silhouette. "Oppa, do I look like a ?" All the 5 of them said 'no' in unison. "She sounds like she's describing herself." Taekwoon mumbled, smirking a little. 

"Hyomin-ah!" You heard Himchan's voice and immediately turned around, "Oh my God, Himchan!" You rushed up to him and enveloped him in a bear hug, "Why are you here?" You asked, bowing slightly to the others in his group as Hakyeon and the rest stood behind you with stoic expressions on their faces. "Yongguk's family invited us. How have you been?" He asked, ruffling your hair as you noticed Daehyun's solemn face. "Great like always." 

"Then why is your boyfriend with Yongguk's sister?"

"What are you— wait, Minah is Yongguk's sister?" You asked with wide eyes, how coincidental is this. You wanted to dig a hole and bury yourself in it so badly in embarrassment. And also strangle Hongbin after scratching Minah's face off. You saw Taekwoon roll his eyes at them and leave, probably going to get some fresh air outside away from these crap.

"Because she dragged Hongbin away from Hyomin." Hakyeon said defensively as he pulled you behind him, holding your arm. "Hey, relax, we're not going to harm her." Zelo said, "Then take your friend's sister away from Hongbin." Hakyeon reasoned dangerously, glaring at them.

"Babe!" You heard Hongbin's voice and turned around at once, glaring at him. He came closer and took your hand, muttering an apology before Taekwoon appeared from behind with a small smile. "I didn't mean to go with her, she just dragged me away, I'm so sorry." Hongbin said again, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. "She called me a ."

"I know, but we all know you aren't one. And I told her off for that, don't worry about it, baby." He said with his dimpled smile showing.


"It's so warm!" Jaehwan complain as he took off his blazer, then his dress shirt, revealing the hidden abs he had under it. You groaned a little when you took off your stilettos as you realized that blisters were bound to form the next morning, your feet were so sore it went numb for a moment. The guys all started to loosen their ties and plopped down onto the couch, worn out. You groaned once more and made your way upstairs to your room with Hongbin. Pushing the door open, you realized that the shower was already on, probably with Hongbin inside. You sat down on the bed and took off the blazer Hongbin offered you in the limosine when he saw you shivering a little because of the air conditioning and your exposed shoulders. You went ahead and took off your accessories, then removing all your makeup. 

You knocked on the bathroom door and rushed Hongbin, hearing muffled mumbles in return. 

You limped downstairs again and saw the boys all lying around on the floor with the air conditioning at the lowest possible. Their blazer and dress shirts were lying around and they were almost fully exposed. You scrunched up your nose, walking down the steps and into view. Taekwoon just lied there with his eyes shut, Sanghyuk and Jaehwan were talking about some new ice cream shop down the road and Hakyeon was just staring back at you, you have no idea where Wonshik disappeared to.

"Wonshik's in the toilet." 

"Do you guys want to go wash up? I think you left some clothes here the previous time you stayed over," You asked them. "Really?" "Yeah, go ahead, I'll bring you guys the clothes." You mumbled as you yawned. "Thank you," Hakyeon mumbled as he trudged to the bathroom. The others scrambled to their senses after hearing you. You quickly went to get their clothes for them, which were probably hidden somewhere in the guest room.

"Kenken's.. Hyukkie's.. Hakyeon's and Taekwoon's and Wonshik's.." You mumbled to yourself as you sorted out the piles of clothes and picked up some for them. "And.. underwear." You made a funny face and randomly took out 5 without looking closer than needed. 

Jaehwan was bathing with Sanghyuk, so you just left their clothes outside and told them about it before closing the door behind you. You did the same for Hakyeon and Wonshik, finally Taekwoon who was bathing alone. 

You paced back to your room and saw that Hongbin just came out of the shower. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, showing his toned upper body which still had water droplets rolling down. All that with his wet hair made you go crazy inside but you didn't plan to show it.

You didn't need pregnancy before marriage at all. 

You cleared your throat awkwardly and picked up the clothes you had on the bed, walking into the bathroom. 

After washing up, you dried yourself and dressed in a comfortable tank top and running shorts which were not too stuffy to be in. You blow dried your hair because you didn't want to catch flu like the last time you did when you left your hair wet with the air conditioner blowing at you. Applying some face products, you walked out of the room, yawning, wanting to go downstairs to get a glass of water. 

"Oh my God!" You heard Hakyeon screech as you walked closer and saw him clinging onto Taekwoon like his life depended on it. "Babe," Hongbin called out with his arms open, sitting on the couch. You smiled and went into the embrace, sitting comfortably in it, snuggling into his chest. "What are you guys doing?" You asked as you closed your eyes, listening to his heartbeat as you lay on his chest. "Wonshik wanted to watch a horror movie." He answered, kissing the top of your freshly washed hair.

"Look at Hakyeon oppa freaking out there," You chuckled and so did Hongbin after looking over at the timid man. "What happened when Daehyun was with you just now?" Hongbin asked, making you recall you short encounter with Daehyun.


"Can we talk?" You and Hongbin stopped talking and looked over, seeing Daehyun. You looked over at Hongbin, unsure. "Go ahead, be back soon." He smiled and let go of your hand, walking away. 

Daehyun looked at you. You were still the girl you were back then, you didn't change at all, except that you dyed your hair a different colour, changed your style a little bit. You changed of course. Those petite dresses were not in your closet anymore and were replaced with tank tops and blouses. 

"How are you?" You broke the terribly awkward silence and asked, "I'm fine." It sounded like a lie, you still knew him as well as you did back then and he clearly failed at lying. But you didn't want to drag this any further so you didn't ask any more. "What happened when you went away?" 

You bit your lip, not knowing what to answer him. But you decided to tell him the truth anyway, being the straightforward person you were. 

"I got into a fashion designing school and became a designer. Hongbin was a model and he ended up modelling my clothes, that was how we met. My dad got transferred back to Korea when his company made it big, that's why we moved back, and Hongbin decided to come along with me too." 


"He asked me how we met so I told him," You looked into Hongbin's eyes and truthfully said. "He told me to be happy and that he's happy for me. But I think that he's just lying and being too nice for his own good." You voiced out your opinion, "He wants you to be happy, baby." Hongbin smiled and kissed the tip of your nose, pushing  your head gently back onto his chest, transferring his attention back to the movie. 

You ask Jaehwan to go upstairs and get you your fluffy blanket you always had to sleep with and so he did. Hongbin covered you with it and let you cuddle up with him on the couch. The guys switched off the television and decided to just crash in the living room, you and Hongbin were just too lazy to go back to your room so you just slept in his embrace on the couch under your Pororo blanket. 

"Goodnight baby, dream of me."

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon