Intertwined Fates

Hakyeon had his hands on his waist, obviously pissed as he demanded for an explanation from the younger one. Hongbin was sitting on the couch with a hand supporting his forehead as his elbow rested on the arm rest of the sofa. He was silent, pressing his lips into a thin line, not knowing what to say to his friend. 

"What the is going on, Lee Hongbin?" Jaehwan growled, grabbing the collars of Hongbin's shirt, pulling him up to stand. Sanghyuk's eyes widened as he reached forward to pull the two apart because he know that when Jaehwan got angry, 's bound to go down. "Hyung, you need to calm down." 

Jaehwan released Hongbin violently, dropping the boy back onto the couch with a light thud. Hongbin sat back and groaned a little. "You're an idiot." Jaehwan spat, walking away in hopes to calm himself down from this situation. 

Everyone knew that the both of you had small little fights here and there, but never ever did Hongbin initiated a breakup, nor did you ask for a time out for the both of you from this relationship. 


Jungkook looked up from his phone after replying back to Hoseok's good luck message for the confession.

His attention turned to you as you downed that glass of ice water on the counter after coming back from the gym. You had on a pair of running shorts and sports bra, showing off your flat abs, with your hair tied into a ponytail. Jungkook took a good look at how good you looked and he was in awe. Even with sweat trickling down the sides of your forehead, you still managed to look stunning. 

He took a deep breath, calming himself down before standing up from the couch as he rubbed his hands together nervously. "I'm going to have dinner with the boys. Sleep early." He mumbled to you and awkwardly trotted out of the room, leaving you stunned. 

You scoffed jokingly when you heard the door click shut. "He doesn't need to sound like he commit a crime when he's just going out for dinner without me.." You trailed off, laughing as you walked to the shower. "And why did he not ask me to eat?" You pouted and asked yourself, pulling your towel off the rack in a hurry.

Jungkook knocked his forehead against the car window, groaning in embarrassment. "Oh my God, hyung. That was so embarrassing!" He exclaimed, holding his head. Hoseok on the other hand, was holding his stomach because it started to hurt from laughing to much. 

"Hoseok, cut it out." Jin nudged the younger as he frowned. 

"Yeah, let's roll." Namjoon fist pumped the air and started the engine. 

Jungkook knew of your habit of going to clubs on Friday nights after your workout sessions to drink before heading home in the wee hours of the morning. So he planned to trick you into thinking that he went out for dinner with his friends, in which he'll "end up in a gang fight, where the friends will ring you up and you'll come see him then he'll confess to you". This would definitely be impossible without the help of the rest of Bangtan and their out-of-the-world bull and crazy ideas.

Although Jin and Yoongi were originally against this idea because they felt like it was bad lying to you, but gave it anyway due to Jungkook's irresistable cute charms. 

You put on some mascara after curling your lashes, along with some eyeliner and a fresh coat of lip gloss right after curling the ends of your brown hair. You threw on a black and white collared blouse with a pair of jeans, simply because you didn't know what was planned for you and you thought it was just going to be a drunk and wasted, boring Friday night. 

You grabbed the leather clutch you had on your dressing table with your phone, some spare change and random stuff inside before heading out into the living room. Slipping into a pair of Adidas, you locked the door behind you. 

It wasn't long before you downed your eighth shot of vodka, groaning as the burning liquid went down your throat, leaving an odd pleasure behind that made you want more of it. "Take it easy." The bartender chuckled, wanting to get something else for you to have. You just laughed it off, "Thanks Jackson, but I really need this." Tilting the glass towards his direction with a small smile. 

"Something on your mind?" 

You nodded. 


You nodded again, with a bitter smile. 

Jackson just shook his head, "Things will get better." He said over the loud music, trying to make you feel better but you just forced a smile back in return. You knew Jackson was just trying to lighten up the mood and you didn't want him to think that he was being a busy body.


You could feel your phone vibrating in the back pocket of your jeans. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, who is it caling at this time of the night? You placed the glass onto the counter top before reaching behind to retrieve your phone. What made you more confused was that it was Jin that was calling you. You slid your finger along the screen, as you walked to the direction of the restrooms, where it's sort of considered "quiet". 

"Jin? Why are you calling so late?" 

"Hyomin! Thank God you picked up, we sort of have trouble." Jin sounded really nervous. 

Your lips pressed into a thin line as you continued to hear what he had to say. 

"Our dinner didn't exactly go that well just now, I mean, uh, we met some gang members that we used to fight with when we were still a gang and-" Jin was speaking really slowly which annoyed you somehow, but he sounded like he was about to cry.

"Jin, you have to speak properly for me to hear alright. I can really hear you over this noise here." You said, biting your lower lip in anxiety. 

You heard Jin take a deep breath on the other side of the line, trying to collect himself together. "We fought." 

"And then what happened?" You asked impatiently, trying to force his main point out of him. 

"I think I saw Jungkook get stabbed, he ran away and we're trying to find him." 

Your eyes widened to the size of saucers and your grip on your phone tightened. The thought of bulky men beating up Jungkook and him being injured just made you feel sick all inside. "What the ? Where are you now? I'm coming to find you." 

"We looked at the places he could've possibly went but there's a place left and it's nearest to you. It's a high school, the one Jungkook used to go." Jin informed you as you squeezed past some men and big chested girls, and out of the stinky place. "Okay." You quickly mumbled, hanging up as you darted across the road right before the lights changed. 

So many things were going through your mind, you couldn't even think straight as you tried to recognise the streets that led to where Jungkook's ex-school was. You knew he often climbed in there over the gates and spent nights there because he was scared that his parents would find out that he went fighting and messing around with inappropriate people.  

You were so afraid that something bad would happen to Jungkook. That couldn't happen, because you've already lost enough people. Jungkook is an important part of your life too, he did so many things for you and helped you in so many different ways that you couldn't even fathom a person like him could. You still needed him here.

The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to cry. But you kept them in well, finally finding the place that Jin was talking about. You peered through the gate and saw the dark building inside, but you swallowed all your fear because you had to find Jeon Jungkook. Climbing over the gate, you dashed into the premises, not caring if anyone was around to catch you or not because your main priority was finding that stupid boy. 

You thought he'd stop engaging in such dangerous activities. You knew clearly how Jungkook's past was like, but you were glad he changed, even though you didn't know he changed because of you. 

The hallways were dim from only the small lights that shone from the sides. You looked into every classroom but couldn't see anybody and it was starting to scare you. If Jungkook wasn't here then where was he?


Jin stabled his breathing, which always quickened when he tried to lie. 

"We looked at the places he possibly could've went but there's a place left and it's nearest to you. It's a high school, the one Jungkook used to go." 

Namjoon nodded and gave Jin a thumbs up for his effort in lying, in hopes that Jungkook will succeed in his confession. The boys could all hear your frustrated sigh and your endless chain of curses as you said 'excuse me', getting out of the crowded space.  

"Okay." Was all you said before you hung up with a last curse. 

Yoongi nodded in approval, trying his luck at teasing Jungkook. "Jungkook, she sounds really worried for you from what I can hear." Making the youngest blush in return, rubbing his nape. 


Your breaths quickened as you ran up to the third floor, scrambling to look for that one person. It was really late and you were started to get more and more worried by every second. What if he was really hurt and no one was there? You decided to stop for a moment as you held onto a wall for support, trying to catch your breath. 

"I should've asked him to stay at home..." You trailed off, biting your lip in regret.  

It slowly turned into frustration as you took it out on a poor metal locker, giving it a harsh kick as you cursed. 

Something inside you suddenly clicked, "The rooftop." You remembered you haven't looked in the rooftop yet, and you knew Jungkook liked to go to rooftops for some weird reason but you went with it anyway. 

Your feet slammed against the stairs as you made your way up, yanking the door open. 

Before you were candles lit that formed a heart, mini lantern strings that hanged across. There was soft music playing in the background. The lights twinkled like stars and it reminded you so much of Christmas. It was dark outside and it brought out the lights even more. It was all just so perfect. There were rose petals scattered on the floor, the petals were blue like how you liked them to be. 

You tore your wide eyes off it and saw Jungkook standing next to a table for two that was covered in white cloth. 

Unharmed and safe. 

Your heart was thumping as you just couldn't stop admiring how well he dressed up for tonight, even if he was just preparing for a casually formal dinner date. Jungkook was in a pair of black skinny jeans with a semi-formal black blazer that had a casual hoodie attached to the back. The white button up shirt fit him well. His hair was perfect, that perfectly but messily styled hair brought out his eyes. He stood there looking at you with that nervous but satisfied grin on his face.

You didn't know what to feel. A part of you was relieved that he was out of harm's way and the other was really pissed that the boys all ganged up together and lied to you, even that Kim Seokjin that you trusted so much. But before you got to curse at any of them, you could feel hot tears building up in your eyes. 

You ran and pulled Jungkook into a hug, your arms wrapping around his waist tightly.

"Thank God you're okay.." 

Jungkook stiffened at your sudden skinship but slowly melted into your embrace and cradled you in his arms, enjoying it while he could. It was before he heard you sniffle and slowly tighten your grip on his shirt, he realized you were crying. You were crying because of him. "Are you crying?" 

He lifted your chin with his finger and saw how your tears flowed out your glassy eyes under the moonlight. "Screw you, Jeon Jungkook." You punched his chest with your knuckles using as much strength as you had left from running around, trying to find this standing in front of you right now. 

Jungkook chuckled and reached for your cheek, brushing away the tears with his thumb. "Haha, you found me now, right?" He said with a shy smile, his arms still on your waist protectively. 

You took one more good look at Jungkook and realized that he was really handsome, like how most of the girls at your workplace said he was. 

"What's all this about?" You asked him, completely blown away and not believing what you were seeing. It was amazingly beautiful. Jungkook glanced at the surrounding and looked back into your eyes, "You were feeling crappy these few days, so I thought that I'd do something to make you feel special." 

"Really?" You couldn't believe what he was saying. You couldn't believe how much he was willing to give himself just to make you happy. You were almost at tears and Jungkook didn't even start yet. Just thinking about how much work and effort he put into this made you overwhelm with joy.

Jungkook nodded as he released you from his embrace, lifting the bouquet of roses from the table beside him. "Twenty-three roses, twenty-three months I knew you; six hundred and fourty-four days." He softly said as you received it. 

"Jungkook, I- this.. this is.." No words can describe how happy you were at that moment.

He cleared his throat and pushed his serious face back on, "Prior to that twenty-three months I met you, I was a completely different person from what I am now. I made mistakes and I messed up so much. I wasn't a person that expressed my feelings well but thanks to you, you've brought out the best in me. My parents weren't those that'd went easy on me, they expected so much and I guess that was what led me astray. Instead of being the good boy with perfect grades they wanted me to be, I ended up as the bad student that messed around in school— I failed my studies, messed with the wrong people and got my handed back to me so so many times." He chuckled dryly. 

"I didn't know how girls felt and I was stupid, for thinking that they were toys that could be fooled around with. I didn't know how wrong it was to screw their lives up anyhow and just leave them hanging right there. I was an but I didn't bother to do anything about it.  But Seokjin hyung brought you into my life; even though I felt that it was just unnecessary in the first place, I am thankful for it now. Because you helped me learn right from wrong, you opened my eyes and made me realize how much of an idiot I was back then.

"You've brought me nothing but bliss and satisfaction and happiness within that short period of time and I still can't believe that I'm that lucky boy that got to know you. I want you to know that you're very very special; you're different from the rest but in a good way. You're smart and graduated earlier than all the other kids because you got a scholarship, but you're not only academically smart, you know your way around things. This is what makes you stand out, this is what makes you shine brighter than any star in my galaxy."

He smiled genuinely at you and held your hand in his warm ones as the breeeze blew past. You almost couldn't believe what you were hearing. How does one even begin to describe this feeling, this act of kindness and sincereity? How do you even explain this?

You stood there, "Jungkook, I-"

"I've known you for twenty-three months. Although that's not a long time, it still feels like we've known each other for a hundred years. You know me better than I know myself. I haven't felt this happy in a really long time. You genuinely care for me, you take care of me. We fight, we get on each other's nerves but you still stuck around, you never left." 

"Today, I want to tell you how much you mean to me." He paused, looked down at his feet and you could feel how nervous he was. He bit his lip and took a deep breath. 

"I like you, no scratch that- I love you." He confessed. 

Your eyes widened as you gradually took in what he said and looked into his eyes. This was real— his eyes were sincere and filled with pure love, for you. 

Jungkook smiled slightly, "I know this is difficult for you to take in, I understand it. I know you're in a difficult position to answer me, never mind that. I don't need an immediate answer from you, I just wanted you to know what I feel for you, you know?" He asked, you could hear the concern he had for you from his words. He cared for you, he understood you so much. 

"You're not having your best days recently and I just felt the need to let you know that you're loved. Not only by me, but the people around you. Throughout the time I've got to know you, I've learnt many things about you. You're incredibly patient with people. You have the best sense of humor but you know when to be serious. You can have a big appetite. You care a lot for those you love. You try your hardest in everything you do. You find it hard to let go of things you love. You have a habit of staring out the windows as you smile. You like taking walks in the park to clear your mind. You overthink things a lot. You get frustrated when things don't go your way. You're emotional. You don't really watch dramas and you watch cartoons instead. You're intelligent; it's almost impossible to be as smart as you. You love children and animals. The list can go on and on, the list is endless. But I've learnt so many things about you within those twenty-three months that I can't even count.  The most important thing I've learned about you is that you understand me so well. We can look at each other and think the same things. You just get me. What's there not to love about you?"

Jungkook squeezed your hand softly and put on his best smile, "People come and go in my life, but you're the one that left the most impression to me, you're the one that changed it all. You think you have many flaws and you're not good enough. But, you're more than perfect in my eyes. I love you so much." 

Your tears were swelling up at this point, "Kim Hyomin, I'm incredibly and extremely thankful to have you in my life. You've shown me so many ways to be a happier person. From someone who couldn't find a care to give, to express himself, to feel. I think I've changed for the better and come a far way thanks to you. It's because of you that I'm a better person now. I realize that I don't have to make bad decisions anymore to make me feel like I'm in control. You've dominated me in the best way possible. I don't have to resort to cigarettes, alcohol or one night stands because I do it for you. You're so important to me that I push them all away and you help me be a better person— the person you want me to be. If that's not good enough of a reason to love you, I don't know what love is. I truly, genuinely love you. That takes a lot for me to say, but when I do, I really mean it. I love you, Hyomin. You did well in making me fall for you. Loving you is my choice, I don't regret it a single bit." he reached into his pocket, pulling out a red velvet box out. Your heart began to race again. He slowly opened it in front of you. Inside contained a small diamond ring, "This is a promise ring, for you." 

He grabbed a hold of your right hand and slipped the beautiful ring onto your ring finger. 

"I saved so many months of my pay to get this, you'd better keep it carefully." He jokingly said, smiling at you. 

You gazed into his beautiful eyes and saw nothing but truth and pure love. It's still an unexplainable feeling as of now. "Jeon Jungkook, you seriously went above and beyond for this one. You have to stop making me cry." 

As you spoke, the tears you tried so hard to keep in finally spilled but you managed to keep a smile on for him. "Of course I would, it's for you." 

"Thank you," you said, not knowing how else to express what you were feeling at this moment.

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon