Intertwined Fates

It was one month and a half months into the pregnancy, Jungkook seemed to have warmed up to Yoona more than when they first interacted in your presence. The cold shoulders that Jungkook used to give Yoona slowly disappeared and became small, simple conversations. Instead of completely ignoring Yoona's frequent questioning, Jungkook would take the time to think through her questions and answer them; although sometimes they were annoying and pointless. Gradually, as you realized, Jungkook opened up to her and started accepting her into his life. 

Looking back one last time, you shot Taehyung a thankful smile as he waved excitedly at you one last time before you entered the office building. Juggling the files you had in your hands, you rushed into the elevator right before it closed. "Which floor are you heading to?" A voice beside you asked, concerned that you could not press the button. "Ah, the 6th floor please, thank you." Looking over to your side, you saw the guy taking off a black mask.

"Oh hey, manager." Mark greeted cheerfully, grinning at you as he pressed on the 6th button, where he was going to as well. "I'm back from Los Angeles." He finished his sentence. Noticing that you had a lot of stuff in your arms, he offered to help you carry them. "Where's Jungkook? I thought you two come to work together,"" He asked, quirking his eyebrow. You bit the inside of your cheeks, not sure how to reply to his curious question, so you decided to just tell him honestly. "I still live with him, it's just that we come separately now. Many things happened during your short holiday, I'll fill you in soon, when there's the time." You laughed awkwardly. 

Mark chuckled, "Alright." He hummed as the elevator ting-ed and stopped gently, doors opening for the both of you to get off. You lead him to your desk as he carefully placed all the files and whatnot down, "I need to report to the boss now, get my schedules and stuff. You know, the usuals." He tucked his hands into his pockets, bidding you goodbye. "Oh, I kinda know why you two stopped coming?" He asked, jerking his head over at a certain direction.

And when you looked over, it was Jungkook and Yoona walking into together, laughing. 

You shrugged, "Let's go for coffee soon, yeah?" 

"No problem, manager. Have a nice day now, don't get too grumpy." He poked a finger at your forehead, clicked his tongue and spun on his heels, walking away. 

You couldn't help but laugh at this kid's humor.

Looking up, you watched Jungkook's every action. From how he offered to carry some of Yoona's belongings and how he carefully held Yoona, bringing her to her desk carefully. He even stopped a short while after she sat down safely, opening his mouth to ask something before she nodded, that usual rabbit smile appearing on his face. 

A smile appeared softly on your face, but you quickly dropped it. The conflicting emotions you were feeling inside you weren't supposed to be there at all. You should be happy, you told yourself over and over again. A part of you was happy at the sight that Jungkook was finally treating Yoona decently, but the other was just sour that the fact that Jungkook was spending much more time with her than you. 

Basically, you felt stupid for handing over Jungkook to her.

But then again, it was all your idea in the first place. So you had to shut up and deal with it yourself. 

After going through multiple profiles and settling photo shoots for different models, you looked up and saw that it was lunch time. You got up, wanting to ask Hyoyeon out for lunch but then you remembered that she was having a really bad stomachache, so you decided not to bother her for now. Moreover, you hardly asked her out for lunch— the both of you were more into desert and sweet treats. It was just nowadays that you started to ask her out for lunch since Jungkook had to be with Yoona all the time. 

You wanted to toss away the thought of going to lunch completely but then again, you were seriously craving for that black bean noodles shop down the street that you usually went with Jungkook. And you decided to ask him along. 


"Oh, Hyomin. What's up?" Jungkook asked, making eye contact with you as he shut his laptop. 

"Do you want to go for lunch at the—" "I'm sorry, Hyomin. But Yoona made lunch for me so I don't think I'll be heading out anytime soon." Jungkook muttered, rubbing the back of his nape apologetically. "What?" You asked for confirmation, thinking that your mind was just playing tricks on you. 

Jungkook did not just reject your offer to go for lunch.

"Sorry," He mumbled, pointing to the lunchbox sitting at the corner of his desk, with a bright pink sticky note stuck onto it. Squinting your eyes, you saw what Yoona wrote on the paper. 

"I don't usually cook, but when I do, you know it's for someone special."

You scoffed as you noticed the amount of tiny hearts she drew on that piece of pathetic paper. Glancing at Jungkook with a face of disbelief, then glancing back at the lunbox, you noticed that Yoona made potato egg rolls with onions and rice balls for Jungkook. 

"Never mind, then." You said bitterly, not even sparing another glance at Jungkook. 

Walking away, you could help but frown at how Jungkook changed ever since Yoona appeared. Shrugging, you reached into your pocket for your phone and called Taehyung to ask if he wanted to join you for lunch instead.  


"He did?"

"Yeah, before I came out to find you, I saw him eat those food."


"I know, right." You leaned back onto the arm chair with crossed arms and a face full of dissatisfaction. 

"Hate isn't even a word, it's an understatement to describe how Jeon Jungkook feels towards onions, he despises onions." Taehyung said, sipping on his latte. "He refuses to eat anything with onions for God's sake, and now he's eating food with onions from some girl he know for like, what? 2 months?" Taehyung continued. 

You rolled your eyes, "Ridiculous, right?"

Taehyung quirked his eyebrow, "Tell me about it." 

"On the bright side, Jin's not going to have trouble picking out the onions from Jungkook's dishes anymore, yeah?"

Shaking your head, you shot Taehyung a look. "Oh, come on."

Taehyung's lips pressed into a thin line, then he looked up from his coffee mug just to make eye contact with you. He his dry lips once as he stared at you sternly, making you blink in confusion at his sudden change of attitude. But then again, he was Kim Taehyung, it was expected of him to be like this anyway. 


Taehyung frowned, "You're an idiot." He leaned forward, poking your forehead with the tip of his finger. You furrowed your eyebrows, "What now, Kim Taehyung?" You asked, rubbing your forehead after smacking his hand away. "What do you think? You gave Jungkook away so easily, it's going to be so hard getting him back, just so you know."

You pouted, rubbing your hands together nervously. "Who said I wanted him back?" You retorted, trying to keep calm upon hearing Taehyung's statement. But he just smirked, shaking his head. 

"It's all written on your face, sweetheart." He cooed, reaching out his hand to caress your cheek. 

You rolled your eyes back in response, pushing his hand away from your face in utter disgust. "Quit it, Tae. That's not gonna work on me."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He shook you off as he gaze went to his watch, he mouth dropped open a little. "Woah, it's getting late. Im Jaebum's gonna scold you if you don't move your soon." Taehyung chuckled, "Get going, sweetheart." He provoked as he stood up after looking at you check your watch. A frown spread across your lips when you recalled his mentioning your boss' name, it irked you so much you decided to get going too. "I've got to go, see you." Taehyung muttered, ruffling your hair once before he bid you goodbye.

Shrugging, you noticed how he seemed to be a little flustered but you shook it off, following after him to get out and back to the office.

After hours of facing the laptop screen, stacks of files and your mug full of cold coffee, you decided that you'd head home soon. Looking around, you noticed that almost everyone in the office was gone, except for a person or two. Well, your boss was definitely still in his office so you definitely were leaving. You glanced over at Jungkook's desk and found it empty, he probably left with Yoona without telling you. 

Shrugging, you took a mental note of tomorrow's events after looking at the sticky notes on your desk. Picking up your handbag and laptop, you pushed in your chair, switching off the desk lamp. 

"You're going?" A voice from the side asked. 

You looked over and saw your collegue, Jinhwan. "Yep, you?" You asked, walking over to his desk. 

"Yeah, going to. Bye, see you." He smiled as his eyes formed slits, his cheek bones visible. 

Bidding goodbye to the nice guy, you pushed the button for the elevator and headed out. Normally, you'd head home with Jungkook in his car but recently, you've been pushed away, literally, onto the bus. You're still getting used to taking public transports considering that it's always so packed, and that you were used to taking private transports instead. You were guilty for that fact but you still couldn't overshadow the fact that you were uncomfortable. 

It's a for good cause, you keep telling yourself. But you knew that one day, that excuse is just going to stop being an excuse and slowly turn into just a statement that you'd throw away. 

After you were absorbed in your thoughts, mostly complaining about how packed the bus was, you got off the bus. Huffing,  you adjusted the strap of your handbag, looking forward to getting back home to have a bath and then a good night's rest. 

"I'm home," You said as you kicked your Adidas aside, then you noticed a pair of flats that weren't yours. 

A guest. Just what you needed. 

"Oh, you're here?" You walked in, dropping your stuff on the dining table beside the door as you heard Jungkook ask. "Hey, I'm sorry for not asking earlier but I got Yoona here to hangout. To watch a movie, haha. I hope you don't mind." He awkwardly stated, rubbing his nape. You stretched your neck and saw Yoona sitting down on the couch, rubbing her belly as her lips moved. Your eyes traveled to Jungkook's and slowly you nodded, trying to keep in your disappointment. "It's fine," you managed to muttered against your will when all you wanted was to cuss Yoona out but you remembered that this was Jungkook's apartment you were living in. 

Jungkook shot you a thankful smile as he turned back and jumped back into the spot beside Yoona to play the movie. All you could do was stare at the both of them, chattering and all happy when all you could do was stare, then trudge back to your room tiredly. 

You took a quick shower then jumped into bed after checking the time on the clock hanging opposite your bed, trying to sleep your sadness away. 

But you couldn't.

Because the volume was up too high and it was just starting to annoy you. 

Groaning, you rolled out of bed as you ran a hand through your hair in frustration. You walked to the wardrobe and pulled out a pullover and some sweatpants. Grabbing your phone and pouch, you switched off the lights as you cursed mentally inside your brain, shutting the door behind you. 

"Hey, uh, I'm going to the convenience store." You awkwardly mentioned, scratching your neck. 


"Oh, alright." Was all Jungkook said before his vision returned to the screen as he continued laughing with Yoona, completely forgetting about your existence. 

You scoffed and turned to get out. 

You actually wanted to just go to the convenience store to get some drinks but then you didn't really want to head back to that hell hole where all you could hear was bombing and annoying laughter. So you just got a few cans of beer and changed path. 


The door clicked open and revealed a young man's face. 


"Yeah," Was all you said before you pushed Jin away and kicked off your slippers to the side, barging in. 

"Hyomin?" Jimin asked as another familiar face looked up to meet your gaze. 


"Yeah, it's me, guys. Stop asking." You dumped the bag of beer on the coffee table and sat down on the couch, rubbing your temples as the three curious puppies gathered around you, looking at you with wide eyes. 

"Hyomin?" Another vooice that sounded like Hoseok appeared from behind the couch before you felt the spot beside you sink down. 

"Can I stay for the night?" You asked, looking at Jin earnestly. "Why? Did you fight with Jungkook again?" He asked cautiously as Taehyung started taking the beer cans out. "No, but he brought Yoona to our apartment." 

Their jaws dropped open in shock, unable to actually take in that piece of information. 

Taehyung sighed, "Don't be sad, sweetheart." 

Your scrunched up face showed distaste in Taehyung's choice of words, so you leaned forward and pushed his face away with your hand. "Don't be a turn off, Tae." 


"What are you doing here?" 

"Dad and Mum went to Jeju for a short trip, Taeyeon's at her boyfriend's house. I was bored." He said simply, opening a can of beer and taking a sip.

Jin sighed, picking out a can as well. "I can't believe Jungkook threw you aside so easily. He's not usually like that." Jimin shrugged, "Yeah, he'd be all cutesy, trying to get your attention, right?" He asked, and you nodded. You twirled your phone around your fingers, frowning. "He just stopped going to lunch with me. I know Tae gets me to work nowadays, I can let go of the fact that Jungkook drives her there instead of me, because I was the one that wanted this. But even when I go home, we just stopped talking as much. It's just like we're just aquaintences, not best friends anymore. We hardly have anything to talk about. Long heart to heart talks just turned to a few short, simple sentences. I don't know, man. This isn't right." 

A silence stretched through the empty room, no one spoke a word as they took in all the words you said. 

"It's just like we're nothing but strangers anymore."

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon