Intertwined Fates

"Jungkook, talk to me." You whispered against the door, leaning your head on it slightly. You knocked a few more times, then sighed exasperately because it wasn't doing anything to make him open the door. 

"Just leave, Hyomin. I don't want to see you right now." He sniffled, obviously crying very hard inside his room. He crumbled to the floor, unable to keep the front he'd been holding. His back smacked against the cold walls, and he slowly slid down until he was sat down on the floor. "This is what it's like. This is what everyone warned me about.. This was it." He whispered to himself, broken beyond repair. 

"We can talk about it. Just open up—"

"I said just leave!" He shouted from his bed, too overwhelmed to move at all.


"Leave now! Get out!" He yelled even louder, and you could hear his voice breaking even more than it already was. 

Jungkook sobbed painfully into his palms, curled up against the sheets, unable to take it anymore. He just couldn't believe it. He just couldn't accept this painful reality that was hitting him so hard, so suddenly. 

He wanted to stop crying over people that didn't want to stay. You're like a disease and he can't seem to get rid of you, he hated the fact that he couldn't let you go so much. People scared him. They change their minds so quick. One moment it's "I love you" and "you make me happy", and the next it's "I'm not sure anymore" and "this isn't what I want". 

Jungkook gets attached to temporary things, then wonder why his happiness never lasts. 

He didn't know what to say when he was all choked up and you were okay.

You raised your hand to knock again, to try and persuade him into coming out but then you retracted your hand shakily when you realized that this was all a mistake. This was really stupid. 

Yoongi came up with this really incredibly dumb idea of telling Jungkook who was moody those few days, that you broke up with Hongbin and got together with Jimin a few weeks ago, and that they kept it from him. They wanted Jungkook to snap out of it and quickly go back to his own self. Those angry eyes at stared back at hers when she stopped him to have a word with him changed completely, into tear filled ones when it finally hit him that he was completely defeated. 

You had his heart tangled complicatedly around your fingers, you were in complete control of what he felt because to him, you were his world and he'd give you every bit of him if you wanted. 

He just can't quite grasp the idea of change. He can't quite understand how people are temporary, and how people move on and how people stay.

He couldn't believe it. All of these felt like a dream. 

"Is this true? Is it true..." He trailed off meaninglessly, lying on the bed with an arm outstretched into the side of the bed you used to lie on when you cuddled with him, staring out the window. 

"Jungkook, open up." Jimin's voice was heard from outside the door and he could only chuckle bitterly to himself, as if his life was just a joke and they were ready to toss him away. "Jungkook, you need to listen to us, okay? Please get yourself together." Jimin said and Jungkook was so ready to beat him to pulp if he had the strength to, but he didn't. Lying on the bed and doing nothing else but stare had really taken a toll on him. 

He started to reminiscent the things that hurt him most when he suddenly felt that familiar pain throbbing in his chest. 

A long period of sad reflection had likely taken over him. During this time, realization of the true magnitude of the loss depressed him. He isolated himself on purpose, reflected on things he did with his lost love, and focused on the memories of the past. The sensation of emptiness and despair got to him so badly. He brushed his hand to the other side of the bed, longing for you. 

Not being to handle it any longer, Jungkook pushed himself off his bed and trudged over to the door. He opened it, fed up with the lingering feelings.

Your eyes lit up when you saw Jungkook's door open, but darkened slowly when you saw how the sadness in his eyes consumed him. His eyes flickered to you and then he turned back into his room again, not bothering to even close the door because he knew you wanted to talk. your lips, you stepped in and closed the door behind you. 


"What do you want? What do want me to do? What do I become when the girl I love is leaving me and belongs to another guy now? You're playing with me, and I should've known that from the start." He let out heavy breaths, unable to control himself. He wanted to fling himself into the busy traffic, he wanted to be one of the forty people that randomly get struck by lightning each year. He didn't want to have to ever see you again. He didn't want to have the chance to see you on the streets months from now. 

"You said you'd stay next to me.. You said... You promised me." He said, stopping you in your tracks. 

You hated seeing Jungkook cry. Jungkook sat up, not even bothering to wipe his tears away. They were falling like waterfalls, and there was no use trying to conceal himself anymore. "Why am I in love alone? Why am I hurting alone? Tell me, please enlighten me." His eye shut tightly as he leaned back. "I don't want this anymore." 

Your eyes teared up, and before you knew it, you went forward and hugged Jungkook. 

And as much as he hated to admit it, he missed you so much. His hands s around your waist and pulled you tighter against him, afraid that this warmth will disappear once he let go. "Jungkook, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for lying. I'm not with Jimin." You blurted out, Jungkook stopped sniffling. "Really?" He asked, letting you go and holding you by the shoulders as he looked at you sincerely. "Yes.." You whispered weakly. 

"Oh my God, you scared me so much. I thought I'd lose you— I" 

"I'm here now, Jeon. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier." 

"No Sherlock, you made me cry a bucket of tears and made me feel so unloved. Oh God, that was horrible." He shook his head with a hand on his forehead, not wanting to relive those moments. You chuckled, "I'll make it up to you." 

Jungkook held your hands in his warm ones, "I was so afraid, so so afraid. If I go back to you, how do I know you won't fly away? Please don't disappear." He whispered and looked at you with sad eyes. 

"I won't anymore, Jungkook." 

"You know me. I crave affection. I crave the feeling of another that I know loves me. I don't want your damn credibility, I want you. I want to know your 2AM thoughts, opinion on things that are controversial, your favorite 80s band if you even have one. I want to know you, not the person you show others. I want to know your earliest childhood memory, what you say when you're drunk off your and can't speak in coherent sentences. I want to love you, I want to prove that the things you hate about you is the things I absolutely adore about you. That you're even better than you give yourself credit to being. That you are my breaking point. That you make me better. You are not arm candy. You are the person I love. I want you to know that I love you but sometimes you can't change me, That I'm hard headed and I get annoyed. You would be the person that when I get angry I won't walk away from. You are all I want and more. You are the best thing I could ever ask for. God, I love you." 

A smile lingered on your lips as you listened to him talk about how much he adored you.

You missed every single part of him, no matter how smile or insignificant it may have seemed to other people. You missed the way he'd rub his eyes cutely when he woke up in the morning, staring back at you with those tired eyes as he held your hand in his, telling you how important you were to him. You missed how he'd lean against the door frame with his arms crossed as he waited for you to get ready for work every morning, almost saying the exact same words every day— "Don't try to be pretty. You weren't meant to be pretty; you were meant to burn down the earth and graffiti the sky. Don't let anyone ever simplify you to just pretty."

You missed how he'd fix his hair in his reflections whenever the both of you pass by shops, asking you teasingly if he looked okay although you'd always smack his arm before saying yes without a doubt. He was always this painfully handsome boy that went wherever you went, silently promising that he would protect you with his life if there was chance. 

You missed how you'd return home to work with him, groaning every once in a while that your back was sore from sitting too long, then he'd just chuckle and say he would cook dinner instead so you could rest. You missed when it was just one of those lazy Sundays where the both of you would sleep in and then spend the rest of your afternoon cuddling with Jungkook as you had the greatest movie marathons with junk food and the air condition on. 

You missed when you had that spark of energy to do something out of your comfort zone like baking. You would be mixing something in the large bowl, secretly tasting it every so often when Jungkook would suddenly appear from behind you and snake his hands around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. You would feel his hot breath against your neck as he whispered sweet nothings to you. 

No wonder so many people thought the both of you were an item. You just had this weird love-hate feeling towards you and Jungkook's 'friends-with-benefits' kind of relationship. 

Just as you were about to wander deeper into your thoughts, Jungkook spoke again. "I don't want anyone else to figure out all the things I know about you. I don't want them to know that you have to have the volume on an odd number when you play a song. I don't want them to know how you have a whole collection of minions by your bedside. I don't want them to know that you always eat your apples with milk because you say that taste nicer that way. I don't want them to know you like strawberries and not strawberry flavored food. I don't want them to know that you have to have my hoodie with you when you have nightmares just so you'll be able to sleep easier. I don't ever want anyone to know how much I love you, frankly because, they shouldn't feel like it's a competition, but I promise it'll never equal up to the amount of love I still have for you." 

Your mouth fell open slightly at how he could notice your every small action, knowing you so well like the back of his hand. You didn't have any idea how weird some of your habits were. It was as though Jungkook knew you for the most of your life. "Yes, I know you very very well, Hyomin."


It was a sad enough case that you had to deal with your parents' marriage breaking up, their divorce. And now what's worse was that you had to ask one of your good friends to help you out with the divorce case because his sister is a lawyer. That was actually nowhere near sad, it was just plain pathetic alright. 

He placed a hand on your right shoulder, squeezing it gently as he shot you a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I won't leave." Taehyung mumbled, taking a seat next to you as his lips pulled into a grin. "My sister is really nice." He added, trying to calm the tension you were feeling. 

"Thank you, Taehyung." Your mother said from across the table, giving Taehyung a smile that expressed her gratitude. "It's alright." Taehyung said as his eyes traveled back to you, softening as he thought about how much you were going through at that moment. He pitied you, to be very honest. You were younger than him and yet you had to face the real world this fast— the harsh reality every teenager dreaded to face when they grow up into young adults. He never really experienced love of any sort, other than from his family, of course.

Kim Taehyung grew up in the best environments a child could be granted with since birth— loving parents, a caring sibling and a puppy that was his best friend. His parents weren't those you see almost every day now, his parents were never pressurizing and told him to do his very best in any circumstances instead of giving him a good dressing down, telling him to get a grip of himself to get the best grades in the whole cohort. His sister was incredibly smart, helping him in all his work. His sister wasn't those that bullied the younger sibling whenever they felt like it, but the one who was always supportive and encouraging towards him. 

You can say that Taehyung lived a sheltered life since young. He had the ideal family that every single child wanted. 

What's more is that Taehyung never once in his life experienced a single heartbreak, which gave him this weird, funky and crazily cheerful personality. And he never felt any attraction towards any girl. But that was until you appeared in his life. 

And Taehyung loved the feeling of having someone he loved. That rush of adrenaline every morning when he woke up, remembering that he'd be able to see you today. 

He always thought of you as his princess in his little kingdom of imagination. Someone that becomes more and more charming by day, someone who takes care of him well. Although you deny it a lot, Taehyung noticed that you're actually really cute on the inside whenever all of you are alone and not in public. You were those type of girls that were chic on the outside but is actually a soft cutie on the inside. 

Taehyung was about to compliment you on how great your hair looked today, hoping to lift up your spirits, but his sister burst through the door all of a sudden, startling everyone. 

A fair woman with striking features walked in. She had long brown hair which grazed her shoulder blades nicely, she was wearing a white blouse with a black pencil skirt, topping it off with a pair of black heels. "I'm so sorry I'm late! I had to deal with a really stupid case just now. A man asked to file a lawsuit against a girl whom cancelled the engagement with him and found a new boyfriend. What a waste of time." She muttered as she paced quickly into her office, settling down her laptop and her handbag onto her table as she turned around. "Hello, I'm Kim Taeyeon! I'm Taehyung's sister if you aren't aware." She bowed respectfully at your mother and you as well. You stood up and greeted her back, but before you could open your mouth, she cut you off. "I know you, haha. You're Park Hyomin. Skip the formalities because Taehyung talks about you a lot to us, we know." She winked at you before sitting down behind her desk.

"Noona!" Taehyung creased his forehead and nudged his sister, embarrassed that she revealed such a fact. 

You were taken aback at how straightforward Taeyeon was and curious at why Taehyung talked about you at home to his family, but shook it off since it wasn't really important right now. Your mother on the other hand, had a smile on her face because she could tell Taehyung was interested in her daughter from the look in his eyes. 

"Let's get started, shall we?" Taeyeon said. "Before I tell you the different events which may or may not follow the course of your divorce," She started, opening a drawer and pulling out files, "I want you to tell me a little about yourself. You, your husband, your situation. Just tell me what I'm dealing with." Taeyeon looked up and smiled at your mother, her eyes softening. 

"I understand that you must be going through a very tough time right now. Divorce isn't easy and sadly, this stage right now is as easy as it's going to get," Taeyeon told her and she nods understandingly. "Don't worry, auntie! You're in good hands." Taeyeon reassured your mother and proceeded to flip through one of the black files on her desk.

"But first, I'd like to have a word with Hyomin." She looked at you. "May I?" "Of course." You replied, standing up from the seat and dusting the imaginary dust off your black jeans. 

You passed your black hangbag over to Taehyung, he just gave you his box smile back in return, making you laugh despite this tension around you. "Can you get me some coffee, Tae?" You reached for your wallet in your bag but he shot a hand out to stop you. "The usual? And I'll pay." You nodded at him with a grateful smile, "Since when did you know what I liked to drink?" He chuckled back in return. "Jungkook told me." 

"I see that you're in a relationship with my brother?" Taeyeon questioned with a mischievious smile, seeing how close you and Taehyung were with each other. "Oh no, we're just really close friends." You explained apologetically, not really sure if she was disappointed that you were or weren't with Taehyung. 

She that slowly nodded as you awkwardly shifted in your seat. "Alright! Before I can start on anything, I need to know how you feel about all of this. I want your opinion and your feelings to be taken into consideration, because, at the end of the day, you're one of the most important aspects of this whole ordeal. Do you understand?" 

"And, also. From what I heard from Tae, you witnessed quite some stuff on some occasions so it would be best if you told me what happened exactly." She added. "Hyomin, I need you to be totally open and totally honest with me now, okay?" Taeyeon pinned you with a firm look and you nodded back immediately. She took out a few more files, then a pen and notebook from her handbag. "Right, then. Hyomin-ah, how do you feel about this whole situation now?"

You paused, not really sure what to answer because so many things have been going through your mind these few days. "I'm.. fine, I guess? I was upset at one point of time, but when I think more into this, I think that maybe it's just best for the both of them to divorce."


"It's not that I don't want them to be together because trust me, I do. They are— were lovely together." It slipped from your tongue and took you a moment to realize that they weren't together anymore. "It's just that I wouldn't want my mom to forgive my dad for cheating on her. That's just wrong. There's always a possibility that a person can get attracted to another. It's human nature. It's not wrong. But, when you're in a commitment, you should discipline yourself. One may get attracted to numerous prospects and it's okay. As long as you don't nurse the feeling and won't do something about it. Border line between cheating and faithfulness. Recognize the reality that you already have the person that can give you more than what you can get from the 'cheap' thrills of attraction. He crossed that line and I don't think it's very good for him to be dragged back. I'm confident that he doesn't have any feelings for my mom anymore." 

"That's deep, but thanks for sharing. It's going to be a really good piece of advice for my future cilents." She winked at you, then proceeded to jot down some notes on her notebook. "Okay, moving on. So.. Tae told me that you and his best friend overheard your father saying something. I need you to tell me exactly what happened, in detail." 

You went into detail as she said to and told her everything that happened that day in the wardrobe with you and Jungkook. You even got to the detailed details and told her about how you and Hani were related. "Wow, so she's just a jealous ?" She cursed out loud after listening to you talk about everything. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It's just that your story got me real good." She tapped her chin, "I'm pretty sure she's going to come after Tae soon." Chuckling, she clicked her pen. 

Soon, she got your mother and Taehyung back in the room. 

"I've heard your daughter's side of the story, and it was quite.. interesting, I would say. But for now, it's your turn, auntie." She paused, making eye contact with your mother. 

"Yes, I will now." 

"Well then," Taeyeon started off, organizing some of her papers. "Plead your case, Mrs Park."


Hey guyssss :> I hope you all are liking it so far hehe

COMMENT AND TALK TO ME because i'm a weird potato 

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon