Intertwined Fates

*text in italics means that it's in English! 


You poked Jungkook's cheek, giggling to yourself when you heard him groan and his forehead to crease. You then reached out and pulled his cheeks, "Jungkookie, wake up!" You said in a cute voice, hoping it would irritate him more so that he'd wake up. But he grabbed your hands with his own and placed it on his face, "If you're going to do that to me, I'd sleep in everyday." 

Pouting, you flicked his forehead after yanking your hands away from him. 

"Wake up quickly! We have work today!" You pulled away the covers and started ticking him. Jungkook's eyes opened wide, a playful glint flashing past, he pulled you onto the bed and on top of him, rolling around as the both of you had a little pillow fight. You were under him as his forearms were on both sides of your head, you were in between his legs as he looked down at you with that cute smile. "Quit playing, Jeon! I made breakfast for you!" You exclaimed excitedly. "Really?" Jungkook's eyes lit up as he leaned closer to your face, "Thank you for starting a beautiful morning for me, Princess." He leaned in and pecked your nose before getting off you and out of bed. Jungkook stretched and walked into the bathroom to wash up, leaving you a dazed mess, sprawled out as you lay in the messy sheets.  

You quickly snapped out of your trance and stood up to make the bed before heading out to plate the food. 

Sigh, perfect mornings with Jeon Jungkook.



Heaving a sigh of frustration, you placed the purple file folder into the bookshelf by the side of your table. A new model was just assigned to you— Mark Tuan, a Taiwanese American— which meant there were obviously more work to be done. And you thought you were done with your stacks for this week, but guess not. 

A knock was heard on your door just as you were about to sit down and give your mom a call. "Come in," You said, frowning discreetly as you waited for the person to come in. 

A male with dark red hair combed back handsomely, a black stud on each ear walked in and bowed awkwardly. 

Your mouth hung open at how defined his features were, he somehow reminded you of Jungkook but you shook off that thought, "You must be the new guy." You realized, "Mark Tuan, yes?" You asked, standing up to retrieve his profile from your shelf. 

"Yep." He answered as he made his way closer to you. 

"Mark Tuan.. Mark Tuan.. Ah yes, here it is." You mumbled to yourself as you looked through his profile after finding the right one. You your lips, as you quickly scanned through his measurements and stuff like that. You looked up again and saw him staring intently at you, making you clear your throat awkwardly. He just raised his brow, making you feel more uncomfortable. But your guess was that he just wasn't one with many words, so you just decided to keep it that way and continue doing your stuff. 

You puffed up your cheeks and closed the folder, looking up to him and offering him your very attractive rabbit smile. "Hello! I'm Park Hyomin and from today onwards, I'll be in charge of your shoots and stuff like that. If you have any doubts, feel free to approach me anytime, I'm always at your service!" You said kindly, smiling quickly to yourself as you saw the corners of his mouth move up a little.  "Uh, this is a little awkward but can you speak English? Because I'm not that fluent in Korean yet, I just moved here like a month ago." He asked, rubbing the back of his nape shyly as he looked away in embarrassment.

Grinning, "Of course I can! Lucky you, I studied in San Fransisco for 2 years. I'll give you my number so if there's any problems, give me a call and I'll be there to help you." Mark's face lit up in both awe and enlightenment. He was thankful that he knew someone that knew how to speak English, because he couldn't exactly communicate well just yet, he was just starting to get there. "Thank God. You sound like my best friend rather than a supervisor." He chuckled lightly, maybe he wasn't that cold of a guy afterall, you thought to yourself. "I'll be your best friend too! It works the same way around here anyway, I'm everyone's friend. Just be comfortable with me, it's fine." You shot him a small, genuine smile because you wanted him to feel accepted and not burdened. You knew how it felt like when you had to transfer schools to San Fransisco, the people there weren't exactly nice and their words just hurt really bad. You didn't want Mark to feel like that so you just hoped that he'll feel really good that there's someone here that understands him, literally. 

You saved your phone number in his so he would be able to contact you in case of emergency. Then you sent him back outside for him to take some photos for his profile so you'd be able to get him some modeling chances. Afterall, he had a really nice face even with all the nice Korean faces he had around him. He was a good catch. 

You were deep in your own thoughts before another knock was heard on the door, then this person came in without even waiting for you to allow him to. "Hyomin-ah! You need to come out and ask Jungkook to stop his ." Hyoyeon walked in, pissed as hell. You creased your forehead in confusion, "What did he do?"

"Well, for starters, he messed up the models' information. And he pushed a mug of coffee on the floor, now it's all disgusting." Hyoyeon rolled her eyes, "Having a baby at home wailing is enough, I don't need another messy kid here." She hissed, "You better ask him to clean up, if not you're going to do it." Hyoyeon glared at you one last time before she stepped out from the room and shut the door behind her loudly, making you jump in your seat a little. 

"Okay, that was harsh." You said to yourself before you made your way out to the mini kitchen in the office building, laughing a little at how cute your best friend could be even after having a kid of her own.

You saw Jungkook picking up the pieces of the broken mug on the floor, then gasped as you rushed forward. "Hey, hey, hey. Leave it, Jeon. I'll clean up, you go do your other things." You bent down and pushed his hands away from the broken pieces of ceramic before he cut himself or anything like that. He was legit the most clumsy person you've ever met in your whole life and his clumsiness is to a whole new level it hurts. 

Jungkook carefully placed the broken pieces in his hands into the trash can near him, and sighed. "I can't do anything right, can I?" 

You clicked your tongue in annoyance, glaring at him when he said that. "Jeon Jungkook, how many times have I told you not to say that? You're just perfect the way you are, well you are to me, that's all that matters okay. Don't worry about all the other irrelevant things, just go do your thing and you'll be awesome in it one day." Smiling, you asked Jungkook to grab a mop for you to clean up the spilled coffee. "No matter how clumsy or stupid you are, I'm always here to rescue you!" You fistpumped after placing the mop back to that corner where it belongs to, then coming back to pat Jungkook on the shoulder to encourage him. "You'll be fine, so long as you don't get on Hyoyeon's nerves because she's really having a bad day now, Jeon Jeongookie." You whipped out another of your infamous nicknames for Jungkook as the both of you walked towards his work room. 

Jungkook chuckled and smiled at you, "Thanks, you always make me feel better." 

"Anytime, Jungkook."


Your mother called the day before, saying that she and your father wants to invite Jungkook over for dinner and thank him for taking good care of you when you and Hongbin are in the middle of a cold war. So you told Jungkook about it and he was more than delighted to show up and meet your parents.  

You decided to wear something simple for tonight— a black crop top and a simple pair of light denim shorts, with a black cardigan over them. You lightly curled the ends of your hair after your applied mascara and lip gloss, not wanting to pull on make up for your entire face. You sat on the arm rest of the couch as you waited for Jungkook, thinking about how your mother was doing for the past 2 weeks you didn't visit her. 

Honestly, you questioned her patience and tolerance. Because you knew that if your husband cheated on you like this, you'd divorce with him immediately and let him feel regretful for the rest of his pathetic life that he even had to heart to cheat on you. It was just absurd that you mother still could keep up with him even after knowing the unfaithful things he did behind her back. 

It was just unforgivable.

When you were deep in your thoughts, you heard the door close and you knew that Jungkook was out.

He was wearing a plain white shirt with his usual red checkered flannel over it, buttoned right at the top and leaving the rest ed, which made him look a hundred percent hotter, you wouldn't deny at all. His sleeves were pushed up his elbows and he was wearing a pair of dark denim jeans which were folded up at the ends. His earrings were just two simple black studs, and he had on a black leather snapback to top the outfit. 

"Woah, kid. We're going to my parents' house. I'm not bringing you for a photoshoot." 

"Says you." He laughed and flicked your forehead with his fingers, making you hiss in pain at how hard he flicked it. 

You wore on your white low cut converse and he had on leather slip ons. 

Locking the door behind you, the both of you made your way to your parents' house. 


"Hyomin!" You heard a familiar voice call out from behind you as both you and Jungkook looked back before making your way into the porch of your family house. "Mom? What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside, cooking?" You asked, in a matter-of-factly tone. You mother just smiled and told you she went to get some drinks from the mart nearby as you ran out, she just has to finish up a few dishes and you all will be able to eat.  

Jungkook helped her carry the groceries inside, taking a seat on the couch with you. He was rubbing his hands together really nervously, making you crack up at how anxious he was to have a meal with your parents. "Jungkook, calm down. My dad's not going to eat you up." You rolled your eyes playfully as you grabbed a hold of his hands and squeezed them reassuringly. He just shot you an appreciative smile back, making your heart flutter a bit. 

Your father then came down from his room after a few minutes and started chatting with both you and Jungkook, asking about work and stuff related to that topic because there were nothing much to talk about with this traitor. After about 10 minutes or so, your mother finished cooking and all of you sat down to have dinner. But halfway through, your father said that he wasn't feeling exactly well so he wanted to go back and rest in his room. You noticed how he was a little bit panicky but shook it off since you thought he was nauseous and really unwell. 


You gasped as you heard Jungkook silently curse under his breath, he spilled his grape juice on his white shirt and now it just looks like an ugly t-shirt that no one would buy off the racks from a lame clothes store. "Jungkook-ah, leave it. Go up and take a clean shirt from Hyomin's father, I'll wash that shirt for you and return it to you soon." Your mother offered, retrieving the glass of from the table and wiping the mess away. Jungkook awkwardly rubbed the back of his nape, apologising before your mother just shot him a nice smile and assured him that it was okay. 

"Hyomin, bring him to your father's room to get something to wear." Your mother instructed. 

Pulling Jungkook along, the both of you made your way to your father's room and were confused when you didn't find him inside. "He's probably using the washroom." You reasoned and opened your father's giant wardrobe and searched for a nice shirt that fit him. "Do you want this?" You asked, holding up a clothes' hanger with a cool looking Givenchy t-shirt on it. 

"I'm fine with any—" "Haejin oppa!" 

Your grip on the clothes' hanger loosened a little, you were shocked to hear a girl's voice coming from outside the room. Soon, the people outside were heard to be fumbling with the doorknob. Without saying anything, Jungkook pulled you into the huge wardrobe, he quickly covered your mouth with his hand. He gestured for you to be quiet as you nodded to him. There were gaps on the wardrobe so Jungkook was able to peek out slightly. He checked who they were. And when he did, his eyes turned so wide they looked like they were about to pop out, his mouth was slightly open in shock. His expression wasn't good at all. His line of vision transferred to you, then he hugged you tightly, lifting you up a little and moved so that he covered the gaps with his back. 

Both of you were standing in the dark with no light now.

You could both hear that the people were busy doing something because one of them sounded like they just bumped into something beside the wardrobe. Your heart beat quickened, you were so afraid that it might be thieves that were here to rob your family or something near those lines. 

You tugged on Jungkook's shirt, "Jungkook, who are they?" You whispered softly as you tip-toed to reach his ear, so people outside couldn't hear you. 

"Don't get out." He said firmly. 

After a few seconds of panicking, you could hear sounds coming from someone outside. It sounded like a female moan and you thought you heard wrongly. You gasped but Jungkook just held you tighter against him. That female sounded very familiar. Who is she? 

You then heard someone being thrown onto the bed and you could hear obscene sounds you didn't want to hear. It was gradually starting to freak you out even more. 

"Oppa!" You heard a female say out loud and your breathing hitched. You bit your lower lip, hoping that it wouldn't be what you were thinking of right now. No, no, no. Your ears were definitely playing tricks on you because you didn't get to sleep too much lately and yes, it was definitely taking a toll on you. Nothing of such disgusting things were happening, it was all just your imagination. 

You grip on Jungkook's hand tightened as you started to overthink about your family falling apart. It couldn't happen, you didn't want it to turn out this way. It can't. 

But no, life just had to give you a tight slap across your face and make you bleed. 

"Do you like it, baby?" 

"Ah.. yes, yes."

Your eyes widened as tears started to form in your eyes; you were shocked to hear the guy's voice. You knew that voice so well, for your entire life, your life revolved around him telling you so many things. That deep, husky voice that always told you how good you did for your exams and that your mother should stop having those super high expectations. That voice that always comfort you when you were down and devastated, telling you that there will be better tomorrows. That voice that always cheers you up no matter what happens to you. That voice that greets you' good morning' when you wake up and ' good night, baby' when you go to sleep. 

That voice that you knew all too well.

You immediately struggled to release yourself from Jungkook's embrace. You shoved him roughly to the side to check who was outside but Jungkook still covered the gaps stubbornly. But Jungkook slipped away a little when you kicked his shin lightly, letting you have a view of what was outside. 

You were beyond shocked, too shocked. 

"Ah, Haejin-ah.." 

"Yes, Ahn Hee Youn."

Your tears fell from your face. 

Jungkook quickly covered the gaps again, pulling your body closer to his, hugging you tightly. 

You covered your mouth with your hand and sobbed. You tried hard to hold in your tears because you didn't want Jungkook to see you crying again, but you just lost the willpower to fight back. Reality yet gave you another tight slap to the face. You were crying so hard your whole body was shaking. Jungkook hugged you back patiently, with a hand on the back of your head, trying to comfort you as best as he could. 

You were helpless. 

You cried in his arms, hearing your own father having with a girl that broke your relationship with your boyfriend. 

Was this a sick joke?

You were still in Jungkook's arms, feeling so shocked with everything you had seen and heard. You closed your eyes, hoping that it would just be nightmare, a bad dream. 

"Hani, I promise it's going to be quick. I'm going to ask my wife for a divorce soon, just wait for me. Alright?" 

"What about your daughter? Park Hyomin or whatever she's called." 

"She— Hyomin.. I'll do something about her and make sure she goes with her mother. She wouldn't be a disturbance to us for sure, Hee Youn-ah." 

More tears streamed down your face as you heard what came out from your own father's mouth. The father you loved the whole of your life, the father whom you thought loved you back more than anything in the whole wide world. 

Jungkook covered your ears, hoping that he'd be able to block away what mean things your father had to say. You looked at him, his eyes were full of hurt too. He locked eyes with you and pulled you closer to him, planting a kiss on your forehead until you heard the both of the adults go out of the room after they finished dressing up. Then the both of you pushed open the wardrobe and got out. You fell onto the floor, thinking about the memories of your happy family. But now, everything was falling apart and breaking down. 

Is this how the marriage is going to end? 

Jungkook helped you to stand up but it was just like your legs had no strength in them anymore. You lost your balance and almost fainted from the shock but Jungkook was there to take care of you. "Hyomin-ah.." He called out softly. You looked back with tired eyes, not knowing what to say back because there wasn't the 'I'm okay, don't worry' option there anymore. 

This hurt so bad, watching your family fall apart and not being able to do anything about it. 

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon