Intertwined Fates

It could not be any clearer than that. He quinted his eyes and confirmed his thought. It was indeed Park Hyomin, the one he knew. The one he waited for for so damn long. He knew her features better than anyone else did, there was no way his eyes were playing tricks on him. 

She looks so much more happier without him, is that what she wanted all along?

Daehyun couldn't believe his eyes, he couldn't believe how stupid he was. How he waited for her just like that, for her to come back to his side so that they could have their happily ever after. He was not sure of what he was feeling, if he was flaring angry or shattered sad. Inching closer to the Froyo shop, he took a good look through thr rose-tinted glass. Her hair was flowy and brown down her back, with some stray strands in the face, she was having her favourite original yogurt with the usual toppings he remembered she liked— caramelized cookie crumbs, caramel sauce and watermelon cubes. It was a weird combination but she loved it. The boy sitting opposite her was staring at her lovingly, with a dimpled smile across his face, looking at she as if she was the most prized possesion of his. 

Daehyun plucked up his courage and walked into the shop. The crisp bell of the glass door caught the attention of the employee, "Hi! Good afternoon, welcome to Meiji's Froyo Shop!" Daehyun shot her a fake smile and continued walking into the shop, each step bringing him closer to where Hyomin and her new boyfriend was seated at.


His soft voice called out to her, that was when both Hyomin and Hongbin looked up. The said girl's eyes widened as she sowly recognised that it was Daehyun, Hongbin looking at her with panic strikened eyes as he realised that he was the man that Hyomin cried about almost every day and night back when they were in San Fansisco. Back when Hongbin was crazily in love with her, and yet she did not return the feelings. But now she did, as much as Hongbin, they loved each other and yes, Daehyun was part of her past that she wanted to keep but didn't want to replay. 


"Where have you been? Do you have any idea how hard it was waiting for you? How did you get over it— get over us so quickly? I don't get how—" 

"It wasn't me that got over it quickly, it was you that is still stuck in the past. Don't you think so?"

No, no, no. He didn't want to believe what he was hearing, it sounded wrong. So, so wrong.

He couldn't let go of their past no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't.

"No! You don't understand, you don't at all. You just left me hanging like that just when I was about to propose to you? How can you even do that? I prepared so much for you, I gave you my everything! Everything I had, and you just crumbled it into fragments by your own hands. You were the last person I thought that would do that to me." 

What he said just rendered her speechless.

"You broke me." He squeaked with his broken voice as she looked up to meet his eyes. They were red and rimmed with tears that were threatening to pour out anytime. 


Daehyun could now do nothing but scoff at his pathetic self. Little did he know that what's once was his turned into another man's and now he was left with nothing. He waited for everything but was left with nothing. 

"You don't need to explain." He cut her off. "I just hope you will be happy, that's all. That was what I was waiting for, somewhat. Thank you for coming back and finally showing me the real world again. Please be happy." 

Daehyun turned to Hongbin who was staring intently at him, "Take good care of her,"


Daehyun returned to the dorm where he lived with all the boys, full of smiles and all cheery. He made a promise to himself that he was going to be happy. Not for anyone, but for himself. He clearly thought it through and knows that he made himself suffer too much for the past years. He locked himself up in a cage and kept to himself— refusing the reality. But seeing her all that happy without him, it made him think twice. Was she really worth all that pain inflicted on him? 

Yes. But he wasn't going to show that at all.

If she was happy without him, and is still happy just like that, he was going to let her be this way. Because whatever that's yours, will fatefully be with you again at the end, or so he thought. 

If he lets go now, it will hurt. But if he stays, it will hurt more. Seeing her still happy like she always was was really heatwarming, even though he wasn't the one that gave her the happiness. He would give her all the happiness and love she wanted but he couldn't. Even though reality without you is like a dream where you're running away, he decided that he will set you free.

Because Daehyun chose this life himself, he was a coward that couldn't accept reality. But now he didn't want to let himself go anymore and ruin himself and further— he had no confidence in winning against the never-ending memories of Hyomin and himself.

"I will rip her out of my heart now. I will erase all the memories floating around and burn all the remaining images." Daehyun muttered silently to himself as he clenched his fist, pushing the dorm door open. 


"Hyomin," Hongbin called out, placing an assuring hand on her shoulder when she flinched and stepped back, bumping into Hongbin's firm chest when he called her name. He looked down at her worriedly when she looked so out of herself a few moments ago, but went unnoticed by her. "Are you okay?" Hongbin asked her as he tightened his grip on his smart phone. "Yeah? Yes, I'm fine, don't worry about it." She tried to cover up, forcing a smile onto her face as she looked up and into his eyes. 

Hongbin frowned. "Stop that, I know that's fake." He hated it when she tried to lie to him about her feelings, he wanted to understand and be there for her everytime. The smile dropped from her face as she let out a sigh. "No, I'm not fine, Lee Hongbin." She puffed her cheeks. "Was that what you wanted to hear, my cute Bean?" She giggled at her own remark and looked at him with that cute smile of hers. Hongbin died internally once more when he saw that cheeky smile. "Man, I'm so lucky to have her." he thought to himself. He chuckled and pinched her nose bridge, smiling back at her, showing her his dimples that melt her all the time. 

"But seriously though, babe. That was a straight up tense situation." Hongbin said, raising an eyebrow at her. "He's my ex, of course it'll be like this, Bean. Most importantly, I only have you in my heart, that's all that matters, no?" Hongbin could only smile at her comment, nodding his head. "I love you too, boo." He chuckled after saying.

Hyomin didn't know what exactly to feel. To be guilty or blissful, she didn't know. 

Hongbin and Hyomin sat down at the wooden bench in the park. Cool breeze blew past as they watched little children run around the playground, tripping every so often and making her jump up in surprise, wanting to go pick them up before their mums came to their resue. "We will get married soon, then have kids. Then we will watch then grow up while we grow old together, right?" Hongbin asked, squeezing her hand as he in a breath. "Of course, I can't wait to see our first child." She sighed happily, "I want him to be a baby boy, with cute dimples just like you." Hongbin begged to differ, "I want a girl! So that she can be as pretty as her mother." He stared at her lovingly with that smile of his, it was just like falling in love all over again.

After talking about Hongbin's new photoshoot and Hyomin's upcoming showcase, Hongbin remembered the earlier encounter with Daehyun and asked Hyomin about it.

"You know how I ended up in San Fransisco when my dad was transferred there for work?" Hongbin nodded, silently thanking whoever transferred Mr Kim, allowing him to fall in love with this beautiful perfection. "Yeah, before that I was in Seoul, and he was my boyfriend." Hyomin felt Hongbin flinch a little at the 'boyfriend' part, but he shook it off when he remembered what she told him a while ago. "I had to break up with him of course. My dad said that long distance relationships always don't work out. So I just left him without telling him anything." Hyomin shrugged, feeling guilty. 

Hongbin mouthed an 'ah' and rubbed his nape. "I knew that he waited for me to go back to him for that long, actually." Hongbin gasped quietly, "You did?" Hyomin nodded, "I was best friends with one of his best friends too, he told me all about it and begged me to go back to him side before he realized that all that was in vain." 

You sighed, not knowing what to do with this guy anymore. He seemed to have heard your sound of exasperation, "Please, Hyo." He said over the phone, trying to buy you to his side. "You're my last hope." He continued.

"Himchan, you know I'm over him." you mumbled softly, looking over at the man you love, sound asleep one the couch. "But he isn't over you!" Himchan raised his voice on the other end. You bit your lip, debating if you should tell him you moved on or not. You hesitated, afraid that he would say something you wouldn't like to hear. But you still told him in the end, afterall, he's your best friend. 

"Himchan, I have a boyfriend."

You could hear a soft gasp, then complete silence after that. You were afraid, since you didn't know if he was angry or just shocked. "Himchan?" 

"Is that true? Hyo, is what you're telling me right now true?" Himchan asked for confirmation, hoping that it was all just lies. "Yes, it is.. I met him 8 months ago, when he was a model for my clothes. We just clicked and yeah." You in a breath and waited for Himchan's outburst you thought was coming. "Hyo," He started, "I am so happy for you!" You raised a brow at his remark but kept it to yourself since he couldn't see you from the other end. "It's great that you could move on after being so sad, but Daehyun on the other hand, isn't handling this situation well."

"What do you mean?" Unsure of what he was pointing at, you asked him. "Daehyun locked himself up mentally. He's at that same old place, waiting for you to come back. He refuses to move on and rejects the help from other people. He's... broken, Hyo."


"I know what he's feeling," Hongbin started off. "You do?" Hyomin was taken aback that such a guy like him would even suffer from heartbreak, because he was one of those guys that looked like he would be the one to break your heart instead of you breaking his. "Before you, I had a crush on this noona. She was my sunbae at the modeling school, she always helped me to pull through during the tough times. I don't know why, I just fell in love with her." 

Hyomin kept quiet and nodded to allow Hongbin to carry on with what he was saying. "I confessed, being the guy I was. But she just left and told me to forget about her. She didn't even tell me where she was going or what she was going to do, she just left me hanging there onto what my last hope could be— that she was going to come back to me." 

The sky gradually turned darker. Yet this was the first time Hongbin sounded so sad, Hyomin looked into his eyes and saw that it turned glassy, his eyes reflecting against the light from the nearby lampost. The laughter of the children died down long ago, the howling wind wasn't blowing anymore, instead came occasional breezes of cool wind.All she could hear were their breathing. 

"I was so so stupid for thinking that, right?"

"You weren't stupid for believing in what you love, Hongbin." She reached over and wiped away the lone tear that trickled down his eye, her hand softly caressing his cheek and looking into his eyes. 

She never saw Hongbin so broken before, because he was always strong for her. 

"I'm sorry, baby. I made you listen to irrelavant stuff." Hongbin apologised, sighing and taking her hand into his as he removed it from him face. "Nonsense!" Hyomin exclaimed, "There's always time for you, okay?" She shot him a reassuring smile. 

Hongbin nodded as he pulled her up from the bench. "It's late, I'm going to bring you home now." Hongbin said as he ruffled her hair, clasping her hand and pulling her along.


"I think he still likes that sunbae, Hyung."

"Aish, shut up, will you! I'm trying to listen to their conversation and you're just being a piece of annoying thing!" 

"Can you all please keep quiet." 

"Yes, Taekwoon hyung." The youngest obeyed him and tried to peek at the couple through the bushes. "Why were we even following them though?" Jaehwan asked, sneezing when the pollen of the flowers got into his big nose. "No no no, Hongbinnie loves Hyomin alright, no more arguments about this." Hakyeon hushed them.

"Let's get going," He motioned for them to come out from their hiding.


"Can I ask you something?" Hyomin asked, breaking the comfortable silence of the couple ask they strolled down the now empty streets of Hongdae. "You just did but you have a second chance because of your captivating beauty." Hongbin jokingly said, making her chuckle. Hyomin contemplated whether she should tell him or not, if it would ruin the couple's relationship or not. But she decided to anyway.

"Do you still have feelings for that sunbae?" Hyomin's clear voice spoke out, taking Hongbin aback. 

" just got real quick." Jaehwan cursed under his breath as he heard what Hyomin asked. "Why is sister-in-law so straightforward?" Sanghyuk asked, scratching his head. 

"Not at all, baby. You're the one and only for me, understand?" Hongbin stopped in his tracks and said, assuring Hyomin that his love for her will never change. "I will only be yours, my heart will only belong to you. I love you so damn much you can't even fathom." 

"I'm just so scared you will leave me. I can't live without you, Hongbin-ah. It's so scary—"

Hongbin cut her off as he pressed his warm lips against her soft pinkish ones.

"Don't even think that I will leave you. I love you." 

"I love you too."

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon