Intertwined Fates

'I don't know why she left, what was the reason for everything... I'm confused. Why would she leave me all of a sudden?' Daehyun thought to himself as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his beige jeans. Sighing for the tenth time this morning, he continued the journey to his own dwelling; the coffee shop.

'Ah, Daehyun?' The lady asked on daily routine, 'Yes, it's me. Again.' He replied, chuckling to himself. 'You need to get her back, you know. I miss her too!' She joked with Daehyun, 'I am. I'm going to get her back. I'm going to wait for her no matter how long it takes.' 'Good to hear, the normal?' She asked Daehyun with a warm, assuring smile before he nodded.

Daehyun fished out his phone from his pocket, scrolling through the pictures of you and him. The memories when you two dated. Clicking on a picture, he ran his thumb over the screen, reminscing the moments the two of you spent together.

Happy memories, they were.

'Here's your caramel macchiato.' Daehyun looked up as the lady placed the cup and saucer on the table top. 'How I miss that beautiful little girl...' She took in a deep breath after seeing the photo on his phone. 'I do too. Hope she comes back.' He commented, taking a sip of the drink.

'Good luck, Daehyun.' She grinned before getting back in the shop.


'Hyung!!' Zelo voice filled the whole room as Daehyun stirred in his sleep. 'Hyung wake up now!' Jongup sang as he skipped happily into the room. 'It's time for school! Yongguk Hyung called for you' Jongup chirped, pulling open the silky blue curtains cheerfully, showering Daehyun with the fresh morning sunshine. The said boy groaned, "5 more minutes, please. I didn't get a wink of sleep at all last night." He grumbled before falling back into dreamland. 

The youngest two were stunned and walked out, telling Yongguk whatever he heard.

"Must've been dreaming about her.." Yongguk sighed, "It's okay, let's just go to school and leave him be, let him rest for today." He reassured them before grabbing his backpack and walking out the door. "He's not going to concentrate today with all these going on his head today anyway," Himchan placed a hand on Jongup's shoulder and shot him a small smile, nudging him to hurry along and catch up with the others. But the lad was still lost, he had no clue to what they were talking about. 

"Did you forget? Today is supposed to be their 5th anniversary, Jongup-ah."

Jongup's mouth gaped in surprise. He thought Daehyun got over it long ago, but it didn't seem like it now.


Hours later, Daehyun sat up with groggy eyes, scanning the entire room. "They're probably at school now," He mumbled to himself as he got up and walked into the washroom. He looked into the mirror and took a good look at himself. He was taken aback that he still looked presentable, normally for people who just fell out of love, they would definitely look like crap. He chuckled bitterly to himself, fell out of love. Yeah sure he fell out of love, 2 years ago. 

He quickly took a shower and picked out a denim button up with ripped black jeans, brushing his hair back stylishly. Not forgetting to take his belongings with him, he locked the door behind him. Daehyun never failed to be at the same place everyday at the same time, the coffee shop that magically brought them together.


"Oh my God! I am so so sorry! I didn't mean to—" Daehyun chuckled as he grabbed the wrist of the girl who spilled americano on him when they bumped into each other, trying to get the stains off his white dress shirt. "Hey hey, it's okay. Don't worry, I've been wanting to get rid of this a long time ago." Daehyun winked playfully at the girl, making her look down at her feet, blushing. 'How can he be so forgiving and—and handsome.' she thought to herself, holding tighhtly onto her leather clutch. 

"I am really sorry. I was distracted by something on my phone, that's why..." She mumbled to herself, trying to explain herself to the handsome stranger. Daehyun shook his head as a grin plastered onto his face unknowingly. "Can I make it up to you? I feel really bad for ruining your white shirt into this— icky disgusting mess." She shot him an awkward smile. 


Thye exchanged numbers and started out being friends after that small incident that twisted their fates. Slowly, she got to know the rest of his group of quirky and special friends and they eventually became close friends when the both of them realised they had feelings for each other. Everyone knew, of course, except the both of them. So Himchan being the impatient one, couldn't stand them beating around the bush and tried to get them to realise that obvious fact. And when they did, Daehyun asked her out and there you are — the lovebirds.


He ordered the usual caramel macchiato and sat by the window of the warm coffee shop. This was his normal routine— getting his daily douse of caffine and memories while being in a place they used to call their own. This place gave him memories, which was what once built him up and is now tearing him down mercilessly. Sighing once again, he took a sip of his drink. Then he got up and waved goodbye to the old lady, telling her he will stop by after visiting the bookstore opposite later.

On the other hand, the rest of his group were stunned at what they were actually seeing in school. They wanted to verify it with her badly, but didn't have the courage to do so because they were terribly afraid of the untold truth they predicted. They hope they would be so so wrong of what they were thinking. With the exception of one boy. 

"Park Hyomin! Is that you?"

His husky voice resonated around the empty hallway, except for the 5 boys and them

The said girl furrowed his eyebrows and turned her head over, just to be as shocked as the other party were. Her eyes got wider by the second as she processed the situation set in front of her, and got slapped in the face by realisation. Yongguk realised that her eyes were darting around, searching for that one person that wasn't there. His eyes then traveled to the guy that was standing next to her, whom had raven hair styled perfectly, his body looked like it had been dipped into a bowl of perfection and his face showed uncertainty as he pushed the girl behind him protectively. Even the fashionista of their group, Himchan, had to admit that this guy looked like he jumped out from the books of 'Most Perfect Looking People on the face of Earth'. He looked like the school uniform was taylored just to fit him. And Himchan's eyes were secretly trying to strip him and looking at the unseen abs that were hidden by the thin piece of white fabric. 

"Well, this guy definitely is pretty as hell." He made a snide remark before retreating back into the group. 

"Noona? It's you, right?" Youngjae asked, taking a step forward and trying to confirm it himself with his own eyes. "Who's this? Where have you been these 2 years?" He questioned again, this time sounded more impatient, he wanted an answer right there and then. 

"I— Yeah, it's me." Her crystal clear voice spoke out.

"I'm Lee Hongbin, her boyfriend." The god-like guy spoke, his voice deep and husky, still glazed with caution.

The group of guys were taken aback, but reacted once they saw Youngjae lunging at the couple. "How could you! Daehyun— what about Daehyun? He's still waiting, after 2 freaking years, he's still waiting! How could you just let go of him so easily?" He asked and looked at her with eyes filled with hatred and disgust. Yongguk in his breath and whispered to Youngjae, telling him to calm down. "What about him? I moved on, aren't we all supposed to?" She asked back, her voice unwavering even though the situation she was placed in looked threatening. 

Hongbin started to get hold of the situation and backed away a little bit, giving her space to talk with them.

"I left, for my family. I'm back now and I can live my life however I want, so please just tell him to move on. I'm not worth the wait." She spoke before she shut her locker and slid her hands into Hongbin's before scurrying off for class. 

"If she's not worth the wait, then why did he still wait for her?" The quiet Jongup spoke. 


"Babe, you okay?" Hongbin tried to smile even in the worse conditions, he would do anything for his girl. Hyomin caressed his cheek and smile, "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" She giggled, "Well, for instance, you kinda met your ex's gang and they were about to attack you. Verbally and physically?" His voice trailed off as the both of them looked at each other and burst into a fit of laughter. "You want to go anywhere after school?" Hongbin asked as he enveloped Hyomin in a hug and rocked side to side. Hyomin took in a breath of his manly scent and pretended to think hard, earning chuckles from the muscular lad. "Let's go get froyo! I heard there's this newly opened shop nearby." She chirped happily upon thinking about the delicious frozen yogurt she's been craving for. "Sure, anything for my baby." Hongbin winked at her as they proceeded to go to class.

Daehyun spent a good few hours in the bookstore, browsing different genres of books, getting a few off the shelves and sitting by the window. 

The crisp bell rang before a hungry horde of students were released from their self'proclaimed 'cages', rushing to go to the mall or home or whatever, just not school. Hongbin waited for Hyomin by the door of her class, leaning against the door frame coolly. His looks definitely got stares here and there from girls all around the school. But his attention was only for her and her only, he really truly loves her with his whole heart. Brushing off a few girls stuffing him with roses and chocolates (as always), their usual hyperventilations as he waved them off with a smile, he saw his special girl strolling out of the class trying to balance her books. 

"Babe!" The girls around him were cut off by his dimpled smile, which was to die for, and his call for Hyomin. The girl looked up and smiled back with as much happiness in them, she fastened her pace and approached Hongbin who was trying to cut through the group of crazy fangirls to reach Hyomin. "Let me get that," He offered to help her take her stuff which earned glares from the other girls all around her when he tried to return them their gifts. "Ah, it's okay. You have stuff to carry for yourself too," She glanced at the pile of gifts packed in pretty little boxes from the girls all around her, especially this one named Minah. "But—" "No buts, Lee Hongbin. You listen to me, no arguements. I'll see you at the school gate in 15! I have to pass Mr. Joseph my homework for English, and get rid of all these too, ha." She forced an awkward laugh and walked away from the crowd. She bitterly glanced back and looked at her boyfriend being crowded by a bunch of girls which were trying to flirt and get a piece of him. "Oppa! I've knitted a sweater just for you, please accept it!" She faintly heard Minah say as her silhouette quietly disappeared down the hallway.


She kicked the rocks on the ground as she bit her lip, thinking of how pretty and delicate that girl named Minah was. How easily she could've won Hongbin over and made him fall in love with her and out of love from herself. Sighing, she zipped the bag she was holding and stuffed back in the incomplete white sweater she was going to give to Hongbin as their anniversary present. 'What am I supposed to do now..' she silently chided herself for not being quick enough to finish it first even after staying up for so many nights trying to knit a nice sweater for Hongbin. 

"Hey beautiful," she heard the husky voice that belonged to the man she fell in love with and immediately turned around, forcing a smile onto herself. "Hey back." Hongbin noticed that something was off, his princess wasn't happy. "What's wrong?" He held her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes, trying to figure out what went wrong between the time she disappeared after school until now. "Did you get scolded by the teacher?" He asked, "No.. it's nothing, it's okay. It's really nothing, don't worry." Hongbin replied with an 'oh' but he could tell something was wrong when he saw that glint of sadness flash across her eyes when he asked her about it.

"So, did you accept the gifts from them?" Hyomin asked sd they walked down the streets of Seoul. "Yeah, I didn't want to upset them." Hongbin replied after hesitating. "What did you get?" "A bunch of chocolates that were really too much so I gave them away, some confession letters of some sort and a knitted sweater." He could feel Hyomin flinch a bit when he mentioned about the sweater he received from Minah. "Why?" He asked out of curiousity. "Ah, nothing. I was just curious of what you got." Hyomin tried to brush it off and made a mental reminder to herself to throw the remnants of the unfinished sweater latere at home. 

Something clicked inside Hongbin and he finally realised what Hyomin seemed to be distracted about. He shook his head slightly with a relaxed smile and stopped walking, pulling her back. He made her turn to face him and looked into her doe eyes. "Baby, if you're worrying that I will fall in love with that Minah girl just now, don't be, alright?" He shot her a smile, "How did you—" "I know you too well, babe." He chuckled to himself and cupped her cheeks, not caring if anyone around was staring. 

"Relax baby girl, I'm yours." 

He said before his soft lips met with Hyomin's. She still felt the some adrenaline through her veins whenever they kissed or even when he touched her, she still felt butterflies in her stomach and the sparks all over. It was just like falling in love with him all over again, but everytime, more and more. 

She felt complete bliss all over again and could only sigh in content.


Daehyun stretched and yawned after sitting at the same place for more than 3 hours, he decided to head back to the coffee shop and get himself a frappucino before getting home. As he walked along the streets, the leaves of the trees hustled and a gentle breeze blew past him, making him reminsce of the times he strolled like this, calmly with Hyomin years ago. As he walked past, he noticed the newly opened Frozen Yogurt shop. Glancing inside, he saw the happy customers filling their cups up with froyo with smiles on their faces. There was a couple in there too, which reminded him of Hyomin and him. The guy had nicely styled raven hair and a dimpled cheek from what he could make out from his eyesight. The girl had long flowing brown hair, her doe eyes and lips looked very much like Hyomin— wait, Daehyun furrowed his eyebrows as he soon recognised the girl, whom indeed was Park Hyomin.

What surprised him more was that he saw her pecking the guy's lips lovingly. 


What the hell is she doing here?


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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon