Intertwined Fates

"Ahaha," Jungkook chuckled, "I would kiss you right now to end this amazing corny speech but now's not the right time, I believe." 

A smile crept up onto your lips as you looked at him, "I'll make it up to you then, what do you want me to do for the night?" You nudged him playfully before he started to pretend that he was thinking really hard of what he wanted back from you in place of the lost kiss. 

He pushed away his playful look and replaced it with a sincere one, "I want you to be genuinely happy. That way, I won't have to be worried about you if I don't get to see you." He paused and looked back into your eyes, he looked dead serious. Your heart fluttered at how much he cared about you, he'd want you to be happy even if he wasn't the reason for it. "You look beautiful smiling so do that more, okay?" Jungkook asked for as he carefully looked at you. He was relieved when you gave him a soft smile, nodding your head. "Of course, Jungkook." 

For the next 48 hours, I'll make him feel loved too. 

This wasn't considered cheating, right? You just wanted to make Jungkook feel a bit better because he did so much for you, he put in so much effort to make you feel so special and loved. 

Or that was how your weird, innocent mind thought.

"Let's go!" Jungkook lifted the bouquet of roses from the table and grabbed a hold of your hand with his free one, leading you out of the rooftop and out of the school. 

The streets were now empty except from a few cars speeding past, probably coming from the nearby clubs in Hongdae. The breeze wasn't chilling, it was cool and blew past occasionally. Jungkook's fingers were interlocked with yours, his hands felt really warm and you couldn't help but feel a little tingly inside. It wasn't always normal for you to take walks in the empty streets of Seoul this late when you could be dozing off in your warm bed at home, but when you do, you know it's always for someone special. And this time, it was for the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

"Let's have a movie night," You suggested, turning your head to look at Jungkook. "Sure thing, princess. What do you feel like watching?" 

"Do you have Ted 2?" You asked cheekily, moving a little closer to Jungkook and then hugging his whole right arm. "Woohoo, look who's being all touchy." He jokingly said, tapping the tip of your nose with his index finger, chuckling. "Of course I have Ted 2, princess." 

You giggled at his use of nicknames on you and continued your walk with him back to the apartment. 


The both of you took a warm shower, of course, separately. When you walked out with a tank top and sweatpants, on your way to find your fluffy slippers, Jungkook was standing right outside. He too, was wearing sweatpants but with a muscle tank since it was a warm summer night. His hair was wet but not dripping, unlike yours. Even now, he still looked incredibly handsome. 

"Come here, I'll dry your hair." He gestured for you to come sit by the side of the bed so he could blow dry your hair. "You'll catch a cold if you don't dry it." He lightly chided as he plugged in the blow dryer at the side of the dressing table.

He cared for you with so much love in every word he said, it felt like it would hurt if you rejected him. 

You knew you'd hate yourself if you hurt him; this boy that felt pure love and gratitude towards you. 

"Since when did you turn into my mum?" You asked, grabbing his forearm and moving it away from your face when you looked up at him, grinning at your use of words. He chuckled softly, looking at you lovingly. "Get me a drink before you go get your movie, I'll give Jin hyung a call." 

You nodded and squeezed his hand before heading out. 

Jungkook sighed, "I wish I could spend everyday like this with you.." He whispered to himself bitterly. 

He stepped out a few minutes later after calling Jin and telling the boys how it went. And after minutes of teasing and Jungkook's silent curses, he walked out and saw you all snuggled up in your blankets with the air conditioning on, waiting patiently for Jungkook as you checked your phone. "Hey," Jungkook made his presence known as you placed your phone down and pulled your blanket open to invite him in. He cheekily grinned and pulled your comforter over the both of you as well, pressing 'play' on the remote. 

After laughter and some tears from the movie, it was almost 3am in the morning. The movie soon ended with you falling asleep of course. You snuggled close to Jungkook's arm and made yourself comfortable as you rested your head against his firm chest, hearing his stable heartbeat in the silence after he switched the television off. 

Jungkook reached out and tucked stray strands of hair away from your face as he admired how peaceful your looked when you were asleep. Your lips were slightly parted as your chest rose up and down slowly. Jungkook smiled at how innocent you looked when you were asleep, your hair falling perfectly over your shoulders.

"Jungkook.." Your lips parted as the space between your eyebrows creased. 

The latter gasped softly as he realized you were only sleep talking, probably having a nightmare. He slowly held his hand out while he looked down on you, laying on his chest. Jungkook gently caressed your hair, successfully soothing you as your incoherent mumbles stopped gradually. 


"Did you have a nice sleep?" Jungkook asked as he tilted the flask of the coffee maker, pouring the freshly brewed black coffee into a mug. You ran a hand through your brown locks as you trudged tiredly into the kitchen, yawning. "No.. I had a terrible nightmare, if you didn't notice." 

"Ahaha," He chuckled before he sipped on the coffee, "I heard you say my name." 

You froze and the heat from your cheeks rose before you tried to quickly hide them by trying to laugh it off. 

Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully, "Come on, what did you dream about?" 

You scoffed back at him jokingly, "It's all because of you and your stupid friends." You sighed, "If it wasn't for the 'Jungkook got stabbed and ran away injured' story, I would've had a nice sleep." You squinted your eyes at him. 

Jungkook chuckled as he placed the mug back down onto the counter, "I'm sorry, it was for a good cause." He winked at you, "Oh, Jongin called and told me that Hyoyeon gave birth this morning." He stated. You turned around with wide eyes and an excited smile plastered on your face. 

Hyoyeon was undoubtedly the closest girl friend you had. She got married last year with Kim Jongin, one of Jungkook's best friends, an aquaintence you thought had a nice face but you weren't really that close to him, and she got pregnant quite some time ago. You promised her that you'd be there with here when she delivered her first child, but you got carried away with life and many things happened, but you knew she understood you well enough to let it go. 

Hyoyeon got married early, at a young age of 24. You were her bridesmaid at the wedding and you envied her so much for being able to marry someone she loved with all her heart— being able to be with someone she loved, which hopefully, will stay with her for the rest of her life.

 Originally, you had plans of marrying who you thought was perfect for you years ago — Jung Daehyun. But apparently it wasn't so anymore. 

And now that she has a child, it made you yearn for a family even more. 

Jungkook noticed how your eyes twinkled when you heard that Hyoyeon finally gave birth. He knew you loved children and you really wanted to settle down, have a child and a family. 

"Really? Can we go to the hospital to see her?" You asked, clasping your hands together in utter excitement, wanting to see the baby as soon as possible. Jungkook smiled lovingly at you, "Of course we can. Wash up and I'll take you out for breakfast?" 

You nodded quickly, smiling as gratitude to Jungkook, then leaving to change out. You changed into a white tennis mini-skirt with a pink pullover, leaving your hair down. It was incredibly cutesy but you decided to go with it anyway, since you were going to see a cute baby. You stepped out and saw Jungkook dressed up nicely, waiting for you. He was wearing a white graphic t-shirt with a red checkered flannel, together with a pair of basic black skinny jeans. He wore a silver long necklace that had a dog tag pendant, you noticed that he had on two black and simple studs, the other pair was a mini hoop. Although he had a with his Converse, he had on some Timberlands for today. 

And you totally loved his fashion. 

I mean, who wouldn't love a man in flannels?

Jungkook decided to stop by a cafe for the both of you to have breakfast. The bells of the door chimed as he pushed open it, letting you in first, holding the door for you. The waiter led the both of you to a table for two in a corner and took your orders; one serving of Bacon & Eggs and one serving of Chocolate Chip pancakes, with black coffee and orange juice.

The both of you were chatting happily about how cute Hyoyeon and Jongin's baby would be. 

"So.. When are you planning on reconciling with Hongbin?" Jungkook asked, sipping his orange juice from a straw. You shrugged sadly, "I don't know, maybe after I think things out." You said with a bitter smile. Jungkook reached out and ruffled your hair, "It's going to be fine, trust me." He tried to lighten up the mood as you cut up your pancakes. 


"Hyoooo!" You wailed out with a sad face as you threw yourself into Hyoyeon's open arms. "I missed you, ." Hyoyeon replied as she tightened her arms around you. "Ew you're being gross." You jokingly said, wrinkling your nose. Jungkook chuckled at the two females' interaction and then continued catching up with Jongin at the side of the ward.

"WHERE'S THE BABY?" You asked loudly as you remembered your motive of coming here. Hyoyeon scoffed as she slowly realized it too. "You , don't be so loud. The baby's right beside the bed, idiot." You scoffed back at the no-longer pregnant woman that was lying on the bed at her use of nicknames for you. 

Jungkook's eyes focused on you as he watched you make your way towards the baby in the transparent case. 

"Wah, voila." You cooed, carefully picking up the little specimen into your arms. Your eyes were only filled with one emotion when you stared down on the child in the baby blue blanket. Your eyes were filled with complete and utter marvel. "Wow. Just... wow." 

Your eyes were still fixed on the child cooing and garling in your arms. You gasp, your eyes going softer than anyone had ever seen them go before. You stare at the baby like it's the most wonderful thing you've ever came across your entire life. Jungkook looks both mortified and elated.  

"He's so.. so small," He mumbled, reaching down to gently the newborn's cheeks. "Oh my God, his skin is so soft." 

"He's perfect." Hyoyeon looks up to you with glistening eyes, "Isn't he so freaking perfect?" You slid your eyes back to the little human being you hed in your arms, and your heart breaks and swells at the same time. 

The feelings that consumes you is the strangest mixture of joy, gratitude, love and.. envy. You envied her so much, in this moment, for being able to give life to such untainted perfection. You were happy for Hyoyeon and Jongin, for also creating hope, all wrapped up in a little blue blanket.

"He's damn right perfect." You said, carefully reaching out to the newborn's cheek with your thumb. "What's his name?"

You looked up and saw Hyoyeon with a really proud smile on her face after she made eye contact with her husband. "Minkook," She answered, "After me and Jongin's two favorite people: Hyomin and Jungkook." 

"Guys..." You were at a loss of words. You looked over at Jungkook and he had a genuine warm smile plastered onto his handsome face. "Thank you," You felt Hyoyeon squeeze your arm, giving you an assuring smile back. 

"You named your baby after me?" Jungkook asked Jongin. You looked up and saw Jongin grin sheepishly, nodding. Jungkook let out a joyous laugh and went to hug his friend, "You're cool, bro." You pull Minkook close, staring at him like he was some kind of a rare specimen. 

Which he probably is. It's been years since you've contacted with a child— a baby, that is. 

"Hi, baby." You murmured, rocking the child whilst bouncing gently. You poked his cheek and watched as his mouth curved into a toothless smile. You giggled, repeatedly poking the meaty parts of his tiny face with your delicate fingers. "Hi, baby. Hi, baby, baby." 

He coos, and your heart exploded there and then.

"I'm going to love the hell out of you, Minkookie, I'm sure of it." You pecked his small little nose, making him giggle cutely. Jungkook gazed at you with warm eyes, smiling lovingly at your interaction with the baby. He loved how you could communicate with children so well, it was just magical. Looking at you like this, made him fall in love with you more, if that was even possible.

He knew right at that moment, you were the one he'd spend the rest of his life with.

Jungkook flinched when Jongin placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "Jungkook-ah, I know that look." He paused. "I mean, I used to look at Hyoyeon the same way.. Did you tell her yet?" Jongin asked, "Yeah, I did, hyung." "Then? What did she say?" Jongin probed curiously, wanting to know more of the situation. He knew of Jungkook's love for the brown haired girl and badly wanted the both of them to be together.

"I didn't ask for an answer, I just wanted her to know what I feel for her. And, she has a boyfriend, hyung." Jungkook reminded the older one, sighing as his eyes traveled to the two females marvelling over the newborn.

Jongin stayed silent for a few seconds before locking eyes with Jungkook, "Jungkook, listen. In some circumstances in your life, you have to be generous and giving, but this— this love you're experiencing, it's not meant to be shared. You have to keep something precious to yourself for once. Be selfish and have her for yourself, this time." Jongin muttered seriously, his lips pressing into a thin line as he pat Jungkook's shoulder. 

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon