Intertwined Fates

"How was it?" Jungkook asked, his lips pressed into a thin line. 

"How was what?" You asked, confused at what Jungkook was trying to get at. 

He scoffed, "How was the feeling of leaving someone hanging and thinking it's okay to come back with an apology, hoping to be forgiven? How was the feeling of making someone fall for you and then leaving them? How did it feel like to break someone, anyone who could possibly love and care for you and not give a about what others say? How did it feel like to push someone who loves you truly? Was it fun?" 

Pain flashed across his eyes and it was evident. You broke him into pieces that couldn't possibly be put back together no matter how much glue or tape you used. You shut your eyes tightly, it was just all coming to you at once, it was overwhelming. 

"No." You said firmly. "No, it wasn't fun. And if you think I am even the slightest bit happy, you're wrong. Do you think it was fun for me? Do you think you're not important to me? I hate to say this but you're more than important to me now, believe it or not." 

"Oh yeah?" 

"Yes. But I know you're going to feel awkward if we continue living together for these purposes."

Sighing for almost the millionth time today, you turned to face Jungkook with an unreadable expression on your face. It was almost as if you were really irritated at him, which you hardly were at all. 

"So what you're trying to say is that I want you for ?" Jungkook asked, unamused.

You were honestly caught off guard at how this topic of 'you for ' even surfaced from the small talk you and Jungkook were having. It was after you rejected his feelings, sort of, at the park nearby. Jungkook didn't really speak to you after that ordeal, the both of you were basically surrounded with awkward air. You knew how it felt like to be in his shoes, but you just decided to keep quiet and not disturb him. 

"What? N-No, that's not what I said. Jungkook, no." You stuttered, making him scoff incredously. "I am fully aware of the fact that Jimin told you about how I wanted to have with you, I'm not stupid."  You your lips and thought of something to say, because you didn't really know what to retort back to his argument. You just knew that Jimin was an idiot for telling you stuff like that the previous day, giving Jungkook that slim chance of overhearing them. "I know you're not trying to get anything from me, I'm not saying you are." You said, backing away from him. 

Jungkook approached you slowly, only to stop when he saw you take a step away from him. "Are you, now?"

You nodded, avoiding his intense gaze as you looked somewhere else. You took another step away from him and ran your fingers through your hair. "Jungkook, you're being ridiculous." You said, tired of arguing with him because it hurt when you argued with a loved on.

"It doesn't matter," He let out a sigh, shaking his head at you. "Don't worry, I won't touch you again."

Confusion rose in your brain and you finally looked up at him. "W-What?" 

"You don't trust me, do you?" He asked, quirking a brow at you. Before you could sort out what he was asking and reply him then, he shook it off. "Forget what I said." 

You frowned and opened your mouth to apologize again, but he raised his hand up to stop you. 

"Constantly apologizing and not knowing what you did wrong isn't going to bring you anywhere further than you already are. You will just come off as pathetic, someone who doesn't have a backbone and needs to apologize to others without even standing up for himself." His voice started to rise as he spoke, and it made you step back again out of fear.

"Jungkook, I—" 

"No, let me say this." He stopped you again. "For once, can you just go out on a limb and say yes to something no matter how nervous you are? You always tell me to be patient and wait for the good things, then you're the one that's impatient. I don't know what happened to you, but you're just being really absurd now. You're starting to lose that one characteristic I liked in you— being able to have an opinion and knowing what to do. You practice what you preach, Hyomin. Don't go telling people what to do, how to react when you can't do that yourself." He paused, "Can you have an opinion on what you want to do? Because now you're being really confusing. You know how I feel towards you, you're making me feel all shaken up being of how you treat me and now all I get is you leaving me in the end?" he asked, his voice lowering to almost a whisper. The pleading look in his eyes caused your heart to drop. 

"Do you need someone or do you need me?"

Now she couldn't find words to say back, and silence sat between them as they looked quietly at each other, neither having the courage to break eye contact. 

With another sigh, Jungkook was the first to look away and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, making his way out of the room. "If you're going to fake that you need me, at least pretend to care." 

He slammed the door behind him, and the force of it made you flinch. 

You turned around and reached for the door knob, but retracted your shaking hand. Your mind was in a real mess and you were shaken up about all that Jungkook said to you, but you clearly knew your answer to Jungkook's question.

"I need you."

After standing there for a few minutes, staring blankly at where he left, wondering if all those things you did for Jungkook were not considered 'caring' to him. You decided that he was right and that you should attempt to get some sleep to steer clear of the negative thoughts.

You made your way to the bed and laid down on it, curling into the blankets and pillows with your back facing the door. It wasn't until you felt the hot wetness touch your arm did you realize that you had started crying. You furiously wiped the tears away, ignoring them. You didn't want to acknowledge the prescence of your tears because it was painfully pathetic for you to be crying.

You knew that you had no right to be crying. Every word he said was absolutely true, and you shouldn't be allowed to feel hurt by them. So you quickly reached out to the tissue box on the bedside table and wiped your tears away harshly, clenching the tissues tightly in your fists. 

An hour or so passed, and you were in the same position when you heard the door creak open. You quickly shut your eyes, afraid that Jungkook will know that you're awake. You felt the other side of the bed sink, Jungkook sat down. "She cried." You heard him whisper to himself, he probably saw the tissues you had in your hand and how red your nose was from all the crying.

"I made her cry." Jungkook's voice broke and softened into a whisper. Your heart broke, hearing him like this hurt you so much. He sighed softly, then got off the bed. You heard the door close with a click and you forced yourself back into sleep, hoping that it would get your mind off things.



The tension in the air was so thick in the car, Hyomin felt as though she could suffocate from the silence alone. They didn't speak at all during the entire drive; Jungkook didn't even bother to do so much as to look at her. All she could do throughout the whole ride was look out the window, sighing because she didn't know what she could do to repair all the situation. Normally they would be chatting every second in the car, even when Jungkook was driving the both of you would not stop your chattering about the most random things— from nice street food to the new guy at the studio who got on your nerves at times. But today, it was painfully quiet. 

She had wondered if he still planned on taking her back to his place, but when they pulled up to te very familiar drive way of the white house where she used to live, she knew that wasn't the case. 

Why would it be? There's no way Jungkook would want to continue this awkward relationship with Hyomin after the previous day. He most likely never wanted to see her again, period. 

Jungkook pulled his car into a parking space right at the doors, and sat there silently. She knew it was because he was waiting for her to get out and leave, but her body refused to move. The thought of him being so upset with her that she may never see or hear from him again terrified her. 

She opened to say something— to apologize and maybe even beg him to still talk to her— but no words came out. "Don't apologize, I don't want to hear it. I just need some time to myself, that's all." Jungkook mumbled loud enough for you to hear, letting a sigh escape his lips when he finished that sentence. 

 After another minute or two of silence, Jungkook let out a heavy sigh, unbuckling his seatbelt and reaching to do the same for hers. Hyomin held her breath when he leaned over her body, his warmth immediately surrounding her. His eyes shifted up to hers for a brief second before flickering over to the car door as he sat back in his seat.

She knew what it meant. That was Jungkook's way of saying 'get out'.

For some reason that look only made her want to stay more; or, to at least have him stay by her more. Hyomin didn't want to lose him, especially over her own stupid actions. He was right before, saying that he was afraid of losing her, because she was as well. She didn't want him to lose himself in the process of trying to keep her by his side. She wanted him to fix himself first before trying to love her, because she didn't want him to be this beautifully damaged. She knew that Jungkook was fragile on the inside and he could be hurt really easily, even by the tiniest actions. Hyomin was aware that she couldn't risk hurting Jungkook anymore.

Hyomin let an exasperated sigh escape her pink lips, her hands traveled to the door handle and stopped there. Clearing , Hyomin turned to look at Jungkook, and he looked back with an eyebrow raised. The look in her eyes could only be described as one thing: worry.

She was afraid that Jungkook would be upset and not take good care of himself. Jungkook was the exact opposite from Hongbin, he was violent and rash. He's the type that would smash every single thing in sight if he was really angry, he was aggressive it scared her sometimes to even think about it. Jungkook was one of those people that would unleash the demon in himself and he'd be unstoppable then. It was terrifying. 

"Take care of yourself, Jungkook." 

Those weren't exactly the words Jungkook planned on hearing. Jungkook wanted her to turn back to him and try to keep him by her side. He wanted her to tell him to stay and tell him how important he is to her. He would apologize right away to her for raising his voice at her and getting so frustrated when he knew he shouldn't have.

The reminder stunned Jungkook a little, but Jungkook quickly shook the shock and nodded, taking note of the fact that his words from before definitely got through to her. "Thank you." 

She smiled lightly to herself, a small hint of sadness behind it. Then, she pulled on the car handle, pushing the door open to let herself out. 

She didn't want to leave, and Jungkook didn't want to let her go.

The car door closed with a light thud, Jungkook refused to turn his head because he was afraid that he'd not be able to control his temptation to reach out and ask her to come back to him. But after seconds of debating with his inner self, he turned to his right and watched as Hyomin's silhouette disappeared slowly down the stone pavement. His heart clenched at how he just let her go, just like that.


"Everyone deserves a person who will make their heart forget that it was once broken. There is going to be a girl who will shatter your heart into a million damaged pieces and leave you feeling broken and empty and hurt. And when you try to sleep, you'll stare up at your ceiling and relive every moment you spent together, and you'll listen to the songs that  you ruined with memories of her. When you close your eyes and all you see is her brown eyes, and you feel the hurt coming back to you again in waves. Don't stop them. Let it all out. Feel it. It's okay to be hurt. But when the tears stop and the emptiness takes over; remember that this pain, this insecurity that you're feeling is only temporary. Because someone will come into your life out of nowhere and give you a love you deserve and show you that it doesn't always end in hurt and heartbreak. Then you'll be wondering why you spent so long hung up on someone who made you feel hard to love.

Recognize your past and learn from it, but also realize it's in the past, and let it go. Let her go." Jin said, pushing up his round glasses onto his nose bridge.

"No." Jungkook started, looking at the older one with stern eyes. "Don't you get it? I want her, I want her more than anything I've ever wanted in my entire life. I want her that badly, Jin. She's the one that came into my life and I crave for her love. She's the one for me, Jin." 

Jin sighed, "That's not for you to decide, Jungkook-ah." He looked at the younger one and raised an eyebrow. "And that's Jin-hyung for you, Jeon Jungkook." 

Jungkook went over to Jin's house to get his mind off things, that being said, Jin was having a counselling session with Jungkook. 

Although the Kim Seokjin is the adorable man who likes to go on coffee runs, you're not sure if he's boyfriend material or not. Because he's really shy and slightly awkward. He works hard and often takes small flaws over the top. Many people depend on him though, they go to him for advice and just for him to be the listening ear that everyone needs once in a while. 


Meanwhile, you went for Jimin for advice. You weren't quite sure or were you in the right state of mind why exactly did you go for this man. This big flirt. The one who casually ruins your life even if he's taking a drink from the water cooler. A wink or a smile from him are things you should probably avoid if you want to avoid being in a daze right after. You only knew that Jimin had a mindset like yours, so maybe he understands how you feel.  

Why did I even want to do this?

Your heart started beating erratically in your chest as you stood in front of the large door made intricately of dark oak, stained to look just like asthetically pleasing red wine. You wiped your sweaty hands nervously against your thighs, then removing them to clasp them together. Your hand raised shakily to knock on the door, and you dropped it quickly afterward, almost as if it burnt you to touch it. But you shut your eyes tightly and bit your lip harshly in an attempt to calm yourself down. 

You weren't even sure why were you even feeling like this, it was just Jimin. The weird, dorky flirt that always hangs out with you and Jungkook. Then you realized that maybe it was because it was the first time that you went to his house, or maybe it's the first time you're talking to him about Jungkook. 

"Hyomin, hi." 

Your heart stuttered at the sound of his melodic voice and you lowered your arms back to your sides. You in a breath when you made eye contact with him. 

"Hey, Jiminnie." 

He chuckled and stepped back, opening the door wider for you to enter. You timidly stepped past him, pulling down at the hem of your pencil skirt to cover yourself more. 

The first thing you noticed when you walkedi n was the intoxicating smell; manly, but not unpleasant. It was soothing and sensual all at the same time. After getting past the lingering euphoric scent, you noted the elegance of his house; Sleek black furniture; dim, soft lighting. A large bay window along the far wall that allowed you to look out at the bright lights from the buildings and the river that ran through the middle of the city. It was almost as breathtaking as the man standing behind you. 

"I know my house looks amazing, Hyo. Thanks for your glittering eyes, haha." He winked at you, making you roll your eyes playfully at them, holding in a scoff. "Do you want anything to drink? Wine, perhaps?" You turned to face him, seeing that he was casually leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. You nodded your head. He grinned and walked over to a bar that sat along the far wall. You let out a scoff loud enough for him to hear, "Rich kid." 

You were already well aware of who the man before you was; the youngest son to the CEO of Park Enterprises. He was a part of the most well-known family in the Republic of Korea. Park Jimin was also the wet dream of just about every woman from the ages of fifteen to fifty, and for a good reason. 

"I work extra hard for all these," He said, moving over a little to get a kitchen towel to dry his hands. 

After pouring both of you a glass of wine, he made his way to you, enticingly slow. He stopped in front of you, fingers touching as he handed you the glass. "Thanks, Jimin." You mumbled, continuing to admire how extravagant his house was. 

"My pleasure." He replied, huskily, knowing exactly what you were here for. He knew how much control he had over you right at that moment, it made him feel exceptionally good. He continued sipping on the purple liquid, observing your every move from afar, a hand in his pocket. Jimin knew that you were having a hard time, so he waited patiently because he wanted you to be prepared enough to say what was on your mind. He was okay with it, he had all the time in the world to listen to you. 

You looked out the large windows and your eyes flickered to the different buildings that gave out light to decorate the dark skies. Biting your lip, you finally turned around and placed the wine glass down. Jimin's lips curved into a small smile, understanding your every actions. He placed his own glass down onto the coffee table with an inaudible clink. "Jimin," You started out, making your way towards him with a troubled expression. 

Jimin's expression softened, "I know," He mumbled, his hand shot out and caught you by the waist, preventing you from stepping even further away. Your hands moved to his shoulders, gripping his shirt into tight fists as you leaned into him, your eyes closing. "You just have to understand that it isn't your fault, babe." He whispered against your hair. He wrapped his arms around you, embracing you tightly to make you feel better. 

"Love, is a complicated thing." He said, pulling away from you and looking at you straight in the eye. 

"Love is sappy and gross and messy. Sometimes, it's waiting in a gas station parking lot at 12:44am because they need to be picked up from a party that they got too drunk at, but love means you don't mind feeding them fries on the car ride home because you're just happy you will get to sleep next to them. Love is bumpy and dirty and silly. It's blowing raspberries on their belly while you watch a movie together and it's not letting you lose too badly at mini golf because they know you like to win. Love is being thrown in the water from the docks. Love is being tucked in at night and love is helping them pick out their outfits in the morning and getting them into their pyjamas when they're too tired to do it themselves and love is showing up at their house with frozen yogurt when you know they're too sad to move and feeding it to them spoonful by spoonful on the floor. Love is brushing their hair for them when they're in a bad mood." Jimin tucked a strand of stray hair away from your face and smiled lovingly at you.

"And love is you, love is you, love is you." He finished, leaning in to place a chaste kiss on your forehead. 

Jimin pulled back, "Among the guys, I'm pretty sure all of them, at one point of time, fell in love with you. You're one really awesome girl that holds every quality a guy would want. You're more than you think you are, Hyomin." He smiled to himself, looking away shyly. You looked away too, heat rushing up your cheeks at such a straightforward confession. "And I'm proud to say that, I loved you with all I have." 

This definitely wasn't supposed to happen. You were just going to come to Jimin for advice and not allow him to confess to you. This was really getting out of hand, you don't even know what to do anymore. You were downright just plain confused at this situation.

"Don't worry, I don't want anything from you." Jimin chuckled, "I just wanted to let you know, that if anyone doesn't want you, Jimin's arms are wide open for you. I'll always be your black horse." 

"I, uh I-" 

Jimin chuckled again, "Jungkook is serious with you, that's something I noticed from the months that I spent with him after you showed up in his life." He trailed off, letting you go. He held your hand in his and led you to the couch, pulling you down to sit with him. 

"You know he's serious with you when he puts in efforts only for you. When you can take his phone at anytime, there's nothing to hide. When he tries to keep himself busy while waiting for your text. When he tells you how beautiful you are, cause the way he looks at you is beyond words. When he puts in so much care just to avoid you from feeling sad. When he mentions your name to his family and post pictures of you on social media. When he frees his time just to meet you. Every little thing counts, how can he put in so much efforts just for fun? This is him being serious, think about it." Jimin looked at you, cocking an eyebrow as he smirked at you mischieviously.

"There's guys out there who's willing to do so much. What's even better? When you're able to get along so well with him, creating a bond together. Being able to trust one another. Sounds great huh? So appreciate and treasure this bond, cause it's not easy to start all over, it's not easy to get someone who's willing to accept your past and guide you in the future."

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon