Intertwined Fates

You winced in pain as Jungkook applied the medication that reduced swelling. "Yah, yah! Stop stop, it hurts!" You cried out, smacking his hand away from your forehead when he rubbed the red spot too hard. "I'm sorry.." He said, looking down as he capped the tube carefully. 

Jimin was sitting opposite on the beanbag, looking at Jungkook treat your injured forehead. His face would scrunch up every now and then as he looked at your expression, which looked like you were in great pain. Then he would turn away and look out the window, biting his lip because he felt really bad. He couldn't stand how painful you looked, so he quickly stood up and went into Jungkook's room to join Yoongi in his napping session. 

Jungkook's line of vision followed Jimin as he saw him going into his room, wrinkling his nose. Jungkook chuckled. "He's probably really guilty, look at him, he can't even face you." You managed to put on a smile despite how hard your head was throbbing. 

That bat got you real good. 

"Yeah! We're back!" You heard someone holler at the door and saw that it was Taehyung, behind him was Jin. "What took you guys so long?" Namjoon asked, walking out from the bathroom as he dried his hands on his shirt. Jin sighed then looked at Taehyung who was setting down the bags of groceries on the counter top. "Taehyung did." 

Hoseok squinted his eyes at them in confusion, "Didn't we just send you guys to buy some medication, ice packs and heat packs?" He questioned, the pointed to the amount of bags the both were carrying. "What's all those?" Hoseok got up from the chair and made his way to Taehyung who was now sorting out the things in the bags. "You know how much Taehyung buys from the marts, don't you?" Jin trailed off, placing his wallet down on the counter top as he joined Hoseok and Taehyung. "Hyung, your wallet probably has a big hole in it now." 

"Yeah, considering that Taehyung only used his own money to buy Hyomin's stuff and the ones he wanted? He asked me to pay for it." 

"It shows how much I love Hyomin that I'm wiling to spend money on her." Taehyung laughed and turned around, winking at Hyomin cheesily, but she just grinned at his silliness. 

Jungkook on the other hand, wasn't all that happy about this interaction that it started to show on his face. "Jeon Jungkook, wipe that frown off your face." Jin said, "Yeah, you're being too obvious." Hoseok poked fun at him and opened the bag of honey chips Taehyung bought. "Hey, that's mine." "Sharing won't hurt, Taehyung-ah." 

"Does it still hurt a lot?" Jin asked, walking towards you slowly. You shook your head, looking up at him. "Not really, Jungkook did a good job." You lied, hoping that Jungkook would not still be upset over how you flinched when he tried to treat your injury. 


A certain red head poked out at the side of the front door when you looked up when you heard the door knob being opened, then you broke into a smile. "Hey, babe." He called out, kicking off his black dress shoes after he shut the door behind him. "Don't call me that," You clicked your tongue and pouted. Hearing someone call you that just reminded you of Hongbin. And you had to admit, it still hurt to hear his name or even think about him.

You don't ever really let go, though. You don't stop. You don't stop hurting, you don't stop loving. It doesn't go away, you just keep living and eventually things get pushed into the background of your life so it's not consuming you every day. And then one day you know you're okay. It still hurts, you still miss that person. And yeah, you forget the details. The way he smelled, the way his mouth tasted, how his skin felt, the sound of his voice. It's almost like a different life, a different person that loved him, was with him. But on a day-to-day level, you know you're okay. Sort of.

"Okay, sorry." Chuckling, he then made his way in, setting his briefcase down on one of seats that lined the counter.

He pulled his tie loose, stretching his neck because it was getting stiff from sitting too long at the office. You heard him quietly growl at how uncomfortable he was in the tie so he threw the undone tie off onto the dining table a tad bit harshly.  He swiftly ed the first few buttons of his white dress shirt, but you had to admit that it was hot. He had a rather large brown paper bag with him too, he did not set it down but paced to you quickly as he raised the paper bag that was in his hand, shaking it side to side with a mischievious grin on his face. 

Plopping onto the couch beside you, he asked "Guess what I got you on the way here," with a huge grin plastered on his face. "I don't know, you tell me." You muttered smugly, giggling as you watched him set the paper bag on the coffee table, adjusting his spectacles. A playful smile lingered on his lips, "I got you a whole bag of surprises." He started, then took the paper bag in his hands, opening it. 

He looked down into the bag and took out a book that was white in colour, "I know you have to stay at home now because of me, I know you'll be bored! I passed by an arts store and I got you a drawing book! It's amazing, I promise you." He passed the drawing book to you. You flipped it opened and browsed through the pages, smiling in delight when you saw how prettily they were drawn. "They're drawn by Kerby Rosane," He added, taking out a brush and a palette from the paper bag. "I got you these too, to color the drawing book." You got those from him too, the both of your fingers brushing against each other in the process. "What's that?" You asked as he got out a book that was small enough to be fitted into your handbag, "This, Hyomin, is my favorite book." He said, declaring his love for the book that was now in his hands. 

Raising the book up with both hands, he looked like Simba from the Lion King. You just shook it off, laughing at his silliness. He just had a satisfied smile on his face after seeing you laugh, feeling accomplished that he was able to make you feel at least a tiny bit better. "It's 'The Five People You Meet In Heaven' by Mitch Albom, I'm in love with this book but I'm giving it to you because you're important to me." 

Then he fished out two glass cups which looked like candles out from the bag, making you quirk an eyebrow at him. "I bought you candles too, so that you'll be able to relax. Play some music, light some candles and live the life." He smirked, lightly clinking the two candles together playfully. "I decided to play nice guy today, for you." 

The contents of the large brown paper bag were slowly emptied out together with the red head's description, but there was the last one that he wanted to keep for the finale. 

"Thank you, Jimin. I'm pretty sure all these will keep me occupied at home when you guys aren't here." You thanked him with a grateful smile, squeezing his hand after his shower of gifts for you. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt hit him when you said that.

The corners of his lips quirked up a little when he heard you, but he took out something else from the paper bag. 

It was a few stalks of red roses bundled together with a brown twine. It was simple but definitely got your heart considering that you loved flowers a lot.

Jimin got on one of his knees beside the couch, in front of you as he held out the roses. He had a shy smile on as he looked down, his red hair falling across his forehead. He then gathered his courage and looked back up at you with a warm smile. "Forgive me?" He shot you a charming smile, his eyes forming crescents. 


"You're strong, I know you are. You never backout on a challenge. In fact, you welcome it pretty much. I can say that because I know you fairly long enough, my whole life to be exact, to say that you really can. But despite that, I know you have a fragile side. A part that needs caring. A part of you that needs comfort. You may not still need it now but some time soon you might need it. I just want you to know that there's a home that can give you shelter right here. That there's a shoulder you can cry on. A hand that could pat your back and tell you that everything's alright. Arms that will hug you until you fall asleep. When everything or everyone already gives up on you. I want you to know that someone is still here to help you move forward, to help you climb up. I'm still here. So cheer up." 

You gave your mother a warm smile, in hopes that she'd feel better.


Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms as you leaned back in the couch of his office. You just thought that what you were hearing right now was just another form of bull your father had to talk about. "People cheat, because they don't have the guts to tell their partner the truth. They only stay with them out of pity." You could only conclude, not wanting to hear anymore of his crap when he wanted to salvage the marriage with your mother, you cut off what he was about to say. "You should've known better, and not come running back to her when the one you went for, doesn't want you anymore." You hissed, leaning forward to look at him straight in the eye. 

You saw him swallow in fear, looking away in guilt. 

"You knew that once you did that, there's no turning back." 

"That's enough, Park Hyomin." Your mother said. She, too, did not wnat to hear anymore of what you and your father wanted to say. She was hurting enough and she didn't want any more trouble, she just wanted a divorce and end this quick. 

Your eyes flickered to your mother, narrowing your eyes at her. "I just don't get you guys sometimes. This is just irrelevantly stupid." Sighing exasperatedly, you reached for your clutch on the table in front of you and stood up. "Go on," You gestured for them to carry on, smirking. "Divorce for all I care." You clicked your tongue in annoyance and walked towards the direction of the door, but stopped dead in your tracks when you remembered something to say. "Or you can tell each other that you love each other and continue living that lie of a life you have. Tell yourself that, guys." You continued and pulled open the door, "I'm done with all these bull because it's driving me crazy." 


Sitting back in your armchair, you spun around a few times before your desk in your room after lighting up the lavender candle Jimin got for you. Your head was throbbing painfully and you badly wanted to go to bed and sleep the pain away because it was getting worse every minute. That dulling pain was getting on your nerves. 

A knock was heard on your door before Jungkook barged in. "Hey, you okay?" He asked with a small smile, taking off his blue blazer. He just got off from work. You forced a smile onto your face, you didn't want him to worry because you thought he'd be tired after a day's work. "I'm okay, Jeon." You said, pushing yourself off your seat, standing up. "How was work?" You asked as you took hold of his blazer and pushed him out of the room. He smiled widely at you, "It was okay, but not that good because you weren't there." He pouted, making his way into the kitchen. He smelled something delicious so he turned back to look at you with a playful smile. "You cooked?" 

You nodded, "Go take a shower first, I'll heat up the food and we can have it." You smiled back at him, walking into the laundry room which was beside the kitchen, wanting to wash his blazer. 

He made his way towards you and s an arm around your waist. His touch caught you off guard, making you jump a little and you tightened your grip around his blazer. Jungkook let out a throaty chuckle at your reaction, leaning in and placing his soft, plump lips on your forehead. "Thank you," 

Your eyes widened, your breath stopped for a brief moment before he made his way to the bathroom to take a shower so he could have dinner with you. You brought the back of your hand to your forehead, questioning yourself if Jungkook's forehead kiss really did happen. You didn't know how you felt for Jungkook, but clearly there were times that he tried to win your heart over and nearly got it. There were so many times he shook your heart up and made you question your feelings towards him— if you felt for him more than a friend or not? 

Shaking your thoughts off when you heard the shower turn on, you quickly threw Jungkook's blue blazer into the laundry basket. You made your way into the kitchen and heated up the beef noodle soup you made today. The sound of the running water stopped and you presumed that he was done was his shower so you turned the stove to low heat. But then your phone rang. Seeing that it was Jimin that called you quickly picked up. 

"Hey, Hyomin. I just wanted to call and check up on you. Are you okay? Does your head still hurt?" He asked over the phone worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine! Thank you for asking." "No worries, I'd call everyday if you want me to." You heard him chuckle, a smile formed on your face at the sound of his laugh. "Have you eaten?" He asked, "No yet.. I'm waiting for Jungkook to come out from the shower." "And he's taking a long time?" "Yeah, weird. The water stopped running 5 minutes ago." You furrowed your eyebrows as you thought about it. You opened the lid of the pot and smelled the beef noodle soup. It just made you more hungry, wrong move. 

"Well, I guess he's probably in the bathroom considering that he can't touch you, this hot lady, at all even though the both of you live under the same roof." Jimin said it in a matter-of-factly tone like he wasn't even twitching an eyebrow. You gasped, dropping the metal spoon into the sink in shock at what he said. "Park Jimin!" 

"What? I know him too well. Come on, Hyomin. You know it too, don't you? He's had a crush on you for like so long, now he's finally got a chance to live with you." Jimin mumbled over the phone, you could hear his chair creaking when he stood up. "I know, I know. You're too embarassed to say anything. Good night, have a nice dinner with the kid and sleep early." Jimin said, chuckling once more. "You hang up first, good night, Hyomin." He said, even over the phone, he was such a gentleman to you. 

A grin spread across your face, "Good night, Jimin." You said, hanging up after you heard him hum back in return.

You put the phone away and turned off the gas of the stove, making your way to Jungkook's room.

You knocked on his door carefully, afraid that you'll disturb anything. 

A few seconds after you knocked, the door creaked open. And your lips parted in a small 'oh' when Jungkook finally opened the door fully. You blushed furiously when you saw that he was in nothing but a towel that hung rather loosely around his waist, his hair damp and his body glistening from the shower he had probably just stepped out of when she knocked. A single droplet fell from his metallic blonde, wet locks onto his collarbone, and your eyes followed the movement as it rolled down his broad chest, dipping into the curves of his toned muscles before disappearing into the dangerously low towel. 

You gulped at the unholy sight, and Jungkook only smirked in reaction to your gawking. 

"I-I'm sorry, uh, I-uh." You stuttered. You were so embarassed you wanted to slap yourself right there out of your stupidity. You closed your eyes tightly and turned away, "Just dress up and come out quickly." You covered your face and waddled away awkwardly. 

Sigh, what a day.

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon