Intertwined Fates

"If your girlfriend is beautiful, has lots of friends, or even worse, has lots of guys trying to get at her. Instead of getting mad and not trusting her because of other people, you should feel proud to have a gorgeous girlfriend. Jealousy isn't ignited by the other's actions, it's for what you see, it's for what you imagine. You should feel lucky because out of all those guys trying to get her attention, you caught hers and she wants you and only you." 

Hongbin bit his lip and his dimple appeared slightly. Shifting in his seat, he looked up and made eye contact with the older man. "Thank you, hyung." He mumbled quietly, knowing deep inside that he made a mistake. And that mistake may have ruined his relationship long ago. It was a terrible mistake that he knew he shouldn't have made because it already create that deep scar in both him and Hyomin. 

"I know what you're thinking," Jaehwan sighed and clasped his hands together. "You're thinking of letting her go?" Hongbin looked at him with sad eyes, then after a few seconds of consideration, he nodded painfully slow. Jaehwan's lips pressed into a thin line, "If you think that's the best for the both of you, then do it. I won't stop you." He muttered then stood up, walking to the younger one. "Just remember we will always be here for you, Hongbin-ah." Jaehwan pat his shoulders, "I'll get going now, Hakyeon hyung wants to see me. Take care," Hongbin nodded again, mumbling a soft thanks as he watched Jaehwan pace out of the cafe quickly. 


Jin couldn't help but chuckle, "Look at you, all sad and stuff." He said, moving over to the sink to wash the vegetables. "Shut up, hyung." Jungkook groaned as he laid on the couch with an arm stuck out, a pillow on his chest as if he just lost his soul in a bet. "Weren't you the one that asked her to move out? So why are you like this now?" Hoseok asked, pouncing on the younger one before he groaned. 

"Get your straight, Jeon Jungkook. We all know you could've get her soon if you didn't lash out on her with your , man." Yoongi said, making Jungkook raise an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, what makes you think she'd go back to that Hongbin guy after all those that happened. You were so close to getting her, Jungkook." Namjoon said, sighing as he walked into the kitchen to lend Jin a hand to cook dinner. 

Jungkook made a face at them, "Guys, shut up about this please." He pleaded, then turned to Jimin. "Did she go look for you?" Jimin froze, not knowing what to say back because he wasn't exactly sure if he could tell the others that you looked him up. 

"She did," "No she didn't!" "Quit lying, Jimin." Yoongi flicked Jimin's forehead in annoyance that the younger even bothered lying to him since he was the Min Yoongi and he knew everything anyone possibly could've known about the bunch of boys he hung out with. "One look at your baboon face and we know she looked you up, try harder." Jimin's mouth fell open at how Yoongi made those comments and could still maintain such a calm face. The others around them just started laughing like mad dogs at Yoongi's words of wisdom. 

Jungkook blinked at Jimin, "What did you guys talk about?" Jimin tapped his chin and recalled what happened the day before. "She didn't tell me a lot of stuff because you already did, and I didn't want to ask too much. So I told her that this isn't entirely her fault and..." He trailed off, stopping and thinking if he should reveal the fact that he somehow confessed for everyone in Jungkook's apartment. "And what?" 

"I told her that I had a tiny crush on her, just a little so please don't kill me." Jimin closed his eyes tightly and fended himself with his forearms, keeping his legs to his chest. 

Everyone's mouth hung wide open in shock, "You what?" Namjoon asked, furrowing his eyebrows at him. "No way, hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed, a wide smile appeared on his face, "Me too! Yeah man!" He ran forward, wanting to give Jimin a high-five but stopped dead in his tracks when he realized that it wasn't right that he has a love rival now. "Wait, does this mean that I have lesser chance with her?" Taehyung asked out loud, then wrinkled his nose in annoyance, cursing under his breath to himself.

Jungkook groaned out loud, "Oh no.. Jimin, you're an idiot." 

"Don't worry, I told her that she should reconsider you because you're irreplacable." Jimin chuckled and shifted in his seat, "I told her I don't want anything from her, you can have her, Jeon Jungkookie." 


A week went by just like that, a week went by without Jungkook. 7 days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes and 604800 seconds past without you smiling and hugging him every morning, without you even communicating with him at all. You didn't know how he was, you missed him a lot. You weren't sure if he ate his meals on time, nor did you know if he took care of himself properly. You didn't want him to neglect his health. 

You still went to work, you'd see him there but you barely even spared a glance at him because you were afraid that your resolve would crumble if he gives you that pleading look in his eyes. Besides, you have too much work piled up to even think about anything. You were just burying yourself in loads of work to keep your mind off the unnecessary problems that you were troubled with.

You went home really late at night, sometimes you worked overtime until the early hours in the morning and you came back to an empty house. Your parents were deciding on a date to go to the lawyers' for divorce and your father insisted on giving your mother the house, and so he did. But he took off with another woman that you refused to even think about, earlier than expected. Your mother wanted to take a break from everything, so she went to Jeju Island with a few of her friends, leaving you in the huge, empty house. It was just getitng more and more ridiculous everyday as you thought about it.

And before the boys knew it, Jungkook started his daily cycle of going wasted. Everyday, he woke up without you poking his cheeks and suffocating him with your hugs. He never bothered to make breakfast for himself and quickly got to work in his car alone, not wanting to think too much. After work, he'd go for dinner with some friends if he was up for it and then he'd make his way to the club nearby. There, he would spend the rest of his night there, getting drunk and wasted. Maybe just drinking was not enough for him to take his mind off you, and so he started playing around with girls that hung out at the bar.

It was starting again, Jeon Jungkook and his playboy ways.

Jungkook would go to their houses and knock them up at night, then he'd leave them there in the morning feeling like crap. Other times, he'd leave them a note telling them where he lived, asking them to find him and do it again with him. Like how he was in the past. It was obnoxious.

He even wondered why he didn't drink himself to death. Jungkook didn't want to stay in his apartment because it reminded him of too much painful memories.


"What?" Jin asked the girl at the door in confusion. "No, this must be a mistake. Jungkook doesn't do that anymore." Jin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared straight at the girl in front of him. "But he did! He just had with me two days ago, without your knowledge, that's it." The girl with blonde hair protested, her hand not leaving the door frame, afraid that this tall man would close the door in her face and prevent her from seeing Jungkook. Jin sighed, not knowing what to do with this situation. He honestly thought that Jungkook stopped messing around. 

"What's with all the noise?" Hoseok asked as he popped out from the corner of the room, walking towards Jin in utter confusion. "Hoseok-ah, help me get Jungkook here, will you?" 

Hoseok quirked an eyebrow at the older man, "Why?" Then he turned to the girl at the door before Jin could reply him, "Who are you? If you're looking for Hyomin, she's not here, she moved away a few days ago. Sadly." Hoseok clearly mistook this girl that Jungkook had a one night stand with as a friend of Hyomin. "Who the hell is Hyomin?" She asked, clicking her tongue. "What the hell- oh." Hoseok slowly realized the situation, then thought of something to retort back to this little piece of disrespectful . "Hyomin? Oh she's Jungkook's fiancee." 

Jin gasped and smacked Hoseok's arm in disbelief. The girl's mouth dropped open and her hand fell to her side, unable to take in the information that she had with someone's fiance. She was both hurt and guilty, confused at the situation she had got herself into. "I just asked her over for lunch, would you like to come in as well? It's raining pretty heavily outside right now." Hoseok smiled gleefully at the girl who was left speechless after he glanced into the apartment, out the windows. "Did you really?" Jin asked, narrowing his eyes at Hoseok. "Duh, I can't stand her and Jungkook being all petty with each other and . I want them together and that's that." 

"She's not my ing fiancee, Jung Hoseok. She's nothing to me now, watch your mouth." Someone cursed from behind and the girl's head shot up, seeing that it was Jungkook, her face lit up both at his appearance and what he said. Because there would actually be a chance she wouldn't be left as a single mom without any support if she got pregnant. "Yah, Jeon Jungkook, what's wrong with you? You're ing disgusting—" "Shut up, I heard enough of these crap." Jungkook shot daggers at Hoseok, then his eye traveled to the blonde that was standing by the door of his apartment. He raised an eyebrow at who she possibly could've been, then he realized that it was the girl he had with a few days ago. "What are you doing here, Yoona?" 

"I—" "No, it's okay. I'll give you money, you need to disappear in my life." Jungkook said harshly, making the girl's eyes widen. "Don't be too shocked now. Remember, it was a one night stand, a one time thing. That's it." He reminded the girl nicely, with a smug smile on his face that deserved to be slapped off. "You're a ," "Aren't I always?" Jungkook smirked then turned around, walking back into his room to get some more sleep he was deprived from. 

Footsteps slowly approached them, then all three of them at the door all saw Hyomin. She was dressed in a simple white pullover with a white skater skirt, her black Converse high and a pair of round sunglasses, holding a black studded leather clutch. She blinked curiously behind her sunglasses and wondered who the blonde girl was, then she took it off. "Hoseok oppa?" She trailed off, then bowed at the foreign guest standing at the door. "Hello," She greeted, then turned to Jin, "Hey Seokjin oppa, long time no see." Jin just smiled back at her, walking forward to ruffle her hair.

Hearing that all so familiar voice, Jungkook's eyes narrowed and he stood up abruptly from the dining table. "What are you doing here?" He asked, a hint of aggressiveness in his voice. "I said I asked her over, Jungkook." "What for?" Jungkook asked, glaring at Hoseok. "I guess I'm not welcomed?" You asked, smiling because you knew Jungkook all too well. "I'm going to leave now. It was nice seeing you guys, even for a short while." You waved to the guys and bid your goodbye before turning around to walk away. You totally saw this coming, except for the part of the appearance of the mysterious girl, but you decided to show up anyway.

"I'll leave too, sorry for bothering you." The blonde girl bowed apologetically. "No, it's fine. Take good care of yourself." Jin reminded her nicely because Jungkook was just a rude kid. He couldn't say anything to you because you walked away too fast, so he decided to just give you a call later at night to ask about you. 

"What the hell, hyung? I asked her over for dinner." Hoseok clicked his tongue in annoyance as he dropped himself on the couch, rubbing his temples. "You should've known better." Jin mumbled, making his way back into the kitchen to finish marinating the salmon. "Nice one, hot shot." Hoseok hissed at Jungkook who was busily tapping away at his phone, probably picking up some hot girl again. Jungkook just rolled his eyes before Jimin and Taehyung appeared from down the hallway. "Hyomin was here?" Taehyung asked, "I thought I heard her voice." He scratched his head and yawned. 

Hoseok pursed his lips, "Yeah she was, but that idiot over there," He shot his hand out to point at Jungkook, "Scared her away." He ended, glaring holes through Jungkook's back. Taehyung and Jimin just looked at Jungkook helplessly, not knowing what to do. "Jungkook, she's going to find out about this. And she's going to be so disappointed in you. You know her, you know what she is like, don't you? Then why did you do this? Why is history repeating itself?" Jin asked, his eyes clouded with sadness as he trudged towards Jungkook, stopping right in front of him. 

Jungkook his lips, then looked away from his phone and up at Jin. "Yeah, I know what she's like." He paused, swallowing. "She's a that thinks that it's fun to around with people's feelings. A ing ." He spat and stood up, looking straight into Jin's eyes. Jimin's eyes widened at every word Jungkook spoke, those words that dripped with venom. 

Jimin finally lost it when Jungkook called you a ''. 

He walked over to where Jin and Jungkook were standing at, then used his hand to push Jin away from where he was, standing right there. "Jimin?" Taehyung asked from behind. "I'm going to punch you until you throw up your ing guts." He hissed, landing a punch on Jungkook's stomach, making him fall backwards. Jin and Taehyung's eyes widened in shock before reacting towards this situation, trying to pull the two apart before they ripped each other's throats out. Jimin shoved the other two away with a free hand and grabbed Jungkook with the other, pouncing on him before landing a few punches on his jaw, hard. 

"Jimin! Park Jimin, cut it out!" Hoseok shouted and forcefully pulled Jimin away from Jungkook. He finally pulled way from Jungkook, his lips were busted and bleeding. " you," He spat before grabbing his phone and wallet by the table, walking towards the door and slamming it harshly behind him. Jungkook tugged on his hand, telling Jin to let go of his arms. "Jungkook, you didn't have to say that." Jin sighed. Jungkook rolled his eyes again, "After you guys are done having your food, get the out of my apartment. I don't want to see all of you when I'm back." He said, getting out of the apartment as well. 

"Jungkook—" Jin went after him but was pulled back by Hoseok. "Hyung, just let him be. He's just lost it. He lost her." 


You ended up bringing Yoona to your apartment because you wanted to know what happened to her, after seeing that she looked up Jungkook that urgently she had to go to his apartment. 

You made her some chamomile tea and sat the teacup gently down on the coffee table in front of her, smiling after she thanked you in return. "Why did you look for Jungkook?" You asked curiously as you shifted a little to be able to face her properly. "Ah, about that.. I met Jungkook in a club two days ago and we, uh, had a one night stand." She explained awkwardly, trying not to feel embarrassed. 

Your smile faded from your face as you slowly took in what she said. 

"So you're saying you and Jungkook, had ?" You asked, hoping that what you heard was wrong and that Jungkook didn't actually do anything with Yoona. You hoped that Jungkook didn't break his promise of not going back to his old ways, you were praying silently in your heart that you heard her wrong. 


But her reply made you freeze in place, you didn't understand why Jungkook did that. You knew you were wrong for rejecting him like that even after leading him on for so long, but was it really worth it for him to go back to his bad ways in the past? 

Yoona sensed the tension in the air, "I'm so sorry if I caused you and Jungkook any problems. I really didn't know, I was really drunk that day. I really didn't mean to spoil anything. I'm so terribly sorry." Yoona apologized and looked down at her hands which were fumbling at the clasp of her handbag. You quickly snapped out of your trance and placed your hands over her cold ones, holding it. "Hey, it's okay. You didn't spoil anything." You looked at her and smiled warmly. 

"Jungkook and I are in a really complicated relationship. We just fought and I moved out, things aren't really going well now." You added, scoffing bitterly at the end of your sentence because it was really pathetic that you had to tell this to the girl Jungkook had a one night stand with. 

The girl just nodded slowly, seemingly sympathizing with you because you could see sadness flash across her eyes as well when you explain it to her. "So, what are you going to do about this?" You asked her. 

"I looked him up because I was afraid that I may get pregnant from it, then maybe, just maybe he could've taken the responsibility for it. But I don't think it's possible now, it's okay." She tried to assure you. You nodded as you listened to her, then you started feeling really guilty for this. Because one way or another, it was somehow your fault. If you hadn't upset Jungkook in the first place, this girl wouldn't be worrying over these matters when she was only this young, probably around your age. 

You squeezed her hand, "If there's anything I can do to help you, I would. Don't worry too much, just rest for now. I'll give you my contact number." You let go and reached for the cabinet in your coffee table, pulling out a notepad and a pen. You quickly scribbled your name, address and contact number on it, tore it off and pushed it into the blonde girl's hand. "It's going to be okay, don't worry. Jungkook isn't usually like this, I'll talk him into taking responsibility if anything happens." You shot a warm smile at Yoona, trying to reassure her because she seemed really out of sorts. 

Yoona's face lit up, knowing that someone finally cares about her and her wellbeing. "Thank you so much. I didn't know who to turn to until I met you." She said gratefully, thankful that you were here for her. She suddenly thought of something, then looked away. "Are you Jungkook's girlfriend?" 

You froze. You came and went, like a light flickering in the cold winter nights. Sometimes you were completely out, and sometimes, you were just barely there. You kept him warm, you kept him safe, but you were never really his. 

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon