Intertwined Fates

"I'll wait for you here." Jungkook said as he placed his coffee onto the nearby table, gesturing for you to carry on with what you had to sort out for the upcoming photo shoots. 

You hummed back in response, placing the papers into different folders to sort them out until you saw the photo frame of you and Hongbin sitting on the edge of your table. You scoffed a little before placing it faced down, not wanting to look at that person's face for now. You've had enough of his excuses and you needed a break away from him. 

Jungkook looked over at you as you tucked a strand of stray hair away from your face into the back of your ear, concentrating on the different content of the papers you had lying all around. He smiled sadly to himself, this is the woman I love and she's also the woman I won't get. 

"I'll drop you off at your house later." He reminded as he took a sip of his coffee before it turned cold from the strong air-conditioner in your office. You nodded when you remembered that you asked if you could stay over at his house for some time to take a break away from Hongbin. 


Jungkook pulled over at the front of where you lived. "Do you want me to go in with you?" He asked as you opened the car door, placing a foot outside. "Sure, I'll get you to carry my stuff too." You jokingly said as Jungkook chuckled in response, switching off the engine and stepping out of the car after you, locking it. 

You walked up to the door and didn't even bother to ring the doorbell to wait for Hongbin to answer the door for you, you had a spare key lying around the swing you had on the porch. When you opened the door, Jungkook pushed you behind him protectively, in case Hongbin turned all psycho on you. 

It was clean like you expected. Hongbin wasn't one to get all physical and messed up when he was devastated, instead he'll sit around the house and think about what he did wrong, he'd clean the house until it's shining, in hopes that there won't be any remnants of what made him sad. He wasn't one that'd get all drunk and violent, and even if he does, he'd still be sober enough to overthink at night. 

You walked up into your room and found Hongbin lying on the bed asleep, with a wine bottle and a glass of unfinished wine sitting by the bedside table. 

He probably mentally tortured himself so bad he had to drink himself until he was numb.

You honestly wanted to wake him up and give him a hug, telling him that it'll all be fine, that you forgiven him because you missed him too.

You missed how he'd engulf you in his arms and smell your hair, how he'd give you goodnight kisses and tell you how beautiful you were before you fell asleep. He made you feel like you were the happiest being on earth. 

But then you hated how weak other people made your relationship with him look like; like it'd just crash if a person comes in contact with either of you.

But sadly, what happened was exactly that.

You sighed frustratedly and quietly opened your wardrobe, pulling out random pieces of clothing along with some underwear, makeup and accessories. You quickly stuffed them all into your duffel bag, your eyes looking over to Hongbin's side of the wardrobe. His maroon hoodie caught your eye and you yanked it off it's hanger, not forgetting to put it into your bag.

"Babe?" A voice called out and you froze, knowing that you woke Hongbin up.

"Hyomin-ah." He said firmly when he realized that it was indeed you, and that you were packing your stuff.

You quickly stuffed the sleeve of his hoodie into your bag before he could catch a glimpse of it, knowing that you're bringing it along with you away from him, because you'd miss him too. He'll find it absurd and make you stay even more, which will then be hard to reject.

"Hyomin, what are you doing?" He asked, grabbing your hand to stop you from putting anymore stuff into your bag, looking into your eyes when you looked up to him. He looked healthy still, which made you feel less worried that he'd probably did not starve himself when he was feeling crappy, like how you did. His tousled hair still looked extremely cute on him together with his sweatpants and black muscle tank, no scratch that, he looked terribly hot.

You got a grip on yourself before you shook him off, "I'm going to stay with Jungkook for a while." you paused before you saw his eyebrows furrow in shock and distaste. "We need a break away from each other, Hongbin. And before I find somewhere else to stay, I'll live with him."

"What the -"

You knew Hongbin was really taken aback and furious at you because he rarely used profanities unless in cases were he couldn't express his anger in anymore words other than profanities. "Explain! What are you looking at? Why do we need a 'break' away from each other?" He asked, looking at you with rage-filled eyes. You shut your eyes tight to prevent yourself from dissipating into nothing when you looked into his eyes, because even with anger, the sadness in his eyes couldn't be hidden. "Because of this. Do you see what we've become? I think you know clearly what I'm talking about, don't you?" 

"No! No, I don't know what the you're going on about!" 

"You need to calm down, Hongbin. We're not breaking up." 

Hongbin placed a hand on his forehead and tried to calm himself down.

"We're arguing and you're upset with me, so am I with you. So I'm going to leave for a while to sort things out, I promise I'll be back when I think things out clearly soon." You explained to him calmly. 

"Hey, Hyomin are you okay- oh, sorry, I didn't mean to barge in without knocking." Jungkook splurted out and apologized when he realized that Hongbin and you were engaged in a really awkward conversation as he presumed. 

"Why is he here?" Hongbin asked, eyes flickering from you to Jungkook, then back to you again. "He drove me here." 

Hongbin scoffed, "Which reminds me, you're ridiculous. Can't you just live with your parents for the time being?" He asked. You sighed as you zipped your bag up and making your way to Jungkook and passing it to him, asking him to wait for you downstairs while you sort some last minute stuff with Hongbin. 

"Lee Hongbin, you better watch what you say." Jungkook warned before he stepped out of the room with the duffle bag mounted on his back, Hongbin glaring daggers at him. "My mom is still angry at how I moved out to stay with you, and besides, I have work to do with Jungkook so why not just stay over at his, you know?" 

Hongbin was at a loss for words, he hated himself for being so stupid at choosing his words. He didn't like it at all especially when it made him look like he was the bad guy every time the both of you argue. You knew he was at a hard position and feeling so regretful after what you said. So you didn't wait for his reply anymore, "I'll leave now." "No. I'm not going to let you leave and stay with Jeon Jungkook. God knows what he'll do to you." Hongbin folded his arms and rolled his eyes, staring at you nonchalantly. 

You scoffed, "I can take care of myself, mind you. I'm not a kid anymore."

"Oh yeah? You're not a kid but you cry your off and throw tantrums when you lose something?" He taunted, smirking. 

You contained your anger and tried to refrain from slapping that smirk off his face because it would just look like you lost the arguement. "Grandma's not something, ." You hissed at him and ripped your gaze away from him. 

"Kim Hyomin, if you leave, we're over." 

You halted at the door, right before you wanted to step out and away from this. Your eyes widened to the size of saucers, taking in every word he just said; but you were more angry than hurt.

How dare he take you and the relationship so lightly.

Rolling your eyes, "Whatever." You mumbled.



Jin's eyes widened when you walked in with Jungkook, in which you looked like you were so drained of energy you could pass out anytime. Jungkook sighed as he kicked off his trainers, eyes diverting to you, "You should really eat something." He muttered before walking off to his bedroom. 

The both of you were stuck at the studio to deal with the different shoots that were going on that day for different designers and models, and when Jungkook asked you to eat, you'd refuse everytime. You wanted badly to work so much and forget about all the problems you were facing. You knew that he didn't want you to be unhealthy just because of stupid things like relationship problems, and that he wanted you to carry on to live a normal life— but it was difficult, far to difficult for you to just ignore the existence of your relationship. 

You and Jin locked eyes but you ended up looking away because you were to guilty to look at him when he realized you weren't taking good care of yourself. 

"Go and take a shower." 

You listened to him and gave yourself a nice, warm shower while the boys were outside having some kind of serious talk.

"Taehyung, stop eating the chips! I cooked dinner for a reason." Jin chided, scowling at Taehyung who had a cheeky grin plastered on his face still. An awkward silence engulfed them as Jungkook reappeared in the living room where the boys were all seated around on the floor, dressed in a comfortable tshirt and sweatpants. "What are you guys doing?" He asked, checking the time. "Are you guys not going to go home?" 

Yoongi scoffed, "Jin hyung cooked dinner, stupid."

Jungkook scowled at Yoongi's use of words on him and sat down next to Taehyung. 

"Are you going to confess to her, Jungkook?" Namjoon asked all of a sudden before heat rose up to Jungkook's cheeks, making him look down in embarrassment. Taehyung poked him in the shoulder, "Our Jungkook finally grew up!" He jokingly said, placing the bag of chips away and hollering his lungs away. "Give it your best shot, Jeon Jungkook." Namjoon continued, "She's worth the try, that's for sure." 

Jungkook smiled to himself when he heard good things about you coming out from the mouths of those he respected so much. "You really changed a lot this year, after you met Hyomin." Hoseok said, grinning at Jungkook when he remembered how Jungkook was like in the past. 

Jeon Jungkook was that typical badass teenager you'd find in any high school; he broke rules, failed subjects, got into trouble for many things, smoked and drank his off every single day even when he wasn't legal. He went to clubs and slept with hot girls he'd find hanging out by the bar, play with the feelings of those innocent girls in school— and unlike those high school love stories, they didn't end well where Jungkook the bad boy falls in love with the girl with perfect grades and clean records after getting her knocked up in the head and sometimes, in the womb.

It was until Jin had enough of those whiny girls coming by their dorm, knocking and telling him that they're pregnant from Jungkook's one night stand. Jin felt disgusted at how Jungkook could do such things to innocent girls like them, but at the same time questioned those girls' intelligence level. I mean, do you really expect the almighty Jeon Jungkook to stay with you after having the next morning, just to confess to you that he's loved you for as long as he lived? Nope, definitely not.

Jin told all the other boys and they eventually gave Jungkook a dressing down, and forced him to find a job— which Jin reccommended the place you were working at because he knew that it would definitely be the right choice.

Jungkook then realized that you were different from the other girls, you were smart and knew your way around things. You always had things in control and you never let anything you want be taken away from you in any way possible. He loved your attitude and slowly changed for the better, thanks to you.

Jungkook realized that he was in love for the first time, with you. 

Everyone then stopped going back to past and digging up awful memories of the gangster Jeon Jungkook and were really proud that the youngest decided to change and be a better person. 

"I am going to do just that tomorrow. Even though I know it's not the right time to do it, but I'm going to seize my chance and tell her, even if it means that she's not going to accept me." 

"Come on, don't be an emo nemo, you won't know until you try." Taehyung squeezed his shoulder and tried to lighten up the serious mood.

Jungkook sighed and forced a smile on his face, "But she has a boyfriend, remember?"

Namjoon placed the utensils neatly on the table before looking up at Jungkook, "It's good for her to know about your feelings even if she won't be yours in the end, right? And, you don't know what will happen to the both of them too..." He trailed of, "I mean, look at them now. Their honeymoon period is over and now comes what everybody dreads in the relationship. It's either going to work out or not, and if it doesn't, it's your chance, bro."

"Hey! Don't say that, Kim Namjoon." Jin hissed and glared at him sourly. Namjoon just shrugged and pulled out a chair. "Why are you sitting down? Come help me!" Jin nagged as he smacked the back of Namjoon's head lightly, heading into the kitchen to bring the dishes out. 

Namjoon quickly blew a raspberry and followed the older into the kitchen. 

Smiles spread around their faces when the boys saw the nice food Jin cooked up, probably because you were here and he wanted you to eat. 

"What's the special occasion?" You appeared from the hallway and asked, with a towel over your head. You pulled out a chair and started eating with the boys, making Jin smile for his successful attempt. 

You grinned and waved back at Taehyung who was bidding you goodbye at the door, refusing to let Yoongi drag him away. "Hurry up! I'm very sleepy!" Yoongi warned him before letting go of his sleeve, walking away with Namjoon to get his car. Taehyun chuckled cheekily, "Sleep well! I'll call you before you sleep and sing you a song! Bye bye!" He said enthusiastically, waving violently at you as Hoseok just shook his head and went along with him. 

You laughed to yourself at how silly he could be as you watch the duo disappear down the corridor. You looked back at Jin who shot you a warm smile with his hands in his jean pockets. "I guess you liked the food?" "Of course I did!" 

Jin chuckled to himself again, "See you soon. Have a nice sleep, you'll need it." He reached out and ruffled your hair. "Jungkook-ah, take good care of her." He smiled, patting the lad's shoulder. "I will, hyung. Be safe." Jungkook mumbled back, bidding his goodbyes before Jin smiled one last time at you, walking away.

"Taehyung's a little bit obsessed with you, don't ask why." Jungkook muttered, walking into the living room. You giggled softly, "I can tell, it's okay." You stumbled your way into the kitchen, sighing at the amount of dishes piled up in the sink. Jin wanted to wash them but Yoongi was too tired to stay any more, so they had to go home since there weren't enough rooms in Jungkook's apartment for all of them to stay in, and Yoongi being the picky one, refused to sleep on the floor even with Taehyung's protests about being able to stay in the same house as you.

Extremely weird bunch of people, I know. 

Jungkook approached the sink and the tap, wanting to wash the dishes. "Leave it, I'll wash them." You pushed him away lightly with your arms, grabbing the plate and a soapy sponge. "Hey-" "No, don't even protest, Jeon. I know you're tired, leave it to me, I'll clean up and then sleep, okay?" You turned off the tap and looked at him with that serious face you rarely had on. 

Honestly, you were far more than tired. You could just shut your eyes now and fall asleep standing. But you couldn't, because you'll just start overthinking and be all sad. You didn't want that, so the only solution— other than alcohol right now was to do other things that could help you get your mind off Lee Hongbin. 

Jungkook hestitated, biting his lip before he finally gave in. 

"Alright, thank you." He turned to pour himself a glass of water and head back to him room but stopped at the exit, "Sleep early, don't think too much. Sweet dreams, Hyo."

You smiled sweetly at him, "Sweet dreams, Jungkook." 

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon