Intertwined Fates

Your mother wasn't too happy about hearing that you had to move out again, just because of a pet. But Jungkook on the other hand, was elated and he was basically on cloud nine the entire day. 

"Yes, hyung! Yes! I can't believe it!" He shouted as he fist pumped on the couch. "My love, my life!" He suddenly screamed out, getting off the couch and running around the house in circles. Yoongi, who was lying on the floor, stuck out his foot and tripped over the younger one. Jungkook thankfully faceplanted onto the couch cushioning instead of the floor or any other sharp edges. Groaning, Jungkook shot his head back and glared at Yoongi who was smiling in satisfaction. "Maybe you should learn to shut up next time, Jungkook." Jimin said, laughing at the little scuffle that broke out between Yoongi and the youngest. 

There was a tiny growl from a corner of the room and everybody's head shot to it at once. "Mongi, come here!" Jungkook said as he outstretched his arms. Soon after, the little puppy came jumping into his arms. "Good boy," Jungkook cooed into his arms as the puppy snuggled closer to him. Yoongi scoffed, "You're lucky Hyomin didn't name that cute puppy 'Kookie', or else you'll turn into a dog." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and shot a dirty look at Yoongi, "What the hell, hyung?" Laughter erupted from the others, but in between it Yoongi managed to tease Jungkook more. "But you don't mind, do you? I mean, you're already a dog." Yoongi trailed off, smirking as he walked into the kitchen, leaving Jungkook with his mouth hung wide open. 

"We're back!" A voice chirped from the door as you and Taehyung appeared from behind it, carrying bags of things. Mongi leapt off from Jungkook's arms and scurried over to Taehyung and you who were setting down the bags of stuff. "I really hate how he loves Taehyung more than me." Jungkook clicked his tongue and walked towards the both of you, wanting to check out what the both of you bought. 

Taehyung chuckled, "We picked him up, what do you think?" 

Jungkook pouted as he took out a chew toy from the bags, inspecting it. "Oh, cool." Then he reach in and took out an adjustable nylon collar with a two piece buckle together with a leash that Taehyung chose for the puppy. You wanted to go shop for the things you needed for the new puppy you had, and Taehyung insisted that he'd go with you since he was more experienced in this area. 

You had him for a few days and Taehyung noticed that he was housetrained already, probably by the previous owner that decided to abandon him. You got him a dog bed and cushions to go along with it as well because you wanted to make sure that he would be comfortable after getting mistreated for so long. 

Jungkook fished out many things and saw that you got many things; food bowls, treats, food, toys and the wide range of grooming supplies. 

"Mongi, I bet you're hungry now, huh?" Taehyung asked as he sat him down at the side and filled up the food bowl with food for the puppy, filling in the other side with water as well. "You're a good eater, cutie." He complimented, patting the puppy's head as he got up and helped you to sort out the other things. "I'll bring him over to play with Soonshim some days, yeah?" Taehyung asked, nudging you. Giggling, you hummed back in response. 

Jungkook frowned at how close the both of you have been getting closer along with each other lately, he didn't like it since he knew that Taehyung was interested in you as well. But he knew that it was somehow for a good cause, the puppy, he meant, so he let that go.


The next morning, you walked into the office building with Jungkook beside you, like you used to. "What do you have left?" Jungkook asked you as he peered over at the files you were holding. "I'll hold it for you," He mumbled, taking over the files from you. You pouted, "I'm left with Mark's CF shoot for that new fashion line that developed a week ago, Hyerin and uh, Hani's for the cosmetics." You couldn't help but pause, feeling disgusted when you spoke about Hani. It was just so weird that you were still mentioning her name even though so many complicated matters happened the past weeks. 

"Nice one, Jungkook!" Jongin appeared from one corner of the building and slapped Jungkook's back, making you raise your eyebrow in confusion. Jongin then wriggled his eyebrows at Jungkook before turning to you, "Hyoyeon's over there," He motioned to where the vending machines were. You nodded, "See you later, Jungkook." Retrieving the files from him, you waved to the handsome man beside you and your heel to go look for your best friend. 

You finally caught sight of her in front of the snack machine, choosing what type of sweet treat she'll get for herself this time round. Shaking your head, you stifled a laugh and approached her slowly. "What's taking you so long?" You asked, hugging her from the back, surprising her a little as you felt her jump. "Hey ! Your files are poking me." She shoved you away and placed her palm in your face, making you back away from her. "Okay, you're being really weird now. Is something wrong?" "No, smell my palm." Hyoyeon insisted and placed her palm right in your face, making you take a sniff at it. "What does it smell like?" She asked, hopefully. "Your hand." You replied, looking at her like she was weirdest person you ever seen in your life. 

But then again, you remembered you had those 7 idiots as friends, so no. 

"Ugh, you're an idiot! Just like the new girl, she's stu—" "What new girl?" You asked absentmindedly, dropping coins into the vending machine after you pushed Hyoyeon aside. "Oh, you don't know about it? The CEO who has the brains of a monkey poop dog decided that it'd be good to let someone with no experience join our department." Hyoyeon rolled her eyes, then saw you retrieve 4 packs of M&Ms from the vending machine slot. "Woah, babe, are you having a sweet tooth or are you pregnant?" Hyoyeon deadpanned, grabbing your arm as a sly smirk spread across her face.

"Maybe both." You replied, pushing her face away as it was too close for your liking. 

Hyoyeon gasped dramatically. "Did Jungkook bang you?!" She exclaimed, cupping your face in excitement. "What? No!" Shaking your head, you distanced yourself away from her. You grimaced, "Anyway, what were you saying about the new girl?" The both of you walked to your office as she took a seat on the leather couch, looking at you set down your files and handbag. 

You let out one desperate sigh when you took a glance at all the files that were lying on your table. It was definitely going to be a busy week for you. Goodbye free time, you thought sourly. 

"Well, she looks like one good-for-nothing to be very honest with you." 

"Don't be too quick to judge someone, Hyoyeon." You clicked your tongue and chided, stacking up your files into a pile before you took out your M&Ms. "I knew you'd say that." She chuckled before a knock was heard on the door. "Come in!" Hyoyeon hollered to the door, making your glare at her. "Hyomin? Boss wants to see you in his office," One collegue whose name you didn't know poked her head in and notified. You nodded and threw your handbag onto the table, grabbing your phone as you made your way out. "Go away, Hyoyeon." You muttered before closing the door behind you, wondering to yourself what you were called for.

Knocking on the red wood door, your puffed your cheeks before that tiny bit of anxiousness erupted in you. You heard a faint 'come in' then you pushed the door open, revealing your supervisior, Jungkook and a girl whose silouette was painfully familiar but you couldn't point out who she was. "Ah, you're here." Your supervisior said, gesturing for you to come in and sit down. Jungkook's face was not particularly bright so it made you question yourself what happened before you got here. 

"Hyomin, we have a new addition to our department!" Your supervisior cheerfully announced, making you force an awkward smile onto your face. "I want you and Jungkook to teach her the ropes alright? Like how you did for this guy over here." He added the last part with a smug smile on his face, swinging his arm over on Jungkook's shoulder before Jungkook shrugged it off from him. 



Jungkook's frown deepened when he remembered the both of you knew each other. Jungkook was totally reminded of the fact that you knew that he had again with a girl he didn't even know, and you seemed to be as well when he noticed that your smile was replaced with a look of distaste. "I see the both of you know each other! Great, makes things way easier." Your supervisior got up from his arm chair and gave you a pat on your shoulder. "Happy co-operation, then." 

Your eyes darkened at the reminder that Jungkook had some sort of a relation with this girl. And, somehow she found her way to where the both of you worked.

Jungkook stuffed his hands into his pockets, "What are you doing here? Are you done stalking me?" He asked menacingly. "," He whispered under his breath, rolling his eyes. You looked to his side and saw an extremely angered expression on his face. He then took out one of his hands from his pocket, running it through his hair.

"Jungkook, be nice." You whispered through gritted teeth as you tried your best to keep your cool in front of a collegue. You hated it when you had to remind yourself to contain your emotions when you were at work, you wanted to be professional and separate your personal life from your work life. 

Your sight then transferred over to the blonde girl on your left, she was looking down at her feet as she walked with the both of you. Sighing, you felt your resolute soften at her pitiful sight. I mean, she might be pregnant with a child and she didn't deserve this kind of treatment from anyone. Your thoughts were cut off when you heard her speak, "I'm so sorry, I really didn't want this to happen to. I just wanted to—" "Wanted me to take responsibility? To marry you and have a family with you?" Jungkooked questioned unbelievably, stopping dead in his tracks as he shot a piercing look at Yoona. 

"Which part of 'this is a one night stand' do you not understand? I said after that night, we have no relations anymore, did I not?" Jungkook raised his voice, he just felt really absurd at how low this girl's intelligence level was, it just started getting really annoying. "And even if we did have any relations after, it would just be a ual relationship, nothing more." He continued, staring at Yoona straight in the eye to make sure she got the message clearly.

You froze at how Jungkook could just say this so easily, without even a twitch of an eyelid. And what irked you even more was how he promised you he'd stop messing around with girls long ago. You refused to believe how easily he'd just toss your promises at the side, forgetting completely about them.

The shine in your eyes dulled. 

You didn't even want to get angry at Jungkook anymore for messing around. You were done. You were tired of having to be the one there to clean up his mess he made. You no longer saw the purpose crying over the spilt milk anymore. If you had to pick something you hated the most, it would definitely be someone lying to you. 

"Get this through your thick skull, okay? I'm not interested in you, I have my types and apparently you aren't one of them." 

"But you said—"

"! Forget what I said when I was drunk off my ! I only love two women in my life; my mother and you want to know who the other one is?" He asked, smirking smugly as his eyes traveled to you, who was shaking your head profusely because you didn't want Jungkook to let Yoona know about the relationship you were in with him. 

"I love her." 

Jungkook grabbed your wrist and emphasized on it, making Yoona's eyes widen at how he confessed it so loudly in the office building where everyone could hear.

Sighing, you stepped away from the both of them and stopped in front of your office before looking back to them. Jungkook sensed how your eyes looked lifeless as compared to before, wondering what you wanted to do after. "Wait here," You mumbled weakly before pushing the door open.

Uncertainty. But you pushed that emotion away yet again and walked to your desk, reaching for your handbag. You rummaged for something in there and froze when you felt it against your palm. Then you pulled it out. Your hand trembled as you looked at it, fearing the consequences that it may bring. 

A pregnancy test kit. 

Uncertainty was what you felt. You were not sure if you should give it to Yoona even thought you got it for her, intending to call her up to meet her again. But thank Heavens that she found her way to your workplace and Jungkook, even though it'd be much easier if you'd just make the trip to meet her. Anywhere else but here would have been great, but no, it just had to be here.

If it turned out positive, there would be two consequences; Jungkook leaving you to take responsibility for her or she would just have to live with it as a single mom. If it turned out negative; Jungkook could just tell her to leave and stop pestering him.

But the thing was, you couldn't afford to lose Jungkook. Again. 

He meant so much to you that losing him would feel like you just lost your world. You didn't want to see him with other women that wasn't you. On the other hand, you didn't want Yoona to be suffering alone since it was partially Jungkook's fault as well. Yoona was just a young adult around your age, and you knew it would've if you were left with a baby in your womb, without anyone to rely on. 

It's okay. This is for the greater good. You convinced yourself before you tightened your grasp around the box, turning around to make your way out again. 

"Here," Opening your palm, you revealed the item. Yoona gasped as she looked at you, "Why?" 

"Don't ask anything for now, please. Just go test it." You pleaded tiredly. She was indeed starting to get on your nerves, going on with her questions and confusion about almost everything. "It may not be 100% accurate and stuff, but just test it out. I'll go with you to the doctor's if you need." You continued, dismissing her to the washroom. 


You and Jungkook sat in silence as the both of you waited for Yoona to return. 

"I'm sorry." 

You looked up and locked eyes with Jungkook, sending him a piercing stare. You closed your eyes and rubbed your face, you didn't want to deal with this just after the both of you made up days ago. This wasn't want you wanted. 


"I messed up, and I'm sorry about it." Jungkook muttered in a low voice, breaking his eye contact with you to look out the window because it was getting pressurizing to continue to speak while looking into your eyes that just showed nothing but pain. 

"You promised." 

"I can explain—" 

"No!" You snapped. "Don't give me this now, Jungkook."

Your hands were trembling as you stood up with tear-filled eyes. But you stopped in your tracks and wiped away your tears harshly. You were so mad at him you started to cry, and it was ridiculous. But the next thing you knew, Jungkook stood up abruptly from his seat and pulled you into his arms, embracing you. 

Jungkook held you tightly in his arms even though you struggled to break away from him. "You promised, Jungkook! No— let go!" You thrashed and screamed in his arms, refusing to be any closer to him. "Why?" You asked dryly as you hit his chest repeatedly with your fists. But slowly you gave up, tearing up again and ended up resting your arms on his chest as he embraced you.

Yes, you missed him so much when the both of you fought. You yearned to be held by him everyday, to listen to his voice and feel the warmth radiate from him. But you didn't like how he broke your promise.

"Are my promises that hard to keep? I hate your empty promises, Jungkook." 

"I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry, Hyomin." He whispered against your hair as you cried onto his shoulder, still trying to get yourself out of this mess. He rubbed soothing circles on the back of your back, hoping that it would make you feel better. Jungkook hated seeing you cry, it just pained him so much seeing you so frustrated. 

What hurt him more was the fact that he was the reason behind your tears. 

It tore his heart apart seeing that he wasn't the reason behind your smiles, but the ones behind your tears. He hated the fact that you shed tears because of him. He hated himself so much for making you cry. Jungkook felt so bad at how you tried to kept it all in even though you knew about this long ago. 

But he had no idea that you kept quiet about this because you were afraid that you'd lose him too. 

"Why did you break our promise, Jungkook?" 

"I'm sorry, I love you, forgive me."

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon