Intertwined Fates

After that little episode in your father's room, he claimed that he had to go out for a while to get some indigestion pills from the pharmacy nearby and so he went. You really wondered how Hani even got in, but then you realized that the window in the guest room was opened, so you guessed she probaly climbed in from there without your mother knowing at all. And moreover, you were truly disgusted at how your father could commit such an act like this in the family house, the house you grew up in for the whole of your life, when you and your mother were present. 

It was just downright disgusting. 

After he left, you and Jungkook sat down with your mother. You couldn't bring yourself to recall and talk about the happenings, so Jungkook had to talk in your place. Your mother's face was just of pure heartbreak and you could feel her pain even by looking at her, yet she did not cry in front of the both of you. "It's fine, children. I'm okay." She muttered as she clasped her hands together, smiling bitterly. 

Your hands trembed. 

"No! Mom, it's not okay! Please, I really can't see you being in so much pain, I don't want to see you suffer." You cried out, burying your face in your palms as you tried to compose yourself. "I may not be in any position to say this, but, Auntie you have to do something about this." Jungkook voiced out his own thoughts and bit his lip. 

"I will, soon. Thank you both for telling me about this, I really appreciate this." 


Jungkook told the other guys about what happened in your house when they asked about it, since they noticed that you looked so out of yourself when they visited. You couldn't stomach anything that night after you witnessed your father cheating on your mother. Your mind was in a mess even after telling your mother what you saw.  

"!" Yoongi cursed as he hurled a glass at the wall, making it shatter into so many little fragments it looked like it'd be hard to clean up afterwards. You jumped a little at your seat as you heard the glass break, shocking you. "Calm down, Yoongi. We're all upset about this matter." Jin said calmly as he stood up and went to the kitchen to get some cleaning tools. 

You were, honestly, more than upset. It was definitely a whole lot more than just upset. Nothing could actually explain how you felt towards this whole situation. It was just a big mess that you didn't want to touch at all, but one that you had to clean up for.  Even though you were feeling like this, you had to get yourself together and put up a strong front because you had to be strong for your mother. 

Your family was falling apart, but you couldn't. 

"This is just ed, man." Namjoon said, making Jin hiss at his use of language. "I'm sorry but it's true." Namjoon shrugged and held his hands up in the air. Even the usual cheerful Taehyung and Jimin that would usually be all smiley and the ones that tried to cheer you up with their playful antics seemed to be down with you as well. They hated seeing you, the one that was like a sister to them, being this devastated. Yoongi was extra pissed and sensitive to his surroundings today because he just found this situation very very stupid and absurd.

Jin who knew you and your family long before any of this was equally as hurt because he knew how loving your parents were, and now he had to hear of the news that your father was going to get a divorce with your mother. And it pained him seeing you so hurt and troubled becuase of this. Hoseok, the moodmaker, however tried to lighten the mood up because everybody's expression was grim and they didn't speak much after Jungkook told them what happened at your house.  

Jin sighed as he dumped the broken glass in the trash, walking back to the group of people in the living room. "Have you asked your mother to go for those marriage counselling sessions?" He asked you, who was staring at the ceiling as you lay on the carpet on the floor with a hand on your forehead. You turned your head to take a look at him, "No. It's not going to work, he never really believed that those people could salvage a ruined marriage whenever he watched a drama full of those ."

The man's lips pressed into a thin line as he took a seat on the carpet next to you, leaning against the couch. "Maybe it'll work, you wouldn't know. It's worth a try, Hyomin-ah." 

Namjoon let out a frustrated sigh, "Hyung, haven't you heard of 'prevention is better than cure'? I think it's too late." 


Hani. She was the root to all your problems. She probably hated you so much that she wanted to ruin your life more— since she couldn't get your boyfriend and your hot collegue, she wanted your father and that was so messed up you couldn't even believe it yourself. It was unbelievable that she'd go to the extend of this to make sure that you were burning in the deep pits of hell, watching the people around you suffer. It was her joy, wasn't it? 

You sighed and made your way into your father's office building, taking the elevator and passing by a few office ladies admiring how good you looked, whispering to themselves that you must be the Park Haejin's daughter judging by your good genes. It just made you look entirely stupid because they didn't know what went down behind the closed doors, they were clueless. Walking past a few doors, you finally found your father's office and you knocked on it before entering. 

There, was where you saw your mother push the brown file forward on the table, and spoke, "I have signed the papers, the ring is inside. You can throw it away or do whatever you want with it. The house, I would vacate it. Just give me two weeks." You froze and your eyes flickered to your mother's fourth finger, there was nothing on it. What about the house? Where was she going to stay?

"Mom, dad." You said, allowing them to acknowledge your presence as you strode forward, taking a seat beside your mother. Your mother looked at you with pain-filled eyes and you had to look away, so that you wouldn't start crying. You had to be strong, for your mother. You your lips with your eyes closed, then took a deep breath to organise your thoughts before opening your mouth. "Mom, do you really want this?" You asked, "You've been together for 20 years. Mom, think about it again, please." You pleaded. 

As much as you hated to see your mother hurting because of your father's stupidity, you didn't want your happy family to be broken apart. "20 years might be enough for the both of us now, dear." She spoke, looking at the brown file that contained the divorce papers. Your father got to know that the both of you were aware of him cheating a few days ago, then your mother decided to file for divorce. You reached out and picked up the brown envelope on the glass table, opening it and taking out the divorce papers. Scanning through it, you realized that your father has yet to sign it. 

"Is there really no way to salvage this, at all?" You asked, looking at your father. 

"I'm afraid not, Hyomin." Your mother spoke.

"Dad? What— What happened? Why?" You couldn't bring yourself to think any further into this situation because it pained you a lot to speak about it, "How could you? Was mom not enough for you?" The dreaded question finally escaped the comforts of your mind and the barricades of your mouth. "Was she not good enough for you?" You looked at him straight in the eye and you snapped. Since your mother was too heartbroken to speak for herself, you decided that you would. 

"No, it isn't like this. Hyomin-ah, please. I know what I did was wrong, I understand all your anger and hurt. You can yell at me, hit me, but please don't leave me. I need the both of you."

You looked at him unbelievably. "You need us? If you needed us in the first place, you wouldn't want go do these unfaithful things behind our backs." You paused, "You're so full of , Dad." You said, emphasizing on the word 'dad' because you knew he didn't live up to that name after all he has done to the both of you. Your mother gasped, smacking your arm when she heard the words you used, "Hyomin, language."

"You're unbelievable." You spat at him, standing up and walking to the other end of the room, facing the wall to calm yourself down with one hand on your forehead and the other at your waist. "I heard everything you said to her."

"Heard what?" Your mother asked, turning her head to look at you. You told her about what happened to your father and the girl that day, but you left out how he said he was going to be the one to file for divorce and just leave you like this. "I heard him in the bedroom that day. I heard he said he was going to file for divorce, and that he's going to make sure that I would go with you, Mom." You hissed, glaring at the male in the room.

Your mother looked down with sad eyes, not knowing what to say. "No it's not like this—" "Cut the crap. Since you prefer that girl so much that you're willing to leave your own daughter, then go." You said, growling at him.

"I'd help to save this marriage anyday and have my complete family back again. I really would've helped, trust me." You brushed your fingers along the family photo that was in the photoframe on his desk. "But after I heard what you said, I changed my mind. I doubt that you'd want us back, right? Since we were nothing but dust in your life." Your blood boiled more when you thought of how despicable Hani was, that she had to go to that extend to ruin your life. 

"Hyomin..." He mumbled. 

"And if your mistress hasn't told you yet, she was the one that caused me and Hongbin's relationship to have cracks. She was the one that did all these to me. And if you think she really loves you, you're just plain stupid." You squinted your eyes at him and questioned his intelligence.


"How did it go?" Jungkook asked, setting down the mug of warm coffee on the table for you, then taking a seat beside you on the couch. He looked at you with worried eyes; he wasn't sure how he could make this situation better, or how he could lessen your burden and make you feel better. You shook your head sadly. "Not good. My mom insisted on a divorce. I don't know if this is good or not, but I don't want them to leave each other." Your voice became quieter towards the end of the sentence, then you looked at Jungkook and realized he was already focused on you. "Do you know what I mean?" You asked him, breaking the eye contact after a few seconds. "Yeah, I do." He replied, with as much hurt in his voice like you.

"I don't want my mom to be hurt anymore, I'm happy that she finally knocked some sense into her head after all that she went through during this period of time. But," You paused and clasped your hands together. "I don't want to have a broken family, Jungkook."

Of course Jungkook understood how you felt. His parents separated when he was a mere thirteen year old and he couldn't even fully grasp the situation back then. And when he finally did? He just snapped. He went through the hurt and torture a child would go through when his parents separated. It was just like standing on a tightrope everyday, not knowing when you'll fall or if there would be someone down there to catch you when you do.

It was just like living in a world with a false sense of security. 

He'd often wonder where he would spend his Christmases and birthdays at, at Dad's or Mom's, or maybe even both. To some, celebrating their birthdays twice would be a happy thing, but to him, he just wanted it once because one was enough if you had it all. Living with one parent was stressful, because the parent would then have high hopes on the child. And when he was blamed for something, there wasn't anyone there to stand up for him anymore. He had to carry the hopes of his mother and live up to it, or else he'd get nagged at all day and he wouldn't be able to do what he liked. 

It was just like he was locked out of heaven.

"Hey, Hyomin-ah. Look at me," He said, putting his hands on your shoulders and turning your body so that it was facing him. "I know how it feels, okay? I went through this before, so I know. It's okay if you're sad, it's okay if you let it all out." He looked into your eyes and said sincerely, pulling you into a hug. "Because I promise you, even if there's no one there for you, I would be. I know how it feels like to have no one there for you, it hurts and I don't want you to be like how I was back then." He said through clenched teeth, recalling his past. "I will be there for you. I'll be your shoulder to cry on, the one you'd be able to lean on without having to feel like you own nothing except for a pathetic soul." Jungkook whispered against your hair, holding you tighter against him as you s your hands up his waist, hugging him back. 

You buried your face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. "Thank you, Jungkook." 

The both of you stayed in that position, you stayed in his embrace for God knows how long just listening to each other's heartbeats until the doorbell rang. He rubbed your back before letting you go, "I'll go get the door." You said, standing up and dusting your clothes. Walking to the door, you quickly brushed the back of your hands against your face to get rid of the dried tears on your face. The door opened with a click and you saw the back of a lady with long brown hair, wearing a grey bodycon and black stilettos. You raised an eyebrow and scanned her from head to toe, trying to figure out who this was as you heard Jungkook shuffle into the kitchen to get something, porbably thinking that it was the postman. She looked familiar, yet you couldn't exactly point out who she was. 

When she turned around, you swear you stopped breathing. 

"So, this is where you live now, huh?" She asked, tilting her head to a certain angle. You stepped back, ready to close the door in her face because you had absolutely nothing to say to her. "Aren't you a little bit too rude to your new mom?" She asked, making you halt at whatever you were doing. "What did you say?" You asked, strongly believing that your ears were playing tricks on you because you haven't been sleeping too well these days. "Did your dad tell you? He proposed to me," She smirked, holding up her left hand and showing off that glimmering diamond ring under the corridor lights. 

You clenched your fists and glared at her, "No, he did not. What do you want from me now? Haven't you got enough? How did you find me here anyway?" 

Hani scoffed, "I had private investigators track you down, of course." Looking down at her nails, she blew on them like those rich old woman in those Korean dramas would. 

"Hyomin, who is it—" Jungkook's question was cut short. He felt something amiss when you didn't come in after such a long time, so he came to check on you. "Oh."

"Oh, I get it now!" Hani started laughing and clapping her hands, the chains on her branded handbag jiggling together, making you cringe at the sound combination. "You left your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend," She started, looking at Jungkook. "For this hottie here? Not bad, I didn't expect that coming, Park Hyomin." 

You sighed, you were too tired to argue with her. You had enough problems and you didn't want this drama queen to add onto it anymore because it was starting to give you headaches. "What do want?" You asked, weakly as you closed your eyes. "What do I want? I want you to suffer, because I said I always get what I want. And of course, Hongbin is definitely on the list of my wants." She hissed and it just made you want to give her a tight slap across the face. 

"He's a 'want' and not a 'need' for you, right? So what are you going to do after you get him? Play with his feelings and then throw him away like the guys you messed with before? If that's so, the more I'm not going to give him to you, I'm not going to let him go."

These words made Jungkook's heart ache, but he couldn't show it.

"Just leave, Hani." Jungkook added, sighing. 

Hani scoffed again, "Are you suffering enough now? Just so you know, I'm going to ing ruin your life." She cursed and looked at you straight in the eye. Jungkook just rolled his eyes at her, pulling you back protectively. "No one is going to save you then, Park Hyomin."

"No one's gonna ing save you too, ." 

"What the—" "Yeah, it's us. Shut the up, idiot." Yoongi cursed back at her, throwing a stone he had in his hand he planned to keep with his collection at home. "Pity that I had to waste a pretty stone on a hoe like you." He spat, looking at her with hate filled eyes. Jin sighed, "Just go while you can, Miss." He said kindly as he moved out the way for her to walk away. Hani rolled her eyes, "And what makes you think I'd listen to all you idiots? I'm Ahn Hee Youn!" 

"And I'm ing Min Yoongi." 

"So.. You're not going to leave?" Another voice was heard down a corridor. You turned your head and saw Jimin and Taehyung coming this way, swinging their baseball bats around as they ran towards your direction. "He really hits people, for your information." Namjoon informed her, hoping that'd she would leave before she really gets hit by the bat. "And you think I'd believe you, this bunch of uneducated morons?" 

" you!" Jimin swung his bat at her. 


"Oh !" 

"Hyomin, I swear you're the dumbest person alive." Yoongi shook his head and made his way into Jungkook's apartment after you fell onto the ground, holding your head where Jimin hit you. 

Well, as much as you hated to say. You bore no grudges towards other people since you were a kid. People betrayed you, let you down and everything but you still didn't hate them. It hurts a little sometimes but you just couldn't bring yourself to hate someone. Your mother taught you "forgive people even before they make mistakes", those words impacted you deeply. You would tell other people, even if they made mistakes, and even if they apologized and the other person refused to forgive you; it's okay, move on. It's no longer their fault, because you already apologized. It's their fault anyways. 

"I.." Hani squeaked, not knowing what to say when you took the hit for her, jumping out at that precise time and got hit by Jimin.  

Jin sighed, "Just leave, please. That's enough for today." 


Today is Jungkook's birthday! Happy 19th Birthday Jungkookieeee :) Gahh, can't believe the Golden Maknae is all grown up now hehehe 


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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon