Intertwined Fates

"No... I'm pretty sure she was just freaked out that you still used Spongebob undies, hyung?" Jungkook jokingly asked Hoseok who's face was bright red as he stared on his plate of untouched food. "I prefer not to talk about this stupid subject." Yoongi voiced out, suggesting that everybody shut up about Hoseok's failed one night stand from last night, and continue eating their dinner. You just giggled silently to yourself before your eyes lit up as you placed your utensils down onto the plate, picking up your phone off from the table as you saw someone was calling you. Jimin who was sitting beside you peeked over, wanting to ask you what happened before he saw 'Mom' across your phone screen. "Mom? Why are you calling?" You asked your mother over the line. 

There was a few seconds of silence as the boys stared at you, curious. With the exception of Yoongi, that was. "Mom?" You asked again when you heard no reply, then you heard your mother's broken sobs. Your breath hitched as you pushed yourself away from the dining table a little, your eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. "Hyomin-ah, can you come home now?" Your lips pressed into a thin line, your heart was beating so fast because you had no clue what was happening. But you knew your mother needed you more now than ever. 

"I'll be there in thirty minutes, wait for me." 

You hung up, putting down your phone on the table before pushing yourself fully away from the table, running into your room in Jungkook's house. You quickly threw on a black t-shirt and a pair of mint skinny jeans you found lying around the room, you threw your hair up in a ponytail and grabbed some spare change on the bedside table. Closing the door behind you, you rubbed your face in frustration. What happened to your mother? Wasn't she angry at you for moving out a few months ago? 

You decided it was best for you to chuck away these thoughts for now and get there as fast as possible so you ran down the hallway. You quickly grabbed your phone off from the dining table, apologising to the boys as you slipped into your shoes, then saying something along the lines of "I'll be back soon, don't worry!".

Thank God Jungkook's house was not that far away from your family house, it was just a few blocks down so you just thought that it'd be faster for you to just run there instead of grabbing a cab a few streets back. Trying to calm yourself down, you were constantly humming songs to yourself, praying silently that nothing serious happened. 

You looked down to your phone and saw Jungkook calling, while speed walking, you picked up. 

"Hyomin, where are you?" He asked, you could feel his voice tainted with worry. "I'm two blocks down your apartment, I'm going over to my mom's. I don't know what happened but she called me crying just now. I don't know, I'll check on her and go back soon, don't worry, Jeon." You reassured, trying to sound okay. 

Hearing Jungkook's hum of realization, you unknowingly smiled to yourself. "I'm okay, Jeon. I won't run away from you unless something big happens," You joked, slowing at a traffic junction as you saw a same Mercedes-Benz your father drove zoom past you, almost bringing you along with it. You raised an eyebrow at the coincidental happening but shrugged it off since it wasn't something big. 

Jungkook chuckled from the other end of the line, "I know. Be safe, Hyomin." Jungkook reminded on last time, bringing a small smile to your face, knowing how much he worried about you. "I will. Don't wait for me and sleep early. See you." You said, after hearing another hum from Jungkook, you hung up with a grin just in time to cross the road. 


"What happened?" Taehyung asked, full of worry for the younger one. "Yeah, she seemed all panicky and stuff." Jimin added as he plopped onto Jungkook's couch, watching Jungkook walk back to the room from the balcony. Jungkook shook his head a little. "I'm not sure too, she says that her mother called her crying when we were having dinner a while ago. Family problems, I guess. So she's going over to her mom's now." Jungkook informed them, taking a glass of water off from the counter. 

"I hope nothing serious happens," Jimin mumbled, running a hand through his red hair. 

Jin's eyes darkened as he slowly remembered and realized something. Everything seemed to click together and it seemed like the situation he least expected to happen, happened. "Oh my ing God." Jin cursed out loud, making everyone gasp because Jin hardly used profanities unless in a serious situation he found absurd. "What?" Namjoon asked. 

Jin's wide eyes then flashed over to Yoongi. "Yoongi-ah, remember that guy we saw at the mart that day? The man I greeted that day at the mart when we shopped for vegetables?" He asked, trying to fish something out of Yoongi's memory. Yoongi's pupils shot around the room as he tried to recall something, then snapped his fingers when he did. "You mean the brown haired guy with the expensive suit, with the little hanging at his that stepped on my iPod? yeah, I do." Yoongi spat, with a look of distaste hanging on his face. 

Jin was definitely unimpressed by Yoongi's use of words, squinting his eyes at him before Yoongi squeezed out a tiny 'sorry' from him. "Wow, that was 3 months, Yoongi hyung." Taehyung started clapping. "3 months, what, Kim Taehyung?" He asked, his usual poker face on point. 

"3 months since you spoke such a long sentence with this much curses in them. Not bad for an improvement, not bad at all." 

Yoongi and Jimin scoffed, "Excuse you, but we have more important business here." Namjoon clicked his tongue and turned to Jin, "What were you about to say about that guy?" 

Jin his lips, "Well, that guy just so happened to be Park Haejin." 

"Who the hell is Park Haejin? I only know Park Jimin, there ain't no Park Haejin I know." Taehyung muttered, "Are you an idiot?" Yoongi asked as he smacked Taehyung square on the back of his head, earning muffled laughs from the mentioned Park Jimin who was sitting at the other end of the couch now. 

"Park Haejin is Hyomin's father, idiots." 

"And you said that was a little that hung on his ? What?" Jin asked, completely puzzled.

"Didn't you see them kiss each other at the door after I scolded that girl for stepping on my iPod? That guy even gave me a few pathetic notes and he thought he could make it up to me." Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance, not being able to believe there were these kind of people in the world. 

"Does this mean that—" Jimin started, "Hyomin's father is cheating on her mother, and now her mother found out." 

A tense atmosphere blanketed the whole room as he boys chewed on their lips and thought of how serious this current situation was. 

"Does Hyomin know about this?" Jungkook spoke finally, worried about the one he cared for.

All the boys attention turned to Jungkook.



You opened and closed your fists as you nervously waited for your mother to come get the door. 

And when she did you were taken aback. Your mother changed so much in the few months you didn't get to see her. She dyed her black hair to a nice shade of honey brown and she had a nice fringe now. She was evidently thinner than when you last saw her. But you still remembered how her eyes used to shine. You looked up, but her eyes were now just souless and they were just like black holes that lead to nothing when it used to be your father's galaxy. 

Her eyes were blood shot and you noticed her dried tears from the light coming from inside the house. "Mom," You bit your lip, walking in and kicking your shoes off in a hurry, not letting your mother's hand go in yours at all as you pulled her into the house after shutting the door behind you. 

You sat down on the couch after she did and looked into her eyes, your hand still enveloping hers. "Mom, are you okay?" You asked her. "No, my daughter, your mom is not okay." She replied, her hands were ice cold in yours, it felt like there was no blood, no life flowing through the veins in her. You in a breath, "Mom, I need you to tell me what happened okay?" 

You noticed that something flashed across her eyes but you wanted her to tell you everything instead of you probing around. 

"Your dad is cheating on me." She firmly said.

A lump rised up your throat and you felt your breathing stop for a brief moment. "What?" You asked in disbelief. 

Your mom nodded and scoffed bitterly. "Yes, that was me when I first noticed that things were wrong. I couldn't believe it and I didn't want to. It started from the holes in his lies that I still believed back them. The late meetings and how he had to meet up for drinking sessions with his cilents every now and then, he'd always tell me that but I'd always smell something that's not alcohol. It always smelt like the female fragrance I would smell in those boutiques I go to. Then it slowly turned into worse situations, your dad would stop coming home for 2 or 3 days straight without even telling me where he went to or when he'd come back. And when he does, he'll just say he slept at the office when he clearly didn't when I asked his collegues. 

I consulted my friends and they all said that these pointed to cheating and I had to prepare myself for the worse. Your dad told me he was going away for a trip to the countryside for work again, then I had to wash his suits. But guess what I found, dear?" 


"A note that said 'I love you, Haejin. Thanks for being with me even though you have a family.' The note didn't state who it was from, so I don't know who it is." 

Your jaw dropped and tears were forming at your eyes, the colour drained from your face as you felt that it was getting hard for you to breathe. If you were hurting like this, you couldn't imagine the pain your mother had to go through alone without you by her side. 

You pulled your mother into a tight hug, rubbing her back with your hand, whispering so many 'I love you's, 'I'm so sorry's and 'it's going to be okay's into her ear, trying to make her feel better.

You could feel that she calmed down a little after you made her tea and told her about how you were living now, how you were having a 'break' with Hongbin's relationship and that you were living with your painfully handsome and hot collegue now. But you were still a little worried about your mother's condition because you knew how it felt like to be heart-broken, hoping for nothing but your love to return to your side.

"Do you have work tomorrow, dear?" Your mother asked, "Yeah, I still have 2 more photoshoots I have to finish by the end of this week. Busy life," You huffed in annoyance. "Oh dear, then you should leave now. Go home and take a good shower, rest." You mother cupped your cheeks lovingly and smiled her best smile. 

"Do you want me to stay over with you today? I can skip work, I'll just stay overnight and finish them the other days." You suggested, because you didn't want your mother to be alone for the rest of the night because late night thoughts are the worst. "No, it's fine dear. Go home. I'm sure Jungkook is waiting for you, is that what his name is?" You mother asked with a cheeky smile on her face. You chuckled, "Yes, he is Jungkook. And no, it's not fine—" "It is, trust me on this one, dear. And I can tell there's something going on with Jungkook and you, yeah?" Your mother wriggled her eyebrows playfully. She never failed to make you laugh even when she was down at her worse. 

"No! Mom!" You exclaimed, slapping her shoulder slightly, denying that Jungkook now holds a special place in your heart. Your mother just smiled in return, a hint of playfulness under it as she took hold of your hand. "It was nice having a chat with you, sweetheart. You need to go home and rest now, you have work tomorrow. Visit me some other time okay?" She reminded before you nodded, walking to the door with your mother. "See you soon, mom. Take care of yourself, if anything happens just give me a call." You told her and wore your shoes, giving her a last hug before you left. 

The light drizzle stopped a few minutes ago so the pavement was still wet from the rain that fell, the air was cold but you just had to bear with it and go back. Sighing, you made your way out the gate but stopped dead in your tracks as you realized the person you dreaded to see the most was right in front of you. "Dad?" "Hyomin!" 

He dropped his briefcase on the sidewalk and pulled you into a hug. Not knowing what to do, you awkwardly placed your hands at the back of his body, trying your best to hug him back as naturally as you could. Your nose wrinkled.

Mom was right.

You smelled the fragrance of a perfume that your mom never used, and you were pretty sure you smelled this fragrance somewhere before, but you shook it off since it was probably used by so many people. It was so strong it almost felt suffocating to stay in his embrace any longer. Fortunately, he pulled away from the hug and placed his hands on your shoulders, taking a good look at you. "Sweetheart, you lost weight! How have you been doing? Daddy missed you so much!" 

Yeah right.

You had mixed feelings— you missed your father so much because you rarely got to see him after you moved out when you graduated high school, but then again, you found out about him cheating on your mother. You really didn't know how to feel or react towards his actions and words because you were too confused by all these. "I missed you too. I'm doing great, how about you?" 

He chuckled with his husky voice, "Dad is fine too, just a little bit busy." He said, ruffling your hair.

Busy? Busy with work or with women? 

You hated this so much. You hated having to doubt your father in everything he did, you didn't want to feel this way towards him but many things were happening. Never had you imagined that you'd be standing on the pavement of your family house after a rainy day, looking at your biological father and not wanting to call him 'Dad'. 

"What are you doing here at this timing? Have you eaten? Do you want to come in for dinner?" He bombarded you with a bunch of questions, bending down to pick up his briefcase. You awkwardly rubbed the back of your nape, "I just dropped by to visit, but you weren't home. And no, I think I'm going to head to the mart to grab something to eat. It's fine." You lied smoothly, not wanting to see him any longer. 

Your father ran his hand through his brown hair, "Ah, I see. Then come in to have dinner with me and your mom! I'm sure she cooked something." He suggested. You opened your mouth to protest but your father just pulled you along with him and so you just went back in to have dinner with your parents. 

It was definitely the most awkward dinner you ever had in your entire life.


You punched in the passcode into the keypad at the front door of Jungkook's apartment, rubbing your eyes tiredly. You were nauseous, your head hurt and you felt like just falling into a deep sleep. Everything was just coming at you like a huge wave and it hit you across your face too fast for you to react. 

"Hyomin?" You heard Jungkook's voice as you stepped in, lazily kicking your shoes to one side of the door. There was a long stretch of silence before you realized the boys were all still here, with the exception of Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon because they had work early in the morning tomorrow. "Are you okay?" Jimin asked you, squeezing your shoulders when he walked up to you, glancing at you with worried eyes. 

Nodding, your felt your stomach churn before you groaned and headed to the bathroom. You leaned over the toilet bowl and emptied out your stomach from everything you ate since morning, the taste in your mouth was disgusting. Behind you were pieces of tissues which you wiped your mouth with, flushing down the mess. Jin reached his hand out for you, helping you to stand up as he held your waist, afraid that you'll fall down. You leaned forward to the sink and washed your mouth, getting rid of the disgusting taste in your mouth. 

Jungkook then brought you a change of clothes from the room, leaving you to change in the bathroom. You quickly let your hair down from the ponytail and slipped into the matching pyjamas, a pullover and sweatpants. 

"Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?" Jungkook asked, full of worry as you sat down beside him, drinking the glass of warm water that Jin handed you. You shook your head, you hated going to the hospitals. "I'm okay, guys. Just a little bit shook up from just now." You trailed off, placing the glass on the table. 

"What happened?" Jimin asked, feeling that if you said everything out, you'd feel better. You bit your lip, "My mom found out that my dad was cheating on her so I had to listen to what she wants to say. I guess that's about it, but it's just really hard for me to take in these." You muttered, sighing. 

"Does your dad know that your mom knows?" Taehyung questioned, taking the seat to your left. 

You shook your head again, "Not yet."


You chuckled. "Jungkook-ah, I'm really okay." You squeezed his hand, pulling the covers over the both of you more because the air conditioner was really too cold but the both of you were too comfortable to move an inch. He decided to invade your bed because he felt that cuddling would be the best remedy for you right now since everything around you was just trash. 

"Then sing me something," 

"What?" You asked, feeling absurd because you knew Jungkook had a nicer voice than you and you couldn't even sing properly. 

"Sing me to sleep, Hyomin." He shifted a little in his position but held you in his embrace still as the both of you basked in the darkness of your room. 

"Your soft voice rings in my ears

Whether my eyes are open or closed, I keep looking at you.

My eyes meet yours as I'm in your warm embrace

Baby give me one more kiss, just one more kiss, 

whisper to me. 

I smile at your smile

You make me forget all fear, you make me breathe.

You are everything I've been looking for, 

Will you protect me? 

The moment I was with you and your love." 

You glanced behind your shoulder and saw Jungkook's eyes closed, a smile plastered on his face as he was enjoying his trip in dreamland. You smiled lightly to yourself as you moved beside him, shifting him into a more comfortable position as you noticed him pull the covers up to his neck, snuggling into it. 

And you closed your eyes, trying to get some sleep after this long, long tiring day. 

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon